View Full Version : Damn That Scooby Poop

Jinn Fizz
Jun 16th, 2002, 12:20:57 PM
$56 million on opening weekend. Zoinks, indeed.

At least AOTC did okay, with $9.2 million, and it still beat Spidey, thank the Maker.


Um, this just leaves me in a really awkward position. In the other Scooby Poop thread in this forum, the one about who thinks it will suck, I said that if Scooby Poop ended up being a huge hit, I would *%)@ an equally large brick.... :\ O_o :x ^_^; :verymad :headache :uhoh

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 16th, 2002, 02:33:25 PM
Yeah and AOTC came pretty close to YA YA sisters, I bet it will pass it during the week to get back in the top 5. I figured scobby would do about 56 after making 18 still, I bet it will drop heavily next weekend and probably end up making around 150-170 at the most, unfortuntely that will probably guarentee a sequel, lets hope it falls even worse then;) Also the Bourne Identity did better than I though it would making over 25 million that is a great number for second place, but how well will do next weekend with Minority Report coming out.

Jun 16th, 2002, 04:30:40 PM
Everybody takes a huge hit next week. Except maybe for Scooby, which will drop regardless.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 16th, 2002, 07:21:47 PM
I saw it.

I liked it.


hee hee

Jun 16th, 2002, 08:51:27 PM
it looks SO horrible I decided not to see it Friday. I'll suffer through that stinker when I get back.

I am pretty sure it will make the top 10 worst of the year list, but I suppose it may avoid it. It could be like #15 worst.

I have already given out FOUR 0 star ratings this year (The Sweetest Thing, Crossroads, Jason X, and Ya-Ya), so it may require a 0 star rating to make the list. Probably not, but to make the top 5, for sure. To make the top 10, any film will need a 1/2 star rating.

I guess Scooby Doo has a good shot at getting to a full one star ;)

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 16th, 2002, 08:55:39 PM
It was funny! Sure it was stupid, but did anyone expect anything LESS from Scooby-Doo?! I mean, the cartoon is stupid! Thats why I've always loved it! PLUS Scrappy-Doo gets whats coming to him!

Figrin D'an
Jun 16th, 2002, 09:10:51 PM
Yeah, Scooby made $56 million this weekend, but watch it drop like a rock next weekend.

I'm really looking forward to Minority Report this coming Friday. The reviews for it thus far have been excellent. Ebert and Roeper gave it glowing recommendations on their show. I've heard some people saying that it might be Spielberg's best film yet. I'm trying to quell my expectations, but comments like that make it kind of difficult. :) I'm not much of a Tom Cruise fan, but I've heard that he is outstanding in this film.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 16th, 2002, 10:15:11 PM
You know what this means, right?

A sequel.

God help us all

Jun 16th, 2002, 10:41:01 PM
I haven't even seen it yet, and ppl are talking about sequels! O_o

:: Hides. ::


Jedi Master Carr
Jun 16th, 2002, 11:37:35 PM
LOL Marcus, hopefully the sequel will do as well as the Flintstone sequel and that will be the end of it. I will defintely avoid this film, I doubt I will ever see it.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 17th, 2002, 12:01:08 PM
AB you have to see it. :) You'll laugh. I did, and we're twins, so you will too. :D

Lady Vader
Jun 17th, 2002, 12:30:29 PM
Ok, ok. I'll go see it. But only the matinee show. I'm saving the expensive shows for AOTC. :D :lol

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 17th, 2002, 05:11:52 PM
Yeah I went to a matinee..of course, I can't afford to see ANY movie at night anymore. :x

Sanis Prent
Jun 18th, 2002, 06:31:00 AM
I haven't paid to see a movie since I was in california :)