View Full Version : A dark corner (Challenge to a Sith)
Alera Starreyes
Jun 15th, 2002, 08:11:31 PM
A young woman slowly walked along the dark streets. She wore a cloak so dark a blue it looked black, and she almost blended in with the night. Her ice blue eyes were distant as she walked, for she was thinking of many things…
Alera started out of her thoughts. She sensed a dark presence in the Force, a hostile presence. It was far too close for comfort. It was amazing she hadn’t sensed it before.
She pinpointed the disturbance’s source. –Who’s there?- She thought to it, opening herself to the Force. She didn’t draw her sword… yet.
Tempist Opps
Jun 16th, 2002, 12:35:42 PM
Out from a dark aley-way steped a tall man, whom the shadows seemed to wrap around, and conceal him even in the light. He had a small grin playing accross his face, which seemed to look more and more evil as the darkness shaded in his eyes in a way that only few couldn't feel uneasy with. He sensed fear in the girl accross from him, apparently a jedi, and a single word was emited from his lips, a word so simple that even an infant could understand it.
Alera Starreyes
Jun 16th, 2002, 03:39:08 PM
Alera's hand went to the hilt of her sword. "You don't scare me." She said flatly, to the man, and herself. Taking deep breaths, she slowly calmed herself, letting the light side of the Force flow through her. "What do you want?" She still didn't draw her sword. She would let the Sith make the first move.
Tempist Opps
Jun 16th, 2002, 05:53:04 PM
" know your name, little one." Tempist replied, answering her inquiry.
He was one of the strangest Sith in loged history, he was more honorable than most darksiders, and had his family not been slaughtered before his eyes by lightsiders, he would be a very peaceful man. This was not the case.
"I am Tempist Opps, Warrior to the Sith Empire. I sense light in you, as well as fear."
He pointed at her hand, on the sword.
"You may not want to play with knives, you may get hurt.", he said with a large grin. Swordplay was his game; 300 years of experiance builds quite a mass of knowlage.
Alera Starreyes
Jun 16th, 2002, 06:10:38 PM
Alera's voice was clear as she spoke her name. "I am called Alera Elenedui." She shook her head in amusement at his comment, a slight grin playing across her face. "Oh don't worry, I can handle it. What about you?" The last was a taunt, and her hand tightened around the hilt. It was plain he did indeed know how to handle a sword, but she was determined not to make an easy fight.
Tempist Opps
Jun 16th, 2002, 06:18:08 PM
He nearly burst out in a laughing fit at her remark, barely able to hold back the amusement. This one had gall, more than could be said for most jedi.
"Well then, Alera, there is only one way to find out then, is't there?"
Within seconds, his arm flew behind his head to the hilt of his broadsword, and it was out with a bright flash of light. He didn't attack yet though, and this is what suprized the young jedi.
"The first move is yours if you'd like it, lass"
Alera Starreyes
Jun 16th, 2002, 06:21:15 PM
Alera's sword whipped out of its sheath. The blade was beautiful, and seemed to glow with an inner light. Alera stood ready. "I think I'll let you go first... after all, attacking is your specialty, is it not?" She grinned cockily. "Besides, you'll need the extra advantage."
Tempist Opps
Jun 17th, 2002, 02:44:24 PM
Why do all jedi grow egos? he thought to himself, as if in response to the girl's words. Instead, he had a different answer, plain and simple.
He charged at the girl with his blade out, as if to impaile her. A very simple move to block or evade, only a moron would do such a thing... or so it seemed. At the last possible moment, as Alera was bracing herself for an upper attack, he droped to the ground, and slid into her legs. He followed through with a flip to his feet, and a few steps back, before making a slash twards her.
Alera Starreyes
Jun 17th, 2002, 02:50:39 PM
Alera whirled around just in time to block it. The force of the blow made her lighter blade shudder, and she immediately wished she hadn't destroyed her lightsaber. His sword was a fair amount heavier than hers, and that could prove to be a problem.
Still, she wasn't terribly worried yet. Alera brought her blade around in a crescent to slash at his side, not watching his blade but his eyes for clues on where he would strike next.
Tempist Opps
Jun 17th, 2002, 03:07:01 PM
He grinned at her, noticing that her eyes were upon his. He brought his blade around, and it slammed into her's, halting it in it's slash. He steped back a few feet, and closed his eyes. He opened himself up to the dark side, more and more, letting it take over his senses. He needed not to see, the darkness did it for him. He steped forward, and sent a short barage of slashes her way.
