View Full Version : Practice makes perfect. Or nearly so. (open)

Jun 14th, 2002, 01:22:22 PM
HIs master had business to attend to off planet for a few days, and had left Sasha behind to recover from the first training session.

It had left the kid a bit worse for wear. He was tired and sore, and still taking in so much about the experience. He was, for once, actually glad to have the time to remain there at the castle.

His master had left him with specific instructions of the things to practice while he was gone. They were not taxing activities, and Sasha wondered a bit if his master was much more gentle and kind than he appeared to be at first glance. Or from the rumors he had heard. It didnt matter to him, he was merely grateful that his master was taking it easy on him for the moment.

He walked down to the training grounds, yawning a bit, for it was early morning and he hadnt yet completlely woken up. He planned to work on the lightning that his master had demonstrated. He knew it would take some time to be able to do this, but he wanted at least when his master got back, to be able to show him in some capacity that he had done as was asked of him.

He carried with him a lightsaber. This was a new addition, given to him by Mu Satach. He still carried his blaster, for it had been something he'd carried for the past 11 years of his life and despite the lesson Mu had taught him - rather painfully - about detaching himself from what he knew how to do in the past, he could not yet part with it. He knew, from the lesson she had taught him, that it was a rather useless weapon in the company of those who could command the force. At this moment, it was just more of a comfort to him because it was familiar.

(ooc: feel free to join in if you want - for any reason, it doesnt really matter. If not, he'll just practice...and practice and practice and... ;) )

Dea Potentia
Jun 14th, 2002, 03:43:22 PM
*sitting on a bench nearby looking bored....*

Jun 17th, 2002, 06:37:13 AM
As he walked, he glanced about. The grounds were still new enough to him that he loved to look about, taking in the lush vegetation - for it was so different from his home planet. As he approached the corner of the castle, he could feel the faint presence of another. A slight smile crossed his features, for he rather preferred company to being alone. As he rounded the corner, he saw an unfamiliar woman seated on a bench.

She appeared rather bored, so he took the chance and headed towards her.

His violet eyes looked to her as he approached.

"Good morning." He stated softly as he neared the bench.

"I don't think we've met...." He added a bit shyly.

Dea Potentia
Jun 25th, 2002, 01:48:49 PM
Oi! I believe we have not... *tilts her head and looks at him with her light blue eyes* My name does be Dea Potentiae. Who be you? *laughs happily*

Jun 25th, 2002, 02:46:55 PM
Her laugh put him at ease, and he grinned, a boyish grin that easily revealed his young age.

"I'm Sasha." He replied, his violet eyes carrying a mischievious sparkle to them.

He repeated her name to himself, under his breath.

"Have you recently joined the order?" He asked. He hadnt seen her around before, and while he was still relatively new himself, he was familiar, at least by sight, of most of the members.

Dea Potentia
Jun 27th, 2002, 11:01:10 AM
*shakes her head* no I've been here awhile... gone through two masters already... my current one went off and became stranded somewhere due to problems with his ships computer... I'm not sure when he'll be back....

Cherice St_Hilare
Jun 27th, 2002, 07:26:02 PM
It was another day at the training grounds, where she had been planning to practice her skills, when something caught the corner of her eye. Turning her head to see what it was, Cherice saw it was one of the newest members. She had seen the new recruit around the training grounds several times, practicing vigorously with energy, so the sight of him conversing with somebody made her smile. Maybe it was time for her to stop being anti-social.

Making her way towards the two, Cherice grinned and crossed her arms.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything here."

Dea Potentia
Jun 27th, 2002, 08:28:36 PM
*smiling at the silly dizzyness as she shakes her head some more...* nope... you're not interrupting anything at all... *looks at newcomer* Oi what's your name? *feeling bad sitting on bench while others are standing so sit's on the ground and motions the others to do the same...*

Jun 28th, 2002, 07:44:22 AM
He raised an eyebrow at her having gone through two masters and wondered if this was common. He hoped he didnt have to switch masters part way through his training, for he was just beginning to get to know his master a bit, and get used to his methods of teaching. To have to start all over again would mean possibly relearning different aspects. Not that he would mind, for it probably was better for one to learn different methods, but he was unsure of himself enough already, without having to start all over again.

He was about to ask her about this when they were joined by another. He smiled in greeting, glad for the company of others, and waited to hear her name.

