View Full Version : Got to improve my battle skills

Jun 14th, 2002, 04:39:26 AM
Oriadin had come back from an unsucsessfull mission. A sith had set off a bomb killing many and injuring even more. Xazor was taking care of the sith while Oriadin decided to help the injured. Oriadin realised how things never seem to work according to plan. After being ambushed and set upon by two Sith, Oriadin realised how unprepared he was to go on a mission. If it had not been for the arrival of some Jedi, Oriadin would not have been here today. He had to flea leaving his fellow Jedi to fight it out.

Oriadin was feeling guilty for leaving them but there really wasnt any other choice. Oriadin felt it was time to change that. He wanted to learn to use a lightsaber and increase his fighting ability. Fighting wasnt something Oriadin enjoyed, he always prefered to find a diplomatic solution. Sometimes though, that wasnt an option.

Oriadin made his way to an empty room within the academy. It was a sparring room as opposed to the study rooms he was more acustomed to. He pushed the door open and entered the room. It was dark and looked fairly gloomy. He turned to face the wall where the door was and flicked the light switch on. It brightend up but still looked fairly gloomy Oriadin thought. He closed the door and made his way to some racking on the other side of the room. Displayed on the racking were a number of basic weapons and several old looking lightsabers. They were probably well made in thier time but they looked very dated and well used now. Oriadin reached for the one on the far right of the racking. As he picked it up he examined the handle with great interest. He had read a lot about the lightsaber but had never held one before. He found the on switch, held the handle as far away from him as possible and turned the saber on.

A deep green blade appeared from the lightsaber as Oriadin held the saber out in front of him. It was a strange sensation as the blade seemed to be weightless. This would take some getting used to oriadin thought to himself. He swayed the lightsaber from side to side slightly as he grew more confident with the weapon. It hummed as it sliced through the air. Oriadin was fasinated by the elegant weapon.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 14th, 2002, 11:51:46 AM
:: Lance was bored on that day and had just finished meditating his force and Strider trainning. He walked towards the academy, as always Lance was eager to meet other padawans and other people from the GJO, he opened the huge doors of th academy and went to the sparring rooms, at his surprise another padawan who seemed to be in another world as he held a lightsaber was standing there. Lance decided to use his force speed skill to surprise him, he quickly summons the force and vizualises the place where Oriadin is standing and appears there in one second.::


:: Oriadin jumped back and made his lightsaber fall on the floor::

" Hahaha!! Sorry dude to scare you...I was real bored really sorry...Name's Lance Stormrider and you?"

:: He extends his arm to shake hands with him::

Jun 15th, 2002, 11:31:52 AM
OOC: Sorry for the delay in replying. Busy couple of days. I'll probably reply somtime tomorrow!

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 15th, 2002, 03:53:04 PM
OOC: that's alright :)

Jun 16th, 2002, 12:38:05 PM
Oriadin jumped back as he was suprised at Lance appearing as if from no where. The energy beam from the lightsaber retracted as it dropped to the floor, luckliy not harming anyone.

Oriadin looked disaprovingly at the padawan he had seen around that stood before him. As Lance awaited Oriadin to shake his hand Oriadin spoke to him.

--That was somewhat careless dont you think. I would suggest you be more mindfull of your actions in future. You risked damage to the room and the injury of me as well as yourself.--

Oriadin looked down at Lance's hand, not being one to hold a grudge and shook it.

--My name is Oriadin.--

Oriadin didnt want to offend lance in anyway but to point out it was a reckless action. One he hoped he would learn from.

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 17th, 2002, 03:04:55 AM
Another day, another training session.

I had been in a sparring room, correcting the fighting technique of another Padawan and was now walking down the hall after a freshen up. I was thinking about working on my timing, as even if I was very good with weapons, you could always be better. There was always something to improve on, some footwork or technique to make better. It was the perfectionist attitude that made myself suh a good fighter.

I selected a room, opened the door. Inside, I saw my Padawan Oriadin and another being I did not know.

