View Full Version : Never Too Late.....(Jedidiah)

Xazor Elessar
Jun 11th, 2002, 07:01:39 AM
Xazor sat upon a large boulder in the middle of the jungle......waiting for her new Padawan, and son, Jedidiah. She smiled as she watched the fish jump out of the water in the nearby stream....and she listened to the waterfall sing a song to the rest of the jungle. Looking around, she hoped that her son was able to find this place....

Jun 15th, 2002, 06:43:59 AM
Having lost track of time while wandering around the Jedi Academy grounds, he suddenly remembered that he needed to meet his mother a while ago. Turning to head for the academy, he is attracked to another path leading off to the side, which he follows. Finding that he is following a stream, he reaches a spot where he can see a waterfall. He leans against a boulder, closing his eyes, listening to the waterfall

Jun 21st, 2002, 06:37:44 PM
Jedidiah looks up at the top of the boulder and jumps, "Mom! Im sorry Im late, i got Side tracked. Too many things to explore." He looks around, waiting for his mother to begin his training

Xazor Elessar
Jun 21st, 2002, 06:44:06 PM
ooc: I am so sorry about not seeing this earlier, it must have gotten lost in the thread pile. :( *huggles* :D


Xazor looked up and saw her son, Jedidiah...he was to begin his training this day. A warm smile crossed her lips as she looked at him for a moment.

"It is quite alright young one....it's very important to expand your knowledge and by exploring, you do just that."

She said with a bit of a laugh, motioning for him to sit down on the small boulder in front of her. Looking around for a moment, she looked back him Jedidiah.

"Now....first off, I want you to reach out to the Force. You must clear your mind and think of absolutly nothing! Then.....feel the warm power of the Force wash over you, grab onto it and fall deeper and deeper into it, like a pool."

She closed her eyes and fell right into the Force, leaving herself open so that she could feel when he too grasped the concept and had touched the Force as well.....

Jun 21st, 2002, 06:52:24 PM
OOC: *smiles* Its not a problem, dont worry about it. I havent posted for about a week anyway, been too busy.

IC: Jedidiah sits on the boulder, listening to his mother talk. When she finishes, he feels her open herself up, feeling what she is doing, he trys to copy it, feeling the Force suround him, flow through him. He trys to hold onto the feeling, to keep himself emmersed, but loses concentration and the feeling evaporates.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 21st, 2002, 06:57:56 PM
ooc: I know what you mean!


Xazor nods slightly as she feels her son fall into the Force, but then loose it.

"What is the Force to you Jedidiah?"

She questioned, remaining in the meditation as she speaks. There was no right or wrong answer to the question....it was what he felt it was in hopes that he would be able to feel it better.....

Jun 21st, 2002, 07:05:40 PM
Jedidiah looks up at his mother, thinking for a moment, "Something that helps us do things, whatever we need to do. It is something that everything, well nearly everything, i think there is an animal that doesnt, has inside of them, some more than others."

He closes his eyes for a moment to clear his head, then allows himself to fall back into the force, this time he falls into the Force completely, staying there, not loosing his concentration.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 23rd, 2002, 05:47:46 PM
Xazor nods and smiles at his answer. He was completely right...but there was even more.

"Yes, you are right. The Ysalimiri are the only creatures the do not have the Force flowing through them....they repell the Force completely. Otherwise, the Force flows through everything....you, me...the rock and the tree. It binds the galaxy together to create and sustain life. Without the Force, we would be nothing...unable to live. The Force is complex, yet simple....it is alive. You must learn to quiet your mind and you shall hear it speaking to you. All things good and bad affect one another because of this life force. Now....what else do you know about the Force? Two sides there are, yes?"

She questioned with a gentle smile as they continued bathing in the warm power.

Jun 24th, 2002, 07:51:43 AM
Jedidiah is happy at making his mother smile with hgis answer

"Yes, Light and Dark. Jedi and Sith. But there are people who think there is a Third, a Shadow side, inbetween the Light and the Dark. This is not possible, You must be on one side or the Other, Righ?"

He finds himself warm, relaxed in the Force

Xazor Elessar
Jun 24th, 2002, 09:53:17 AM
Xazor listens to his words and smiles at his answer once again. Nodding slightly, she speaks.