Dea Potentia
Jul 2nd, 2002, 10:39:03 AM
*puts on pouty face because no one else is sitting on the ground.... leans her back against the bench and looks up curiously at the person who had yet to reveal her name*

Dea Potentia
Jul 3rd, 2002, 01:26:48 PM
*glares at the two for not following suit and sitting down... considers perhaps standing up but is too lazy... hard ground is found to be uncomfortable*

Jul 8th, 2002, 07:53:11 AM
He could feel her eyes on him, and when he'd first looked her expresison had been a pout. Now it was a full out glare. His violet eyes questioned slightly, and a faint quizzical expression appreared on his face. He grinned slightly, in an attempt to ease her anger.

And then he tried a trick he'd learned from a jedi friend of his, Xazor.

If I joined you on the ground, I'd never get up.... He sent to her, attempting to send this thought to her without speaking out loud.

Dea Potentia
Jul 8th, 2002, 04:29:24 PM
*note's his smile and frowns deeper...* If I joined you on the ground, I'd never get up.... *starts as the words enter uninvited into her mind... no longer glares but looks into his perdy eyes questioningly... focus's on him* how did you do that? *doesn't believe she managed it so hopes he sees the question in her eyes...*

Dea Potentia
Jul 8th, 2002, 04:34:33 PM
OOC: don't mind me... I'm just having fun with the colors and font sizes... that is sooooo cool!

Jul 9th, 2002, 08:22:48 AM
He could tell by the change in her expression, the questioning look in her eyes, that the trick had worked. He couldnt help but grin, proud of himself for being able to do it with someone besides Xazor. He would gladly show this woman, if she wanted to learn.

As the other member of their conversation seemed a bit distracted, he finally gave in, and sat down on the grass across from Dea.

"So who is your new master?" He asked, picking back up on the conversation they had been having before Cherice had joined them. He wasnt trying to disclude her, it was just that she seemed distracted, and he didnt want to bother her thoughts.

(ooc: *laughs* And I wanted to get on with the thread... :) )

Dea Potentia
Jul 11th, 2002, 03:17:52 PM
*smiles as he sits on the ground* my current master is Jeseth Cloak... I haven't had much time to get to know him yet... I miss my first master... he was a real sweety... I was so sad when I got the news that he had been killed for being a traitor... *eyes water, sniffle*

Cherice St_Hilare
Jul 11th, 2002, 03:29:06 PM
Cherice was about to reveal her identity when the two began to converse again. She smiled, vaguely thinking that the girl had a "thing" for what she believed to be TSO's newest member. She would leave the two alone, since they seemed to be interested in each other.

Silently, she began to retreat.

[OOC: LoL, I'm so sorry ! ><]

Jul 11th, 2002, 03:29:52 PM
Sasha couldnt help but chuckle. Her master...a...sweetie?

His wasnt. But then, he certainly hadnt expected such a thing. But his expression sobered when she mentioned that he'd been a traitor.

"Im sorry to hear that." He stated softly.

"Was he your master for quite some time?" He asked, his voice carrying the slight bit of concern he felt for the woman. He barely knew her, but he couldnt help but notice her slight sniffle, and watery eyes and he hoped she would be ok.

Dea Potentia
Jul 18th, 2002, 02:44:34 PM
(OOC: oh, so Cherice thinks I have a "thing" for sasha, huh? maybe I just think his violet eyes are perdy.... sorry it's been awhile since I posted... we went camping and had no place to plug in the 'puter :( )
IC: *smiles slightly at his sympathy and wipes moisture from eyes* no he was my master for not even half a year... but he understood me... I'm perhaps to gentle and simple minded to be a sith and he realized that and treated me accordingly... I am easily upset and take criticism very personally and I am far to used to being a princess... he was the best master I could have had...

Jul 19th, 2002, 08:58:53 AM
(ooc: *grins* No problem...Im going camping this weekend and definitely will not be bringing the computer along... ;) )

He was surprised momentarily by how much personal information she willingly offered about herself. Until she mentioned that she was far too gentle to be a sith. He supposed her gentle demeanor made her more trusting and willing to share of herself with others.

He wished that he had connected with his Master, Lord Dyam, but with the Lord out of town so often, it was difficult for any sort of comraderie to exist.

