View Full Version : Searching for Someone

Raja Lindence
Jun 11th, 2002, 11:30:56 PM
A figure entered the temple, like she had done in so many other Jedi temples. She had come there for the same reason that she had gone to the others...to find someone.

She quickly found her way to the Council room and saw figures around her. Not by sight, but by the force, they were all very powerful. She had just used the technique that Geln had taught her when they were still together in training. She was wearing the matching Jedi robes that Geln had given her. She was wearing a blue cloak and black robes. She wore the lightsabers that Geln had helped her make. They had blue blades, made from the love they had. She had searched all Jedi temples......this was the last.

"Greetings master council of The Great Jedi Order. I have come here not to join...I am looking for someone." she said in a calm Jedi type tone. She put her cloak down to reveal a young woman, age nineteen.

She had sensed a presence she had not felt in years, something strange though. It was different, though, in some dark way.

She awaited someone to reply...

Xazor Elessar
Jun 12th, 2002, 06:54:54 AM
Xazor stepped forward and bowed in respect to the one who had just entered. Smiling, she looked the woman over and wondered why she would not join the Jedi Order.

"Greetings...I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider. You seek someone? What is your name?"

She questioned gently, wondering who it was this woman could be looking for...

Raja Lindence
Jun 13th, 2002, 10:29:27 PM
Just from looking at this Jedi Knight Raja thought of her as pretty.

"I am Jedi Knight Raja Lindence, I am searching for my husband. His name is Geln Lindence." she said then giving a description, "I last saw him about three to four years ago. Then he was about six foot one inches tall, one-hundred-fifty pounds. He had icy blue eyes that glowed under his hood and he carried two lightsabers that could fase together to form a double bladed lightsaber."

She saw the knight pondering her description. It seemed she knew who she was talking about but seemed like something did not add up.

"He is a Shadow Jedi, like myself only he leaned more towards the dark side. He could equally control both sides of the force, though." she added trying to make it easier for the Knight.

She waited for Xazor to respond.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 14th, 2002, 07:13:50 AM
Xazor listened to the description. Indeed, she had seen this person....but had never heard the name. Something was not right...

"Indeed, I know who you speak of....my Padawan, Davka. He is training here at the Order...if you wish to speak with him you may, but the name just doesn't add up...."

She said softly, trying to understand what lines of communication got crossed here.....

Raja Lindence
Jun 14th, 2002, 09:39:50 PM
"Does he wear a dagger that is about eight inches long?" she asked in a intense tone, "It looks like this one."

She pulled out a dagger about eight inches long, it had Geln's signature in it. She saw the knight look it over."

She had seen one like it before, Raja knew it.

"Could you contact him and bring him here please, I wish to see my husband." she said in a slow voice, not knowing if he would be the same person she knew before.

She knew that Geln had told her their story, of her clone being killed. He never knew that it was a clone that was killed. Their master, and Senior member of the council had hidden her in his quarters, while Geln went with her clone. She had heard that he had seen her clones images of being tortured to death, this drove him to kill the two Jedi and go to the Dark Side. She was afraid he would not love her anymore because she had not told him about how she had seen the images of his parents murder.

"You probably heard of what happened to myself and Geln." she said in a caringly submissive tone, "But does he still love me? I mean does he seem to still love me?"

She had tears coming down her cheek, for her heart cried out to Geln.

Awaiting Master Xazors answer she thought of why Geln was called Davka. She figured out that by her 'death' it drove him to the dark side and to a new identity.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 14th, 2002, 10:20:03 PM
Xazor listened to the woman's story and looked over the dagger. Indeed....her suspicions were correct...it was her Padawan whom this woman sought.

"Oh yes, he still loves you so very much...."

She said softly, gently taking her hand up to the young woman's face...and wiping her tears away. She looked around for a moment and motioned for her to sit.

"Please....if you'll wait for me, I will seek him out. Perhaps he is in his Living Quarters...I won't be but a moment..."

She said softly, and then hurried away toward the Living Quarters in search of the man who held this woman's heart...

Raja Lindence
Jun 14th, 2002, 10:45:00 PM
Raja put up her hood so he would not see her reaction when he came in. She knew that the presence she had felt had been him. He was darker more than anyone she knew. He had become her worst fear, a Sith. She knew it, that from looking at him she could tell what he was.

