View Full Version : Spar Request (Any Padawan I've not seen in action)

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 13th, 2002, 12:47:14 PM
:: Lance walked in into the academy on this beautifull day feeling hyper-energetic and happy because of the sunshine. He cracked his neck as he walked in and went directly to a sparring area. Then he took off his white vest and started stretching and performing about 500 push-ups for his pecks and all type of excercises to start a good day. Afterwards Lance started practicing his backflips and Slice Backflips with his lightsaber, the young Strider sure had never lost his hand at it he was such an excellent fighter and fast acrobat. Lance then came back on his feet and then thought of something.::

"Hmm...I wonder if the other padawans are stronger then me....I know Anakin's strenght but now I wanna see someone else's strenght"

:: Lance then took a deep breath and started yelling::

"Any Padawan out there!!!??? In any way I request a spar...right now!!"

:: The Strider-Jedi then stretched his right leg out getting in his fighting stance and sorted out his Lightsaber Matrix igniting it watching a sky-blue beam burst out of the handle, Lance spinned it placing it in front of him ready to attack any comer that would accept his challenge::

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 13th, 2002, 01:29:29 PM
"Excuse me!" Came a young, polite voice from the entrance to the room, "Hello there! The Archives Director sent me over here to ask you to keep the noise down. It get's busy this time of day y'see!"

A young boy stood at the entrance, looking somewhat concerned. He then saw it was a fellow Padawan seeking someone to engage in what was known as live combat. Loki had engaged in a fair bit of combat training himself and seeing that no-one had answered the young man's call yet, decided to step up.

"Good morning, I'm Loki Ahmrah, a Padawan here." He looked around for a moment, then with a smile said, "I'll gladly engage in a spot of sparring with you if you'd like!"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 13th, 2002, 01:35:18 PM
:: Lance glances his lightsaber around as he looked at the newcomer::

"Well well then who starts?"

:: Lance motions Loki to approach::

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 13th, 2002, 01:51:07 PM
"Hmm..." Loki said rather audibly, his nose wrinkled and eyes narrowed as he scanned the room when suddenly a look of satisfaction he cired out, "Ah-ha! There we go, I've been looking for you, little fella!"

He had walked over to a small training saber, one he was rather fond of and used quite often. He returned to face Lance and smiled.

"I don't actually have my own lightsaber yet, I'll have to construct one soon though I think. I can't rely on this all the time--" He said, gesturing to the small saber hilt in his hand, "--speaking of which, I assume you've adjusted the strength of your blade, yes?"

By now he had adopted his ready stance, both hands tightly gripped about the hilt, feet spaced evenly and upon activating the weapon, the blue, glowing blade erupted forth, held up in a neutral defensive posture. The young boy closed his eyes for a moment, relaxed and regulated his breathing. A moment later, his eyes opened, and with a polite bow of his head declared, "After you."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 13th, 2002, 02:05:05 PM
:: Lance heard Loki's word and then checked one last time his lightsaber and saw it at it's minimal power he then turns to Loki and starts fighting with minimal skills this time::

"Well Loki...I hope your ready...and please do not be scared...I mean you no harm this is just a spar so relax and focus on your target ME, now ready? FighT!"

:: Lance grips his sword even tighter by summoning the force on his arms bringing the possibilities for Loki to take Lance's lightsaber out almost impossible, he then decides to give Loki a small chill by starting out with a small Strider technique "Devoted Silence" Lance stares at Loki and starts running towarded him he then balances his weight on the upper part of his body he then glances a hand on his back and flexes his body backwards as if he was a sheet of paper and spins but just before he reaches the floor he hits it with his right hand and propulses him-self on the floor as if he was dashing but floating, this dash was absolutely noisless and he passed right under Loki without even letting him the time of noticing it Loki was on the floor, Lance backflipped in the air and came on his feet taking back his fightring stance::

"Now you must be wondering how the heck I performed that...and the answer is simple, I'm a Strider..."

