View Full Version : Im going for a drink.

Jun 11th, 2002, 02:47:02 AM
Maximas opened the door to the bar and grill for the first time. He was spoken quite highly of by the Jedi so he decided to pay a visit. He looked around the room as he entered and made his way to the bar. Smaller than he had imagined and a bit musky he thought. There were many different races within the bar, many of them Maximas hadnt seen before. He strolled up to the bar in a confident fashion and ordered the strongest thing they had. After being served Maximas picked up his glass and turned to face the other people in the room. He held his glass in his right hand and sipped his drink slowly.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 11th, 2002, 04:48:30 AM
:: Lance walked in into Yog's as he does oftenly and sits at the bar ordering what he always orders some House Ale, the bouncer brings him what he has ordered as he holds the glass he simply takes a quick straight sip from his drink and then turns to the Maximas::

Hey you new around here?

Jun 11th, 2002, 05:12:59 AM
Maximas heard somone ask if he was new around here. He took a glance to one side and there stood. Lance Stormrider. He looked at him for a second then spoke.

--You talking to me?--

He spoke with a stern tone. Frowning slightly. He took another sip of his drink as he awaited a reply. As he took a sip his eyes never left the person that stood before him.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 11th, 2002, 03:41:21 PM
:: He takes a sip from his drink and puts it in the counter. He then takes a breath before speaking again::


:: He then takes another sip of his drink not even looking at the man, he breaths calmly as he glances his hands around the glass::

And I just asked if you were new around here? I've been coming here for the past 2 months but never have I seen your face around. So I was just wondering...

:: He then cracks his neck as he puts his hands back on the counter.::

Eve Siren
Jun 11th, 2002, 06:46:50 PM
"Didn't seem very wise." The woman adressed to Lance.

Sitting on the counter itself, in a corner, Eve Siren's feet was rested on a bar stool, her head tilted to the side, watching the two men converse through her orange colored lens. She blinked once, then her aze fell back on her half-empty bottle of beer. She turned around, and asked for another one. The barman, confused, took her bottle, emptied it then threw it away, giving her a new one. She mumbled a thanks, then opened it, making a rather loud pshh sound. She ran her hand through her hair before taking a long sip of the fresh alcohol.

She looked back at the two men, then held her bottle up.

"Cheers." She mumured.

Then took another sip.

Jun 12th, 2002, 02:40:56 AM
Maximas turned his whole body to face Lance.

--Yeah, im new here. Ive been here for about a week. My name is Maximas.--

He extended his hand in order to allow Lance to shake it. As he did a woman spoke up. Maximas took a look at her. She was very attractive. Very nice Maximas thought to himself as he looked her up and down.

--Excuse me, What do you mean, didnt seem very wise?--

Maximas had a slightly puzzled look on his face.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 12th, 2002, 04:48:26 AM
:: Lance hears the voice of a woman near by he then tilts his head towarded this woman he had never seen before, he guessed it was a Sith from the way she talked, the way she acted and also her presence through the force he could feel a clouded presence,he also noted she was beautifull just like the other Sith he had met a few days before. He then thought to him-self::

Damn...siths are hot...maybe I should've joined the darkside...NO WHAT THE HECK AM I SAYING!?? The lightside is most beautifull thing that has happend to me...darkness is nothing but a prison...it brings nothing but hatred..sorrow..suffering...

:: Lance did as he had acted with the Sith Lord "Vega Vanderveld" and stood silent and calm not really paying any attention to her. But then again he had heard a sentence that had somehow brought his attention. "Didn't seem very wise" Maximas had already asked the Sith Knight what she meant by it, so the young padawan simply took another sip of his drink waiting for her reply.::


Eve Siren
Jun 12th, 2002, 09:46:53 AM
"I was adressing that towards the man over there." Eve said, her bottle aimed at Lance.

It was a simple explanation. Then again, Eve never liked explaining herself about anything to anyone. You don't understand ? It's your problem. She put her bottle down, it was almost half-empty.

"Name's Eve."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 12th, 2002, 02:45:43 PM
:: Lance listened to her reply while taking another sip of his drink, he then turned him-self around to be face to face with Eve. He glanced his hand towards his hair touching it to see if it's not too bad, Lance simply dislikes it when he's not looking perfect.::

Ahh...talking to me...hehe...Name's Lance...Lance Stormrider...

