View Full Version : Hawaii...

Jun 16th, 2002, 08:42:21 PM
I have no Internet access here, thus I am not on AIM and not anywhere else, lol. I didn't post that I was leaving because I was told they would have net access. Instead I have to use this stupid business room and they are probably charging me, even though they mentioned no charges. I wouldn't be surprised.

The TV's at this place absolutely suck. They are Zenith models, something they haven't made for at least like 15 years, and these TVs are like from another hotel that went under or something. I'm just kidding I have no idea where they got them, but that is what it seems like.

Not that great given that this place is into the five figures for our family to stay here for 6 days.

I'm sorry but I'm not a vacation fan. I guess if you've seen my house, you know why. I have far more to do there than anywhere else. Here, I can swim in a crowded pool, at home I can swim in my own pool alone OR with friends. Here I can, uhh, watch TV on a crappy screen, but at home I have a 50 inch state-of-the-art TV basically. Yeah it's not HDTV, but it's good enough. lol. The only thing I can do here that I can't do at home is look at the ocean and "enjoy" the humidity. That is not a big deal. I don't like the ocean, don't like swimming in the ocean, and although it's pretty to look at, I have seen enough pictures and been to Hawaii enough that it's not interesting anymore.

I should have taken one of you up on that offer, "Hey I'll take your place!" Next time, go ahead :)

This is BORING beyond belief. This will be like 20 minutes of useful time today.

The "local theater," i.e. the only theater on the island (Linai) has TWO screens, and it seems almost as though they aimed to tick me off. They have Spider-Man and some other movie, but they played AOTC already and kept Spider-Man, not AOTC. WTF is the matter with these people?! Star Wars has been KILLING Spider-Man every day since it opened, lol. There must be something wrong with this theater. I'd go see AOTC all day long every day if they were playing it. Man that would rule, then Buff couldn't catch me so easily.

I'm a sitting duck, though, congrats on #24 I guess Buff :) ("I guess" meaning if you are at 25, then congrats, I'm not sure your actual count).

Anyway I got my AOTC novel with me, so I'll read that fully I am sure. Besides that, I cannot write really because I have no research material here and no net to get it, but more important I do not have a book idea to use...

I also wanted to say how happy and impressed I am that AOTC has held up AMAZINGLY well this weekend despite losing a huge sum of theaters! It lost about 25% of its theaters, yet fell an estimated 34%. That ROCKS! I figured that would happen.

Does anyone remember what my prediction was? I swear I said $9.2 million, exactly the estimated number. I didn't want to be too optimistic because I figured we'd not be able to clear double digits again :(

Still, that is very cool, good for AOTC! Better staying power than most other films in the top 10... Not bad, not bad. Given how we started the box office run, a 40% decline on a HOLIDAY weekend, I think our last two weekends have been quite a relief. This movie has done well, regardless of our expectations.

Well the only good thing about this place is that they have the same workout equipment I use at home somewhat, at least a few of the same machines (although they are slight variations, grr), so at least I can do my normal workouts mostly. I probably will just spend the rest of the time working out or something because there's nothing else to do.

I'm not a big fan of "relaxing" and laying around. I just would rather be at home so I could get some stuff done and see movies. I cannot even watch any movies here at all. My old laptop's DVD player busted as did most of the computer, it barely turns on now, so I have had to use this really lousy Gateway that has no DVD drive and hardly any memory. Without being able to connect to the net, it truly is a glorified typewriter with solitaire.

Don't get me wrong, Hawaii is a beautiful place, but I live in a resort. This resort compares unfavorably to my own house, so... it really is of little use to me. This always happens, though, people wonder why I don't look forward to vacations. Uhh, if you've seen my house, lol, you know there is more to do there. Especially with friends over. Pool? Got it. Basketball hoop? Yes. Gym? Yup. Movie theater? Uh huh, and a real one not far away either. Are my friends in Hawaii? No. Are they at home? Yes. They just got back Friday night, just before I left. Grrr...

My sister and I both feel the same way. We'd just as soon be on vacation with friends or at home with friends. I love going on trips with my friends, that's great, but at this stupid place there is nobody my age, no hot babes or anything, haha (not that I care, just saying), just my parents. I already had argument #1 with them over the most IDIOTIC subject they could possibly pick (the French Toast I had for breakfast! Jesus christ).

Anyway, that's the end of my rant. If I went to Hawaii with a friend, then it'd probably be a total blast, but with the parents? I'm 19, and I like my parents, but sorry, it just doesn't cut it. Bo-ring.

I'll try to check online again probably tomorrow... (and I have a few minutes left here, lol)

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 16th, 2002, 09:00:49 PM
Hawaii...never been.

Probably never will. :D

Jun 16th, 2002, 09:47:35 PM
Jon, I would trade places with you in a heartbeat!

Jun 16th, 2002, 10:34:21 PM
I was going to mention girls, until I got to the end of your post. Hmm, I would have thought it'd be pretty nice in that regard being Hawaii...