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 13th, 2002, 02:28:33 PM
A passive smile appeared on Loki's face when Lance told him he had no need to be afraid, it was a kind gesture, but truely when Loki was listening to the Force as he was now, his fear was far away where it could not touch him. Although he was weary of his opponent, he had learned that his fear does not assist him in such circumstances; so why have it?

No sooner had Loki heard the word "Fight" than he found his feet knocked out from under him, he would have fallen flat on his face had it not been for the heightened sense of awareness one experiences when communicating with the Force. Using the momentum of his fall, he curled and rolled forward across the floor, away from where his opponent stood.

He heard Lance's words but was expecting him to be advancing on his current sparring partner. So Loki turned at the hip and brought his foot up to kneel in the direction of Lance, his saber held firmly in his direction. But he hadn't advanced yet. Loki came to his feet, taking the hilt of his weapon in both hands once more. his demeanor had not changed; still calm and always wearing a neutral face.

"What is a strider exactly?" He asked, not taking his eyes from Lance, then added with a grin, " And you still haven't told me your name!"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 13th, 2002, 05:46:59 PM
:: Lance put him-self in a defensive stance before he spoke::

"A Strider my young friend is some sort of Ninja-Assassin but of course...I am not an assassin I was trained by my Jedi Knight father as a Strider for uknown reasons...because he's dead now..and I can't really explain why he didn't form me as a Jedi instead...but oh well...he did not train me as an assassin but only as a Strider skilled warrior....but oh well all I can tell you is that a Strider is fast..intellingent..strong...attuned in every aspect...curious...and most of all...once a strider has a goal..he never stops untill he completes it, also a Strider learns from his errors..that is basically why I challenged a padawan that I've never fought I wanna learn from YOU you can learn from me as well..anyway enough talk let the action continue"

:: At that moment Lance took his offensive stance and swung his sword in circles to start to heat up, he then glanced his sword from left to right and up and down always swinging in circles, as he took back his saber he swung it on Loki's and by pushing on him he took enough strenght to perform one backflip and came back on his feet just in the back of Loki sending his lightsaber in a downward direction of Loki, he then watches as his opponent simply jumps up and sends his sword clashing against Lance's quickly as the two Jedi Padawans are clashing their lightsabers Lance begins to speak::

"Ahhhh!! By the way Loki name's Lance.....Lance Stormrider...nice to meet you hehe"

:: It indeed was a pleasure for Lance to meet someone in battle.::

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 15th, 2002, 06:46:14 AM
The tale the young man had to tell, although brief was very interesting and the little boy was frustrated at not being able to ask questions in his current predicadment: "Maybe later!" He thought to himself.

"A pleasure to meet you, Lance." He said with a smile, Lance was a very experienced fighter and imprssively agile so Loki would have to resort to intelligence to assist him in this confrontation. But first he was only to happy to apply some of the manouvers he'd learned from both Master Hicchoru and his friend, Sejah.

With the clashing blades making a fierce cracking sound accompanied by a dazzling light every now and then, Loki gave himself a moment to improve his stance as instructed so many times by Sejah but at the same time, he didn't want to feel like he was controlling a weapon but rather, as his master had so many times instructed, allow the lightsaber to become an extension of one's self. This he found difficult and perfecting this would come only with time, practise and experience so Loki would be patient.

Finally, feeling happy with his posture and with the utmost focus, in one motion Loki fiercly pushed against Lance's blade, in a brief second he pushed it back a bit forcing his fellow padawan to push against his and as Lance innitiated this, Loki pulled his blade away. Lance lost balance for a brief instant, losing the support of Loki's weapon agaoinst is leaving his left side open for attack. Loki pivoted on his left foot, spun nimbly with impressive speed and with a single hand swung for Lance's hip, however his opponent was fast enough to bring his weapon down to intercept Loki's weapon.

"You're fast!" Loki observed, then added, "Let's see just how fast you are!"

