View Full Version : The one that got away. [open]

Cerise Blesse
Jun 17th, 2002, 09:36:32 AM
Cerise had been wandering for well over a year since her father died. Searching for what her family had lost. Without that one thing, everything had gone to Hell and back. Children were crying throughout the household. Nothing was ever done. Her father blamed himself for it. Drank. Slept. Never left the house, save to escape the hoarse cries of sick and starving children. All because of one thing..


She just knew that her eldest sister's disappearence had been what sent it all down the drain.

Sighing, Cerise pushed through the doors of a weathered bar and walked to the counter. She placed a datapad on the counter, hitting a small button on it. The hologram of Gitane's estimated appearence formed. The woman looked across the counter at the tender.

"Have you seen anyone like this..?"