View Full Version : If it were only music..(open to anyone)

Jun 17th, 2002, 12:37:16 PM
He was only eighteen. And like most kids his age, made some effort to adhere to rules and the advice of others, but sometimes, most of the time, the fact that he was at that age prevented him from doing such a great job at it. It wasn’t that he thought he knew it all, for he was well aware that he didn’t, but the call for adventure and trouble was strong, or perhaps it was the call of the dark side – either way, it led to him to the place where he now stood.

He paid the cover charge to the bouncers at the door, and then stepped inside the club. He stood at the top of the stairs and looked down at the crowd below. It was late at night – just about the time when things got going and the place was packed. He’d come alone. It had been a last minute decision inspired by a picture of the woman who would be performing that night. It didn’t really matter what she sounded like, he figured, she would be fun just to watch. He might have been a Sith apprentice, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t a normal eighteen year old boy.

The music was loud. And the bass he could feel as it rumbled in his chest. He smiled slightly, before his features returned to their serious expression. His hand went briefly to his blaster and then his lightsaber, to be sure they were there and secure, and then he headed down the stairs toward the bar to order a drink.

Josher Nidan
Jun 19th, 2002, 09:14:22 AM
hm.. another one.

Josher had only fought one other Sith in his journeys, and that turned out inconclusive. At the moment, the bounty hunter was kneeling, looking down into the club from his vantage point on the roof. This club was famous for it's partly glass ceiling, with an amazing view of the stars at night. He had tracked his prey, as it were, to this location. Josher had been contracted by a rival club owner to "Scare 'em a bit. Don't forget the boss.". It was his first "industrial sabotage" job and it should be easy enough.

The forcer could make this a little more interesting.

Josher stood and collected his PLX-2M Merr-Sonn missile launcher from where it rested by two dead bodies, who were once the guards on the roof. The PLX-2M was meant for anti-mechanized infantry action. It would do considerable damage in a crowded club. Josher set up the launcher on his shoulder, and prepared to fire one of the six Arakyd 3t3 mini-proton torp missiles. He didn't want to hit the forcer, so he fired on the opposite side of the club. It wouldn't kill the boss who was on the other side, so he'd have to rope down amid the chaos.

The projectile shattered the glass and continued on it's course. The music continued, screams could be heard, and the missile detonated.

Jun 19th, 2002, 10:05:47 AM
Trouble, it seeemed, followed him everywhere he went. He had intended to go out for the night, have a few drinks, and return to the castle when he'd sobered up a bit.

He'd just put in his order for a drink when the missile hit its target, causing significant damage and a hell of a lot of chaos. People began screaming, and running in everywhich direction. The impact shattered the glass in the domed ceiling and a shard fell upon his right arm, which he had been resting on the bar. It slicied open his forearm, leaving a nasty gash. He slammed his fist on the counter, angered at the fact that he'd come all this way, and now not only would he likely be lectured on the fact that he'd gone out alone, when it had been suggested to him he stick with a master or more experienced Sith, but he wouldnt get his drink, his arm was bleeding, and certainly, the band with the rather attractive singer just wasnt going to happen.

He wasnt one to attack, normally, without provocation of some sort, but this, this was provocation enough. As his training had progressed, the anger inside him had been conditioned to flow freely through him. He pulled the glass from his arm, his thought reverting to his masters words.

Welcome the pain

And so he did. And his acceptance of the pain gave him the extra andrenaline that he needed. He hadnt come to the Sith order with a lust for blood, but slowly, slowly it was making its way into his veins. It was addictive, the power of the dark side, and once one began to use it, and began to understand its potential, there was little hope of going back.

His violet eyes searched the room, finding nothing. But as he tapped into the force, he could feel a presence. It stood out because it was the only one that seemed pleased with the detonation of the missile. But its presence was brief, for the chaos was too great for Sasha to tell much more. His left hand came to rest on his blaster, first, out of habit, and then moved to the hilt of his saber. He smiled slightly as the coldness of the metal made contact with his hand and he thought briefly of the woman who had made this gift to him. And then all thoughts of her were gone as he made his way towards the destruction in search of the one who had ruined, in a single missile, his evening.

Josher Nidan
Jun 19th, 2002, 10:43:31 AM
The hunter watched the chaos only for a moment before tossing the line down and dropping the launcher by the dead guards. He picked up the line, set his feet against the edge, and lept off. His various weapons clung tightly to his armored body as he roped down amid the screams and running. He landed calmly and, leaving the rope to hang, he strode through the billowing smoke and fire to a group of people huddled tightly together.