:: Lance then wondered why a Sith was aressing her-self to him. ::

Well...could you explain to ME...what you meant a moment ago..I didn't catch it too well..

:: Lance didn't want to shake hands with her..either doing his romeo..he just stood indifferent...because he knew that vile people..like her-self are not people with whom he can be nice to.::

Eve Siren
Jun 12th, 2002, 05:15:23 PM
"Why should I try to explain it to you ? No matter what I explain, or show you, you'd never understand, Jedi."

Eve meant the difference of the dark siders and light siders, of course. Nice or not, she was still a Sith and still had rules to obey, things to do or not to do. She shrugged slightly then took another sip of her bottle of liquor, already finishing half. She turned towards the bartender and pointed at her bottle.

"You know the routine." She said, as the barman growled, going to pull out a new bottle for her.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 12th, 2002, 05:35:06 PM
:: Lance didn't really care of the Sith didn't answer him, he has asked her the question only because he was bored. When Lance isn't trainning or repairing his Hovercraft Cycle he was always bored and moody from all his Strider meditation. The Strider-Jedi took another sip of his drink as he watched Eve taking another bottle::

"Damn...among all the woman I have known I've never seen one that drinks this fast and much..."

:: Lance looked over at her glancing his hands around his glass.::

Jun 13th, 2002, 02:27:42 AM
Maximas was kidda annoyed that Lance had just seemed to forget he was there and that Eve had completly brushed him off completly. With that he downed his drink and asked the barman for another. As the barman poured the padawans head went fuzzy. He seemed a little dazed, the drink had suddely hit him.

**This is good stuff!!**

Maximas picked up his drink and walked to stand next to Lance and Eve. He looked at Eve.

**Im sorry, am I not good enough to talk to or something**

From the tone of Maximas's voice everyone in the nearby area could see he was less than impressed.

Eve Siren
Jun 13th, 2002, 03:11:07 PM
"Not at all. He's just more good-lookin'." Eve replied, simply.

His tone of voice didn't scare her, she just cocked her head lightly to the right as the barman handed her a new bottle of liquor, after emptying the last one, almost mad. She looked at the man who just bursted in and chuckled to herself, shaking her head.

Jun 13th, 2002, 05:08:10 PM
Maxmas took a look at Lance for a second then turned back to face Eve.

**Better looking? That would be difficult for me to judge.**

Maximas looked her up and down once again. She was very attractive indeed. His face turned from less than impressed to a more friendly and smiling face. The drink had hit him quite well now and he was swaying slightly where he stood.

**Im sorry honey, what did you say your name was again?**

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 13th, 2002, 05:28:24 PM
:: Lance listened to the two talk as he took the last sip of his drink, he then fwapped his thumb against his fingers motionning the barman to come near him.::

"Dude a beer please"

:: The Barman turned to Lance surprised of his demand::

"Feeling like going insane tonight mister?" The barman asked.

"Oh no...I just don't drink these kind of stuff nowadays"

:: The Barman went to the refrigerator taking out a nice and cold beer just like Lance loves them, he then opens it with the skin of his arm::

"Impressive, what a technique"

:: Lance grabbed the beer but did not take a sip of it looking at the angry Sith, he though to him-self::

"Moody Siths heh"

:: He then listened to Maximas who didn't really look so well, he seemed to be somehow weak with the drinks, he then placed a hand on Maximas's shoulder, and whispered something in his ears::

"Dude go back to living quarters before you start a mess"

:: Lance went back to his seat and took one big sip of his beer letting half of the bottle empty::

Jun 14th, 2002, 02:32:11 AM
Maximas thought about what Lance had said and then dismissed it. He was in no mood to go to the living quarters just yet. He was greatfull for his concern but he felt he knew how to look after himself.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 14th, 2002, 11:39:52 AM
:: Lance shook his head and thought to him-self::

"Must one of those knew masterless padawans..ahh.."

Eve Siren
Jun 14th, 2002, 12:13:14 PM
"My name ? Umm ..."

Eve was already irritated when he called her 'honey'. Drunk, he must be to try to sweet-talk a Sith. She leaned in closer to him and whispered in his ear.

"I'm the Devil." She said, softly.

Jun 14th, 2002, 12:56:42 PM
As Eve leaned in closer to Maximas he went into a bit of a cold sweat. She had a sweet smell he thought to himself. A luring smell.