Loki quickly stepped forward, keeping his and Lance's weapons locked, stepping past the padawan he pivoted once more and turned, swinging with both hands his saber about, adding momentum to the thrust he sent straight for his opponents back.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 15th, 2002, 07:16:11 AM
:: Lance had already predicted that move by Loki since his last fight he was attacked numberous times like this, Lance knew exactly what to do, he quickly threw him-self on the floorface first but putting his hands as a support not to hit against it he watches as Loki slashes the air and pushes the floor with the aid of the force coming back on his feet and makes on quick force throw summoning the force through his arm and sends all of the energy concetrated to make Loki fall back::

"Sorry kid..I had already predicted that move long ago...so tell me who's your master?"

:: Lance swung his sword in rounds to get even more heated then he already is.::

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 15th, 2002, 07:56:30 AM
Although he had seen it done before Loki had never actually been pushed back using the Force, it was the most peculiar sensation, it wasn't like a nomral pushing or shoving because when the Force acted against a physical body, it acted all over it. So the force of Lance's push was felt all over the boy and although it wasn't painful, he was powerless to withstand it and soon found himself on the floor.

"My master is Anbira Hicchoru." He announced, then taking notice of Lance's skills added, "Master Solo is training you well, my friend. How long have you been training as a padawan?"

Loki was not yet capable of such feats of ability using the Force yet, instead he had dedicated his time to meditation, study and lightsaber combat. Simply through meditating, the boy was being to learn new skills, the Force would speak to him, instruct him and under his masters guidance he grew day by day.

Not knowing what other skills his opponent may suprise him with, Loki decided to produce a suprise of his own. Climbing to his feet, the boy slipped something out of a pouch on his belt whilst his back was turned on Lance. He stood with square shoulders, his weight rested on his left foot positioned before his right, he leaned forward slightly and bringing his left arm up rested his clenched fist just beneath his chin. Lightsaber raised defensively against his chest, he neared cautiously, awaiting another Force-assisted push from his opponent.

"Tell me, how does one perform such a push?" He asked curiously.

In his left fist he held a small stone, not quite clear it had a hiny of cloudy white in it's composition. It was important that he held it tightly so as not to spoil his suprise and with trained focus he began to perceive the Agedan Crystal in his hand using the Force. He no longer felt it against his skin, but rather could sense it's presence; it's size, shape and texture.

Using a technique he had seen his master use on occasion he had learned to induce minor resonant frequencies through the small space in his hand, at first it tickled, he could feel it like a buzzing in the palm of his hand. It was slow at first but the more he focused himself, the faster the trembling became and thus the higher the resonant frequency. Agedan Crystals are naturally occuring crystals which are found on Ilum, the world from which a padawan obtains the crystals for his lightsaber. Loki hadn't been there and had however stolen one of these crystals to use as a defense in dangerous situations.

Once Lance had finished speaking the boy concluded with, "Interesting, very interesting."

With that, the boy leaned forward and lashed out with his lightsaber, swinging it round using his hips to propel his arm. Simultaneously, his left arm unfolded and as he brought his fist away from his chin he opened his hand and form which came a powerful burst of light which would no doubt be blinding to anyone who looked on it within close proximity. He had closed his eyes but Lance wouldn't have been prepared for the suprise.

Loki quickly propelled himself into the air and somersaulted just over the left shoulder of his opponent as Lance tried to block the first attack he had seen coming just before being blinded, bringing the tip of his lightsaber across it whilst in transit. The blade followed through in the circular motion with which the padawan had moved through the air, just giving Lance a quick stinging sensation. Had it been a real lightsaber, there would be a smouldering cauterised lighstaber across his left shoulder now.

By now Lance had recovered from the quick burst of light and Loki had returned the now dimming stone back into the pouch at his waist. He smiled, repositioning himself.