Josher lept into a sprint, his force pike primed in his hand. The group of people, who were moving towards the door,were the owner and his friends, surrounded by nervous guards with small blaster pistols. Josher charged into their rear, slashing with the force pike into the wall of flesh. Three guards go down with smoking gashes in their torsos, and another without a head or neck. Two guards fire in vain at the bounty hunter, and he promptly pierces them both on the pike, like a shishkabob. He kicks their corpses off, turns around, and slices down, dismembering the arm of the owner. The man cries out just as the blade comes around to stab into his neck. It all occurs in 5 seconds, and the rest of the people who are unimportant to the Bounty Hunter, run towards the exit like most others in the club.

Objective complete.. now, the forcer..

Josher flicked the force pike to the side in his hand, blood flinging off of it like a fountain. He turns about to where the forcer was at the bar, yet through the smoke he couldn't make out if he was there or not...

Jun 19th, 2002, 11:55:44 AM
And he wasnt. He was down on the floor in the middle of the croawd of people pushing for the exits. He could sense the pain of those around him. Terror ran rampant through the room, and in one direction in particular. And this was the direction in which he was headed. It wasnt anything exactly that he could make out, only that there had been fear, and then it has disappeared, as if the lifeforce had been taken from it.

Fear. He inhaled it like oxygen, but then paused in the crowd for a moment as the distinct terror he had sensed faded. He reached out, searching for the one who had caused this mayhem.

It was then that he saw him. He knew it had to have been this man, for he stood there with complete disregard for the chaos around him, holding a force pike to the side in his hand, blood dripping from it.

He stood where he was for a moment, his violet eyes staring at the man. And then, to get his attention, he ignited the blade of his lightsaber.

Josher Nidan
Jun 19th, 2002, 12:25:09 PM
Josher's armored head and neck snapped to the side to face the man, mentally cursing himself for not noticing the forcer. He could tell by his demeanor that he was a darksider.

mm.. he's young.. lightsabers, eh....

The bounty hunter spoke emotionlessly,"Good evening to you, Sith.. what brings you here, and what drives you to ignite your vaunted blade?"

Josher brought up his force pike in his hand and with the other hand, removed a Sd-77 Sonic pistol from it's holster. Most of the people had exited out of the room now, which had been given an eerie appearance. The colored lights still pivoted from the ceiling, blinking off every few moments. The pounding music continued playing in halting and staticy bursts. Sparks, fire, and smoke surrounded the two men.

Jun 19th, 2002, 12:46:22 PM
As expected, the man turned to face him. His countenance, with the armor he wore was as emotionless as his his tone of voice as he addressed the young Sith.

Sasha eyed him for a moment. With the exception of the word vaunted, which gave away the fact that the man was mocking him, the lack of emotion made the greeting sound almost normal.

"It was a good evening." He replied dryly, tossing his head slightly. His hair had grown just a little too long, and a few unruly locks occasionally fell into his eyes, annoying him.

"Until you chose to ruin it." He added, his words accusing. He watched as the man removed his pistol from the holster. For a moment he longed to reach for his, but the painful memory of the lesson Mu had taught him erased any desire he had to do so.

His once rather 'practical' weapon has proved useless in the company of forceusers, and his lightsaber was the weapon he would now live by.

"And what drives you to draw your pistol?" He questioned. His tone was neither mocking nor challenging. It was rather flat, in fact. He didnt have enough experience yet that his tone could, or would carry the haughtiness or confidence that more experienced warriers sometimes had.

He knew that this was a dangerous situation, and he was going to be smart about it. That is, as smart as an eighteen year old could be.

Josher Nidan
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:02:59 PM
Josher could sense some conflict within the mind of the young Sith. His objective was complete; he could leave right now and avoid an unwanted confrontation. Yet through his contracts and travels, he had developed a sense of loathing towards forcers. He would not back down.

"I believe it was you who decided to grasp my attention with a weapon. I thought a Sith wiser than to than to attack because he was made uncomfortable. Surely your masters teach you this.." Josher said with his continued voice, void of emotion. "Now.. withdraw your blade, or bring it forth to battle..". The Arkanian assassin stared with white eyes from the slits in his helmet at the Sith.