"So what brought you here, then, if you think you're too gentle to be a Sith?" He asked curiously.

Dea Potentia
Jul 19th, 2002, 07:52:10 PM
(OOC: hope you have fun! gar... I was forced to help fold the air mattresses we used when camping and now I forgot what I was gonna say....)
my mother had two jedi advisers and they informed us that I was very force sensitive... if it hadn't been against mothers wishes they probably would have carried me off to be trained... but indeed mother had other plans for me which included this horribly old smelly man of a rich family... naturally I ran away and thought I might be able to be a force weilder... but as the jedi would know of my disappearance the only choice left to me was the sith... *frowns* my logic there I suppose to be pretty flawed... but I can be really vicious...*glares and then laughs* after a time I'm sure I'll be a great sith!

Jul 22nd, 2002, 07:20:39 AM
So she was running. He supposed everyone here was running from something in their own way. Or maybe they were running too something, running to a place where their anger was accepted.

He smiled wryly at her attempt to seem mean. He shook his head and a faint grin appeared.

"I dont know...that was a pretty pathetic attempt..." He teased lightly.

(*laughs* Air mattresses?? THats not allowed on camping trips... ;) You're supposed to be roughing it... :) )

Dea Potentia
Jul 22nd, 2002, 11:08:06 AM
(OOC: well I don't mind sleeping on the ground... it's just this is a thing we do every year and as the parental units have air matress' so do we... (they piled two of the matress' on top of each other talk about wimps!) besides... when your matress is practically flat it's pretty much the same as not having it... just more work...)

*glares and retorts* I wasn't trying to be mean I was being myself! *tosses hair and looks away from him...*

Jul 22nd, 2002, 11:44:51 AM
He felt his cheeks flush slightly. Clearly he'd somehow insulted this girl - not that he'd meant to. He'd only been teasing. His violet eyes stared at the back of her head, for she'd turned away from him.

"I was just teasing." He replied a bit defensively.

(ooc: *grins* Yeah, yeah....do you usually go camping in the woods, or beaches, or mountains or....what? )

Dea Potentia
Jul 22nd, 2002, 12:10:41 PM
(OOC: in the woods near a lake with fine sand that gets everywhere... when I was younger we lived by mountains and would go camping in those...)

*sniff* well I told you I take criticism very seriously and to me it sounded like you didn't think I could be a sith...

Jul 22nd, 2002, 12:51:30 PM
He was silent for a moment. She really did take things quite seriously, he thought. The girls he'd hung out with back home had been just like the guys to him - they always joked and teased one another.

"I'm sorry." He offered, his voice carrying some of the surprise that he felt at the affect his words had had upon her.

"I wasnt trying to be critical at all." He added.

Dea Potentia
Jul 22nd, 2002, 01:15:04 PM
*turns toward him, smiles slightly, and wipes eyes* it's k... maybe such "teasing" *tests the new word out having had no such thing where she comes from* will help me become less easily upset by criticism...

Jul 22nd, 2002, 01:25:20 PM
She was a delicate creature. Or at least, emotionally, she seemed to be. He couldnt imagine taking someone's teasing words that seriously...but then, he hadnt seen a whole lot of the galaxy.

Still, he'd be careful what he said around her from now on.

"Perhaps it will." He replied, though his tone, as he spoke, was doubtful.

"Do you miss your home at all?" He asked, trying to move to a bit safer topic where they were discussing facts only.

Dea Potentia
Jul 22nd, 2002, 01:45:07 PM
not the palace no... but the planet... was gorgeous... twas all trees and water... dark green and the brightest of blues... and our three moons purple blue and silver... in the night they reflect in the water... I'd leave the palace and climb a tree and looking down into the waters see their happy faces... many times I have fallen asleep embraced by a tree with the moons ans stars watching over me... they not the palace were my home... and yea I do indead miss them *once again her eyes were moist (she does seem to cry alot doesn't she....)*

Jul 22nd, 2002, 01:50:58 PM
apparently another touchy subject, henoticed as her eyes seemed to mist. Her home, as she spoke about it, was spoken about with emotion and a strong love.

He didnt miss his home planet at all. It was barren and ugly, and imperial ruled, and he hadben quite happy to finalyl leave it. This palace, with its ornateness, and the gardens and the lake with their beauty - this was better than he ever could have imagined.

