View Full Version : Seeking Approval...

Xazor Elessar
Jun 12th, 2002, 08:37:04 PM
Xazor walked into the Council Chambers and moved to the center of the room. Bowing deeply in respect, she smiled as her eyes met those of each Council member, and respective Jedi in the room.

"Greetings my fellow Jedi. Today I bring before you the request of approval. I seek to take my Padawan, Chance, on a mission. He has progressed greatly in his training, and I think this shall be a great test for him...."

She said softly, glowing with pride for how well he was doing. She was so proud of everyone of her Padawans, but at this moment, he was the only one ready for a mission. In time, all of them would be ready...but this was at the top of her list of things to do at this moment in her life....

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 12th, 2002, 08:58:16 PM
::Leia listened to Xazor, her hands were folded on top of her lap. She nodded at the Jedi Knight's request::

As for myself Xazor, I approve of your decision to take Chance on a mission. With your guidance, I am sure he will achieve your goal.

::The Jedi Master unfolded her hands and steepled them as she rested her chin on her fingers. Leia was somewhat in deep thought::

Although..I am curious, Xazor. What mission are you planning to venture on?.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 12th, 2002, 09:08:42 PM
Xazor bowed and smiled to Leia, but then was caught off guard by her question. It would be good to tell of the mission.

"I am taking my young apprentice to the remote planet of Detrano. I have been busy reading in the Jedi Archives...and I have discovered something quite interesting. It is recorded that there lies a beautiful weapon, a long sword. Its name is "Endurance", and very well named, it is. The creator made the weapon, with good intent. Anyone who used it, was said to be untouched by an apponent or an enemy. One would not even need to move at all in a battle, as long as they were touching the sword. This was because, a Force generated energy field was created around the being...and nothing could penetrate it."

She paused for a moment, recalling other things that she had read about this weapon. It had been in many childrens books and things that she had looked at...but the hard facts stood out from the rest.

"The creator turned to his own desires when he realized the power of the weapon. He began using it for selfish purposes....defeating enemies by tiring them out, and then taking their possessions for himself. The Jedi at that time banned him from their order and took the sword into their possession, hiding it in the jungles there forever. No one has found it yet, but I have a holo-map of its possible location. I do not seek it for the desires of myself or my Padawan, but I wish to further our knowledge of such things...and do some more research for the Jedi Order and the Archives....if this pleases the Council."

She smiled once again, knowing that the mission would not be easy, but nothing in life was ever handed to one on a silver platter....

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 12th, 2002, 09:29:07 PM
::The Jedi Master remained in deep thought as Xazor explained the mission to her.::

Therefore, you seek to recover this sword and bring it back to Avalon to run some research on this particular weapon.

::Leia's eyes remained fixed on Xazor::

For one I see no harm in this, for research purposes. But I personally see a benefit to the mission, being of one to retrieve it so it does not fall into the wrong hands again.

::The Jedi Master leaned back slightly in her seat::

For those reasons, you have my blessings. Now we shall see what the other council members think.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 12th, 2002, 09:37:10 PM
Xazor bowed her head in respect and smiled once again.

"Thank you Master Leia..."

She said softly and placed her hands behind her back, waiting for the other members of the Council to speak their piece on this mission....

Jun 12th, 2002, 09:59:06 PM
:: The corners of AB's lips rose into a smile. ::

I see no harm in this mission. It'll be good for both you and your Padawan to work together in pursuing a goal. It will strengthen the bond between teacher and student.

:: She rested back in her seat, lacing her fingers together on her lap. ::

Xazor Elessar
Jun 13th, 2002, 01:16:25 PM
Xazor smiled at Amazon Babe, and bowed in respect for the great Jedi Master.

"I thank you for your words of encouragement. This mission shall be a success for both myself and my Padawan...and the Greater Jedi Order."

She said softly, unsure of whether any more Council Memebers needed to speak....or if she was dismissed.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 13th, 2002, 01:21:11 PM
I can see no harm in it. You may proceed on this mission.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 13th, 2002, 01:30:50 PM
Xazor smiled and bowed to the other Council Member who spoke.

"Thank you for your blessing, Master Hicchoru...if no one has anything else to say, I would like to go pack some things for the trip. We are leaving tomorrow morning at seven."

She said softly, looking at the other Members, wondering if she was done here. The Knight only thought it proper to seek out permission before she left on her first real mission with a Padawan....for she had only gone on short visits to places with a few other of her students...but nothing like this.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 13th, 2002, 08:57:09 PM
"May the Force be with you and your Padawan, Xazor, and my the gods protect you in all the dark places that you may walk."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 13th, 2002, 09:02:38 PM
Xazor smiled and bowed to Navaria.

"Thank you my friend....and may the Force be with all of you as well."

She said softly before bowing to the whole Council and then making her way out of the large room. The blast doors hissed open and her red robes disappeared through them as she headed for her room to pack....