View Full Version : Bloodlust (open to Jedi Padawan)

Hoshi No Shikyo
Jun 14th, 2002, 06:47:49 PM
:: she growled from her spot where she crouched in an allley way, as she watched the people pass by. All she needed to do was grab one and them scream and call for a Jedi, she grolwed more loudly when she though of those disgusting creatures that went by that name. She remember the words her master told her, that she was dead to him until she fought a Jedi padawan. Her crimson eyes scanned the now thinning crowd, she noticed a woman and her child, they we're walking right towards Hoshi, she grinned fingering the sword on her belt. ::

Grab the child, don't hurt the woman....A Jedi will come...

:: as they woman and her child came near, Hoshi muscles tensed, she has done this before when she lived with her brother in the wilds. Hoshi leaped, grabbing the child who was now screaming at being removed from her mother, and heard the mothers cries as well. Hoshi sent a thought to the child ::

Scream any more little one and I will remove your head.

:: the thought was accuenated with the growl that came from Hoshi's lips as she ran down another alley, this had a fire escape. Hoshi jumped, using the force to aid her abit, up the fire escape an onto the roof. The child squrimed, Hoshi growled once again, dropping the child at her feet, she un-sheathed her sword and held to the side of the child's head ::

Now scream little one and bring me a Jedi to fight, or you will die!

Jun 14th, 2002, 08:10:27 PM
Chance strolled down a long alleyway, the boy being ingnored by the others. He heared the screams of a nearby child soon and saw a young woman run off with a small girl in tow.

"HEY!" He shouted hoping to slow down the napper then raced forward through the crowds following the kidnapper into an alley were she promptly dissapeared. Looking around and his catlike ears swivling back and forth and flattening against the sides of his head.

A small rock dropped down and landed infront of the boy, Chance looked up into a fire escape and saw a foot pass over the rim of the building. Jumping up and catching onto the lowest rung of the latter, Chance raced up to the top where he saw the kidnapper with a sword to the girls neck.

"Hey! Leave her alone!"

Hoshi No Shikyo
Jun 15th, 2002, 10:45:11 AM
:: Hoshi spun towards the voice, her face twisted in a snarl ::

Of course I will! I have you to fight now!

:: she lunged at Chance her sword leading, aiming right for the Jedi's head. She twisted the blade to the side, missing the side of Chance's head by a millimeter, Hoshi growls even louder ::

Jun 15th, 2002, 02:14:23 PM
Chance ducked and rolled to the left as Hoshi's blade swished past his ear. Coming up to his feet he shouted; "Don't Fight! Fighting is wrong!"

In his mind he constructed the infamous force wall and threw it up infront of him blocking the sith's attack. the half-draekard's hand overed over his own blade, a lightsaber. "You dont have to fight!"

Hoshi No Shikyo
Jun 19th, 2002, 06:59:48 AM
Oh yes I do!

:: her attacks weren't goning to hit the Jedi while he has that silly wall up, so Hoshi went for the next best thing, she turned around and grabbed the child ::

It's not my fault Jedi, you made me do it!

:: Hoshi's blade slid right across the child's throat, sliencing her forever, Hoshi tossed the body towards Chance ::

Now you'll have to fight me, I've killed an innocent....

:: Hoshi put both hands one the hilt of her sword to hold it steady ::

Chase Starwalker
Jun 19th, 2002, 04:26:36 PM
"That was a mistake."

The voice came from behind Hoshi, causing her to spin around. In the darkened alley way, she could barely make out the figure that stood in the shadows, draped in simple clothing. But one thing she could sense....was his now omniscient presence.

Chase used the force to guide a message into the other young padawan's mind. I will handle this now.

Chase began to walk toward her, now revealing the young man to the Sith apprentice. He thought of Leia, and would make his master proud, but his thoughts were clouded....how could she just kill that child? He found his footsteps grew heavier as he approached the girl, his anger built.

He shot out his hand.

Bricks from the nearby alley walls split from their foundation, slamming into the side of Hoshi's skull. The young girl stumbled backwards, reeling from the throbbing pain of the wound. Her hand relaxed as the pain overtook her. Sensing such, Chase shot the sword from the girls hand, to his own. He raised it in anger toward her......



