View Full Version : Family Night Out(closed Xazor, and Verse)

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 14th, 2002, 01:37:08 PM
*Natia, the now 8 year old child hobbles into the B&G. She had left messages for her Mother and Grandfather to meet her in the B&G because she wishes to spend some time with both of them as well as to get to know her Grandfather better then she does now. But even though she wishes this, she doubts it will ever happen because she is just a burden for her Mother to worry about. Her ice blue eyes look around the room for an empty table, she finds one in a back corner which she hobbles over to. When she reaches it, she sits down and leans her crutches against the table and waits. A couple of moments later, a server droid comes over and she orders herself a glass of water with a pinch of sugar in it. The water arrives quickly and is set infront of her. With a mumbled thanx, she takes a sip of her water and waits for her Mother and Grandfather to arrive*

Xazor Elessar
Jun 17th, 2002, 11:53:57 AM
Xazor recieved a message from her daughter and headed straight for the Bar and Grill where she was told to meet her. A smile spread across her face as she eyed the little girl waiting for her. Walking across the bar, Xazor reached her and wrapped her arms around her.

"Greetings my dear daughter....I have arrived...I think that your grandfather should be here soon as well!"

She said with a gentle smile as she sat down beside Natia. A server droid passed once again and the Jedi Knight ordered a bottle of Ale for Verse and a Strawberry Daiqueri for herself...

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 18th, 2002, 10:16:09 AM
*Natia returns her Mother's hug, a smile on her face*

I Mother. Thank-you for coming. And your sure that Grandpa will be here as well??

*Natia takes a sip of her water, a slight smile on her face still since her Mother is here with her. She is going to wait until her Grandfather is here to spring something on both of them since neither of them know that she has just recently celebrated her 8th birthday and she is going to tell them that. Her smile gets bigger at the way she imagines that they will react to the news*

So Mother, how has your day been??

Xazor Elessar
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:29:34 PM
Xazor nodded gently and looked to the door before looking back to her daughter.

"He will be here....don't worry. My day has been very good young one, and your's?"

She questioned with a bright smile, happy to be here with Natia. It was a great day indeed...warm outside and warm with friendship and love inside the Jedi establishment.....

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 20th, 2002, 09:31:22 AM
*Natia keeps smiling at her Mother as she takes a sip of water*

Well, if you say that he is going to be here, then I guess he will be here. I'm glad to hear that your day's been good so far. My day's been well for the most part. Only the usual things have brought it down and there's nothing other ppl can do about that.

*Natia then adds under her breath in a mumble "because they can't stop the pain I'm in constantly"*

So Mother, is there anything new and exciting happening to you today??

Xazor Elessar
Jun 20th, 2002, 11:57:27 AM
Xazor caught the little girl's words and sighed to herself. I wish it were me instead, little one... She thought to herself. Shaking her head slightly she looked out the window before returning her gaze to Natia.

"Nothing new or exciting has happened to me in the last few days! So many people are coming to join the Jedi.....I have been swamped with greeting all of them, but it has been wonderful...."

The Knight said with a joyful smile. Her eyes studied her daughter for a moment and she lofted a brow.

"Anything new or exciting with you?"

She questioned with a serious tone for a moment, wondering what was the cause of this sudden meeting...

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 21st, 2002, 08:25:49 AM
*Natia smiles at her Mother*

Of course there is something new and exciting in my life. I'm just not going to say what it is right now because Grandpa's not here. If you ever need a break from anything Mom, I'm always willing to spend time with you or help you out in any way I can.

*Natia knows for sure now that her Mother is wanting to know the reason why she asked her and Grandpa here. And she can't wait to tell them, but she wants her Grandpa here first for her to do that*

I am learning lots of different things all the time right now as well as I'm able to be around a strange adult male and not try and kill him anymore.

*Natia hopes her Mother will like that bit of improvement from when she first came here when she didn't trust anybody at all, only Falcon, her adopted Father*

Mother, can I ask you something though??

*Natia continues on without even waiting for an answer*

What do you do if you keep dreaming of your past and the dark deeds that are hidden there??

Xazor Elessar
Jul 2nd, 2002, 11:09:48 AM
Xazor thought for a moment and then smiled gently.

"Call on the Force young one...let it be the center of your life. You must trust that it will take away those bad dreams and thoughts. I too used to have nightmeres...over and over again pictures and scenes from my past would reply themselves. I did not completely trust in the Force at that time...but once I did....they were gone. I had to remember that what is in the past has passed....and I have a bright future ahead of me...."

She said softly. Suddenly the comm unit on her wrist began to beep. She looked down and pressed the recieve message button. The number that flashed across the screen was that of her Father's ship.

"Xazor....it's me. I had to leave on an emergency mission. I have taken Shade with me. We will be gone for a while....I cannot tell you how long because I don't know myself. I must go...tell Natia that I'm sorry, I would have made lunch with you...but I had to leave. I love you both....may the Force be with you...."

The he was gone before she could say anything. Sighing slightly, she looked at Natia, hoping that the little girl was not too disappointed.

"I'm sorry sweetheart...you are so important to him, but the Council needed him now...."

She said softly, trying to get her to understand.

ooc: I had to do this because Verse left for bootcamp June 24th. I don't know if you know that or not.... :) Oh yeah, and check your PMs! :)

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 3rd, 2002, 10:06:30 AM
*Natia looks at her Mother as she speaks, a slight smile on her face*

Mother, I believe that I do trust the Force. It's just that because of the Force, I believe that I am having these bad dreams. It's because of the Force that I did what I did 4 years ago to my real Father.

*Natia frowns in disappointment when she finds out tha her Grandpa can't make it to lunch. But she is not surprised. He is after all a busy person so she will just have to catch him when he gets back*

I understand Mother. Remember, I understand things that most 8 year olds don't understand.

*Natia knows that her reference to 8 year olds will probably get her Mother questioning because in the past she has always used 7 year olds as her reference. A huge smile gets on her face*

What I was wanting to tell you and Grandpa is that I turned 8 awhile back.

OOC: Thanx for letting me know and I've checked my PM's so now it's your turn.