View Full Version : Smiles and Posticons - I need 'em

Sage Hazzard
Jun 17th, 2002, 02:10:34 AM
Can someone provide links to sites with free smiles and graphics that could be used for posticons? I need them.

It's for a message board I'm making, The Sage. It isn't EZboard, it's Ikonboard. Very much like VBulletin board. Plus, it's free. Since with Ikonboard, you have "Skins" which is like this board's "Style Sets", I need lots of little graphics. Since I can have posticons specific to each style set.

Please, any help is MUCH appreciated. Also, does anyone know how to make smiles FULLY transperant. Whenever I try and make my own, it always has a little pixelated border around them.

(NOTE: BTW, this is what's keeping me from RPing right now. I'm busy setting up this board. Once it's done, I'll start RPing again.... Just thought I'd give a heads-up to anyone reading this that's wondering about my absence.)

Emily Rochette
Jun 17th, 2002, 05:00:24 AM
Ikonboard... --Praise--

Oh, um.. http://mysmilies.com/ And http://www.plaudersmilies.de/ .