"As you can see, you're not the only one with suprises!"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 15th, 2002, 04:06:43 PM
:: Lance backflips in the air going away from Loki quickly He then comes back on his feets and claps his fingers together.::

"Damnit....that's a good technique thanks a lot.....it was great to see such a wonderfull performance"

:: Lance then unignited his lightsaber and lowered his head a bit he then grabbed the plate that covers his forehead and removed throwing it away because the next technique he was gonna use was gonna be a real Strider skills but minimised and it's power and speed. He then looked at the boy and started thinking about what he was gonna use"

"Fireball...no might hurt the kid....Ouroboros...no it's much too dangerous....ahhh I know....Hey Loki! I'll show you something that's hallucinate you!" Oh and by the way....I joined the order 6 months ago....but I meditate and train my force skills all the time even when I'm drinking at Yog's hehe....so...you see practice practice..and more your timing will be perfect...now watch this"

:: Lance decided to first of all use the Force Speed to reach Loki as quickly as possible he quickly summons the force and becomes one with it as he always does but this time very quickly he calls upon it all around him but most of all in his legs he smirks once again as he visualises the place where Loki is standing and then in less then a second a noisy wind traverses all the room untill it reaches Loki. The Strider then says "Better when we're 4!" He then sends his foot forward with all his speed and suddenly Loki looks around him and he sees Lance's image everywhere even his Jedi reflexes are completly mixed up when suddenly the 4 foots smack him, not too brutally but enough to send him to the ground the 4 Lances then come bacjk on their feet and then second one standing at the right watches as the 3 others come back in his body::

:: Lance smiles at Loki and asks::

"Alright kid?"

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 15th, 2002, 05:05:28 PM
The little boy hadn't seen anything quite like this in his seven months at the Jedi Order, he didn't even know such abilities exited - he had been naive - but then again, different people have a variety of different abilities. He was both impressed and sore from the attack. He had been sent back from the force of the attack, lifted from his feet he came crashing down onto his rear.

"Ow-jeez!" He said, cringing somewhat as he climbed to his feet, then asked with frustration, "How can any amount of training allow an individual to carry out such mesmerising feats?"

For a momment, the young Padawan hesitated, rubbing his chest where it hurt. He looked over to Lance who stood waiting and then pondered on his question.

"Am I alright?" He thought quietly.

He closed his eyes and for a moment, the humming of Lance's Jedi weapon became a distant, ambient sound as he began to communicate with the Force; the energy inside, the energy between his fingers and toes, between himself and Lance, the Force that surrounded them and penetrated every living organism. When one listened to the Force carefully enough, it was like sensing a little piece of everything; what an exhilerating yet humbling feeling.

Now calm and and at peace, Loki opened his eyes and inside he wore a big, satisfied grin at the answer he gave his sparring partner, "I feel fine."

And that was the truth, he could feel no fatigue or pain, they had dissipated, the Force strengthening the little boy anew. He felt like he hasn't been engaging in any physical activites. With a soothing voice, Loki began to talk, approaching Lance casually, lightsaber deactivated and hanging losely in his hand.

"You're skills are very impressive, Lance, your master must be very proud. I've not seen a Padawan possess such a diverse range of abilities. You are indeed an asset to our Order and I certainly look forward to sharing missions with you in the future."

Suddenly Loki exploded into a sprint towards Lance, not one like his opponents Force-assisted speed earlier but fast nontheless. Before he reached him, the blue-bladed weapon ignited in Loki's hands and he leapt high into the air, soaring towards his target. With lightsaber gripped tightly in both hands Loki swung down ready to bring the brilliant blade down upon Lance's right shoulder.

It was only instinctive that in defense, the padawan would raise his weapon in a horizontal position above him, this was known as the first parry in lightsaber combat. However shortly before Loki's blade clashed with Lance's, he deactivated his weapon and tilted the angle of the hilt as he descended through the air. Then activated the blade once he had moved the arc of the deactivated weapon past Lance's defense, with that the blue bladed shot out one more and came down on the target with a flash.

The training saber only caused a slight sting to Loki's sparring opponent and he would only flinch from the sensation across his right shoulder.

"But--" Announced the boy, landing at the feet of Lance, "--you will find knowledge--" As he said this he lifted his leg and fiercly swung his left foot across and made contact with temporarily distracted padawan's inner knee. This sweep took Lance's right foot right off the floor and using a technique he'd taught himself to compensate for his height disadvantage, he pushed down on Lance's thigh with the same left foot, this forced the already unsteady padawan down onto one knee. "--is a Jedi's greatest weapon!"