"Oh... my apologies for interrupting. I thought this room was not in use"

Jun 17th, 2002, 03:23:22 AM
Oriadin looked up as a familier face entered the room.

--Oh, Hi!--

Oriadin smiled to his master as she stood in the doorway.

--Yeah, I was just having a look at this ligtsaber here. I was going to have a bit of a practise at my battle skills. I had a rather bad experience not so long ago you see so could do with improving a bit.--

Oriadin thought for a moment.

--You can join us if you like, your a warrior Jedi, im sure you could teach us a lot. If your not too busy that is?--

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 17th, 2002, 03:43:31 AM
"Not at all, not too busy at all. I would be most glad to teach this. As you already knw, this is what I am best at"

Which was quite true. I was unusual in the way I concentrate on the warrior aspects of being a Jedi and was quite noted for it as well.

"Might I see your lightsabre?" I asked as I entered the room proper. "Oh, and ...... I dont know your name. I am Heleniad Q'Dunn Jedi Knight. Might I ask whom you are?" I asked of the other being in the room

Jun 17th, 2002, 04:10:14 AM
Oriadin looked down to the lightsaber which had been dropped on the floor. He crouched down and picked it up. He brushed his hand down it slightly making sure it wasnt damaged, well, anymore than before and then handed it to his master.

--Its not mine. Its one from the shelf here. I was just taking a look at it, ive never held a lightsaber before you see. I dont own one myself.--

Oriadin looked at Lance and waited for him to reply to his master.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 17th, 2002, 06:24:29 AM
:: Lance looked at over the Warrio Jedi Knight, he already had met Marcus Q'Dunn nd had heard much from Master Helenias, He then bowed to her and spoke::

"Greetings..mistress Q'Dunn I am Lance Stormrider padawan to Jedi Master Leia Solo...it is an honor for me to meet you at last...I have heard much about..."

:: He gets back upstraight and slides another sets of words out::

"Like Oriadin said if you aren't yoo busy maybe you could show us a few tricks...I need more skills as well.."

:: He looks back at Oriadin::

"You don't have al lightsaber? Too bad...if my HoverCraft cycle would be repaired..I could've given you one of the lightsabers that are in my ship...but it's much too far...from here..I have about 10 prototypes of LightSabers new models actually that I've been working on since a long time"

:: He then unclips his lightsaber from his belt::

"My-self I have a different Lightsaber then any of the members of the GJO look at the hilt it's not the same thing at all"
(Look at the hilt above his head :) )

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 18th, 2002, 06:56:19 AM
Interesting. Much different look, but I had to wonder why the changes in design. Marcus' Athona had a traditional shearing guard, much like a sword's but it was also corolsis coated and had a real purpose. I was uncertain why the Padawan had made the modifications.

"Good day to you as well. Satisfy my curiousity first - why have you modified your sabre from standard type designs? Is there a specific reason?"

My own sabre was basic and quite standard. Just a regular two handed grip, emitter, silver finish. Nothing remarkable apart from the deep red blade it emitted. I did have my Pike with me.... I wondered what weapon I would use here. Either one would prove very suitible

Jun 18th, 2002, 07:24:20 AM
OOC: this may sound a bit stupid but whats a pike? Whats its strengths and weaknesses?

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 18th, 2002, 07:44:24 AM
OOC : A Force Pike is the weapon of an Royal Imperial Guardsman. It is about 1.5 meters long, is long and thin, has a pommel which stores capacitors and energy source. The tip is capable of firing electrical energy. It is a short range weapon aand mine has been modified to counteract a sabre. It has been my weapon of choice for a long time

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 18th, 2002, 04:07:19 PM
:: Lance thought about the question for a moment "Why did he modify his saber?" well it was quite simple::

"Well to tell the truth mistress Q'Dunn my saber is a lightsaber that has been specialy made for Striders like my-self, this saber is simply an emblem of my father...but I was told that it has a special property..which I am still trying to figure...out...sorry I can't really explain it to you..deeply sorry.."