She awaited Xazor to return with her love. She still loved him, and would help him with Xazor to return him to the man he was before. She knew he would be different, looks wise, and emotionally. She did not know how he would react.

She awaited their return...

Xazor Elessar
Jun 14th, 2002, 11:10:54 PM
Suddenly the doors of the Recruitment Center opened and Xazor walked in....followed by a tall figure, the man that Raja had been searching for. She smiled and approached the woman with a gentle bow.

"Greetings once again friend....I have returned..."

The Knight said softly, moving aside so that Davka was in full view.....

Shadow Jedi Davka Volaw
Jun 14th, 2002, 11:22:35 PM
He was scared for the first time in the past three years, scared to death. He knew who this was, it was Raja, his wife.

"Raja" he wispered in a dead tone.

The girl was sitting in the robes he had given her years ago. He felt weak by the sight of her.

A tear went down his cheek, he did not believe that this was Raja. The girl put down her hood revealing a nineteen year old Raja Sjodan.

"Master what type of trick is this?" he asked through clenched teeth. This was not right, the images of her being tortured, flashed through his mind.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 14th, 2002, 11:33:10 PM
Xazor shook her head and closed her eyes.

"No trick, my Padawan....she's all real...."

The Knight said softly, hoping that he would believe her, for this time she spoke the truth. She had seen many things done with clones, and obviously the woman's story was accurate...

Raja Lindence
Jun 14th, 2002, 11:33:28 PM
She could see he was not sure of what was going on. He was petrified, like he had seen some dead person come back to life. That was probably what it was like. She had heard the imperial martch when he had entered. It scared her to see him. She got up, petrified herself, but her love pushed her to him.

She saw the tear and wiped it away. Removing her gloves she slid his hood back, revealing a stone hard face. He was handsome, the most handsome man she had ever seen, and would ever see. He looked more like his grandfather Anakin Skywalker now. He was taller though, his eyes glowing more than when he was fifteen. He was trembling, more than anyone. He pushed her back with the dark side, keeping her away.

"You are not Raja, Raja is dead!" he yelled through clenched teeth.

"Geln, I am her, if I were a clone would I have this?" she slid her sleeve up revealing a dagger tatoo like the daggers they had.

She saw Xazor slide back but still watch from a distance. She felt the cold coming from him. He was going away from the light.

"Geln come here, I love you." she said now crying herself.

OOC: Xazor, this might be a good time to stay, Geln is unstable right now, so comment if you wish, please do.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 14th, 2002, 11:38:01 PM
Xazor laid a hand on his shoulder and sent warm comfoting waves into him through the Force.

Trust the Force and let go of what you thought was once real.....how can you be blind to what stands before you? Open your eyes!

She spoke in his mind softly. He needed to embrace this....but she would have to speak with them later about love and how it can ruin a Jedi who is not far in training...

ooc: I haven't gone anywhere.....

Shadow Jedi Davka Volaw
Jun 14th, 2002, 11:49:42 PM
Even though Master Xazor was powerful in the light, he was more powerful in the dark. The warmth did not help. He did open his eyes though. He remembered when he last saw her, before she had been 'killed'. She had grown beautiful, very beautiful. He looked at her, his eyes scanned her body. She was more developed, but he focused more on her face. Her latino skin, short duck finned black hair, and her green eyes, all signs of the woman he loved.

Becoming weak in the knees he droped to them. He was weak, cold was flowing from him, he did not know what to do. He was almost dead inside from this shock, Raja, alive. It was almost too much to handle. He wanted to hold her, but her feared to do so, he was split between light and dark.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 14th, 2002, 11:52:50 PM
ooc: I must cease posting in this thread while I clear up an OOC conflict somewhere else. I apologize...

Raja Lindence
Jun 16th, 2002, 02:39:01 AM
As soon as he dropped to his knees she rushed to him. He hugged her at her hips, she pressing his head against her stomach. He was tembling. She went to her knees feeling his body becoming cold. He colapsed into her lap. She was trying with all her powers to keep him warm. His temperature had dropped to fourty-five degrees. With her help he raised for a while and then dropped below that to thiry-nine degrees. His lips were blue and he had cold like no other coming from him. She was not going to lose him again!

"Stay with me Geln, please?" she pleaded as her love was dying inside.