Ilyn Pyke
Jun 16th, 2002, 11:45:35 PM
I was wondering where you disappeared to Jon... lol! I would love to take your place anytime.. Hawaii not bad. Anyway, I hope things improve for ya on that nice, relaxing tropical island with cool, blue waters, working on your tan while watching the babes work on their's, with the bees buzzing and the birds singing, nice ocean breeze blowing while listening to the tranquil sound of the surf rolling, sitting in the open bar sipping on your favorite cocktail drink. Have fun and we look forward to your return. Laters!

Jun 18th, 2002, 07:15:06 PM
Actually, this would be a lot better with alcohol. Not to sound like an alcoholic, but hell at least it would be something to do, LOL.

This is seriously the most boring, idiotic vacation I have ever taken. Other times I've gone to Mexico or Hawaii, the last three at least, I have been writing books and gotten a lot done. This time, I really don't have a lot to do.

I've been working out a bit, a few times a day, as I do at home. Uhh, other than that, I just started a book on AOTC today. lol, it's just for fun pretty much. I just think the limited interest would kill its chances at being published, but maybe not. I also have no idea if I can write a solid 200 page book on this subject either (minimum). I'm going to try it, though, and just say who cares if it doesn't go anywhere at all. Then I'll post it up on a Website for you guys to read, that'll be good enough. I don't mind, I can write this book in 10-15 days probably. The subject is so easy for me, lol.

Maybe if Richard likes it, he'll submit it to a few publishers and you never know, perhaps a smaller one would be interested. Eh, whatever, I'm bored so I don't mind.

There are like NO hot girls here at all. I saw this one good looking girl, of course with her boyfriend, but other than that it's like all little kids and old people. It's just SO lame.

My sister feels exactly the same way, about it being boring at least. I mean I have nothing to do here. I went swimming once, yay, that was boring too. I have a pool at home and my friends are there too, much more interesting swimming with your friends. Sorry but swimming alone is not exactly my idea of a great time.

I'd trade places with just about anyone, lol. I just want my net connection back, I want my basketball hoop back, my friends, my room that is much nicer, etc.

I like Hawaii normally but this particular island, 3,000 person population, is remarkably boring. They have ONE THEATER and it has ONE screen playing just Spider-Man. Ugg, if there is one movie you play, it's Star Wars, come on people.

We went "offroading" the other day, i.e. we took this stupid jeep and got lost on these horrible roads that nearly made the car fall over just like my Montero did. My sister already was like, "this is going to be stupid, I don't want to go," but I said, "Well, I guess we should go, nothing else to do." So we did, and it sucked, and I was thinking she was right, lol. We went nowhere of interest at all because we couldn't find the few things that these paths were supposed to lead to. Most of the paths were shut down and hazardous. So after going into town like 2 hours later, and getting a Vanilla Coke, then we went back. Yay, 3.5 hours down the drain.

Just sitting around relaxing is, I guess, not my type of fun. I like doing stuff almost constantly, I like being active in some way, mind or body, whatever, but sitting around reading is not my idea of fun. Watching movies, ok, but not reading. Anyway the TVs here are horrible, as I said. The remote on ours doesn't even work.

I mean if there were just a few hot girls to see a few SECONDS of the day that might make it go from horrible to just very bad, lol, but there aren't even any of those.

Now I better go check my e-mail and delete these virus files before my 30 minutes are up.

Go AOTC! Nice weekend, I like it a lot. We need the declines to keep, well, declining. If they hit the 20-25% range, even when the movie is down to like $2.5 million per weekend, that'd be helpful and then when it enters dollar theaters it can get a spike as most movies do. It'll clear $300M, at the very least.

Jun 20th, 2002, 05:28:43 PM
Finally, had some fun the last two days.

Two nights ago we met these local island guys, about my age, one older, one younger, plus this sleazy player dude who is my age, but anyway, he was just hitting on my sister, hella annoying.

It was the next night that was fun because we convinced them the night before to bring some alcohol, so they got a few twelve packs of Bud Light, probably my favorite beer of the very few I have tried (Bud is too nasty, I prefer the watered-down taste of Bud Light, hehe).

Then there were these 5 girls there from Portland, all 16 years old, but ask me if I care. No, I don't. They were all incredibly good looking, 16 or not! lol. Especially this one girl, Katie. They just went down to swim now actually so I think that's what I'll be doing, lol. Unfortunately one of the girls was totally wasted, throwing up all over, so that was pretty bad. I kind of went around with Katie and got stuff for this other girl. It was funny because I wasn't following her, she just plain asked me to come. I was sitting down and on the way back to my room after working out (we were about to head down there afterwards, my sister and I), but then I saw them so I thought I'd say hi (to the local guys). Then I sat down near the drunk girl and was talking to Katie, who thought I looked like I was in my 20s or something, she asked me if I was getting married here, LOL!!!!!!! She had a few drinks too, so that was probably it. I think I look like I am 17, maybe, not 19. I'm mature, but most guys my age are much bigger looking...