:: Lance lowered his head a bit::

Jun 19th, 2002, 02:21:26 AM
Oriadin looked down at Lance's saber. It looked impressive. Oriadin definitely had a very keen interest in Lightsabers. He hoped that when the time came, he would construct a very good one.

He looked forward to this training spar. He had recieved little combat training since arriving at the GJO so this would be a new experience to him. Oriadin knew his master was a Warrior Jedi so he was very confident he could learn a lot from her today.

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:09:57 AM
So the modifications were more decorative. Strange that was as a lightsabre was very much pure function. But a Sabre was also an expression of a Jedi's personality and powers.

"Very well. Firstly, I will watch you both spar for a bit. I will issue corrections, instructions and suggestions as you spar. But be careful... I may choose to join in at any time. Now. Present your weapons first and be ready to spar when I say so"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 20th, 2002, 07:00:30 AM
:: Lance nods but then speaks as he has something vital to say::

"Mistress Q'Dunn..before we begin I must advise you that I'm a Strider...so you tell me...may I use my abilities as Strider which will make me much powerfuller....or must I only use my normal abilities and force abilities?..It is just a simple question because I have noticed that Oriadin seems to be new at this kind of excercise." Lance asked with a serious tone

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 20th, 2002, 07:10:47 AM
"Explain to me what this ... Strider is" I stated.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 20th, 2002, 08:16:08 AM
" Strider is an art..you see I'll explain first...my father was a Jedi Knight...and at the age of 3 I was tutored by him to become a Strider..he never formed me as a Jedi but only a Strider..I dunno why...but...he must have had valuable reasons...A strider is...some sort of Ninja...who's powers come from meditation and intense training...that is why I come here very oftenly to spar...and I meditate in my room...Striders are provided by extreme speed and illusion abilities...we can also summon orbs that protect our bodys from hits and give us advantage to concentrate only on striking and not blocking...Striders are also BladeMasters.....not Lightsaber masters but Blade masters...I use a lightsaber because my father was a Jedi and since a Lightsaber is very light it gives me even more speed...so I ask if I can use my Strider skills? Because I do not think it would be fair...judging from the speed this will give me....I guess this question was of no use...I never should've asked..I won't use them period..."
:: Lance said taking his breath back from all the talking.::

OOC: Btw The ne pictures I'm using for Lance aren't the ones which appear in the rp we're doing right now...he changes his haircut and color and cloths after this training. :) just to let you know.

Jun 20th, 2002, 08:19:34 AM
Oriadin bowed in respect to his masters wishes. She passed him back the training room lighsaber and he backed off slightly to give everone some room. He switched on the beam of light once again. The lush green blade lit up the surrounding area of the glum looking training room. Oriadin swung the blade around a couple of times, trying to get used to the weightlessness of

After a couple of swings he moved into a defencive stance and awaited lance to do the same. Lance mentioned his skills as a Strider. Theres no doubt it would greatly benifit him in battle. Oriadin was new to fighting against Jedi but he was certainly not knew to combat. Although Oriadin prefered a diplomatic solution he could hold his own against the best.

Helenias asked what a strider was and Oriadin listned as Lance explained. Seemed he would have an unfair advantage but Oriadin waited to see what comments his Master would make.


OOC: sorry if that didnt quite make sense. I typed my reply at the same time as Lance so was replying to the post previous. Hopefully I changed it enough!

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 21st, 2002, 08:39:31 AM
I nodded, understanding.

"I see it as no advantage. It is only what I know in different form and name..." I turned my head to hide the wink at my Padawan from Stormrider, letting Oriadin know that I was up to something " Thence it is allowed. You may begin"

I stepped back, hand on my sabre as I drew it out, but kept it unlit. I had an idea and I was planning out how to do it.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 21st, 2002, 08:48:31 AM
:: Lance nodded at Helenias as he walked calmly towards his starting spot opposite side from Oriadin.::