And with that, Loki jumped up, his right foot landed on Lance's right thigh which was level as he knealt momentarily and with his left foot already in the air took a risk and swung upwards landing a well-aimed kick to the side of his opponent's chin. Following through with the momentum of his unorthadox roundhouse, the little boy nimbly turned and fell from Lance's knee into a roll across the floor with his lightsaber deactivated.

Now that he had gained some distance between them once more he quickly stood and turned to face his sparring partner and with a smile said, "Now had this been a real lightsaber you wouldn't have any arms with which to fight!"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 15th, 2002, 06:36:23 PM
:: Lance shivered lightly as this happens, maybe it was the time to demonstrate to Loki what a Strider can do with blades::

"Impressive for a a normal human...you truly are a great element to our Order as well...I congrtulate you my friend...but I don't think my master is that proud..I am strong only because i trained 16 years intensively in Strider like training...neverthless...I would be a weakling...but oh well what counts is that now I can combine the Force with my Strider training which could truly make me a powerfull Jedi...and what you have seen about my 4 figure appearance..is nothing compared..to the power the foce can give us....neverthless...you are right I wouldn't have any arms left to fight right now if this would have been a real lightsaber battle....but who says I am fighting seriously? I am only practicing here...if you want I can show you something impressive if you succeed...in blocking this Loki...I'll give you a gift....something that one day will proove vital for you but for now...behold the speed, the elegance...and the agility of a Strider..."

:: Lance ignites his lightsaber watching the blade floating through the air with a hum he then dashes towards Loki and starts clashing his sword sending it roundly and quickly he slices left to right up to down and starts intensifying his speed as Loki block everything the two sparring partners continue fighting watching clashes of their lightsabers and bolts of fire emerging from everywhere as the two sabers clash unto each other. Lance then intensifys the speed even mor, Loki noarrows his eyes having a little more difficulty and Lance continues to slash and slash more and more after 5 minutes Loki seems to start to tire a bit and the intense action does not permit him to communicate with the force and heal back, Lance then takes a deep breath and speaks as he slices "This is nothing behold now" Lance's speed become unreal as the only thing that can be seens is a blue swing and trace of blue behind the hilt of the sword Lance does not even appear anymore so fast he is fighting, Loki seems to be amazed by this when suddenly he slashes on his right arm then quickly his left leg and then his back and his stomach, but Loki doesn't feel too much pain because the slashes are very poor but the speed is simply too great for the padawan to actually block them all. Lance comes back to a normal speed and heads 5 feets away::

"Well.....you did very well...Loki impressive of course at the end it wasn't possible for a padawan to actualy block all that...a Jedi Knight though would've with difficulty but would've succeeded in passin through this....wondering how I did it? Well...as you could've noticed the slashes weren't very powerfull...and I concentrate all my powe unto my speed...with my Strider speed and force power the speed is unreal"

:: Lance's breathing is much more intense from all the effort he had given up in those last 10 minutes::

OOC: Yo :) Do ya use any messenger? I need to keep in touch with ya guys

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 15th, 2002, 06:49:57 PM
OOC: I use AIM. I'll have a reply to this written up shortly. My AIM screen name is Gav Mortis. :)

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 16th, 2002, 05:57:20 PM
It was evident the abilities of a Strider were unlike anything Loiki had ever seen before and Lance had caught him by suprise with his alarming speed and agility. There was an intense burning in the padawan's eyes, he had focused a great deal of strength into increasing his speed and had been perpetually on the offensive. No doubt if these weapons weren't set to a weaker strength, Loki would be severely incapacitated and unable to continue.

But this wasn't the case here and all the while Loki had been defending against the aggressors blows and was actually impressed with his own ability to perform as well as he had. However there was one significant difference, the young boy was nowhere near as fatigued as Lance had made himself. His opponent had clearly drained himself a great deal through his previous exertions whereas Loki had only been defending, moving his lightsaber to intercept that of the strider's.

"You're abilities are remarkable, Lance," The boy complimented, "I don't believe the Jedi Order has ever had an individual with such unique skills at his disposal. Your father has trained you wonderfully, I'm sure he would be proud."

