View Full Version : A meeting with Liam

Andraq Novkar
Jun 16th, 2002, 08:49:35 PM
He had found a master. He looked around in the training area, unsure of this place, still being new. He brought up his hands to his face and rubbed his eyes trying to adjust to the bright new lighting...

He had made it into the Jedi Order. He sighed as he waited for Liam...

Liam Jinn
Jun 16th, 2002, 08:55:09 PM
The Jedi Master walked into the training room, tossing a lightsaber around in his hands with each step. Stopping near Andraq, he bowed his head slightly.

"So what have you seen of this place already?"

Andraq Novkar
Jun 16th, 2002, 08:58:24 PM
He looked upwards to the Master's face and he nodded to him...

"Not much actually, part of the bar, the center, and where I am now is pretty much it...."

Liam Jinn
Jun 17th, 2002, 01:25:03 AM
Liam grinned.

"Great, so you've seen the insteresting places. Oh yeah, this is for you."

Liam tossed his padawan the lightsaber he had been tossing around. "Now, you think you can use one of those things?"

Andraq Novkar
Jun 17th, 2002, 03:20:25 PM
He caught the silver hilt and he held it's weight in his right hand. He looked up to Liam with a slight grin, his fathers training with a vibro blade obviously coming back to mind...

"I do believe I can manage...."

Andraq ignited the blade for a momement and twirled it in his hand, feeling what it would be like. Of course, he knew it would weigh just as much as the hilt. But if not used wisely, it could cut him down, and not something else...

Liam Jinn
Jun 18th, 2002, 01:47:03 AM
Liam took a lightsaber off his belt and tossed it into his hand, igniting it.

"Well, first off lets try a little something. Andraq, what do you know of the force?"

Andraq Novkar
Jun 18th, 2002, 03:41:03 AM
Andraq took his eyes off of the glowing white blade of plasmic light and put them upon his master.

"The Force..."

He did know about the force, that it was the Jedi's aide, and it helped them. It existed all around him...

"I know that it is everywhere, around things and in them. It helps it's weilder do different things.."

Liam Jinn
Jun 18th, 2002, 04:00:53 PM
Liam nodded. "Have you ever tried using it?"

The saber in his hands floated up and stopped when it reached about chest hieght.

"Do you think you can do that?"

Andraq Novkar
Jun 20th, 2002, 01:04:58 AM
He watches as Liam with the flick of his hand, moved the saber to his chest height from his hand with the use of the force. He moved his thumb to the activation button on the saber Liam had given him and thumbed it off....

He looked down towards the saber and called to the force, like he had done on some occasions when he found out that he had a special power. The metallic cylinder floated into the air and stopped at chest level infront of him. He looked to his Master with a smile of his success...

Liam Jinn
Jun 20th, 2002, 11:16:30 AM
Liam smiled as the saber lifted off his padawan's hand. The Jedi Master set his saber on the floor after deactivating it, then faced his padawan once more.

"Good, set the saber on the ground via the force, then clear your mind."

Andraq followed his masters instructions and waited.

"Ok, reach into the force and let it's energy build within you. When you've accomplished that, release it and push me away."

Andraq Novkar
Jun 21st, 2002, 03:40:20 PM
He had set the saber upon the floor, just like Liam had instructed and stood still as he concentrated and let the force build up inside of his body. He closed his eyes to concentrate then looked up towards Liam...

He moved his hand slowly upward into the air and he opened his eyes as he watched Liam hit by an invisible wall it seemed, and it threw him back slightly. Andraq looked down then up at Liam in slight surpirse..

Liam Jinn
Jun 21st, 2002, 03:46:38 PM
"Good!" He said with a grin on his face. "Now, apply the same basic principals and try jumping."

The Jedi Master bent down and lept up about 10 feet. He came back down and landed softly, letting the force cushion his landing.

"Now remember, when you jump, you've got to concentrate on the landing too. Now give it a try."