"I hope your Ready Oriadin" He said when suddenly SNAP-HISS!! his lightsaber Matrix was ignited, he lowered his head a bit concentrating on the force and also remembering all of his past errors in his other spars. He then came back upstraight and dashed a gaze towarded Oriadin. At that moment he decided to use the force speed to start off with a slamming cut. But first he turns the handle of his lightsaber to it's minimal power. Afterwards he closes his eyes lightly and quickly summons the force all around him as he feels it he then opens his eyes back and visualises the spot where Oriadin stands he then starts running at an extreme speed reaching the spot in a second as he reaches the spot he lowers his body extremely quickly and sends his lightsaber clashing against Oriadin's he then pushes lightly and sends one roundhouse kick on the back of Oriadin's head and quickly walks a few steps backwards uppering his sword and standing clearly at the view of any of Oriadin's moves of course a defensive stance.::

Jun 21st, 2002, 08:59:03 AM
Oriadin saw Lances attack comming and tried to dodge. He had extreamly quick reflexes but Lance was faster than anyone he had engaged before. As Oriadin ducked to avoid Lances kick to the back of the head it just caught him. Oriadin was slightly off balance for a few seconds but then regained composure.

Lance backed off slightly which gave Oriadin time to concentrate. He was feeling kinda nervous seems this was the first time his Master had seen him fight. Oriadin slowed his breathing and felt the force flow through him. He was very concious of everything around him and especially alert for more attacks from Lance. Oriadin swiped his ligtsaber to the right side of him. It may have looked like he was showing off a bit but he was still trying to get a feel for the lightsaber.

Oriadin brought his lightsaber back before him and moved back into his defensive stance. He decided not to attack, not just yet anyway.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 21st, 2002, 09:09:24 AM
:: Lance saw and felt Oriadin's nervousness and decided to give him a few tips::

"Hey Oriadin chill man....cool it out I'm not gonna eat you..try not to be nervous or you'll lose a lot of concentration.."

:: Lance then started swinging his saber in the air to heat up a bit as he always does in any battle at that moment he saw Oriadin concentrated and his lightsaber pointed to the right that is when Lance advanced quickly and swung his Lightsaber against his and then started to send random slashes, he watched as Oriadin blocked everything and Lance then decided to send a force blast concentrating the force through the upper part of his body he concentrated everything towards the palm of his hands forming some sort of gravity field in front of it. He then sends it forward towards Oriadin's chest as Lance clashed his lightsaber and pushed it leftwards. The force blast was strong enough to send a padawan to the ground. This of course would never had worked on a Knight or master because of their superior defenses.::

Jun 21st, 2002, 10:59:53 AM
Oriadin didnt feel he needed to be told to 'chill man'. He was aware of the fact he was nervous and was trying to settle but doing and trying are two seperate things. He didnt mind the advice though, any advice is welcome Oriadin thought to himself. Its then down to the individual to decide what to do on that advice.

Oriadin had never seen what ever it was Lance had produced. It seemed to be some kind of gravity field. It through Oriadin to the floor but he quickly got up, focused on a mat which Lance was now standing on. Oriadin managed to focus his thoughts on this and move it enough for lance to lose his balance for a quick second before Oriadin made a sweeping strike towards Lance's mid area.

OOC: Sorry guys but Im going on Holiday from Monday to Friday. I'll post over the weekend if I get the chance and if there are any replies.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 21st, 2002, 12:37:42 PM
:: He throws him-self on the floor to skip all of his attacks and comes back on his feet by gripping the floor with his hands and sendinf his legs forward, he then takes back his stance and sends his lightsaber again slashing and turns around with a stab.::

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 22nd, 2002, 07:57:30 AM
I stayed back for the moment, just watching. For now, I was working out how both Padawans fought. In my hand, my sabre rested. Ready.