Alera Starreyes
Jun 17th, 2002, 03:17:06 PM
Alera quickly dodged away from the attacks. She sensed that her opponent had opened himself to the dark side further. Quickly she threw off her cloak so her movement wouldn't be slowed and brought her sword to meet Tempist's. She wasn't really trying to attack yet, trying to wear him down (a task she was beginning to wonder was possible) until she found an opening for attack.
Tempist Opps
Jun 17th, 2002, 03:25:45 PM
This jedi wasn't a fool, she could tell that it would be dificult to take Tempist on head on. He smiled, and held out his hand. Alera felt her knees giving in, as he sent two carefuly aimed force pushes into the rear of her kneecaps. He opened his eyes again, and in her moment of weakness, sent an upward slash her way, one that would be rather painful and bloody should it connect.
Alera Starreyes
Jun 17th, 2002, 03:50:48 PM
Alera opened herself further to the Force, knowing with a sinking feeling it was too late. She sent a force push horizontally at Tempist's blade at the same time as she threw herself to the ground sideways. She missed most of the damage the sword would have done, but it cut deeply into her left arm. She hissed in pain as she rolled to her feet. Alera could feel anger slowly building up inside her. -Keep it under control. Under control!- She thought fiercely. "You're good at this," she remarked calmly, sending an attack with her sword sideways at his neck while she kicked at his stomach.
Tempist Opps
Jun 17th, 2002, 03:56:03 PM
Tempist ignored her words for the moment, focusing on her attacks. He droped his sword, and fell into a cart-wheel. Her blade managed to nick his leg, and it started to bleed mildly. He grabed his blade once more, and gave her a sharp elbow into the stomach as she was recovering from the missed kick.
"Thank you, but you may want to control that anger and hate of yours a bit, else you may wind up becoming an apprentice of a different order."
Alera Starreyes
Jun 17th, 2002, 04:02:16 PM
Alera doubled over as her breath was momentarily knocked out of her. Quickly, realizing she was in an extremely dangerous position, she crouched low, holding her sword ready to block while she caught her breath. "I'm not part of... any order... as it is." She gasped out.
Tempist Opps
Jun 17th, 2002, 04:06:45 PM
He chuckled slightly to himself at her remark, and steped back so she could catch her breath.
"Oh no? Then why do you wear the aura of a lightsider, a jedi ...?"
Alera Starreyes
Jun 17th, 2002, 04:13:03 PM
"Because I was one." She said softly. She had her breath back enough to stand fully. "I left because I had problems with control. Like you just felt, apparently." She sighed. "I didn't want to hurt anyone. I couldn't have lived wth it if I'd ended up killing one of them in a moment of anger." Alera bit her lip. "I'm still a... lightsider as you call it. But I'm no Jedi. And I'm no Sith either, not while I still draw breath. I still fight the dark side, and fight for Truth and Light... but no longer as a Jedi." Not for a moment did she let her guard down, even though she was concentrating on what she was saying.
Tempist Opps
Jun 17th, 2002, 04:23:38 PM
"Ahh, a rogue. Why bother fighting the darkness? Even the brightest torch casts shadows, a lesson that the Jedi Order needs to learn. The only difference is that the Sith do not diregard the pure power that is anger, but we embrace it and build with it. It is the clay from which we make the bricks for the most solid foundation of a warrior in the universe."
Alera Starreyes
Jun 17th, 2002, 04:28:42 PM
"I bother fighting the darkness," she said firmly, "because I know full well what would happen if no one did." She sighed again. "I cast my share of shadows. However, the way to true power doesn't lie through anger, and I'm quite sure that your definition of power is a bit different from mine." For a moment, her ice blue eyes looked lost, and sad beyond sad. Then, the moment passed. "Well. Going to stand there all night, or are you going to fight?"
Malice Draclau
Jun 17th, 2002, 04:44:43 PM
The still night was wonderous. The quiet was appealing to a lone figure sitting on a rooftop. Gazing up at the stars Malice sighed. Nights like this put him at peace with himself, the darkness of the night like a warm blanket to him. Then all f a sudden he felt two force signatures, and both he knew. Lookingfor the roof's ledge and down into an alley way he made out the first signature, a lightsider. Gazing further down he noticed who it was.......Alera.