Jun 19th, 2002, 01:37:24 PM
He was being rebuked by a complete stranger, telling him he should have been wiser than to have drawn a weapon out of discomfort. His master, he would have accepted this from. Lady Vader or Lady Live wire, he would have accepted this from. Without a word in protest. But from a complete stranger....

His eyes narrowed, his quick temper causing the blood to rush to his cheeks.

"I havent attacked." He retorted, the expression on his face brooding.

"I provoked." He added, knowing full well that his lack of respect wasnt going to win him any friends. And certainly, it wasnt going to let him walk away from this.

He wasnt sure if he was ready for a battle like this, and he knew he should have withdrawn his saber and backed away while he had the chance. But his youth, and the stupidity of youth, goaded him on.

"And Im not so stupid that I'll leave myself defenseless while you stand there with your force pike and pistol." He added.

"Its clear you make good use of it." He was referring to the force pike, the bodies that lay strewn nearby, and the last few drops of blood that were stickily, sickeningly, dripping to the floor as they spoke.

Josher Nidan
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:57:48 PM
Josher's jaw clenched and he spoke again,"Are you not Sith? Can you not bend the force to your will? And do not overestimate the value of your blade.. for one should fear an army of deer, led by a lion.. more so than an army of lions, led by a deer. It is he who weilds it, more so than what is weilded, Sith. Now, stand down or bring down the fury of the Sith upon me."

The bounty hunter began shifting his feet , manuevering himself toward a more favorable position. He circled the sith slowly, ending up with his back towards the bar.

Jun 19th, 2002, 02:34:04 PM
He was sith, and to a degree, yes, he could bend the force to his will. But not as well as he would have liked. He had years to go before that would happen. And he was impatient for that time.

He turned slowly with the bounty hunter as he circled the young Sith. The bounty hunter misread him, and his beliefs about his lightsaber. He fully realized a weapon was only as good as the one who held it. And he didnt doubt that the bounty hunter had the heart of a lion - he'd just destroyed most of the establishment, and taken the lives of several.

The wrath of the Sith. He knew only a little of this, and felt it, somewhat. This was something he would learn with time, something that would one day be as much a part of him as the blood that flowed within his veins. For now, it was only his own anger - anger at being rebuked by this man, anger at his night being ruined. But he didnt want to make the first move - not with the pistol the man held. An advance would be risky, and leave much less time to react to deflect the shot.

"And if I dont bring down the fury you speak of?" He taunted.

"What is it you'll do?" He asked, his tone carrying a heavy hint of sarcasm to it, trying to goad his opponent into making the first move.

Josher Nidan
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:49:58 PM
Enough of this...

"You disappoint me, Sith.."

Josher brought up the sonic pistol and pressed the thumb trigger. Because the pistol was on blast setting, it set forth a wide-dispersal cone of high-intensity unavoidable sound. At this level, the sonic cone's vibrations are powerful enough to shatter some solid objects and cause devestating injuries. The sonic blastback was absorbed by Josher's helmet; yet the Sith's body and, more importantly his ears, were open and vulnerable.

Jun 19th, 2002, 03:14:35 PM
He got the answer to his question. And it wasnt at all a good one.

As the pistol had come up, he had raised his lightsaber in defense, only to fall to his knees as the sounded shocked his body and his ears. He felt for a moment that his head would split in two. And then the fight for survival kicked in. This was no longer a spar of words, but weapons, and if he didnt react, he was going to find himself lying dead on the floor with the others.

He had felt this before - the moment of panic and terror when he'd been training with his master. And now, because he had been through it before, it was easier to deal with. He did his best to welcome the pain, but it was more than he could handle at the moment. Instead his eyes focused on the pistol - that was his enemy at the moment - and he wanted it out of the man's hands.

As he had practiced with his master, he tapped into the force, and sent a shove in the bounty hunter's direction, aiming, as much as he could, not for the man, but for the hand that held the weapon in an effort to knock it from his grasp.

The blast, though it was over, reverberated through his head and body, and it was a struggle to get to his feet again.

Josher Nidan
Jun 19th, 2002, 03:50:14 PM
Josher was surprised that the young Sith could concentarate enough after the blast to utilize the force. He cursed himself for underestimating. The force had taken his pistol and had flung it against the bar itself, and shattered it's dispersal dish, rendering it useless.

Josher's strategy quickly switched, and he activated the MM9 wrist flamethrower/mini-rocket system. The flame projector extended and begun sending a stream of liquid fire shrouded in a fireball itself towards the Sith who had struggled to his feet now. The bounty hunter advanced on him, flames in front and Force Pike in hand.

