View Full Version : The life and Times of Ryla Relvinian (Updated)

Ryla Relvinian
Jun 16th, 2002, 05:43:10 PM
Full Name: Ryla Ovo Relvinian
Age: 26
Home Planet: Ryloth
Species: Half Twi’lek, Half Mythosian
See Family Tree
Height: 5'11"
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Occupation: Former exotic dancer, Bartender, Jedi
Favorite Things: I like dance, martial arts, and extremely strange music.
Favorite Drink at the bar: Huttese Hefeweizen
Favorite Food: Fondue. On a naked body.
Weapons: Just one Orange lightsaber. What else does a girl need?
Romantic Status: Widowed.
Currently Training: Dios Kane, Arriana Daynon, Adisha Dije, Jax Sentill, Viper Pliskin and Laric N'worb
Favorite Quote: "No, I will not take my pants off, Nupraptor!"

Physical Description: Ryla is tall and lean with long black hair that is usually attempting to escape her long thick braid. She's easy to pick out of a crowd because she's blue. Yep, that's right, blue all over. When not in Jedi Garb, she can usually be seen in a pair of black leather pants, an orange t-shirt, and her black leather duster.

Psychological Description: Ryla is very easygoing in nature. It takes a lot to get her ticked off. She rarely holds a grudge against someone. She is very shy in nature, preferring to sit in the corner of the bar and study. She very much enjoys training padawans, and even though she doesn't have as many as others, she takes pride in her students.

Background: I was the forbidden product of a bounty hunter and his slave girl. When he found out about my mother's pregnancy, she was sent back to Ryloth to raise me alone. When I was 11 years old, she was killed in an explosion, and I was sent to live in a boarding school. There I was easily the shyest person in my class. Lacking in the Lekku, or head- tails, I could pick up, but not communicate in the native language of Twi'leki. It even earned me various nicknames in school, like half-breed and silent one.

The children taunted me mercilessly, but one teacher decided to give me a chance, and taught me to use my body instead of my language, and introduced me to dance and martial arts. At the age of 16 I left Ryloth and moved to Coruscant, working as a bartender and later as a stripper in a low-level nightclub. Things could have ended up worse for me, but thankfully, I worked for a wonderful boss who was very protective of us, his dancers, and no ill ever came to me. Even though I was enjoying dancing, for I quickly shed my shy nature, I still felt like something was missing in my life.

It was then that I met the love of my life. Until now, it has been too painful to mention my loss, but I can now reveal the most painful part of my life. His name was Aedan Duras, and he was a smuggler. We met and were married within a week, sharing my tiny apartment in the lower levels of Coruscant. We were blissfully in love, spending the few days he wasn’t running shipments in our bed. I was 18, he was 28, and we didn’t care one way or the other. One weekend he didn’t come back from a shipment, and I got word, after a week of fearing the worst, that he had been caught, captured, and killed by a bounty hunter. I was numb with shock for a very long time. Even though we were only married a year, the pain of that loss was almost too much to bear.

I worked at the same club for a few more years until I finally came to the Jedi temple. It is here that I finally feel is my true home, and the people here I regard as my family. Up until recently, I was unaware of the true nature of my family. My mother had never fully revealed to me that my father was Dexarian Etanial, a Mythosian Bounty Hunter. That makes me the half-sister to Xanatos Etanial, and it also explains the strange eye and hair color that I have. I now know of the family that I have longed for since my childhood, but unfortunately, they are all Sith. Oh well. Ya win some, Ya loose some.

I hope some day to become a Jedi Master, but do not see it as a goal to be won but rather as a journey filled with hard work, dedication, and plenty of laughter along the way.

OOC: to whomever runs the website: This is my newest biography. Also, there is a link to my family tree at http://www.ryla.net/familytree.html