Jun 22nd, 2002, 08:26:22 AM
Oriadin moved quickly to deflect Lance's stab. He was a quick mover and Oriadin knew he had to keep on his toes. Oriadin brought the training saber down and deflected the stab to his right hand side. He then quickly swung it round the other way and made an attempt to slash Lances neck, slightly exposing his middle.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 22nd, 2002, 08:49:15 AM
:: Lance watched for the slash at the neck and quickly threw his lightsaber upperly using the force tu push it on Oriadin's lightsaber he then grabbed the handle quickly and lowered his body critically sending his fist to Oriadin's stomach, not a very powerfull one but just one to get him off balance. Lance then ran a few steps backwards and put him-self into defense position. He then tilted his head a bit to the side and saw Helenias holding her saber. He then thought to him-self looking back at Oriadin not to let him attack him by surprise.::

"What could she be thinking"

Jun 22nd, 2002, 04:47:24 PM
Oriadin could sense concern within Lance. Perhaps it wasnt concern, more not full concentration on the task in hand. Perhaps he was worried about what his master had in store. Oriadin stopped thinking about it and concentrated his efforts on this battle with Lance.

He had been briefly put off balance by a punch to the stomach. It wasnt particularaly hard and Oriadin was almost prepared for it as hed left his middle open. He regained his composer and made a quick dash for Lance. He made various strikes which Lance managed to deflect with relative ease. As Lance bloked one of opponants powerfull blows, Oriadin managed to nudge him with his shoulder using all his upperbody strength. Lance stumbled back slightly but without falling and again Oriadin continued to advance.

OOC: Sorry, have to show off my new sig! I spent a fair bit of time on it too.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 22nd, 2002, 05:05:03 PM
:: Lance watches as Oriadin continues to advance quickly towarded him, he quickly puts his thoughts on what he's doing at the present and sends a few slashes watching as Oriadin easily deflects them but then again he sends another variety of slashes this time with more power he then clashes his sword against Oriadin's but letting it there he then puts more strenght and pushed Oriadin backwards letting him slightly off balanc then sends a roundhouse and sending him to the floor he slashes at the floor watching some sparkles fly out::


OOC: Kick ass sig!

Jun 22nd, 2002, 05:51:53 PM
As Oriadin lay on the floor from the roundhouse kick, he managed to interlock his legs with Lance's as he deflected Lances strikes to the floor. With a swift movement of Oriadins legs he brought Lance down with a rather loud thud. Oriadin moved in closer to kick out at Lance's jaw. Oriadin didnt give it a good whack as this was only a spar afterall and he didnt want to hurt him. Oriadin often felt himself holding back when sparring.

OOC: Thanks, glad you like!

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 22nd, 2002, 06:05:42 PM
:: Lance rolled on the floor quickly and then decided to use a Strider agillity by kicking his leg with his right one he sent him in the air at the same he was rolling coming back up like a helicopter.::


:: He then called back his lightsaber to his hand and ignited the blue blade waiting for Oriadin to take the offensive.::

Jun 22nd, 2002, 06:12:11 PM
Oriadin was in aww as he watched whatever move it was Lance performed. The yound padawan smiled as he had Lance on the defensive for a brief moment there. Still, this battle was far from over so he focused. He remembered a famous line said by Qui Gon Jin which he had read once in the Jedi archives.

"Your focus determines your reality"

It was a line Oriadin often told himself. If he ever started to day dream or lose his concentration he always thought of that line.

Oriadin moved in close to Lance and swund the green blade of his lightsaber towards his opponants legs.

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 23rd, 2002, 03:58:19 AM
OOC : Nice signature!

The activation of my sabre was the first hint my role was going to be more than passive here. The second was the whirlwind attack I executed on Lance. While he was defending against Oriadin, I swept in and timed the side kick so that he was hit away just as my Padawan's attack would need to be dealt with. Instead of Lance, Oriadin found my sabre intercepting his blade. I was then moving forward and with his sabre held low, leaving himslef open for a backhand strike to the temple.