Live Wire
Jun 19th, 2002, 03:56:50 PM
Live Wire had stood in the background watching the proceedings. Unlike before she hadn't rushed in immediately to help him. As she had told him before one day someone wouldn't be there to watch his back and she wanted to see how he would react to thinking no one was there to protect him. It would be a valuable lesson for the young apprentice.

She didn't like the look of this guy who was picking a fight with Sasha and so she kept one hand near her saber and the other one near her blaster.

Jun 20th, 2002, 09:06:54 AM
He was too busy fighting for his life to feel the presence of another - even one as familiar to him as Lady Live Wire.

Sasha had picked the wrong guy to mess with. The world he was familiar with - where it was blaster to blaster - no longer seemed to exist since he'd ventured out into the galaxy and joined the Sith order. His own kind had shown him the dark side of the force, and the pain it wrought, and now this bounty hunter was showing him a thing or two about specialized weapons.

He cursed under his breath as the flames shot out towards him. It had been effort enough to scramble to his feet after the sonic blast, and now the flames licked dangerously close. His reactions felt slow to him, his body in shock from the last impact. But luck, it seemed, was on his side for the moment. He had been just far enough away that the flames hadnt caught him full on, but the heat was enough to singe, and certainly, it burned like hell. His heart was pounding furiously in his chest, for he realized full well that this could be the end of his very short life.

As the bounty hunter advanced on him, he backed away, his eyes never leaving the flames, as he thought desperately for a way to escape. Of course, he hadnt been watching where he was going, and in retreating, he tripped over a fallen beam of the ceiling. As he fell, his eyes caught sight of the sprinkler system. It hung precariously, and it was a wonder it hadnt already been busted into pieces.

The flames advanced on him and as he saw his life flash before him, he concentrated as hard as he could. His only escape from the flames would be to douse them with water. His practice in his room with manipulation of objects was not to go for waste. Too slowly, it seemed, the pipes bent, the force willing them into submission, and then they burst, and the water began raining down.

Josher Nidan
Jun 20th, 2002, 09:54:32 AM
Damn.. the force is his only advantage, and he's ruining my weapons..the sprinklers, bloody resourceful..

Josher quickly retracted the flamethrower and tucked his wrist under his torso and bent over, to cover the heating nozzle and fuel jet from the sprinklers. His black armor dripping with water, he began backing away from the standing Sith.

He knew that using blasters would be a very bad idea, so he had to keeep using his arsenal of specialty weapons. One problem, most of them were all up on the roof. He had to distract the Sith long enough to climb up the rope. This, he could do.

He threw his force pike up to the roof through the hole in the glass and turned back to the Sith. Josher unholstered a flechette pistol in one hand, and in the other he unclipped a CryoBan WW-41 grenade.

The flechette pistol laser system 'painted' Sasha with an electronic homing signal, enabling the flechette cartridge to follow the target's movements in flight.. Once the cartridge is in three meters of the target, the cartridge explodes, releasing dozens of tiny flexhette darts powerful enough to puncture blast vests ceramic armor, and even plastisteel armor worn by stormtroopers. Josher fired three times at the Sith before throwing the grenade.

The CryoBan uses a chemical agent that absorbs energy, effectivey creating an area of intense cold at the detonation point. Once exposed to the chemical, victims may suffer severe nerve damage and may lose limbs if not treated with bacta. The Arkanian hefted the grenade and threw it towards the Sith as soon as he fired the pistol. It wasn't the most accurate throw, considering it was his bad hand. He spun around and sprinted towards the rope.

Jun 20th, 2002, 11:37:37 AM
Thank you.... he mouthed to no one in particular as the water began pouring down. It had, for the moment, distracted the bounty hunter as he tried to protect his precious flame thrower.

In this short space of time, he scrambled once again to his feet, only to find the bounty hunter drawing another pistol. He gripped his saber tightly in his left hand, the orange blade standing out in the dim lighting of the half destroyed club. standing out enough to mark him well with the pistol laser system.

As the three blasts flew at him, he wasnt sure whether to duck or to attempt to deflect them with his saber. And he had no time to decide. The catridge suddenly exploded, sending dozens of darts in his direction. Out of reflex, and a very strong will to survive, he swung the lightsaber. It wasnt as fluid as it could have been, his movements with the saber. He had never really played with swords before, and while he was young and athletic, he had no hope of defending himself against the three dozen darts that were coming his way.