**The Devil you say?**

Maximas raised his eyebrows slightly.

Maximas thought he was in with a chance here. He had no idea what he was drinking but it was very good stuff. Maximas could usually take his drink quite well but this had gone straight to his head.

**Well darlin, what about I get you a drink, to help put out some flames?**

This was possibly the worst chat up line Maximas had heard, let alone use. He didnt care for the moment though. All thoughts were revolving around the woman before him.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 14th, 2002, 01:46:44 PM
:: Lance slapped his forehead and took another sip of his beer letting it empty and puts it back on the counter he then looks down and sighs remembering a valuable lesson "Never flirt with a sith" Last time Lance did that he ended up having a Sith Lord speaking right behind him enough to spook any moronic Padawan in the area. He then thinks to him-self::

"My...that was a terrible line...and what an idiot he is making out of him-self"

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 14th, 2002, 01:51:40 PM
A hand clamped onto the back of Maximas neck from behind, and in his ear a hoarse voice hissed:

"Smooth moves, casanova."

Within a second the Padawan was being yanked back away from Eve and pushed across the bar a short distance, towards Lance. Following the Jedi with his gaze, Vega smiled darkly as he watched the drunken lightsider - Jedi never could handle their drink.

Turning then to the Sith Knight at the bar, he offered a bow and fanged grin.

"Evenin' sis."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 14th, 2002, 01:53:48 PM
:: Lance watches as the padawan is pushed towards him and simply advances his foot forward letting the padawan have it under his feets and watches as he stubmles over::

:: Then again Lance was thinking much to him-self::

"I knew it....ahh...I hate this moron..."

Eve Siren
Jun 14th, 2002, 02:01:29 PM
"Always such a pleasure to see you, Vega." Eve replied.

She watched her 'Romeo' being yanked away, the corner of her lips curving up in a light grin. She chuckled slightly, waving sarcasticly at the man.

"Tough luck, pretty boy."

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 14th, 2002, 02:06:10 PM
"I didn't know you cared," the Sith replied, words laced with sarcasm as he fished tapped on the bar top.

The tender gave him a bottle, for which he paid a few credits, then cracked open and took a sip.

"Sorry to interupt your little playtime here," he said absently, looking back towards Lance.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 14th, 2002, 03:47:08 PM
:: Lance simply replyed without looking towards Vega::


Jun 15th, 2002, 11:26:27 AM
Maximas fell to the floor with a rather large thud. He was lying on the floor of the bar wondering what the hell had happen. He leaned up and shook his head. He looked back up to find Eve and another being laughing at his expepense. Maximas gritted his teeth as he stood up. He walked aggresivly over to the two of them. He stopped behind Vega and tapped him on the shoulder.

**Excuse me!**

Maximas had a disgusted look on his face and seemed to snarl slightly.

**I think you have a serious problem, mate**

Maximas was extreamly serious and had no idea how out of depth he was.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 15th, 2002, 11:29:02 AM
"Oh really?"

Vega turned slowly to look towards Maximas and grinned darkly.

"I've got a problem? Oh no, no ... You are the one with the problem here, Jedi. If it weren't for this little Elysium around you,"

He said gesturing at what he was refering to; the bar and its security.

"...I would have already torn you limb from limb."

Eve Siren
Jun 15th, 2002, 05:40:11 PM
"Trust me; He's not joking." Eve simply added, opening her third bottle of beer.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 15th, 2002, 06:41:44 PM
:: Lance stayed there without saying a single word and simply watches them talking::

" Maximas..if I was you...I would've shut my mouth....."

:: He then lowers his voice::


Loki Ahmrah
Jun 15th, 2002, 08:01:12 PM
"Excuse me , sir!" Came a rather firm yet young voice from behind the man who had mildly assaulted Maximas, "The patrons of this establishment did not come here to be pushed around by you and it would be appreciated if you calmed down. It would be in your interest to do so."

Behind Vega stood a small nine year old boy, he had a firm yet passive look to his face and once his eyes met his, the boy added, "Violence of any kind is not tolerated here."

Loki, dressed in his regular padawan attire, turned to look at Maximas with a stern gaze, "As for yourself, I suggest a good night's sleep is in order. The Jedi do not accept fools lightly and at the moment, you are acting the fool. Finish your drink and return to your quarters. I am not telling you as I don't have the authority to do so, but rather, as a fellow padawan, I fear no good will come of your actions under the influence of alcohol tonight."