"Good spar!" He concluded with a nod of his head then threw his training saber over to him. The metal cylinder shot high through the air, turning until it landed in Lance's outstretched hand.

Then in that instant, his unprotected chest was caught dead centre from a rather forceful kick from an unseen attacker. Taking advantage of Lance's weariness, the little boy had nimbly ran across the room crouched rather low then in the last second leapt into the air and landed a rather strong kick to his sparring partner. Lance fell back from the impact, the instant he crashed to the floor, Loki landed right on top of him, with one foot pressed hard against the wrist of the hand which held his ignited lightsaber.

Lashing out, Loki quickly grabbed Lance's free hand, which held his own training saber and twisted it sharply at the wrist. With a quick press of a button the searing blue blade jumped out of the hilt and was angled just below his chin with a tiny space between the blade and his neck. Loki's right knee was pressed hard against his chest pinning him to the floor. It seemed that his opponent had been lured into a most compromising situation.

"Perhaps you were right earlier, maybe you weren't fighting seriously--" He began in a calm tone, his breathing heavier than normal but not nearly as exhasperated as Lance was a moment ago. "--but had I be fighting seriously now - you would surely be dead - remember, knowledge and wisdom are a Jedi's greatest tools!"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 17th, 2002, 06:53:08 AM
:: Lance blinked at the blue blade shifting out of it's hilt`::

:: He then continues to listen to Loki calmly as if nothing was gonna happen but in fact he was concentrating on the force as Loki spoke, at the moment he felt in harmony with the force he felt it flow through him as it was rising like Lava does in a volcano he then looked at the small child in front of him anf the blue blade also, he then send a force blast towards the hilt of the sword quickly and watched as the blade was thrown out of his hand he then got up with the aid of the force as well and called upon his lightsaber, he concentrated the force again and since Loki was small he tried to make him come towards him, at first Loki floated towarded not too fast but he then intensified his concentration and then young padawan was flying towars he then slashes and sent a round stab on his body makin two burns on his body::

"Ahhh...never let your guard down...something I learned from you..."

:: He then saw a man standing at the door, he tilted his head a bit to the side and saw another padawan standing at the door, he had rumors about another padawan that was taken under the instruction of Master Leia.::

'Seems like we got company Loki" He said moving his head toward the door

Chase Starwalker
Jun 17th, 2002, 09:30:23 AM
Chase watched the whole confrontation from an open door frame in the corner of the room. He leaned, and shifted his weight as he watched Leia's other padawan in action. He was arrogant. And from what Chase saw, he had no reason to be. Chase continued to watch from a far, as the two sparred.

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 18th, 2002, 05:22:10 PM
OOC: My apologies, you guys. Been swamped with exams but I will have a reply up tomorrow afternoon, I promise.

Thanks to the momentum he had from being propelled towards Lance Loki momentarily held out against the stinging sensation from his burns in order to take advantage of his precarious position and with ease landed his right foot on the hilt of his opponents lowered saber and with a push leapt up and over the padawan. With a twist mid transit he landed into a crouch facing his opponent, grabbed his ankles from behind and with a yank sent a suprised Lance crashing to the floor.

Nevertheless, Lance was quickly climbing to his feet until the nimble little boy quickly leap-frogged over him and tucked himself into a roll to gain his distance and obtain his now deactivated lightsaber once more.

"Ah, so it does!" He said with a smile, he turned and walked over to the new arrival, wincing occasionally at the pain from where Lance had landed a few well-aimed strikes. "Hello there, I'm Loki Ahmrah. I don't believe we've met." He announced with a smile, extending his hand in a friendly gesture.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 18th, 2002, 07:53:49 PM
OOC: Oh that's fine I got exams too :) Im done with them in 2 days though Bwha

:: Lance followed Loki and wave at the newcomer.::

"Greetings.....I am guessing that you are Master Leia's other padawan a pleasure to meet you euh? What's your name?"

Chase Starwalker
Jun 19th, 2002, 09:43:59 AM
Chase remained slanted against the door frame. He extended his hand to Loki.

"I am Chase Starwalker. Nice to meet you both."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 19th, 2002, 08:04:03 PM
" Hmm so you are Master Leia's other padawan aren't you?"