The first cartridge was defective, for it didnt spread out as widely as it could have. His saber caught all but one of them as he tried to spin away from them. It sunk into his skin easily, catching him just below his right collarbone. He wasnt wearing any sort of armor, and he cried out at the shock and pain of it.

But there was no time to think about the pain, for the other two cartidges had imediately followed. Again, he lifted the lightsaber to defend, his arc only slightly more graceful, though more by luck than anything else. Two more found their target, hitting him in the same spot. The pain nearly paralyzed the muscles of his right arm, and his lightsaber barely made the sweep for the third cartridge of darts. He was too scared out of his mind at the moment to tap into his anger, but he was concentrating enough to hear his master's words from his training.

Feel the pain. Do not ignore it. Welcome it and pull it in.

This was the only thing that gave him the strength to fight off the last round, saving himself from all but two of them as they grazed his ribs.

The pain was intense, and welcoming it was hardly easy. But he knew, in welcomingit, he would gain strength, and will, and because it was all he could do, he did it.

The grenade, as it came flying in his direction, wasnt something he wanted to mess with. The throw wasnt completely on target, but was close enough that as he dove out of the way, rolling to what he hoped was safety, spray from the detonation caught him. He could feel the coldness where it hit on his back here and there. It was freezing at first, and then there was an odd numbness. As he struggled to his feet once again, he looked around for the bounty hunter.

He was no where to be found, until Sasha saw the dangling rope, and the bounty hunter near the top. Without a second thought, he drew his blaster and fired in the direction of the bounty hunter.

He hadnt taken the time to take careful aim, for his wits werent completely about him, but his anger, now that there was distance between he and the bounty hunter, was finalyl beginning to emerge.

Josher Nidan
Jun 20th, 2002, 12:22:10 PM
He took no time to look and see if his weapons did their job, but merely kept climbing. Wearing armor has it's drawbacks, such as the excessive weight, and now he was feeling it. Josher was near the top when he heard the shot, and his hand was on ledge when the bolt zipped past him and burnt it's way through the rope. Immediately he was dangling from the ledge of his own strength, as the rope fell to the ground in a coil. In the moment between the first bolt burning the rope, and the second bolt impacting his gripping hand, Josher grabbed the force pike and and a stokhli spray stick with his other hand.

The lucky aim of the Sith surprised Josher, to say the least. The fall took approximately 3 seconds, and the landing was slightly broken by Josher's armor. It protected his flesh, yet the impact left him highly shaken. He lay there for several seconds before his mind cleard.

With a pounding ache throughout his body, The Arkanian slowly stood, Force Pike and Stokhli Stick in either hand, to face the Sith. For a moment, there was silence.

Jun 20th, 2002, 01:04:08 PM
His aim had been lucky - though, perhaps he would have been luckier if his shots hadnt hit their target - perhaps once on the roof the bounty hunter might have changed his mind and left their little battle scene. But no, his shot had landed the guy right back with him.

He stood there, his saber switched to his right hand, his blaster in the other, trained on the bounty hunter as he made his way to his feet after the fall.

This was where he was weak. Any other sith would likely have fired without a second thought. Attacked without a second thought. This man was dangerous - lethally dangerous - and yet Sasha had paused, and now, perhaps, it would cost him.

It had come to another staredown. He was breathing heavily, for their battle had not been an easy one. Blood ran down the right side of his body, from the darts and from the earlier shard of glass. His back felt stiff, and rather uncooperative from the grenade. And his head ached from the sonic pistol. All in all, he felt like hell, and wanted nothing more than to be back at the castle on Corellia.

"Back for more?" He asked, his voice tired as he spoke. It was an attempt at bravado, but the truth was that he really didnt want to fight anymore at the moment, and it likely came through in his voice. He wasnt sure how much longer he would last, for despite his efforts to accept the pain, shards of glass, puncture wounds from darts, and chemicals from CryBan grenades still hurt, and it made any sort of movement feel clumsy and uncomfortable.

His violet eyes stared at the bounty hunter, and he swallowed, his mouth feeling dry. He swayed slightly, almost dizzy from the loss of blood. It was an effort, even to hold the blaster where it was.

Live Wire
Jun 20th, 2002, 03:48:20 PM
She was quite proud of the way he had handled the flame thrower. It was original and he had used the force to do it. He was learning quickly and it showed. However, he was still outmatched terribly and she decided he had taken enough punishment.