Anyway so Katie was going to the bathroom to get a drink for the drunk girl (name unknown, lol) and she is like, "Come on," so I followed her, and then she looked into the ladies room and of course there was nobody there, so she wanted me to come in there too! LOL, that was a first since I reached the double digit age mark ;)

She has a boyfriend, obviously, but I figure if I keep in touch with her somehow, given that she is in the same city, maybe her boyfriend will fall off the face of the Earth.

I only had four beers, enough to get me minimally buzzed but without being gone or anything because after seeing that one girl barfing all over, I was like... no, that is not going to be me. lol.

Basically all five of the girls are pretty hot though. Why must I be 19?

I made up a new law... Bowen's Law:

Any girl you meet and like will 1) be too old or too young 2) will already have a boyfriend or/and 3) not like you back.

It's totally assured to prove true about 99.99% of the time, lol. In this girl's case, 2 out of 3 are true. She is 3 years younger, and apparently not a virgin (she said so, lol), and she has a boyfriend. She told me, "You are like the nicest guy I've ever met." Yeah whatever, look how far that has gotten me! Proof that nice guys DO finish last!

Anyway time to go swim, hopefully I get to see Katie a good deal, haha, then golf at 3. Probably/hopefully going to go get wasted tonight on my last night here. Not wasted, but at least buzzed I mean. It's the only thing to do on this silly little island :)

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:55:45 PM
LOL Jon, well if its any comfort back in college while I was working at a Museum I once had a 15 year old flirt with me, I about died, it was cute but that was about it. As far as Hawaii if I went I would rahter stick to one of the larger islands, Hawaii, Maui, or Oahu, the smaller islands just don't seem to be as much there Maui just seems beautiful and Oahu has Pearl Harbor which I would like to see once in my life. Really though my ideal vacation spot would be Paris or Rome, I like old cities, I like looking at the buildings, the museums, the art, etc. But so far I have been outside the US yet but I do want to go someday.

Jun 22nd, 2002, 01:52:51 AM
Dude it is so frustrating.

I really like Katie too, lol. 16 or not, she's one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. She's not a perfect 10 I don't think, but I'd give her a 9.5/10 and her one friend Amy is a 9 for sure, somehow without a boyfriend, and her other 3 friends are solid 8's anyway, quite cute girls, but yeah 16 is a bit young. I mean, lol, I dunno though because they are more mature than me relationship-wise anyway. I'm more mature intellectually by far, but I find that true of most people my own age, which is why my friends skew towards the more intelligent and, you might say, less "cool," haha, whatever. Like Sean and Ben are both super smart guys, and that's why I like them, they are fun to talk with because our conversations are not crude and disgusting all of the time, they are intellectual and of actual value. Most people from 15 to 20 have really pretty single-minded conversations. It's all about sex, pretty much, and the most disgusting thing you can think of, lol.

My friends are not like that at all. Damn that rarely comes up, unless some hot girl passes and maybe Sean and I will joke, "Damn I'd do her any day," "No s**t man!" Haha, but that's not like an actual conversation.

These girls were pretty much the same way, talking sex the entire time, haha, but uhh, that was ok by me in this case. That was definitely the only day I've ever hung out with FIVE girls by myself for like 6 straight hours, plus a few more later with a few more people.

Damn not like Katie wasn't hot enough, but then when she says, "Damn I wish I were on a honeymoon so I could have an excuse to just hump for like four days straight." Hahaha, oh my god. My mouth just dropped open, lol. We were discussing (Mike, her, Amy, and I) how everyone at the hotel is pretty much a newly wed or on their honeymoon or engagement trip or whatever the hell they are doing, so the signs are up all over the hotel, "DO NOT DISTURB." I'm guessing they weren't just there because they were talking, but I mean I could be wrong ;)

I have to admit it is funny that like the last girl I talked to in real life was Lileana here, haha, and she is so mature (duh, she is 22), and then hanging out with 16 year old girls, pretty different story.

Anyway the vacation was overall quite fun, I have to say it got better when I really got to meet the REAL people who live on the island, the teenagers there, and talk to them about what they do, what they like, the local stories, etc. I mean, I think it's stupid to go to a place and remain a tourist snob and just stay at the nicest place, avoid really getting to know the people, and just act like the hotel is all that exists, haha. I had a lot of fun talking to those guys on the island, it's really like a totally different culture there. Almost like a foreign country, really. I mean you do not much get the idea that Lina'i is very strongly U.S. Ok yeah sure, they speak English mostly, but also other languages (Phillipino? I can't spell it), and they listen to our music and like our movies and stuff, but still it's just they are so far away.

They are not even CLOSE to New York. Not like Portland is close either, but Hawaii is on the other side of the world essentially. It's 6 hours difference.

BTW, I'm on Hawaii time always, as you guys know. When I go to bed here it's like 3, and that's midnight Hawaii time, haha. :)