After saying this, Loki hopped up onto a stool and with a smile, pleasantly greeted another Padawan in attendance, "Good evening, Lance. How are you?"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 15th, 2002, 09:01:27 PM
:: Lance turned a gaze towarded the nine year old boy standing behind Vega he then notices it's Loki Ahmrah one of his fellow padawans, He stood up and offered a bow to him::

"Ahh the wise and young Loki Ahmrah, well I am doing good here trying to keep out of trouble very different from our friend here Maximas...hehe.."

:: Lance sat back in his seat and motioned the bouncer to come to him::

"Loki maybe some milk for you?"

:: Lance said it on a tone rather unserious::

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 15th, 2002, 09:52:45 PM
Loki held back a chuckle and with a cheeky smile said, "Nah!" He then turned to the bartender with whom he had become good friends and said: "Just the ususal please, Avolon. Pitcher of Arcan-ale."

With a side glance to Lance, he gave him a wink then suddenly his tall tumbler of cold water arrived. He chuckled and paying the bartender, turned to his fellow padawan and asked: "This is unusual change of scenery for you; what has dragged you all the way from the training grounds up to the Bar and Grill?"

Then remembering the female company of the rather boisterous gentleman, turned then after a quick glance turned back to Lance and said with sigh and a roll of his eyes, "Oh why did I bother asking?"

He laughed then added, "No discipline, you older padawans. I swear, when I'm your age I wont allow myself to be so easily distracted!"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 15th, 2002, 10:05:26 PM
:: Lance chuckles lightly and orders a glass icy water to cool off, it seems Loki's remarks were affecting him unusual from what he usually acted like, he then passed his hand through his hair once more.::

"Well young Loki you know sometimes I need to cool off..training meditating...and repairing Dash are necessary but...sometimes you gotta chill in life..or you gonna get all old and grumpy..yep yep"

:: With that said Lance drank all of his Ale in one shot::

" Ahhhh well now...."

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 16th, 2002, 03:38:44 AM
Vega chuckled softly as he was given the lecture by the pre-teen Jedi. Turning back to Eve, he couldn't help but crack into a huge grin.

"Oh man.."

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 16th, 2002, 05:49:03 AM
He was about to continue talking with Lance we had caught onto Vega's attitude and that he had not taken him seriously. He turned around on his stool to face him.

"Look, I may be only young but I am a Jedi Padawan nontheless. What I say to you is not a warning, it is a promise; the place is swarming with Special Forces agents and Jedi alike - try your luck if you wish - but the outcome is inevitable."

Loki had learned to be intolerant of arrogance, especially from the likes of Dark-siders which he was able to sense now and he frowned.

"One more wise-crack and you'll be removed, it's as simple as that."

OOC: Eve, I really like your sig. But there is something about it I thought I should bring to your attention. I know your quote usually is: "Kiss my genetically engineered ass!" But in your sig it says: "Kick my genetically engineered ass!" Is that a typo or is it a new quote? Was just wondering. :)

Darius Van-Derveld
Jun 16th, 2002, 06:03:21 AM
From a chair Darius had been watching the situation develop unable to guess why his father had not addressed himself to him, but now he would involve himself in this little family affair.

Standing and moving over to where Eve sat he whispered into her ear;

"Evening Aunty Eve, you having fun?"

Without waiting for an answer he came and stood beside the hulking lupine,

"Dad, how have you been," he broke off when he saw the teenage padawan standing infront of him, totally eclipsed by the big sith, he looked determined but also quite alone.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 16th, 2002, 08:06:36 AM
"My my young Loki your courage knows no bounds...."

:: He then stood up and groaned lightly letting his glass on the bar::

"Well I think I'm gonna take my leave now...what about you my young friend?"

Eve Siren
Jun 16th, 2002, 08:49:59 AM
OOC-Lmao. I guess making sigs at night isn't the best thing to do. Thanks, Loki.

"My dearest nephew ..." Eve mumbled, "What brings you here ?"

She looked at the Jedis and the one who had just threatened them to be banned from here. She tilted her head to the side, and sighed.

"Such a big loss ..." She whispered, sarcasticly.