Chase Starwalker
Jun 19th, 2002, 11:22:01 PM
"That's right...unfortunatly Leia hasn't told me much about you..."

Chase lifted off from his leaning position and walked to the other two padawans.

"Nice to finally meet some new faces around here..."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 20th, 2002, 07:07:12 AM
:: Lance groaned lightly::

"Me either, actually Master Leia has not talked to me once about you...but still I heard rumors...at Yog's and such..."

:: Lance then ponders on something::

"You must be very new around here...but still if you want youmay join our spar..right Loki?"

Chase Starwalker
Jun 20th, 2002, 07:13:33 AM
"I'll just watch for a little while...then perhaps I'll join in."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 20th, 2002, 07:16:05 AM
" Very well"

:: Lance quickly summons the force unto his lower part of his body and jumps up in the air quickly backflipping and comes back on his feet at the left side of the battle arena he then motions Loki to place him-self on the right side::

"Then let's continue what we started Loki"

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 22nd, 2002, 06:51:46 PM
Loki listened as both Lance and Chase talked; they had the same master, Chase seemed similar to Lance in many ways and although it would've been very interesting to have a three-way spar however the little boy had no idea how he would fair in such an ordeal. So he was a little releaved when Chase declined Lance's offer but wouldn't have opposed it if Chase had accepted.

[/I]"Let's!"[/I] Loki agreed, making his way over to the right of the area provided whilst Lance shot over to his corner, in his usual, showy manner. The boy smiled, igniting his lightsaber, he approached his opponent slowly, analysing his posture.

Then when near, he adopted the posture he had been taught by Sejah; his left foot forward on which he placed his weight, his right stretching back a bit whilst his left arm was brought up and bent so that his fist rested against his chest and his right arm was stretched backwards with the weapon pointed downwards, out of Lance's view.

"Here's something new for you to deal with, Lance!" He said then with two quick approaching steps, lashed out with his left arm, as it stretched outwards, he cupped his hand around Lance's right wrist nimbly - that which was holding his lightsaber - and with a flick of his wrist pulled downwards, bringing his opponents saber down and to the boys left side.

Now completely unprotected, little did Lance notice that the young padawan had brought his right arm around simultaneously as he moved his left and whilst holding Lance's lightsaber-bearing arm down and out of the way, Loki swung his weapon from the right in the direction of Lance's ungaurded neck.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 22nd, 2002, 09:47:31 PM
:: Lance watched as the slash came towards his neck and then realised his error this tiem Lance quickly thought of the solution and decided to use the "Ouroboros" technique. A very powerfull Strider technique used commonly in a def/offensive stance. The technique was done this way in a few milli-seconds.: He concentrated on his aura and watched as he glowed the small cape of energy that flown around him made a fireball errupt from his arm going clashing against Loki's lightsaber. Usually this technique implicates 4 fireballs but since this was a critical block the concentration and power had to be minimised. He then grabbed Loki's arm and turning around Lance took strenght on his arm and leaping him up in the air he threw him back on the floor.::

"Ahhhh excellent this indeedly is very intructive." Lance said taking back his breath

OOC: Sorry for my lack of description but I am very tired.

Gav Mortis
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:00:51 AM
Please delete.

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:03:15 AM
It was an interesting move but Loki had become accustomed to Lance relying on such unorthadox, unpredictable skills that he had not seen before. So similarly, Loki would become equally unpredicatble; he was very quick and nimble, agile enough to perform leaps over his opponent and nimble enough to perform some impressive manouvers with a lightsaber. And then there's the fact that Lance will not be accustomed to dueling with a nine year old, "Perhaps I should stop looking at my height as a disadvantage!"

This Loki thought as with a quick flick from the hips he was up onto his feet and keeping his momentum continuous, spun into three remarkably fast pirouettes, each time nearing his opponent, pivotting on alternating feet, each time his glowing blade smashed into Lance's. Each time their sabers met, Lances arm was pushed over to the other side, going with the boy's momentum, his saber arm crossing his body.