"Ive never slept in a tree before..." He commented as she mentioned having slept there some nights.

"whats it like?" He asked, trying to picutre getting comfortable on the branches of a tree to sleep.

Dea Potentia
Jul 22nd, 2002, 02:20:21 PM
the trees here do take some talent to get comfortable in indeed but back at home they will curl their branches about you and rock you to sleep... they can sence your intent and emotions... the trees were quite alive and kind... we would take care of them and give them our company and in return they were always there to comfort us and would give us good fruits to eat... *smiles through her tears* tis not wise to tell secrets were the trees can hear for they just might pass them on to unfriendly ears...

Jul 22nd, 2002, 02:25:00 PM
This was news to Sasha. He'd never heard of such trees before - but now that he had, being the naturally curious teenaged boy that he was, he wanted to know more.

"Those trees sound pretty cool..." He replied, thinking briefly of the moving bushes in the gardens.

"But will they always tell your secrets...even if you've befriended them?" He asked, his violet eyes peering curiously at her.

He looked away for a moment, embarrassed slightly by her tears, for it was his question that had brought them on.

Dea Potentia
Jul 22nd, 2002, 02:41:28 PM
*notices his discomfort and wipes tears away and smiles broadly* tis just an old saying... I've told the trees many a thing without them passing my words on to others... but they do find great amusement in repeating lovers sweet nothings when the wind blows through their leaves...

Jul 22nd, 2002, 02:48:01 PM
He chuckled as she told him more about the trees.

"So dont take too many lovers there or you're bound to be discovered..." He joked, referring to the fact that the trees repeated the sweet nothings of lovers.

"Are they friendly at all times...?" He asked. He assumed they were like humans - and that they too, had their off days.

Dea Potentia
Jul 22nd, 2002, 03:09:01 PM
well you'd only be discovered if you were to use names... I think that they just like the nice things that lovers tell each other... most of the time lovers will chose the waters for whispering their foolishness... If you are kind to them they will be friendly towards you... the extent of their kindness varies from tree to tree and some of the saplings will easily take offense... the old ones have been known to strike those who raise a weapon against them...

Jul 23rd, 2002, 06:02:45 AM
He considered her words.

"Is it only the trees then, or do other plants, or animals have the same abilities?" He shifted slightly on the ground, getting a bit more comfortable as they spoke.

"I havent seen much of the galaxy...and my home planet didnt have anything like that..." He added, as if to explain all of his questions.

Dea Potentia
Jul 23rd, 2002, 12:58:37 PM
oi... the other plants are as lifeless as those i've seen around here... and the animals don't like to be seen...

Jul 23rd, 2002, 01:27:53 PM
He nodded.

He studied her for a moment.

"Have you met many of the others here yet?" He'd met a few, for he was always out and about. He didnt mind being alone, but if given the choice, he rather preferred company.

Dea Potentia
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:46:04 PM
*smiles sadly* no not really... in the begining I was either with my master or I was in the trees... I had a lot to think about and there's nothing like the solitude of the trees for thinking *laughs* except when all the little critters decide to be loud... but I've been trying to get around more... and I've gotten a room in the palace... I'm trying to fit in...

Jul 24th, 2002, 08:30:59 AM
Sasha smiled.

"You fit in just fine." He replied, as if in an attempt to reassure her somehow.

"I havent met all that many others myself - its been quiet around the castle." He added.

"where's your room?" He asked. His was on the second floor, at the end of the hallway.

Dea Potentia
Aug 7th, 2002, 06:13:15 AM
(OOC: sorry 'bout the wait... our 'puter decided not to work for a week or so andnow that it's fixed I have band camp! 9 am to 10:30 pm.... so the only time I can get on is when I get home or when I wake up... and either way I'll not get enough sleep for the following day... but I try!!)

*smiles at his reassuring words...* second floor about half way down the hall... it has a wooden door with a tree engraved in it... *smiles wider remembering how pleased she had been upon discovering that marking* feel free to visit!

Aug 7th, 2002, 07:42:33 AM
(ooc: *grins* no problem...glad to hear its fixed. Hope you have fun at band camp. *chuckles* I cant help but think of that movie...American Pie when you say band camp, though.... ;) I'm going to be gone for a few weeks back home to russia - aug 10-sept 3 - so sorry if I dont reply for a while....)