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 16th, 2002, 09:19:58 AM
OOC: Had a feeling it was typo. No problem. :)

"I will be retiring shortly, Lance." He answered with a smile, he took of his sip water and added, "But not just yet. If we can all get along in a civil manner I'd be rather interested to have the opportunity to chat with these folk."

He turned to the trio of Dark-Siders and with a smile addressed Vega, "Hello there. We got off on the wrong foot but if it's not too late then perhaps we could salvage the atmosphere with a friendly chat--" With that he held out his hand towards the tall man sand introduced himself, "The name's Loki. How do you do?"

OOC: Btw, I've been meaning to ask, what exactly is a Lupine Sith?

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 16th, 2002, 09:42:07 AM
"Son," was all he said to address Darius, before looking down to the young Padawan who'd approached him.

"Loki," he said, extending his hand to firmly shake that of the Jedi.

"A lot of guts you have there Loki ... either that or you're stupid and have no idea who I am," he said with grin.

[OOC: Lupine is another term for Werewolf. Similar to the Garou but with some differences in lineage, genetic and development.]

Jun 16th, 2002, 10:06:57 AM
Maximas was now outraged. Not only had he been put down by the sith but even by his own fellow Jedi! This was turning out to be a very bad day. Maximas gritted his teeth and turned away from the others. Without saying a word. He asked the barman for two galsses of water. With the first he poured some over his hands and proceeded to wet his face. Clearing his mind slightly. He remembered over hearing a Jedi say that they shouldnever use thier emotion or anger and so decided to take a seat by himself just out of the way of everyone. There he sipped his second glass of water slowly as he stared right at Vega Van Derveld.

OOC: Id always wonderd what a lupin is too, thanks!

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 16th, 2002, 10:26:18 AM
:: Lance grabbed another glass of Ale and drank it in one sip, he then slammed it against the bar as it broke the pieces::

"Ahhhhh! Well young Loki hope to see you soon in the Academy"

:: He starts to walk out slowly and gives a slight bow to Eve::

" A Pleasure to have chatted with you"

:: He continuesto walk out of the bar leaving some credits on the bar ::

" For the janitor"Lance said as he walked out

OOC: Duh -_-

Darius Van-Derveld
Jun 16th, 2002, 02:40:21 PM
Unphased by his fathers customary turse greeting and seeing that no Jedi were going to be disembowled...just this second he, headed back to the bar to get a drink and chat with his somewhat estranged aunt.
He had not taken a step back towards the bar when he spotted an unusual sight, a padawan (very green looking) stareing directly at his fathers back with a look of impotent murder in his eyes.

Feeling a pull on his somewhat withered compassion he made a beeline for the young one who had just turned on his stool.

Seeing no other option he took the lad by the shoulders pressed him back to his stool and spun him back faceing the bar; ignoting the spluttered incoherent imprecations, Darius mearly ordered two whiskeys, took one for himself and pressed the other directly into the oddly wet hands of the padawan.

"Listen to me young one, this may be the most important thing you ever hear, do not even look in the general direction of a sith lord, especially that lord, even when he seems in a good mood, he could flick out your throat with a flick of a fingernail and happily take the rest of you back home to feed his pet wolves."

Pausing to sip his drink he resumed his lecture;

"Everything about sith is designed to kill you in one way or another, for example...I assume you are a padawan...just doing some basic training, its probably all meditation, but in the Empire you do training a little differently, for example, i got all my ribs, both wrists and my skill broken during a spar with my master...that is just something to think about if you are even considering starting a conversation with that guy over there."

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 16th, 2002, 06:18:43 PM
Although rather shocked at Lance's smashing of the glass, Loki holds a straight face and as his friend leaves says with a smile, "Goodnight, Lance. Perhaps we might have the pleasure of another spar tomorrow morning!"

He turns to the tall, foreboding looking man and grins at what he has to say, then replies, "Well, perhaps we can clarify this if you tell me who you are? I don't recall seeing you around here before, although as for your ladyfriend, I've seen her here once or twice before."

When referring to the young lady he made she she heard him to make it clear that she was very welcome to join them in conversationm, he smiled in her direction and said rather cheerfully but at the same time politely, "Good evening, miss. How are you?"

He didn't want to give a bad first impression after all.

