View Full Version : And so begins the quest of the young Stormrider

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 14th, 2002, 04:30:53 PM
OOC: Welcome, this is Lance's bio for the moment only this specific Bio will be avaible but my IC brother Xenodoros is working on a webpage where my entire bio will be resumed in one page, I will provide you with the links when the work will have been completed.

Lance Stormrider


Age: 19
Sex: Male
Rank: Jedi Padawan
Padawan Learner To: Jedi Master Leia Solo
Join Date: April 2002
Ships: Stormrider (Still hasn't appeared in story-line)
Transports: Dash GX-9900 Modified HoverCraft Cycle
Weapons: Stormrider WarBeam Claws, Anti-Lightsaber Glove, Lightsaber Matrix E3-9802 Sniper Blaster, Strider Ragnarok Blade, Two E3-P000 Blasters
Occupations: Padawan of the GJO, Fully Trained Strider without work.
Known Relationships: Jedi Master Leia Solo (Master)
Maia, Clay and Anakin Skywalker (Best friends at the GJO)
Brother to: Xenodoros Stormrider (Sith Disciple of TSE)

The Story Of A Strider

The Story of the young Stormrider is very complex because of several events that happend during a certain time of Lance's life. Lance was born 19 years ago aboard a mysterious ship that belonged to his father "The Stormrider" his mother whom Lance never knew is a mystery, it's as if someone erased this person from the universe as if she vanished away like dust flowns when the wind blows, even his older brother Xenodoros Stormrider has absolutely no memory of his mother. Lance and Xenodoros's father was one of the few Jedi Knights who were hiding from Bounty Hunters. At the age of 3 Lance Stormrider begun his training as a Strider and not as a Jedi Knight, it seemed Lance's father had his reasons for not training him within the forges of the Force.
OOC: Well I can't give more details on his story cause I gotta discuss with Xeno on the other part

Lance is a young, strong-willed and devoted young man who only seeks to know more and more, his social status isn't that good when it comes to making friends, he is at ease with the ladys usually. Lance is also a very fast-learner because of his Strider training each time he sees someone suceed an attack on him his errors stay reccorded in his mind and he ever repeats the same error again. He is also an extremely fast fighter and very intelligent he always takes everything step by step and devotes him-self to whatever he thinks is good.

OOC: well I'll update this ASAP