Sasha smiled. He had seen that door many times and wondered about it.

"Im at the end of the hall, on the ocean side....I walk by your door on the way to my room."

"I've always wondered about the engraving." He admitted.

"Have you been on the Saiatah high roller yet...?" He asked, figuring that maybe she'd want to go with him to check it out sometime.

Dea Potentia
Aug 7th, 2002, 10:00:11 PM
(OOC: not only is it fixed but now we have DSL... it is indeed amazing... sooooooo fast!! I am indeed having lots of fun at band camp... in fact the first day (monday) was my birthday... good times... our drum major was wearing what appeared to be the shirt of a little kids superman costume today... cape and all... it was somewhat scary! *sigh* yet another movie I have not seen... don't tell me that I need to watch American Pie... I have enough videos that people have decided I need to see... Russia sounds like fun!! I've never been out of the U.S. my entire life... :lol my excessive use of the elipse is starting to effect you!! That was a long ooc...)

*laughs* the room gives one the impression of being in the tree tops... my favorite place. the engraving on the door gives a hint as to what's on the inside...

yes I have been on the Saiatah high roller... but I really only looked at the water parks.... there's so much to see and do there!!!

Aug 8th, 2002, 07:31:51 AM
He smiled. His room looked like...well..it looked like a guy's room. He'd done nothing to it since he'd moved in, besides throw his clothes in the closet. It didnt look exacly as if he'd been living there for as long as he had. But he was fine with it, for it was his own room, and it was here at the Sith order.

"The water parks?" He questioned. He'd heard of them, but hadnt actually been to see them. He'd been too busy visiting the min planets and spending time in the flight simulator learning from the ships commander, Javus Parr.

"Maybe we could go sometime if you want. I havent seen the water parks, but Ive seen other parts of the ship....you really might want to check them out..." He added.

Dea Potentia
Aug 12th, 2002, 01:14:09 PM
*smiles* it would probably be more fun with a companian... to have some one to talk to and all and so you don't kinda feel out of place all alone.... *frowns* I haven't learned anything about you!

Sep 2nd, 2002, 08:31:56 AM
(ooc: sorry it took so long to reply, I was home in russia visitng with my parents)

He grinned as she agreed it would be more fun with a companion, and then he chuckled as she mentioned not knowing anything of him.

"Well, its not a big secret or anything." He replied with a lazy smile.

"What do you want to know?" He asked, his violet eyes looking to her in question.

Dea Potentia
Sep 2nd, 2002, 05:45:15 PM
OOC: yeah after awhile I started to wonder where you had dissapeared off to but then I went back and found where you had posted that you would be gone for forever....
*shrugs, looks at ground...* I don't know... whatever you feel like telling me, I guess....

Sep 3rd, 2002, 04:21:13 PM
He laughed softly. His life, he didnt think, had been all that interesting until he'd joined TSO.

"Theres not really much to tell. Im an only child, and my mother passed away about a year ago. That was when I made my decision to seek the order." He didnt mention his father, for he had never known who he was, and now that his mother had passed on, it was unlikely he would ever know. He had his mother's violet eyes, but his tanned skin, brown hair, and impatience belonged to his father - that much his mother had insinuated.

As a child he'd harbored fantasies that one day his father would recognize the violet eyes of his, declare he had never known of his son, had left for the army or the navy and never knew...as a young adult, he knew better. Or so he thought.

He shrugged.

"I just learned to fly..." He added, his violet eyes lighting up excitedly.

"You know how to fly your own ship?" He asked.

Dea Potentia
Sep 9th, 2002, 10:04:41 PM
*smiles... flying sound like fun yo!!* no I've no clue how to fly a ship.... is it much fun?

Sep 10th, 2002, 09:11:32 AM
He nodded.

"Growing up I always wanted to fly my own ship." He didnt add that for a while he'd wanted to be a fighter pilot, until he'd realized that the navy was perhaps a little to structured for the life he wanted to lead.

"It just gives you so much freedom" he added. "Fun isnt even the word for it. Its so much more than that."

"isnt there anything you really love doing?" He asked curiously.