Jun 17th, 2002, 02:57:22 AM
Darius Van-Derveld seemed to be lecturing Maximas. Maximas didnt like it at all. He took a 'I dont care glance' at the man before him, sighed slightly and plainly ignored what he had said. He turned back to face Vega with the same piercing look as before. Still sipping his water.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 17th, 2002, 09:40:15 AM
The Padawan must have been a new one not to know who he was, he reasoned with himself.

"My name is Vega Van-Derveld," he said with a smirk, "and that is not my 'ladyfriend', that is my sister."

Eve Siren
Jun 17th, 2002, 09:55:10 AM
"We've met." Eve mumbled.

She sighed as she let her bottle down, then rested her palms on each side of her, resting her body weight on them. Things were getting boring ... She sighed once more.

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 17th, 2002, 12:53:52 PM
"Oh, I didn't mean to imply anything by the word 'ladyfriend,' I just didn't know her name to make a proper reference." He thought back to the man's name, "I seem to remember the name Van Derveld somehow. Can't think from where--"

He pondered on this for a moment, then frowned when the woman said that they had met before. They certainly hadn't met nefore but judging by her demeanor, the little boy couldn't care for her acquaintance anyway. He looked back to Vega once more when it came to him at last, "--Ah yes. Thanatos Van Derveld; he's a Jedi here. Are you related?"

"Oh wait..." He added solomnly, "...he's dead. Isn't he?"

Eve Siren
Jun 17th, 2002, 02:11:26 PM
Though this was news for Eve, she didn't look that surprised. She clenched her fist, behind Vega's back for a second then exhaled. She looked at Darius after and growled. Thanatos was the sweet one ... She shook her head silently.


Darius Van-Derveld
Jun 17th, 2002, 02:39:45 PM
Turning away from the padawan who was bent on his own destruction he turned to face his aunt just as the name Thanatos pricked up his ears.
Eves mask remained in place, but certain signes displayed her profound displeasure, with out a break in stride he continued in his turn and ended up back facing the bar, hopeing that 'aunty Eve' was in a good enough mood not to just maim him there and then, seeking refuge, he ordered another drink and hid behind it.

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 18th, 2002, 07:32:48 AM
There seemed to me to be the possibility of a situation in the Bar tonight, I sensed as I walked in. The future was always in motin, but I felt there was somethign undercurrent of hostility. I motioined for one of the guards to come over and I asked if something was goign on.

"Yes, Commander. There's a Sith Lord in here and a few Padawans getting a bit irritated"

"Really. Are there any Jedi Masters about?"

"No Commander, there are not"

"Allright. Make sure the Padawans dont do anything stupid then. I'll keep an eye on the Sith.... point them out to me please"

The soldier did so, I took note of them.... and I recognised one fro a description that Xazor had given me. Vega Van-Derveld. I knew Xazor and this Sith were enemies. I searched my memory of known Sith, matching the female with the name of Eve Siren. Or at least I thought that was the name, both her face and her name were not known other than intelligence reports of bar patrons to me.

I strolled over to the bar, leaning on it as I indicated for a light soup to be bought out for myself. As I waited for my order, I turned and began to assess the Sith group.I doubted the two others would be no more than floor mops for myself if they started anything - Vega on the other hand.... might prove interesting. For now I contented myself with observation. I certainly was not going to be the instigator

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 18th, 2002, 09:50:57 AM
"That's correct, he's dead," he said, with a hint of satisfaction in his voice,

"And all thanks to the red head at the bar," Vega added, obviously in reference to his eldest son - Darius.

A slight grin came over his lips at this point, as he felt a surge in the Force. A more powerful figure was drawing in closer, and on closer inspection of the bar he found that someone who he assumed was of the rank of Knight had entered. He couldn't recall her first name, though her surname he did know.

Looking away from the young Padawan who he stood over, the Sith grinned at Helenias and sent a mentally transmitted message to her, inviting her to join the 'little gathering'.

Eve Siren
Jun 18th, 2002, 01:02:25 PM
Eve glanced at the woman. Having Feline DNA in her system, she quickly detected an unusual presence. That woman. She'd never seen before, and besides, she didn't care much. All that mattered to her was the Sith Empire; Anything related to that. Everything else was either just a blur or a waste of time, just like the Jedis.

She grabbed her bottle of liquor back and drank it to the middle then ordered the barman to throw it away. Getting bored, she sighed, starting to tap her feet on the barstool she was resting her feet on, from the counter.