But lowered it.

"There will be consequences for your actions...the law will deal with you."

Hoshi No Shikyo
Jun 19th, 2002, 04:47:08 PM
:: Hoshi grolwed even louder, letting her thoughts sink into the pain she was feeling, her crimson eyes met those of this new Jedi who could see a slight hint of remorse in them ::

It is the Jedis fault she died, like it's the Jedi fault my pack is gone....I don't kill for fun!

:: Hoshi turned around and ran in the opposite direction ::

Chase Starwalker
Jun 19th, 2002, 05:05:39 PM
Chase listened to her words with silent contempt. He watched her run, then dissapear out of sight around the corner. Whoever she was, she was gone.

Chase turned to the other padawan. He could tell Chance was still in awe of the confrontation. Whether Chance approved what Chase did or not, he spoke.

"I am Chase Starwalker, I don't believe we've met."

Chase extended his hand.

Hoshi No Shikyo
Jun 19th, 2002, 05:09:58 PM
:: Hoshi crouched staying hidden around the corner, she put one hand to her head more or less to stop the bleeding..... ::

That sword was a gift! I have to get it back!

:: she stayed out of sight, waiting for the one who took her weapon to drop his guard ::

Chase Starwalker
Jun 19th, 2002, 06:04:40 PM
"Hi. I'm Chan..." The pointy eared padawan began.

Chase lifted a hand and interupted him. Not on purpose, but something was not right.

He felt something. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, and it was there. The force. A true gaurdian protector, he embraced with all his soul. He glanced down at the sword he still held in his hands. He turned it over in his palm. It was of Sith design, he had seen them before in the shops on Tatooine.

His eyes drifted back to the alley way entrance. He knew what she wanted, what she had left.

"Tell your Master he can come get this sword....personally."

Chase took the weapon and tucked the long blade into his thick drab belt. Perhaps he could reveal the Sith Lord behind her training, it could be useful to draw him out of the shadows...he would have to confide in Leia, that much was certain.

Daegal Murdoch
Jun 19th, 2002, 09:30:59 PM
Stepping from the shadows, Sith Knight Daegal Murdoch chuckled as he saw the situation unfolding before him. Normally, he would not interfere, but Hoshi was a Sith, and was outnumbered. Thus, his honor commanded that he step in. The tall Sith moved with lightning quick speed as he came from behind Chase Starwalker. Concentrating on the pain and anger within him, the Dark Side began to well up in Daegal. He tapped its powers, increasing his speed drastically. As he ran toward the Padawan, he lowered his shoulder, slamming hard into Chase's back. The young Padawan flew forward on his stomach, skidding across the floor.

As he fell, the sword came out of his belt, the awkward angle of the man's falling body and gravity combining to move it. The sword continued to skid, much farther than the Jedi due to friction. Daegal extended his hand, and the sword lifted quickly from the ground, moving with blinding speed until he caught it in his hand.

"Though I am not her Master, I am a Sith. I don't believe we've met...I am Daegal Murdoch, Knight of The Sith Empire. I suggest that you leave, Chase Starwalker, or I will have to occupy you while these two carry out their battle."

Chase Starwalker
Jun 19th, 2002, 11:17:09 PM
Chase skidded to a stop. Lifting himself, he spun on his back, and to his feet. He glanced at Chance. He could feel the darkness surounding this man. His emotions were telling him to fight...the Jedi code, to re-evaulate the situation. Chase calmed his nerves, this was the first time he had represented the GJO in any sense outside the Acedemy. There was also the fact he hadn't told Leia that he was here.

"There is no battle... Sith." He accented the last word with a sharpening sting.

"That girl just killed an innocent child."

It was beyond his comprehension...how easily the girl had slaughted the child, and how this man dared to stand up for her.

Hoshi No Shikyo
Jun 20th, 2002, 11:21:20 AM
:: Growling Hoshi stood up to stand next to Daegal and takes her sword back from him ::

Thank you Knight Daegal......