The with a final spin, Loki leaned back and landed a kick straight into the now exposed elbow of Lance's lightsaber arm and this sent the strider a little off balance, and only pushed his lightsaber arm further over to the left leaving his right side unprotected. With that, the boy immediatly siezed the opportunity and gripping his hilt with both hands, dived forward for a stab to his opponents lower-right abdomen, wondering how he would deal with the attack.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 25th, 2002, 07:35:57 AM
:: Lance watched as the slash came to him, but it seemed the solution wasn't coming to his mind so he simply threw his body on the floor and watched as the slash hit the air creating a small breeze and the blue ligne of the lightsaber's swing. Lance then sent his foot to Loki's leg quickly to make him fall and rolled back on the floor as Lance was back on a normal position he quickly got up and ignited his lightsaber back this time Lance needed to do something. He waited for Loki to get up and dashes towarded him sending multiple slashes on Loki's lightsaber. Lance then summoned the force on his arms and continued to slash as he calculated a certain timing in Loki's block Lance had planned to use a force slash on him whenever he'd have the occasion. He then slashed rightwards and leftwards quickly and then as Loki was starting to get a bit tired Lance then used the force he had summoned and sent a very powerfull slash towards the young boy's lightsaber causing his sword to grip off his hands and fall on the floor. Lance then quickly sent his foot downwards to make him fall.::

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 25th, 2002, 08:12:45 AM
Loki might have been feeling physically tired but he still had his senses at one hundred percent and had a feeling that Lance had relied on the Force to empower his blows, meaning that he will be temporarily weakened. Taking advantage of a seemingly hopeless situation as the little boy fell back, he leaned further and placed his hands flat on the floor. He quickly then turned his fall into a backflip yet having his wits about him he didn't stop there.

"I'll have that!" He called out as with a flick from the hips, he kicked the base of Lance's lightsaber hard, his opponent had no doubt been taken aback by this move and thus his lightsaber left his hands and went up into the air.

As Loki had fully retreated and landed back onto his feet, he looked up and caught the falling lightsaber. He activated his opponents weapon and with a smile said, "I bet you weren't expecting that!"

Now Lance being unarmed, Loki swung his newly acquired lightsaber in a heavy-handed diagonal slash which would begin at Lance's left shoulder and end at his right hip.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 25th, 2002, 05:25:57 PM
:: Lance watched as the slash passed by all of his body letting a big burn on it. He then looked at Loki who seemed to have difficultys handling his lightsaber::

"....that lightsaber...your holding...it's only for Striders...it is normal you are having problems handling..it but you are doing a fine job young one."

::Lance then looked at his watch::

"Ahh lunch time, it was very pleasant to spar you you are farmost one of the worthiest opponents I've fought I see forward to have yet another spar against you."

::He bowd to him in sign of good-bye and waited for him to give Matrix back.::

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 25th, 2002, 05:46:14 PM
The lightsaber did feel strange to hold, it was of a design he had not seen before but he liked it's originality. He looked to Lance and smiled.

"Here ya go!" He said, his breath rather heavy now, "I like your lightsaber, Lance. A Strider design, you say?"

He deactivated the weapon and crouched, picking up his training saber. He gave the strider's weapon another look and nodded approvingly. The young padawan then handed the elegant metal cylinder back to a very worthy sparring partner.

"Next time I see you in the Bar & Grill, I'll be sure to interrogate you about the Striders and their ways, very interesting indeed. I admire you for staying true to your origins, Lance. You are indeed an asset to the Jedi Order and the next time I see Master Solo, I will be full of praise. Good spar!"

He smiled, now more laid back and held out his hand in a sign of sportsmanship, he still hadn't really got used to all this bowing business.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 26th, 2002, 01:16:01 PM
:: Lance gently took back his lightsaber and nodded in gratefullness.::

"Thank you very much for the compliments, such words that I am not worthy of young Loki. You are a much greater padawan then me Master Hicchoru must be very proud of having such a great student. Well now tim is getting short and the tummy is complaining, I will see you later"

::He walked out slowly of the academy towarded the bar&grill to have lunch::