Jun 19th, 2002, 02:32:38 AM
Maximas had been sat staring at Vega now for some time. He occasionally glanced at Eve though. There was just something about her that Maximas couldnt resist. She looked bored to him.

**Come on, whats the worst that could happen? Vega doesnt scare me, afterall the place is buzzing with Jedi. He wouldnt start a fight in here.**

He said to himself. After a bit of contemplating, and after sobering up a touch he stood up and made his way to the radient Sith. He tried not to attract Vega's attention too much although he wasnt that bothered if he did.

**Excuse me, Devil wasnt it? Fancy sitting with me for a while? You look bored. I'll get you a drink if you like?**

Eve Siren
Jun 19th, 2002, 06:42:37 AM
"Don't you think I've drank enough ? You've seen me drink at least 4 beers 'till now." She replied, her attention falling back on the other Jedi.

Jun 19th, 2002, 06:48:36 AM
**Thats for you to decide I guess. I still asked if you wanted to sit with me a while though.**

Maximas seemed kind of, 'on edge'. He wasnt getting any strong vibes from Eve and was begining to think he was fighting a losing battle. Perhaps it was time to give up, he thought to himself.

Eve Siren
Jun 19th, 2002, 04:55:01 PM
"It is." Eve replied to his thoughts.

Being under Rama's wing for such a long time, she had learned to read people's thoughts ... When they let their defense down, at least.

Jun 19th, 2002, 05:05:41 PM
People speaking directly into peoples minds was something hed come into contact with a couple of times now. He didnt like it if he was totaly honest. He felt it was kinda creepy. He didnt like the thought of people probeing his mind either.

Maximas had a pretty upset look on his face as Eve told him it was time to give up.

--In that case then, I bid you goodnight.--

Maximas turned and began to make his way to the door. He stopped after a couple of feet and turned to face Vega. Very tempting, Maximas thought to himself. Using the force Maximas knocked over Vegas drink which ended up over the sith Lord. Maximas laughed to himself as he continued his way to the door.

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 19th, 2002, 05:18:55 PM
Unconciously Loki had noticed the presence of Helenias, she was a pillar of strength amongst the Knights and really stood out as such. Although he barely knew her, he had seen her handling situations and even though he was training to become a Jedi, he certainly felt safer amongst Dark-Siders when she was around. He sighed a little, feeling more relaxed.

Despite this, there was a tension in the air between the Dark-Sider female and Maximas, between Maximas and Vega, between Darius and Maximas, then back to Darius and the Dark-Sider female. Loki could tell he was develloping his attunement to the Force because he was beginning to feel the high-strung emotional conflicts within the small space. He saw it as both a gift and a curse to sense such things.

"Surely you can't be happy due to the untimely passing of Thanatos?" The padawan questioned Vega.

"Surely you wouldn't--" Loki suddenly jumped back, down from his seat in mid-speech as a tall pint glass of ale tipped over and poured into Vega's lap, ""--woah! How did that happen?"

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:02:57 AM
Oh lovely.

While it may have looked like an accident, I sensed the use of The Force and I could sense where it came from. I had to shake my head in dissappointment. There were many other ways to backhand a Sith without something as crude as what Maximas had done. It was unbecoming for a Jedi to act in such a manner.

I made a mnetal note that Maximas would be spoken to. Quietly and gently, but his mistake would be pointed out. After all, a mistake did not become an error until you refused to correct it. Mistakes were excusable. Errors were not.

I had the feeling this Vega wanted me to join the small group. Right now, I decided I would not, but I would make it clear I was taking an interest in what the Sith were doing. For now.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 20th, 2002, 10:49:25 AM
As Maximas walked towards the door, he suddenly found himself face down on the floor, having tripped over something invisible. Then, with a grin, he glanced back to Loki, moping at the split liquid with his jacket.

"Of course I'm happy, I asked for it to happen. He was a Jedi like any of you, he deserved what he got."

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 21st, 2002, 05:48:51 PM
Upon seeing Maximas falling flat on his face, the young padawan's eyes narrowed with thought. Beginning to realise what was going on between Maximas and Vega, the boy took his seat once more.

"You were the one who ordered his death?" Loki asked with shock and disgust, he frowned suddenly overcome by sadness and shook his head. "So judging by what you've said, you would say I also deserve to die?"