Malice had only met her about a week ago, but since then they had been going out. He found love and new feelings with her that he thought were dead. He was about to call out to her when he remembered about the other force user. It was dark, a sith. Looking off to the rigth Malice noticed who it was, even before he saw the man he knew through the force. It was Temps, a fellow sith he had faught a couple times before. Though now it looked as though he was in his human form. Even so, he was still a dangerous sith.
Malice kept quiet, he would watch the fight for a while. But if he sensed Alera needed help, then he wouldn't think twice about jumping down there to defend her.
Tempist Opps
Jun 17th, 2002, 05:04:38 PM
He lowered his head, letting the shadows dance accross his face, and his hair hand down in a few sweaty clumps, looking much like a serial killer that just steped in from the rain.
"Well, if your breath has returned to you, then I guess we will."
It was at this moment that he made an odd movement with his arm, it seemed to flail about wildly, yet very controled in it's motions. Out from his sleve shot a single throwing dagger, carefuly aimed twards Alera's stomach.
Another singature became apparent to him, a fellow darksider. He knew well who it was, he was distinct. Tempist never forgot an opponent's signature. Malice. He had been a formidable enemy, but had recently traded the Order for the Empire. Somthing seemed amiss about him though, it seemed as his intentions weren't in the darkness, but as if defending his pride somehow... he would wait to see how things unfolded.
Alera Starreyes
Jun 17th, 2002, 05:13:35 PM
Alera was taken by surprise and couldn't defend herself with the Force, but she did dodge. She was a bit too slow, however, since she hadn't known of the dagger's existance, and it grazed her side. She winced, silently promising to never let herself be taken by surprise like that again. Next time it could prove fatal.
Quickly, ignoring the pain from her arm and now her side, she launched a series of hard, fast blows at Tempist, letting the Force flow through her and helping her concentrate.
Then, she sensed a familiar presence nearby. Malice. She felt slightly relieved - she always seemed to feel better when he was around - and slightly worried. She didn't want him to get hurt if he diecided to rush to her defense. -Well then,- she thought wryly to herself, -I'll just have to win then, won't I?-
Tempist Opps
Jun 18th, 2002, 06:04:50 AM
Tempist managed to block most of the attacks, but the last one went through, and left a long, painful gash on his side. It was time. Tempist began to convert the pain into energy; fuel for his force attacks. He augmented his muscles with it, enhancing his speed 3 fold. He sent another series of slashes her way, followed up with a quick and unexpected jab to her face.
Alera Starreyes
Jun 18th, 2002, 01:20:59 PM
Alera was stunned by the sudden speed and ferocity of Tempist's attacks. She managed to block all but one of the slashes, which scored a moderate hit on her right shoulder, which could prove a serious problem later on. As he jabbed at her face, only reflex saved her, reflex and hard training. Quickly, she threw herself to the side and pulled Tempist's sword arm further the way he was already going so as to unbalance him. She did this with her injured arm and gasped from the pain that suddenly lanced through it.
She was starting to gasp for breath now. Alera knew she had to attack, or she was done for. She couldn't win from evading his attacks and wearing him out, for he showed no signs of slowing, especially now that he had opened himself to the dark side. If anyone was slowing, it was her.
The woman let the light side of the Force flow through her, letting herself be calmed by it. With sudden speed she swung powerfully at Tempist's left.
Malice Draclau
Jun 18th, 2002, 05:02:50 PM
Malice cringed with anger as he saw Alera get hit once again.
(Why am i subjecting myself to this. Why do i stand by and watched the love of my life slowly get killed. I have to do something)
He thought to himself, keeping his thoughts blocked from those around him. Looking on he sent Alera a message through the force.
*Alera what are you doing. If you nee help then say it. I have faught this one before and he is very good. I do not want to stand by and watch you get hurt....let me help*
alice readied himself, letting the darkside drown him, saturate his body. Malice kept his hand close to his saber, just incase.
Tempist Opps
Jun 18th, 2002, 06:33:20 PM
Malice's presence was growing more and more present, and he seemed to be struggling with somthing. Maybe he was fighting back his lunch from coming up, but it didn't matter to Tempist at the moment. He tried to block the blow to his left, but it still connected, much less than it would have. His side began to bleed a bit, and the anger welled up in him even further. He droped down twards the ground, and kicked out at her with both legs, an unexpected twist to his mostly swordplay attacks. He flipped back to his feet, gritting his teeth as the cut to his side scraped against the dirt below. He switched his stand to one that Alera hadn't expected from this man... a fencing stance. He stood holding his blade with one hand, to his side. He smiled as he held one arm above his hand, improving his ballance.