"What is happening to him?" she asked master Xazor.

"He is fighting inside, the light and dark sides of the force are fighting for him, inside. Huh... right now the dark is winning." she said in a tone that was concerned, but she knew there was nothing she could do.

Raja cuddled Geln in her arms, him now shaking from the cold. It was nothing she had seen before, and plainly master Xazor had not either. Raja was now becoming tired, her force energy was dwindling down to nothing, she was very tired. Only her love for Geln kept her from giving up, she could not lose him again.

His body was now sending out waves of cold and warmth as the two sides of the force raged inside him. Suddenly they became so powerful he went unconscious. He was still breathing, but although warm in the room, he was exhaling mist, he was cold inside.

She wrapped him in her robes and pressed him tightly to her body. She did not know what to do but try. She loved him more than anything in this universe, and she would give her life to keep him alive right now, but she couldn't. The fact she could do nothing but keep him warm, was tearing her up inside. He was under the most incredible stress, no one had ever gone through. She cried while he slowly stopped shaking, still trembling. She needed help, to save her love...

OOC: OK but hurry he is not going to last in this state.

Shadow Jedi Davka Volaw
Jun 16th, 2002, 09:34:40 PM
He was nearly dead inside. His heart was weak, both physically and metephorically. He was no longer conscious. All he knew of was the presence of his wife, cuddling him, and his master. He felt the warmth coming from Raja, but she was tiring... He had twenty-seven-thousand-seven-hundred-fifty midichlorian in his cells, yet he could do nothing. He felt the presence of light and dark, both fighting inside him. He was trying to call for peace in his body, but none came.

Suddenly his heart stopped........

He thought for a moment it might be for the best, but the love for Raja kept him trying. He felt the light coming from Raja's heart, her heart beating. Slowly Geln's heart became active again, beating in unisun with Raja's. He still had cold in him, and he would always, but the force left him.

Slowly he opened his eyes. Seeing Raja's face, light illuminating from it, made him come back more.

But being tired from the shock, he fell asleep. His temperature rose to one-hundred-two degrees.

All he could feel was the Raja lift him up and carry him to the room Xazor led her too. He was laid down on a queen size bed. Slowly Raja stripped off his cloak and robes. He was left in his tank top and sweats. His temperature rose two more degrees when it became serious. Raja quickly stripped down to her robes and filling a bowl with water, she quickly dabbed his forehead with a cloth.

"Geln, don't you leave me!" he heard Raja pleading him.

She left the rag on his head and lit a fire in the cobblestone fireplace. It was now dark outside, making the dark room darker. The fire illuminated the room, castng shadows as Raja moved around. Master Xazor had gone to get medical supplies, but he was beyond medical treatment. He needed to settle down, and let the force calm him.

Master Xazor quickly returned with more rags and shots to cool his temperature. But no matter what shot was introduced to him he stayed at his temperature of one-hundred-four degrees.

Knowing there was nothing to do but wait, Master Xazor took a seat across the room, siping coffee, watching Raja look after her love. He was sick, but better than before, he had calmed in the force...

Xazor Elessar
Jun 17th, 2002, 08:08:09 AM
ooc: Okay, first off I just want to know if you have read the FAQ section of the GJO. It is very important, and by the look of things, you haven't. You cannot apply here and at the Sith Empire with the same character. I have both a Jedi and a Sith character, but they are not the same.

Secondly, I'd ask if you please stop God-Moding me. You don't have to write out the actions of others, they'll write them out themselves. You're writing would greatly improve if you did so.

Thirdly, OOC means, out of character...as IC means in character. When you speak with me OOC, don't make it sound like you are still IC. This isn't real life...I can't hurry back to help you here because real life has me bound by some things at the moment. Role plays and things can wait until real life is done with you. When you come here, you should be able to have fun...not be pressured.

Forthly, if I was indeed in this thread and was able to control my actions...I would have been able to heal you. None of this is making much sense to me right now...because you're not supposed to be both light and dark. Another reason that you should read the FAQ's in case you haven't. I am a Jedi Knight IC, and can do a lot more than you have given me credit for since you came here. I am not yelling at you or anything, just trying to inform you so that you understand some things. If you wish to speak with me more, send me a PM...I have some other things I wish to discuss with you, but I don't see the need to on the board. Thank you....