Andraq Novkar
Jun 21st, 2002, 03:52:34 PM
His lips pursed to a smile as he sighed, and nodded to Liam upon his next task. He stepped back as to not want to land on anything in particular, or on anyone if something went awry..

He let his mind concentrate as he bent at his knees and pressed down with them, propelling him upwards with the aide of The Force. His leap was about 10 feet high and he looked down with a smile.

He hit the ground slightly hard, he would have to work on that most definatly. He stood up straight as he looked down to the Lightsaber, then back towards Liam...

"How am I doing so far?"

Liam Jinn
Jun 21st, 2002, 04:03:08 PM
Liam watched his padawan as he landed and smiled.

"Ha, you're doing great. Ok, now lets work on speed. Concentrate, and as you run, let the force speed up your movements." He demonstrated by running towards the far wall, his movements sped up by the force, and when he got there he jumped, planted a foot on the wall then kicked off, flipping backwards and landing on his feet.

"Ok, try what I just did. It's a little tricky due to the timing issues but it all comes with practice. Just be aware of everything in this room and yourself."

Andraq Novkar
Jun 21st, 2002, 04:11:34 PM
He looked around the room to learn his surroundings so in his next maneuver he wouldn't mess up, and hurt someone, or himself. He inhaled and exhaled slowly and then went into a dead sprint and hoped he could make this work...

As he was running he tapped into the flow that is the force and his movements were speeding up and the wall was coming upon him fast. He leapt into the air, is feet running up the wall for a second. He kicked off using a force leap and he landed about 12 feet away from the wall...

His landing was surprisingly soft this time and he sighed, he was using alot of the force with these techniques and too much would drain him. He breathed heavily as he stood up and looked at Liam.

Liam Jinn
Jun 21st, 2002, 04:30:33 PM
"You learn quick padawan. You impress me as well. Alright, draw energy from the force, don't let yourself get too drained. You'll be suprised at your endurance once you do. This does not come without later sacrifices, but we'll deal with them later."

Liam walked over to his padawan and called his saber back into his hand. "When you fight, you must keep a good grip on your saber. The force should help you there. Also try enhancing your strength, it comes in handy. Ok, one more thing before we get to spar. Remember to always stay calm, don't let your enemy get into your head. You are a Jedi now and Jedi do not let themselves fall victim to their own emotions." He took a few steps back and activated his saber. "Ready for a spar?"

Andraq Novkar
Jun 21st, 2002, 04:40:39 PM
He listened to Liam and nodded to his suggestions and recommendations on certain things while fighting. He looked to the lightsaber hilt that he had left upon the ground and he pointed his hand towards it. The blade flew to his hand and he held it in his right...

" I will not let myself fall victim..." He looked to his Master with a sigh as he stepped back, getting ready for a spar..

"Yes, I am ready."

Liam Jinn
Jun 21st, 2002, 04:43:20 PM
Liam let a grin slip on his face and took a defensive stance.

"Alright then, attack me. Let the force guide your movements."

Andraq Novkar
Jun 21st, 2002, 04:52:32 PM
He nodded once more to Liam before igniting his saber blade, the white blade illuminated the area that was around him and his face. He took an offensive stance, opening his body up, his legs spreading and he moved in quickly.

He moved his saber to Liam's left hip. Andraq's blade was met by his masters and the bright glare of the two blade's striking was almost beautiful, if you were staind a few feet away and not in the spar. He stepped back and moved his blade over head, towards Liam's neck but again was met with resistance from the opposing blade...

Andraq reacted quickly and jumped into the air above Liam and flipped as he landed behind him. Andraq's hand hit the air, or so it seemed and he pushed Liam forward rather hard with The Force...

Liam Jinn
Jun 21st, 2002, 04:58:15 PM
Liam fell forward and landed on his hands. Pushing off he sent himself backwards landing both his feet into his padawans stomach. Andraq fell backwards as Liam rose to his feet.

"Good. When you attack, think of possible reactions of your opponent. Good to see you are already incorporating force moves into your attacks. Keep it up."