Alera Starreyes
Jun 18th, 2002, 06:52:47 PM
As Alera avoided the kicks, she thought to Malice, -Not yet. Not unless I can't do it on my own, please.-
Alera smiled sightly as Tempist switched to a fencing stance. She would have done the same if her right shoulder hadn't been injured so badly, and her left arm was bleeding enough that she didn't think it safe to try holding it with that arm. So she held on with both hands.
Giving herself almost completely to the Force, she attacked again, giving it as much force as possible. Perhaps she could get him to drop his sword... she guessed it might be difficult to keep it in a fencing position for long.
Tempist Opps
Jun 18th, 2002, 07:29:33 PM
Although the ballance of the broadsword was far different from a rapier or a foil, it would suffice for now. With a quick defensive slash, her attack was rendered useless. He moved forwards, now several times faster, due to his muscles being best trained for this style. He seemed to glide accross the ground, moving at seemingly near imposible speeds. He sent a quick flury of stabs and tiny slashes her way, smiling all the while. This was his fun.
Alera Starreyes
Jun 19th, 2002, 04:05:54 AM
Alera tried to block, but she couldn't stop all the attacks - he was too fast. One opened a small gash on her left cheek, not far below her eye. Another scored a light hit near her shoulder. With a sinking feeling, Alera realized the Sith had been trained well for this kind of fighting. Quickly, she blocked his last blow and sent a force push at him, knocking him back several feet. Not waiting for him to attack again, she rushed at him and swung her sword in a crescent again at his left. This was followed by a mirror image of the attack, to his right, and a quick stab at his face.
Tempist Opps
Jun 19th, 2002, 07:52:26 AM
Unprepaired for the push, Tempist stumbled backwards a few feet. He hadn't the time to block the first slash, and it sunk deep into his side. Gritting in pain, he blocked the second one and smashed the stab out of the way. Without hesitation, he sent a powerful kick to her stomach, and steped back a foot or so. He closed his eyes, and silently shapeshifted to seal his wounds. That was the only time he used his ability in battle, to slightly lessen the pain. It still hurt, very badly, but now he wouldn't pass out from blood loss for a while.
Alera Starreyes
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:28:18 PM
Alera took the brief moment in which Tempist healed to regain her breath, trying to ignore the smarting pain from the last kick, not to mention the pain from her other wounds. The former Jedi briefly closed her eyes, letting the Force speed up her natural healing process. That might help, a little.
Alera gripped the hilt of her sword tightly, waiting for Tempist's next move.
Tempist Opps
Jun 20th, 2002, 03:06:52 PM
He simply smiled, realizing that she hadn't a saber. He sheathed his sword, and Infinity, his long-bladed lighsaber flew to his hand. It came to life with a snap-hiss, and black energy spewed forth from the cilinder.
"Have at me."
Alera Starreyes
Jun 20th, 2002, 03:20:31 PM
Alera felt a pang of regret, remembering the lightsaber she'd destroyed... and sorrow, remembering what last she'd used it for...
-Keep your focus on the moment!- she thought fiercely.
She nodded slightly. Swiftly, she feinted to Tempist's right, then attacked in earnest at his left.
Tempist Opps
Jun 20th, 2002, 05:42:12 PM
Prepaired for the attack, Tempist blocked where her blade would have gone...and felt a shockwave of pain surge up from his left side. He looked at her again, and made an arcing swing twards her midsection, as if to slice her in half. The elongated blade bought him an advantage, with an extra foot or so. It would be difficult not to be hit, but it would be a better choice than dying.
Alera Starreyes
Jun 20th, 2002, 05:49:55 PM
Alera instinctively stumbled backwards away from the swing, turning sideways slightly. The blade cut deeper still into her already injured side. She hissed in pain. She was starting to feel anger building up inside her again.
Her eyes becoming hard, she attacked with renewed force, her blade singing eerily through the air. Her blade swept downward. If her strike hit, it would land just where Tempist's shoulder met his neck.
Tempist Opps
Jun 20th, 2002, 08:40:46 PM
Tempist brought Infinity up to meet her blade, and it was hewn into two peices. The more dangerous of the two kept on going, but with not nearly as much force behind it. It colided with his shoulder, and left a more shallow than expected slice along it. It bled profusely though, and would soon be a problem if nothing was done about it. He gave a sharp kick to her stomach, and stabbed down twards her falling form.