Now well and truly declared with my intentions, I backstepped and held my sabre upright, behind my body, My empty hand was held as if I was pushing outwards - that changed as the palm was rotated inwards and I made a clear signal to them both of "Bring it on"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 23rd, 2002, 07:13:36 AM
:: Lance glanced his lightsaber around as he heard "Bring it on" his eyes narrowed as he looked over to Helenias. He then tilts his head to the side and looks at Oriadin.::

"Shall we"

:: Lance then runs towards Helenias swinging his lightsaber in round cuts slashing the floor as well sending sparkles out of the floor. He then slashes towards Helenias and watches as she easily block his slash but he then sends multiple cuts, the knight naturally blocks everything but Lance then thinks of what to do he couldn't just stay there and slash he knew that Helenias could block anything he would send. He thought of a force blast but rememebering his last spar with a Knight he decided not to their defenses are much stronger and they can immune a padawan's force blasts. He sends his lightsaber once again towarded her this time letting it clash against her's for a moment letting several sparkles fly out. He then takes some strenght on the pushing and spins around her hitting his arm against her's and then pushes her lightly rightwards and sends and once he's behind her he focuses the force in frotn of his hand and sends a force blast, he hoped that this would work but of course he hadn't that much hope it would.::

Jun 29th, 2002, 10:55:38 AM
Oriadin managed to block his masters strike to his temple just before Lance made his move. He was valiently trying to take Helenias down but given her far more advanced fighting skills and knowledge of the force he wasnt making much of an impact. Oriadin held back for a few moments thinking about what he was going to do but also to see if he could spot any weaknesses in his opponants.

So far, he was unable to come up with anything but it was early days yet. Time to test the water he thought to himself. Helenias was defending Lances attack with relative ease but could she defend against the two of them at the same time?

Lance managed to gather enough strenght to send a force blast towards Helenias. She easily managed to avoid the attack though and lept towards the padawan. Oriadin also entered and bagan swinging towards his Master. Lance and Oriadin both striking at Helenias forced her to back off slowly. She was deflecting the blows with ease but was having to lose ground at the same time. Oriadin felt she had something up her sleeve though.

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 30th, 2002, 01:00:07 AM
This was enjoyable. I appreciated a good challenge of my skills. While going two against one might seem foolhardy, it was not outside my capabilities - once I had taken on two Masters at once and won out. That had been difficult and I would not wish to be pressed that hard again, the fact was I had done so. It was good training to stetch yourself.

Right now I was giving way slowly, my sabre flashing and flying to ward off the attacks. I had an idea, but it would take some good timing. Firstly, I abruptly held firm, so that the momentum of the Padawans took them closer to me - deep in the Force I was and it told me that the time was now. I dived straight between them both just as they were striking - but given I had drawn the close to me, now that their target was moving away and if their blades were following me, it was more likely one or both of them would be in the way of each other. I did hope either Padawan didnt get hurt by accident.

Rolling, I leapt to my feet, coming into a backwards defenive stance, blade behind my back and open plam of my other hand held in front.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 30th, 2002, 08:00:25 AM
:: Lance had made an error by following Helenias's blade and almost crashed against Oriadin he looked at Oriadin's blade who almost drew towards Lance's stomac, he shivered at the thought he could've been burnt badly but quickly threw him-self out of the Lightsaber's range and then turned back to Helenias, this was good because Lance had learnt something new and he would never make the same error again::

"Tough trick you played there."

:: Lance then dashed towarded her body low and striked his lightsaber against her's he then pushed her blade to make her go off balance and quickly summoned the force sending it through his arms to strike with it towarded Helenias's left arm which was unguarded at the moment.::

Jul 3rd, 2002, 04:42:03 AM
Oriadin stood back for a moment to see how Helenias would defend against the attack from Lance. He was watching and waiting. Being patient for the right moment to attack.

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 3rd, 2002, 05:14:51 AM
(I presume you used the Force against my arm, so I will go with that)

I felt in the Force a gathering of concentration and then a strike to my left arm. In response, I allowed momentum from being pushed off balance to spin me around. I allowed the spin to gain place and I directed my footsteps away from Lance, for now I had an interesting but basic counter. As he found as I stopped the spin abruptly and with my free hand pointed. The Padawan came off his feet and was thrown through the air with a twist of my wrist and The Force, thrown directly at Oriadin

I also would give them basically no chance to recover, for I was following with my blade raised to strike.

Jul 3rd, 2002, 05:24:44 AM
Oriadin stood as he watched Lance hurtle towards him. He had learnt to move small objects with the force but nothing bigger than a book and certainly not while it was moving. Oriadin thought quickly and focused all his strength on Lance. He raised his right hand out in front of him.