He stepped back and took his defensive position again and opened his mind and body to the force, waiting for the next attack.

Andraq Novkar
Jun 22nd, 2002, 07:48:23 PM
Andraq's feet moved towards the air as his body followed and he flipped to his feet. He held his lightsaber and looked to Liam, who was only a few feet away. He took his saber and swung at his feet and Liam immediatly jumped to the air and moved back further...

Andraq charged forward towards him and used the force to enhance his movements, adding strength to every attack. He swung his blade diagnoly from the overhead towards his shoulder area. But was met with resistance again from his masters blade.

The blades were upon each other, he pushed downward on Liam's saber and then brought a knee up to push him backwards, he watched as it landed and Liam stifled a couple steps back.

Liam Jinn
Jun 22nd, 2002, 08:12:00 PM
Liam flashed a quick grin as he rubbed his stomach where his padawan had successfully planted his knee.


He immediately bursted into a sprint, slashing at his padawans midsection. Andraq moved to block the grey blade and the two sabers clashed. Liam quickly spun around and had his saber resting a few inches away from Andraq's back.

"Be ever mindful of your back. It will usually be the easiest spot for a Sith to attack."

Andraq Novkar
Jun 22nd, 2002, 10:24:22 PM
Andraq turned around to look at the saber that was now pointed towards his stomach. He was right, be ever mindful of the points of being off guard at certain areas...

" I shall be mindful Master"

He held his blade as he stepped back from Liam's grey one, he took a defensive stance for the time being until Liam told him to attack...

Liam Jinn
Jun 23rd, 2002, 04:44:18 PM
"You're doing well, would you like to make this a bit more difficult?"

Liam called a saber that was lying on the bench near the wall. It flew into his free hand and he tossed it to his padawan.

"If you'd like we can try two sabers."

Andraq Novkar
Jun 23rd, 2002, 05:07:00 PM
Andraq caught the saber hilt with his left hand and looked at it, he ignited it quickly and the blue blade shone lightly with the white one. He looked towards Liam..

"Yes, I would.."

He moved quickly, letting the blade in his left hand move slowly towards his legs. It was deflected by Liam's grey blade but Andraq moved with the white blade and twisted it towards his face. It was again thwarted with ease by The Jedi Master.

Andraq sighed as he moved in again, he made several over head strikes with each blade. Each time Liam blocked the blades, the glare of the strikes lit up the area surrounding them with brilliant pieces of light. The sound of it echoed throughout the training grounds.

Andraq took the blade in his right hand and did a baseball type swing at Liam's saber, it moved it ti the right and he moved the other blade towards his chest, but stopped as it hovered over where his heart would be...

"The difficulty is intriguing..."

Liam Jinn
Jun 23rd, 2002, 06:32:32 PM

With a flick of his wrist a blue blade ignited and swept across the front of his body, knocking Andraq's saber away. The Jedi Master spun around, bringing the grey blade into a horizontal slash at Andraq. He blocked as Liam brought his other saber down diagonally, towards Andraq's collar bone. The padawan raised his other saber to block, but Liam stopped and kicked out into his padawans stomach. He flew back a few feet due to the enhancement of the blow.

"You are ready to fight the Sith me thinks."

Andraq Novkar
Jun 23rd, 2002, 06:42:54 PM
Andraq hit the floor rather hard and grunted as he did so. He came to his feet and deactivated the white blade and clipped it to his belt. He walked over and found the lightsaber hilt that was knocked out of his hand and he placed it on the other side of his belt and he heard the clip...

He stood in his uniform that Liam had given him earlier and he looked to his Master as his heavy breathing slowing to normal.

"I am glad that you believe so, Master..."

Liam Jinn
Jun 23rd, 2002, 08:13:55 PM
Liam deactivated his sabers and looked at his padawan.

"Would you like to take a break and go meet a few people in the bar or would you rather go test your skills against a sith?"

Andraq Novkar
Jun 23rd, 2002, 09:46:34 PM
"I would like to meet other people, for I don't know that many..."