Dea Potentia
Sep 10th, 2002, 08:41:39 PM
*shrugs* I suppose I love to swim.... ^_^ and talking to people... I never really had a chance to do much back home... actually even being able to talk to someone who is my equal is something I was never able to do because they were either under me or above me status-wise.... I also enjoy sleeping in trees which I already mentioned... but I don't think I really have anything to compare to the freedom you're describing... *evil grin* maybe you could teach me how to fly sometime....

Sep 13th, 2002, 12:38:05 PM
His eyes lit up.

"You like to swim? Theres a perfect place right through the gardens. Theres a lake..." He began before he realized he was giving away one of his favorite spots to go and be alone.

But it didnt matter. If swimming was something she loved, he wantd for her to be able to do it. She seemed so sad and lonely here, and some part of him wanted to make it easier on her.

"I'll show you sometime." He added with a smile. and then he chuckled.

"And I'll show you how to fly as well if you want. Its not that hard once you get the basics down..."

And then his expression changed slightly.

"So what was it like not having anyone you could talk to back home...?" He asked.

"Didnt it drive you crazy?"

Dea Potentia
Sep 18th, 2002, 05:06:50 PM
*laughs* Oi tis probably why I talked to the trees so often! *notes the fondness whith which he speaks of the lake in the gardens* do you swim in the lake often?

Sep 19th, 2002, 06:33:46 AM
He grinned at her response, for he could quite easily picture her talknig with the trees.

When she asked if he swam often, his cheeks flushed a slight shade of pink.

"Only a couple of times now." He admitted.

"There werent any lakes back home so I never learned to swim until I came here. Shenraun helped me...." He added with a slight sheepish expression.

"But Ive been down to the lake a lot...its just quiet and peaceful there. Its nice to get away sometimes..."

Dea Potentia
Sep 22nd, 2002, 09:02:05 PM
*nods smiling sadly* peace is very nice. I wish there could be more of it. (OOC: that goes for the real world as well *sniffle*) Learning how to swim takes much trust in the one who is teaching but is easier every time you get in the water. Who is Shenraun?

Sep 23rd, 2002, 12:01:18 PM
Sasha nodded. It had taken trust to learn. The waters were deep and dark, and without Shenraun, he likely wouldnt have gone out as deep as he had.

"Shenraun is the dragon of the gardens." He replied, somewhat surprised she knew nothign of him.

"Werent you warned of him when you arrived?" He asked.

Dea Potentia
Sep 24th, 2002, 08:24:56 PM
*suprised* OI!! the dragon taught you to swim... I had been warned that there was a dragon but hadn't been told his name... what's he like?

Sep 25th, 2002, 02:59:09 PM
Sasha nodded, a grin on his face.

"Whats Shenraun like?" He said, repeating her question. He looked thoughtful for a moment.

"I suppose it depends on when you meet up with him." He replied with a chuckle.

"He's always been helpful and friendly to me. He's wise..." He added, lost in thought for a moment, recalling the things Shenraun had told him about patience.

"Id never seen a dragon before I met him...have you?"

Dea Potentia
Sep 25th, 2002, 05:05:57 PM
*Shakes head...* nope... there were none back home... mother did once see a dragon on one of her diplomatic trips... one that she did not permit me to go on... only once before I ran away did I ever leave the planet... *bites lower lip before continuing* I'd like to meet Shenraun... I'm sure it would be a great learning experience...

Sep 25th, 2002, 05:11:02 PM
He smiled.

"Shenraun is difficult to meet. He appears when he so desires.." Sasha explained.

"Though, I suppose if you went to the garden during the day and called for him, asking that he might make himself known to you, there is always a chance..."

Dea Potentia
Sep 26th, 2002, 05:06:04 PM
*scaredy look* I don't think he would like it much if I were to do that.... I'll just wait... maybe he'll say hi!

Sep 26th, 2002, 05:10:41 PM
Sasha smiled. He would have laughed softly, only he contained this, for he knew Dea was a bit sensitive,and he didnt want her to take his amusement the wrong way.

"You never know..." He replied with a wink.

And then he realized it was getting a bit late in the afternoon. He was supposed to meet his master in only a bit of time.

(ooc: *grins* And this is an old old thread...perhaps we can start a new one...?)

"Dea...I've got to go..Im supposed to meet my master in just a little while...maybe we can catch up for lunch tomorrow or something....?" He suggested.

Dea Potentia
Sep 26th, 2002, 08:01:12 PM
*nods* K... *stands up* see ya around!