"Oh yes, there are those that believe in the Shadow Jedi....but it is not possible. You cannot be both Light and Dark...you are one or the other. The Sith and the Jedi are the two groups, you are correct. Do you know how the Sith get their power, though? And how do the Jedi use the Force?"

The questions may have been difficult, but the lesson needed to be taught...and he had to learn it. This was the first set of stepping stones into the life of the Jedi...and he had to be prepared..

Jun 24th, 2002, 02:20:23 PM
Jedidiah goes silent for a moment, closing his eyes to think. The 6 year old child trys to find the answer to the question, unable too, he becomes frustrated with himself and looses concentration, falling from the warmth of the Force. Frowning, he looks up at his mother.

"I dont know the answer... I cant find it. Im sorry..."

He looks down, upset with himself that he failed to keep his concentration, and that he failed to find the answer.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 24th, 2002, 06:13:31 PM
Xazor gently touches Jedidiah's mind through the Force and smiles at him.

"Do not worry about not having the answer. That is why I am here, to teach you. The Sith get their power through emotions....fear, anger, agression....these all lead to the Darkside of the Force. But the Jedi are calm....they have serenity and peace....love. All of these things are good and of the Light. You are of the Light....but when you become angry, you slip toward the Darkness. That is why you must always keep your anger under control. Frustration is alright sometimes, but don't let it get the best of you, young one. Now, focus on the Force once again and listen to it. What is it telling you?"

She questioned gently, wondering what he would hear from the almighty Force...

Jun 25th, 2002, 09:33:05 AM
Jedidiah relaxes as his mother touches his mind. Listening silently to her, he removes the frustration from his mind, calming himself. Listening to the Silence within him.

"Something is trying to tell me to let my anger flow, to allow it to take control of me, to give into it... Its frightening, I dont want to listen to it, the path is dark.. and short."

Jedidiah smiles, hearing a second voice enter his mind, "Something else is speaking as well, sorta sounds like you... Its telling me to stay on the path of Honor, of The Light. It says i should follow everything you tell me. I like this voice, its comforting, and the path it offers is bright and endless. It is almost as comforting as your voice, Mom."

Jedidiah looks up at his mother, wondering what her reaction would be to his answer.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 28th, 2002, 08:55:35 AM
Xazor smiled brightly and nodded her head. His answers were so pure and honest. It was such a beautiful thing.

"That is right, my son. You have heard the Force speak to you when the words of Honor and Light entered your mind. It's shadow, as some people call the Dark Side, were the words of anger....and allowing it to take over you. Now feel the warmth of the light again and become one with it. Then when you have complete control over the power....make yourself float. Just imagine yourself lifting off the ground and it shall be so if you use the Force to help you. You must have confidence, though..."

She instructed gently and nodded for him to begin this new exercise.

Jun 28th, 2002, 09:27:23 AM
The child smiles, glad his mother liked is answer, the only answer he had. He does as she instructs him too, allowing himself to feel the warmth of the Force, then pictures himself in his mind floating up off the ground. as he does this, he opens his eyes to find himself about a meter off the ground. Keeping his concentration, he float up to where his mother is on the rock, floating beside her.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 28th, 2002, 10:00:41 AM
Xazor grinned slightly as her son floated up to her.

"Very good, Jedidiah...now continue but go other places around this room. Pick a flower....visit the birds in the nest in the corner. Whatever you wish....but when you are finished, return to your original seat without hurting yourself."

She said with a smile, motioning for him to do as she instructed.

Jun 28th, 2002, 12:40:41 PM
He glances around, floating towards the birds nest, his legs crossed under him. Floating up to the nest, he stop there, his light blue eyes gazing into the nest, at the three eggs and the mother bird. The bird twists its head to the side, looking at him, then Jedidiah extends his hand, so the bird can hop onto it. Doing so, Jedidiah smiles, floating down back to the rock his mother is on, sitting beside her, sence he was standing in the first place.

"Like that, mom?"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 28th, 2002, 03:49:24 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded gently.

"Yes.....just like that. Now, I want you to do the same thing....but with that small group of rocks over there. Lift them using the Force, and if you can, make them go places as well...."

She nodded slightly, motioning for him to begin.

Jun 30th, 2002, 10:42:55 AM
The small child looks at his mom for a second, his doubt vanishing quickly as he thinks he was just floating around himself. Looking towards the rocks he closes his eyes, divinging into the Force, he trys to visualize the rocks in his mind, trying to lift them up through his mind.