:: Hoshi turns to Chase her crimson eyes seeming to glow ::

I'd listen to him, he's alot stronger than me, and it's your friends fault the girl died, he couldn't save her in time.......

OOC- Oh and Chase, the sword was gift from Hoshi's brother not her master.

Chase Starwalker
Jun 20th, 2002, 01:24:29 PM
Her comments were ridiculous. It was like that of a young child who didn't know the difference between right and wrong. Every minute she spoke, the more Chase's patients became non-exsistant. He started to move toward her but stopped.

"It is nobody's fault but your own, murderer."

Chase's words came off harsh and demanding.

Hoshi No Shikyo
Jun 21st, 2002, 10:40:40 AM
:: Hoshi growled even louder and started grinding her teeth ::

Jedi fool, I didn't want to kill the child you dork!

:: she ajusted her grip on her sword and lunged at Chase, catching him off guard and just nicking his shoulder ::

Like I said before! I didn't enjoy killing the girl! It's YOUR fault!

Chase Starwalker
Jun 21st, 2002, 11:22:13 AM
NOW. The Force demanded of him. It saved his shoulder from certain impalement. With a quick sidestep he avoided the blade of the sword. This murderer had gone too far.

As he side-stepped the sword, Chase called upon the force. He raised his right hand and brought it down in a backhand motion, connecting across the face of the Sith woman. She juggled backwards and finally slumped to one knee. The pain throbbed through his hand, it was a powerful hit.

"One way or the other, you will not go un-punished, murderer!"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 21st, 2002, 11:42:23 AM
:: A noise wind could be heard froma far distance as suddenly and SNAP-HISS! came out of nowhere clashing against Daegal's lightsaber::

"Lance Stormrider pleased to meet you Sith Knight"

:: He then tilted his head towards Hoshi::

"Chase unless this one on one against Hoshi I won't tell let you fight against her even though she's a Sith...she's still my friend..."

:: He then pushed Daegal's sword forward and backflipped quickly backwars his extreme agillity as a Strider gave him a lot of speed.::

:: Suddenly he felt a strange sensation..coming from towarded Daegal...it wasn't his superior power but something else perhaps Daegal knew something Lance did not::

OOC: Ahh this should be interesting Daegal Xeno's master and Lance doesn't even know Xeno is alive :p He Daegal do me a favour don't beat up my character too hardly.

Chase Starwalker
Jun 21st, 2002, 12:02:27 PM
Lance Stormrider. Leia's other padawan. He had met him once before in the Academy. It was good to see another familiar face, not that he needed help.

"She is a murderer, Lance. Nothing more. I have no sympathy for murderers." His eyes had a cold touch to them, as if a darkness had made it's presence known for a brief moment.

Chase turned to Chance, "I am through with her, make sure she pays for her crimes, the Council will know what to do."

He turned back to Daegal. Chase began to let his emotions rule him, they rushed over him, like a channeling waterfall they came.

Daegal's back had been turned toward the now mid-air Lance. Chase let the force overtake him, he ran.....a waist high kick landed square in Daegal's back sending him tumbling forward.

As Daegal tried to regain his balance from his slumped position, a concrete tile from the floor rose and shattered on the bridge of his nose.

"Nice to meet you too Daegal, I am a Jedi."

Hoshi No Shikyo
Jun 21st, 2002, 02:54:45 PM
:: Her hair hid her eyes from view and she growled, accepting the pain more, she stood up slightly unbalenced and smirked at Lance ::

Thanks Lancey, but you seem to forget we're not on Jedi grounds today......

:: she leveled her sword at Lance ::

Let's make this good.....

Hoshi No Shikyo
Jun 22nd, 2002, 12:42:20 PM
OOC- Hahaha...Dang it, I'm just gonna have Hoshi leave, Chance ain't posting, and Chase wants to put me on trail and you wanna fight Daegal....*sigh* Oh well, maybe Dyzm will forgive me for this....*ingores last post*


:: Hoshi growled even louder, this was too much and she knew it, it would be best to make tactical retreat. So she turned tail and ran ::