View Full Version : The Trials (masked spoilers)

Doc Milo
Jun 14th, 2002, 01:21:51 PM
I'm about half way through the novelization, and I read something that seems to indicate that we have started to actually see the infamous "trials."

When Obi-Wan tells Mace Windu that he is concerned for Anakin (this is right before Obi-Wan leaves for Kamino) -- the second time he tells Mace that he doesn't feel Anakin is ready for the mission on his own because he has emotional feelings and attachments to Padme -- Mace says something about Obi-Wan having faith that Anakin will choose the right path, and that Anakin must "face this trial."

Can it be that, when Anakin tells Padme, "I'm ready to face the trials" that he doesn't realize that this mission alone is the start of him actually facing the trials? Could it be that he has to face the temptation of his feelings for Padme and reject acting on them? The Council put Anakin on the mission with full knowlege of the way he feels about Padme to test him?

Are we seeing the beginning of the infamous "Trials?"

Jun 14th, 2002, 05:02:43 PM
Good catch Doc, it just may be. I find it kind of lame that we have to rely on the novel to catch all these things though.

Jun 14th, 2002, 05:13:05 PM
That's what I love about these movies - you can always catch something new... I had never thought about that - but it makes perfect sense - excellent catch.