Without realizing what he is doing, instead of actualy lifting the rocks with the Force, a picture is projected into Xazor's mind of the rocks lifting up and hovering off the ground. Jedidiah thinks he is lifting the rock, until he opens his eyes, seeing the rocks still on the ground, he looks at his mother, frowning,
"I couldnt do it... i cant lift them like i did myself."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 1st, 2002, 11:14:49 AM
Xazor was still smiling, for instead of doing as she asked...he did something even more advanced.

"Jedidiah...do that again....but with something else, like those flowers."

She did not tell him what he did, but wanted him to do it again. He had done a mind trick....and it was a really good one!

Jul 7th, 2002, 06:01:32 PM
Nodding he looks at the flower, closing his eyes he trys to lift it with his mind, falling into the force and trying to pull at it with all of his force-might. Instead of lifting it, he again projects a picture into Xazor's mind, causing her to see the flower lifting above the ground and floating into Jedidiah's hand.

When jedidiah opens his eyes, the image vanishes, and he again is disapponted, thinking he has failed what his mother wanted him to do.

"I cannot lift them."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 7th, 2002, 08:05:32 PM
Xazor was a bit puzzled by this. She lofted a brow as he repeated the actions over again. Smiling, she shook her head.

"Okay....you're doing fine, first of all. Now....look at the flower and see it in your mind. Feel it through the Force...feel it with your mind as you would with your hands. Then take hold of it with your mind as you would with your hands. Feel its weight within your mind....and then raise it with your mind...."

She nodded for him to try the exercise again. He would do very well when they began mentalist training! She couldn't help but smile at the oddities of his learning....

Jul 8th, 2002, 05:17:18 AM
Nodding again, he forms a picture of his hand under the flower, lifting upward, pulling the flower from the ground. Reaching out with the force, he feels the flower, then trys to lift it. pouring all of his concentration into trying to lift the flower, he stops after several minutes of trying, unable to lift it.

Shaking his head, he frowns then looks back up at his mother, "I cant lift it."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 8th, 2002, 08:55:00 AM
I don't understand....this has never happened before. The Knight thought to herself. She shook her head and watched him try continuously to lift the flower...but he was unable.

"How do you feel?"

It was a completely open question to be interpreted in any way that he felt was correct. Maybe that would help her figure this out....

Jul 8th, 2002, 02:07:13 PM
Jedidiah looks up at his mother "Im tired, a little scared still, and nervious about what will happen to me." He is truly honest, not hidding anything back, and he does look like he is about to fall sleep from his failed attempts at moving the flower.

"Im different from everyone else, am i not? Everyone else can move things around without touching them, but i cant..."

Xazor Elessar
Jul 28th, 2002, 11:17:09 AM
ooc: OMG! I saw someone looking at this in the "Who's Online" thing and I clicked on it! :D Yay!! Finally found it! :D


Xazor listened to his words and sighed, shaking her head.

"No.....you're unique and there is nothing wrong with that. I have never seen anything like this before....I don't understand. Would you mind taking a trip to the temple with me?"

She questioned, wishing to go there to ask the Masters about his condition. Something had to be done.....but she had heard of the absence in Telekenisis before.....she had just never seen it......

Jul 28th, 2002, 11:46:24 AM
(( OOC lol, thats how i find my way to most threads.))

Jedidiah nods slightly, looking up at Xazor, "Alright, i dont mind going to the temple, I like it there anyway."

The small child follows beside Xazor as she makes her way to the temple, the child is silent on the way.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 28th, 2002, 03:26:00 PM
ooc: :lol Me too! :D I'll start a new thread in the Temple, k? :D

Jul 29th, 2002, 05:50:53 PM

Xazor Elessar
Jul 29th, 2002, 05:56:07 PM
Okay...I'll do it now that I have your permission! :D :D :D

Jul 29th, 2002, 05:58:12 PM
You dont need my permission, your the master, and mother, Remember?

Xazor Elessar
Jul 29th, 2002, 06:02:22 PM
:lol I know, just didn't want you to get upset or something. :) It's up!

Jul 29th, 2002, 06:08:30 PM
I saw, and posted.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 29th, 2002, 06:09:01 PM
:D Thankies! :D