Lance's trip through the air slowed down. Oriadin managed to control him enough so the two wouldnt collide but not enough to stop Lance from crashing to the ground with a thud. Oriadin was out of breath but quickly had to regain his composure as Helenias came in with a raised blade ready for a strike. Oriadin dived down at her feet and rolled sideways. Her momentom with her charge caused her to trip over Oriadin and stumble forwards. Oriadin followed through with his role and managed to stand back up faceing his master, saber in hand and ready.

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 3rd, 2002, 06:15:51 AM
A trip became more of a flying somesalt as my feet collected Oriadin and I reacted with the speed that only years of fighting training and drills could do. Rebalancing myself, I turned and swept in once again, giving the Padawan no respite. I knew he would be taxed even trying to keep up with my swordplay, so it would be hard to realise I was setting a trap. All I would need to set it off would be for Lance to get back on his feet if I wanted to include him as well. Or I could just simply be content to catch Oriadin out.

It would depend on what both Padawans did in the next few seconds.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 3rd, 2002, 01:20:33 PM
:: Lance was on the floor he felt no real pain by falling down but still he was down and watched as Oriadin was fighting over with her. Lance breathed intensively to recover from the exercise, each time an attack is performed Lance concentrates on the force to recover him slowly back just like he learnt from his spar with Alpha. He then observed quickluy what Helenias and Oriadin were doing, a Strider always sees the solutions come quickly.::

"Puff...alright let's do this"

:: Lance got up with the aid of the force and summoned it quickly on the lower part of his body just like his master has shown him. The amount of force concentration was just enough to jump 75 feets high but since this was gonna be a swing spin jump he wouldn't that high. He lifted up from the ground and spinned through the air passing right above Helenias's head clashing his lightsaber to block hers he watched as she sent a slash towarded him, he ducked it quickly and sent a few slashes to occupy her by the time he saw a swing to the left performed by her and sent a quick roundhouse to the back of her head not too hard because it wasn't the goal of the exercise but just the right enough of strenght to get her off balance. As soon as he saw her get off her balance Lance sent a forceblast to the hilt of her saber , since she was off balance she wouldn't be focused enough to block the force so the saber simply flew away from her hand and came back on the floor a few feets away. He awaited for Oriadin to do something quickly.::

Jul 5th, 2002, 04:14:50 AM
Oriadin saw the saber fly from Helenias's hands. He moved quickly yo take advantage of the situation and used the force to summon the Jedi Weapon to his hand. Oriadin had a good grip on the weapon in egnighted the blade. The deep red colour was a beautiful sight as Oriadin looked at it briefly before concentrating on his opponants again. Oriadin was still getting used to fighting with one saber, let alone two. He was indesisive of what to do next and froze for the brifest of moments.

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 5th, 2002, 05:49:23 AM
The trap was sprung a good deal earlier than I liked, but the fact was that with no sabre I would fall back to the weapon I was truly known for. I called it to hand with The Force, the deadly pole arm coming up and in a flash of movement, sent the Pike to intercept Stormrider's sabre in a slash aimed high at his head. I could only imagine his surprise as the cortoris coated steel intersected and with a glow of heat and light, the fibre broke down the field effect of the sabre. As per normal, the sabre blinked out, which left the Pike with a clear passage to smack his head very hard. The attack was so quick, I doubted he would have seen it coming.

I spun on my heel as Lance fell away, coming at Oriadin fast and hard. The Pike swooped again, this time one handed. It intersected with my sabre blade that Oriadin was holding, shutting that down. I was following that with a roundhouse punch to the jaw, using the surrpise at the sbabre shutdown to land it cleanly. Using momentum, I spun away, going enguarde once again, but this time with the unexpected surprise in hand and in front of me.

