View Full Version : Plaid and stripes. Traveling salesman.

Mervyn Wyrojii
Jun 12th, 2002, 02:12:41 PM
With a cocky swagger, the fashion inept Cizerack made his way down the street. His heavy breifcase, complete with accordion stand, held comfortably in his left hand, he reached up and ajusded his red and yellow striped tie, and then pushed his sombrero back off his ears.

Mervyn Wyroji was a salesman, and he loved his job.

In the two minutes he spent in the doorway to the B&G, he sold a pair of oven mitts to the bouncer, as well as a univrsal remote control. Then it was on into the bar to scope out other prospective suckers, er, customers...

Finding a good spot at the bar, Mervyn flipped the switch that entended the stand for his case, and flipped the lid open to reveal an assortment of goods that couldn't have possibly fit inside it closed. Adopting a cheesy grin, tappign his foot like mad and flailing his arms about, the Cizerack launched into his pitch,

"Ladies and Gentleman, Jedi and dumb folk, I have come to offer you the chance of a lifetime. Step right up and take a look, I'm sure to ahve whatever you're looking for!"

And it wasn't a lie, Mervyn could get his hands on nearly anything anyone could want.

Ryla Relvinian
Jun 13th, 2002, 12:16:29 AM
(OOC: Sej, I love this character...) :D

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 13th, 2002, 12:32:52 AM
OOc : OMG. I just laughed up a lung

Sejah Haversh
Jun 13th, 2002, 02:45:15 AM
OOC- Hey! I was going to see if I could keep this face up for a while without anybody knowig it was me! Oh well, guess the Cizerack's outta the bag...

Let the merchandising begin!

Cirrsseeto Quez
Jun 13th, 2002, 02:08:25 PM
Cirr walked up to the display...curious but utterly confused and perplexed. It didn't help that the creature peddling his wares was a male Cizerack, and Cirr had never even heard of a male getting into business on his own. Up had just become down to him.

Mervyn Wyrojii
Jun 14th, 2002, 01:26:04 PM
Ah! A customer! Rang in Mervyn's head, and he became even more animated as Cirrsseeto approached.

"Good morning, sir! Boy, you're a big fellow! I'll wager you have trouble finding good quality clothing that fits right, don't you? Well, let me show you, this!" The tacky cizerack said rapidly and with vigor as he jammed nearly half of his arm down into his case and pulled out a deep blue wad of cloth.

Snapping it open, his foot still tapped the floor like there was no tomorrow, and he resumed his spitfire speech, "Bothan silk, my friend. It'll never wrinkle, shrink, tear, or stain. Rather a miracle fabric if you ask me. I'd wear it every day if I could, you know. Now, let's see if this'll fit a big fella' like yourself, sir, if I canjust have your arms, please..." Shootinhbehind Cirr, Mervyn was allready pullign his arms back and sliding them into the sleeves. Ina matter of seconds the shirt was on, and Mervyn was fastening the bttons with a little lever-type device in a heartbeat.

"Button-looper, a great little gadget. Guarenteed to hook your buttons right the first time in half the time of your fingers. Aw, but look at you now! You, sir, look like a million creds in that shirt, oh yes, you sure do!. Here, let em get a mirror," Nearly instantly, Mervyn had a mirror out of his suitcase and held it up so that Cirr could see himself.