Throwing off the hood of her cloak she ignited her lightsaber and moved in between them. The yellow blade reflected in her angry eyes. She sent a wave of force lightning in between sasha and the bounty hunter. It was time this conflict come to a satisfactory end. Satisfactory for her anyway.

"It's a shame you pick on the young ones. I always hate to see someone pick a fight with a weaker being. It shows cowardice."

Using the force she ripped the opponents weapons from his hand where they flew across the floor and landed out of reach. "Now how brave are you?"

Lady Vader
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:44:24 PM
*LV had been standing beside LW. Rarely were the two Sith Mistresses seen withou the other being Sisters of Darkness.*

*LV watched Sasha defend himself, even exacting damage onto the hunter, using not only his physical strength and weapons, but his witt and the Force. He was indeed learning, and she had said as much: That he would learn more through experience than anything else.*

*As the battle wound down to a staring contest, both exhausted and wounded, LW moved in, placing her body and Mastery of the dark side of the Force between the hunter and Sasha. LV also moved forward, but to stand to Sasha's right as the young man tipped slightly due to the pain. Her strong body held his upright, but only for a moment, as he regained his footing, determination written all over his face.*

*She smiled, forseeing he would indeed be a powerful Sith.*

Josher Nidan
Jun 20th, 2002, 07:40:38 PM
Three? Damn, I should have seen them. Lightning? I've heard of that. Why didn't it electrocute her with the water? Must not be lightning.. sith magic...

Josher narrowed his white eyes and crouched into a defensive position with his hands,"Weaker being? It is a shame you see your own as weak, when they have fought so valiantly. I did not, and now I see it apparently takes three Sith to take on a regular bounty hunter,". As he spoke, he pressed a button on his wristlink to activate his Skipray Blastboat, which had landed in the forests several hundred yards behind it. It was now on a course towards the roof of the club. With his wrist system and comlink, he could control the movement and combat aspects of the ship. "You disgrace your comrade's effort thus far by stepping in now. So be it."

Josher quickly unholstered his flechette pistol and, sprinting behind debris and through smoke towards his weapons, fired five flechette cartridges towards the two Sith. The last cartridge left the pistol as Josher picked up the Stokhli and dived behind the bar.

Jun 20th, 2002, 08:01:19 PM
Suddenly from roof where Nidan had roped down from came the body of one of the gaurds. Its body had been skinned down to the muscle and in some places its bone. Blood fell with it, perhaps extracted from the other gaurd and as the liquid and the body hit the floor the 2 Sith lordesses and the Sith that was fighting Nidan were quite abruptly covered in read crimson blood from head to toe.

The body hit the dance floor next with a heavy thud and the tender muscle fell of the bodys bones causeing a huge mound of flesh to be scattered around the once packed bar area. And almost immediately the almost giant Lucifer jumped in after it sliding down the rope Nidan had previously used. With blood smeared across his exposed arms. He reached the floor in a matter of seconds and stepped off of the rope.

Silence suddenly hit the room, no firing, no fighting nothing...just pure silence. Lucifer stood there crimson blood covering his exposed arms, the sword that skinned the guards was drawn from the sheath that sat swinging from his waistline.

'Nidan you fool' He began his voice like a loud perr

'...why do you always leave a trace wherever you go?...a rocket launcher?...a force pike?...its got you written all over it and you call yourself a bounty hunter?'

Lucifer slowly turned towards where Nidan had dived. And slowly the Hunter raised his head over the bar.

'I have been hunting you for days now Nidan and you nearly gave me the slip, for my own pleasure..you know me Nidan...its nothing personal..i even have not been hired...i just find pleasure in skinning certain people alive...and my intrests right now seem to lie on you.' The stalker said, quite clearly these two had known eathother for many years.[/i]

Lady Vader
Jun 21st, 2002, 01:19:54 AM
*LV reacted more quickly than the hunter probably gave her credit for. Already protected by a Force bubble, she raised a hand, palm out in a "stop" position. Two of the cartriges that were sailing towards her slowed, coming to a standstill in midair. Then, they simply dropped to the floor, lifeless.*

*She turned to see LW deal with the remaining three. It was at this time that a new arrival had enetered the bar, seeking the hunter that had attacked them. She merely looked, with an almost bored expression, at the new arrival once and then turned to look where the hunter had hidden behind the bar, his head now peeking up. A small smile spread across her face as the new arrival said his piece. Lucky day for the hunter.*

Live Wire
Jun 21st, 2002, 01:41:01 AM
Live Wire used the force to slow the remaining three cartridges and used her saber to deflect the course of the other three. Before they could react further a newcomer joined the party and what was left of someone else. The area was drenched in blood and LW stood ready should this other person decide to attack them.