Malice Draclau
Jun 22nd, 2002, 03:53:10 AM
A small crate was set flying through the air and hit Tempist saber, knocking it off course. When they looked around they saw who had done it. Malice lept from the rooftop he was on, using the force to slow his decent. The sith landed softly, barley making a sound. Walking in between the two Malice unclipped his saber and ignited one side. He first ganced at Temps, speaking in a calm, yet forbboding tone.
*Play times over my friend*
He flashed him a grin and then aimed his saber at the jedi woman. A gleam of evilness in his eyes. Once again he spoke out, this time a little louder, and a little more sinister.
*It's my turn to play with the jedi. It's been far too long since i felt one glide onto my saber, and die a horrible death*
Malice just grinned as he stared at Alera. Secretly he sent her a force message.
*Do not worry my love, i will find a way to save you from him. Are you alright?*
He remained quiet, awaiting her answer while at the same time keeping his senses open, making sure Temps didn't try anything funny.
Alera Starreyes
Jun 22nd, 2002, 07:35:27 AM
Alera got to her feet slowly. -I'm fine, my love.- she assured him silently with the Force. She kept her feelings of fear and anger constant, so Tempist wouldn't sense the relief she felt. She was breathing hard now, and her heart pounded in her ears. -I think,- she thought to herself, -it's time I made another lightsaber.- She was never going to let herself get caught in that situation again, where her opponent had a lightsaber and she had a piece of metal shorn in two.
Tempist Opps
Jun 23rd, 2002, 06:39:59 PM
As Tempist returned Infinity to his hand through the force, he sensed a weakness in the demon next to him.... an emotion most Sith either do not feel, or is tainted... but his wasn't. Extreme attachment, also known as love. He noded silently to Malice, and walked off to the side.
"Be my guest, but I'm staying to watch. She is worn down enough for you to kill her in a matter of seconds."
He smiled inwardly, knowing that Malice wouldn't be able to do this. He had faughten the demon before, and had since gotten stronger. Even though he was tired and mildly injured from the jedi, he wouldn't have much of a problem with Malice. But, just in case, Tempist kept his mind focused on the tail end of the Alera's blade, the one that had been severed and sliced his shoulder. Should things get ugly, he wanted to have the upper hand.
Malice Draclau
Jun 23rd, 2002, 06:48:49 PM
Malice turned and looked at Temps.
*That is ok, i do not like it when people watch me kill. It...destroys the mood for violence if you might say. So it'd be better if you leave*
Malice hoped Temps would leave, if not then he would be stuck on wat to do. He would not want the Empire to find out he had love for a jedi, but then again he could not come to terms with killing Alera. Malice shook these thoughts out of his head, and did his best to hide his soft emotions, replacing them with hate. In one swift motion Malice outstretched a hand and placed a force choke on Alera. Not a strong one, but enough to make her gasp for air.
She was then lifted several feet off the ground. Grinning Malice glanced back at Temps.
*Now if you don't mind, leave me and this...toy alone. You know the saying, three's a crowd*
Tempist Opps
Jun 23rd, 2002, 08:59:08 PM
"....three may be a crowd, but two is a couple."
With that said, Tempist stood and turned to leave. At the last possible moment, he spun around, and held his hand in the air, concentrating on the blade fragment. It rose and flew through the air, twards the form of the dangling jedi.
"Remember your loyalties Malice, or you may wind up cold and limp one day."
He started walking away, not bothering to see if the chunck of metal connected with Alera. He sent a message to Malice through the force on his way out.
The Empire will not be told of this little incident this time, but should your emotions interfere in another battle with this one, then you will be in it up to your eyebrows.
Malice Draclau
Jun 24th, 2002, 01:35:14 AM
thout even thinking, Malice spun around and stopped the broken metal sword from penerating Alera's body. Making it drop to the ground, Malice released Alera, setting her softly to the floo. Kneeling down by her side Malice growled, angry at himself for making his feelings so obvious, he sent a message to Temps through the force, not knowing if he had heard him or not.
*My friend, you would understand how i felt if you have ever loved someone. But it would seem as though i owe you for keeping this secret. And for that i thank you*
Not caring what Temps would think of him now, Malice focused his attention on Alera.
*Are you alright? Sorry if i jumped in a little too late*
Malice began to study her wounds, making sure nothing was life threatening.
Alera Starreyes
Jun 24th, 2002, 06:22:27 AM
"I'm all right." Alera gave him a quick smile. "I think you came at exactly the right time... in time to save my life, anyway." Her eyes and voice became serious. "Thank you. If not for you, I'd probably be dead now."