There were burn marks on the pike where parts of the Cortoris cover were burnt off. It was a surprise weapon, not much more. But an effective one.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 5th, 2002, 07:14:02 AM
:: Lance fell on the floor brutally but didn't let that take him down , he got up very quickly and focused on the force to heal him back while she was keeping Oriadin busy Lance had time to recover from that last attack and quickly regained his high spirits as he called back his lightsaber into his hand. He then tried to ignit it but it wasn't working.::

"Oh no.....not again......this is gonna take ages to repair....ahhh......I hate to say this but I'll have to use another sabre...just when I was about to use a blazing wave.."

:: He then quickly tilted his head to the side seeing a practice lightsabre hung on the wall using the force he quickly makes it come to his hand and grabbing it hard using Force Grab he ignits it quickly and runs towarded Helenias thinking of a quick plan. Her "Pike" was starting to annoy him and he truly felt like somehow disable it, she did that to his lightsabre so Lance thougt maybe she wouldn't get too pissed if he simply broke a small part of it just enough to disable it of it's function.::

"Alright now I'll have to repair Matrix so I'll return the favour"He said with a slight grin as suddenly he started focusing in his Aura ready to use a Strider technique that no Jedi reflexe could stop this time he was gonna show them something quite interesting, focusing on his aura he quickly asked it to multiply him-self in 4, Strider were known for their enormous abillity to command their Auras, Lance glew through the air as he dashed towarded Helenias quickly sending his lightsaber against her Pike's handle just where he holds it. He watches Helenias in confusion sensing other Lances all around actually there were 4 Lances in the room now as kick was sent to her right arm and then to her left arm sending her from right to left, left to right and another foot right under her legs kicking them out and making her fall quickly. The 4 images swished through the wind as they vanished. It was indeedly a very usefull and powerfull technique but it drained much of Lance's aura and spiritual energy. He quickly ran towarded her and pointed the lightsaber to her neck to see if she was gonna do something or simply accept defeat. Lance was 100% certain that seeing what Helenias can do she was gonna come up with something good to make Lance learn even more.::

Helenias Evenstar
Jul 8th, 2002, 05:14:50 AM
OOC : Info - the Cortoris trick does not damage a sabre - it only shuts it down. I would need to point out something - I'm afraid your trick would not have worked and I will explain why IC....

There was many tricks in the Force I had been exposed to and had experience in. One unfortunantly for the Padawan was to seemingly multiply your presence both in the Force and seemingly physically. A long time ago Master Yoghurt had used this trick to try to beat me when we had faced each other. And I had seen this before with a Sith I could not remeber the name of, he had also tried to multiply auras and his presence, or more precisely to doopledang in that case. Xazor also tried the same on me in a spar we had and that time I had defused by my ability to see with precision into the near-future. With Master Yoghurt, I had seen that there may be many versions, but only one was truly connected to the Force. I did time time a mix - I closed my eyes and trusted The Force to guide my hands. The Force was a true guide to what was real if you were one with it. My Pike spun and countered the sabre coming via the true Lance, the cortoris coat intercecting and shutting the sabre down.

It would be here that Lance would know I had seen through the multiples, so I retreated and readied myself again

OOC : Please dont be upset but I truly have had that done to me a few times, just as I have listed . Unfortunantly it would not have truly surprised me in character. :/

Jul 8th, 2002, 06:12:37 AM
OOC: So how long do the sabers shut down for?

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 8th, 2002, 01:01:04 PM
OOC: That's ok Helen :) Really anyways you get more credit for beeing a knight I never expected to actually win this spar but only to build up my character thank you for the info this helps me for real battle against Siths really thank you :).

IC: Lance didn't understand what had just happend but it seems Helenias simply blocked his attack, incredible was the only word that came at his mind. Lance moved his body quickly and stepped backwards quickly to regain some air and a defensive stance position to let Oriadin come in and take over for Helenias was too much for a padawan to handle alone.

Jul 18th, 2002, 04:25:56 AM
Oriadin saw Lance make way to let him in. He was still thinking about Helenias's saber shutting down and the pain he felt in his jaw from his Masters strike. With the training room saber still lit in one hand he charged at Helenias.

OOC: How long do the sabers shut down for?