Carefully she moved Sasha to stand behind them. He'd been through enough and now it was their job to protect him further. It seemed that the newcomer was interested in the first bounty hunter but that could change at any time. Chosing not to make the first moved she waited.

Jun 21st, 2002, 07:14:54 AM
He felt only relief as Live Wire stepped onto the scene, her yellow blade in hand. It didnt matter to him at the moment that this was the second time she'd been there to save him. Later, it would. Later he would be ashamed, for his disregard for advice had inconvenienced her once again.

He swayed on his feet, the tip of his blade slanting towards the ground as he was held up, thankfully, by Lady Vader. In the haze he seemed to be in at the moment, he hadnt felt her presence either. But the fact that she was there, beside him, gave him determination, and he steadied himself, willed himself to make it through this.

If he had been stronger, or older, he might have stepped forward and claimed this bounty hunter as his own - a fair fight between just the two of them - but as it was, he was lucky to be alive, and grateful to have the help of the elders.

He watched as the women easily handled the cartridges he had struggled so much with. He was learning much on this evening.

The addition of a new arrival to the scene was unexpected. And the fresh scent of blood, blood that wasnt his own, turned his stomach slightly. He was just eighteen, and hadnt been exposed to such a gory display before. He inhaled a shallow breath, innocence ripped from him as LV and LW tried to shelter him and protect him from Lucifer, should he decide to turn his attentions on them. It seemed at the moment that he was after Sasha's attacker. He almost felt sorry for the bounty hunter, for he was severely outnumbered at the moment.

He used the moment of silence to readjust. His right arm felt nearly useless, for the pain of the darts was affecting his muscle movement, and holding the lightsaber was an effort. He holstered his blaster, then switched his saber back to his left hand, the hand he would normally use to wield such a weapon. The danger was far from over, and he was smart enough to know that putting down all of his weapons would be a mistake.

Josher Nidan
Jun 21st, 2002, 08:45:19 AM
Bloody hell..I've seen this one before..

Josher had noticed an odd person following him wherever he went. He never took it seriously, focusing on the job at hand. Now he had taken a position behind a bar, surrounded by three Sith and a stalker with a lust for blood. Perhaps they would destroy each other, though he wasn't going to wait to find out. He would have to trust that the Sith would leave him alone as he dealt with the newcomer.

The Arkanian stood and lept over the bar. His black armor dripping with water, he picked up his force pike and stared at the stalker with white eyes only for a moment before firing his Stokhli Spray Stick.

A thin, translucent mist spirals out of the nozzle at high speed. Once exposed to cooling air, the mist quickly turns to a liquid and then into a solid cylindrical net as it spins through the air. The net wraps around the target, entangling the subject and delivering a powerful electrical stun charge. Tremendous strength is needed to rip free from the netting. The spraymist is highly resistant to vibroblades and solvents, but will decay naturally over the course of a few hours. Even lightsabers aren't affective while the net is in flight.

Josher fired a 4 meter-wide, and 5 meter-tall net at the stalker while sprinting at him, force pike at the ready.

Jun 21st, 2002, 04:09:23 PM
The bloodthirsty Lucifer waisted little time. Instantly he turned, his huge muscle clad legs making quick and long strides towards the rope, he had made it several seconds before the netting did and with a quick strong jump the stalker gripped the black rope and hoisted his body up lifting his legs just inches above the controlled burst of the weapon.

The netting hurtled away from the 5 fighters and headed strait towards the bar owner that still cradled his arm. within a few seconds the blood curdled scream was proof enough for the giant Lucifer that the owner had been hit with it.

Lucifer let go of the rope and hit the ground with a thud, his face said it all. A huge grin escaped his lips.

'After all he fights we have had Nidan...you thought THAT could have beaten me?!'

Lucifer drew his sword that recided in its sheath that was attached horizontally across the back of his belt, the 4 feet long sword shone as every dance floor light hit its well polished surface.

' Come on boy!...play fairly.' He said his face flashing a evil grin.