Malice Draclau
Jun 24th, 2002, 04:30:09 PM
Malice simply looked into her eyes and flashed her a smile.
*It was nothing. I could never forgive myself if you had died. Now come, let us see if you can walk*
Malice help Alera up, balancing her using his body so she wouldn't fall. Malice couldn't help but chuckle to himself.
*You see, now if you had come to the empire and joined with me, you wouldn't have had to fight him. Hell you guys would probably have even become friends. I have faught him before and he is a very strong foe. You must be careful when around him my dear. Especially since you do not have a saber*
Alera Starreyes
Jun 24th, 2002, 04:34:33 PM
"I intend to fix that." Alera sighed. "I couldn't join them, Malice. You know I couldn't."
Malice Draclau
Jun 24th, 2002, 05:32:06 PM
Malice simply shook his head.
*But you have just seen what they could do. The power they wield, you too could have that power and se it to protect yourself. You already completed step one, you have those feelings that you need to tap into the darkside. You just need to amplify them and take control of them*
Malice slowl started to walk her out of the alley way.
*You must know that i will not always be there to protect you. And i would like to know that you will be safe by yourself*
Alera Starreyes
Jun 24th, 2002, 05:37:25 PM
Alera winced slightly at the pain from all this moving. "Once I build a new lightsaber and start practicing again I should be fine." She sighed again. "I shouldn't be having those feelings," she muttered. "The last time I lost control I killed a helpless man."
Malice Draclau
Jun 25th, 2002, 03:16:12 AM
They continued to walk down the street, Malice was taking her to a nearby bar, there he would be better able to care for her. He then decided to stop and picked her up using the thresh hold and continued walking.
*And that is perfectly understandable as well as forgivable. But you do not seem to be getting that with my help and the help of the empire, you would not lose control of your feelings, you would be able to keep them in check like i have*
Malice smiled at her and winked.
*If i were not in control of my feelings we would never have been together, and i probably would have helped Temps back there finish you off. But after years of training i have managed to control my anger and hate and use it whenever i want*
Malice stopped outside of the bar enterance.
*Do you see what i am trying to tell you now*
He asked her while using the force to open the door and walked in.
Alera Starreyes
Jun 25th, 2002, 06:55:25 AM
Alera nodded slightly. "Yes... I see... but it doesnt work like that for me." She sighed. "Every time I do end up using it, I come dangerously close to losing control. I don't even want to risk that. And besides... old habits die hard, I guess. I was taught almost all my life that I shouldn't use those emotions at all. They... hurt, yourself and other people, and because we're all connected they end up hurting everything. Do you see what I mean?"
Malice Draclau
Jun 25th, 2002, 02:26:44 PM
Malice set her body down onto a chair, grabbing a cloth from a droid and asking for a glass of water.
*I do see, an it is typical for a edi to think suc things. But tell me, were it not those same feelings that have saved you just now. For if for these feelings, which have become part of my life, who knows what would have happened to you*
As the water had arrived, Malice dipped part of the cloth into the cool liquid and began to gently wipe and clean Alera's wounds. He knew it might sting, but it was for the best.
*No matter, let us not have this converation. The point is your safe, that is all that matters to me*
He then lightened up and flashed her a smile as he continued to give aid to he.
*So, where will you go from here. Since you are no longer with the jed, i assume you have a home somewhere else*
All the while Malice hoped that a fellow sith were not here. With two sith of the Empire knowing his secret,it would not be good at all for him.
Alera Starreyes
Jun 25th, 2002, 04:32:18 PM
Alera drew in a sharp breath. It stung badly. "I've rented a place nearby for awhile. I don't exactly have a home."
Malice Draclau
Jun 25th, 2002, 08:08:03 PM
Malice paused for a moment as she clearly felt the sting of the water onto open flesh, but within a few seconds he continued.
*So, does this place you rented have room or ohhh say a visitor*
Malice flahsed her a smile and then winked.
Alera Starreyes
Jun 25th, 2002, 08:14:22 PM
Alera smiled back. "I'd say so."
Malice Draclau
Jun 25th, 2002, 08:20:54 PM
Malice laughed and finished up wiping down her wounds, using some cloths to make bandages for some of her wounds.
*Well then we should get you back to this place. Wouldn't want you to run into another sith now would we*
Malice helped her up and lead her out of the bar.
OOC: So when we planning on ending this rp LOL. Cause the way it's going it could last forever.
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