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Jared Mriad
Jun 11th, 2002, 11:14:02 PM
He needed to be away from his 'home' for a while. Just a little while, not long..

Jared was halted at the door by the bouncer whom requested his weapons. He reluctantly handing the two sabers at his belt over, and a few daggers that poked out from his flowing duster. Maneuvering past a few loitering occupants, Jared retreated to an unclaimed booth and slid in.

Need to be away..just away. Jared ordered a plain red wine just to get the chittering droid to go away. His dark cobalt eyes stared out at those who glance at the sith, the tattoo of a dragon showing out meanacingly on the left side of his face and seemed to snarl out at anyone...

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 12th, 2002, 09:49:28 PM
::A petite Jedi Master entered Yoghurts, her hand gracefully pulled back her hood as she stepped inside. The bar was somewhat busy but not out of the norm. Making her way thru the bar, the Jedi noted an unfamiliar prescence. Her insides told her he was a sith, but this mattered not for the bar was a neutral one. One thing that struck the Jedi, was the despair feelings coming from this sith. Something was troubling him. The Jedi Master decided to venture over to him and have a few friendly words::

Good Evening, the name is Leia Solo. I am a Jedi Master here. I hope you don't mind me for being so bold but, it seems like something is troubling you. Would you care for someone to talk to?

Jared Mriad
Jun 13th, 2002, 07:34:57 PM
Jared's cold eyes centered on the Jedi master, "You see.. They all fear me.." He motioned to a few occupants near him, "They fear for their lives."

"Sit.. please." He finished off..

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 13th, 2002, 09:07:36 PM
Why thank you. I will.

::The Jedi Master looked on to the sith, no emotions can be seen. Leia slid a chair out and sat down across Jared::

You say they all fear you for their lives. Who are they?

Jared Mriad
Jun 13th, 2002, 09:14:40 PM
"People.. Innocent lives." Jared leaned back abit in his chair. The serving droid came with Jared's order, "Would you like something?" He said leaning forward and then mummbled under his breath; "What does the light feel like?"

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 13th, 2002, 09:17:57 PM
::Leia motioned for the service droid to leave::

No thank you . I don't feel like drinking.

::The Jedi Master titled her head slightly at the question the sith asked::

What does the light feel like you asked? One could say very peaceful. Why do you ask?