View Full Version : Fox Force Five

Jun 11th, 2002, 02:41:11 AM
(ooc I know that the title of this is from Pulp Fiction, but these NPCs from an old West End Games Star Wars campaign started to be called that by my group after that movie and it fits them. Sorry if I am long winded, hope you enjoy. :D

For now, I am just going to be introducing my characters, so have fun reading :))

The sun was beating down in the mid day heat on Ryloth 5. The rocky desert shone with the heat mirage of water among the open stretches of sand. On a barren hill, two figures crawled their way up the backside to the crest, staying near the rocky outcroppings to keep from silhouetting themselves.

Sorana Tash lifted a pair of macrobinoculars to her eyes as she looked out into the small valley bellow her. In her late twenties, Sorana had an attractive face that would probably be even more so if she didn’t have such a stern look upon it. Her shoulder length brunette hair was back in a ponytail to keep it out of her way and she was wearing a black sleeveless t-shirt, black pants and boots. A BlasTech DL-44 heavy blaster pistol hung at her right leg.

Down in the dried riverbed, was a collection of makeshift buildings and stacks of containers. Gathered around these were at least two dozen members of the Firehawks, a swoop gang that had been terrorizing several of the local moisture farmers recently. They had just returned from a raid, their swoops parked around the camp, as they were busy stacking loot into the piles and a couple of the gang members shoved some young women they had captured into one of the buildings and then barred the door and went on to other duties. Sorana’s grip on the marcorbinoculars tightened, but she continued to scan the camp.

Lowering the macrobinoculars, Sorana looked over to her right, her hazel eyes squinting slightly in the bright light. Beside her, Baret Glard was just finishing surveying the camp herself. Standing six foot and somewhat muscled, Baret was dressed in camouflage pants, black boots and a green t-shirt. She had a light repeating blaster slung on her back, and a vest and helmet on, her short blond hair just showing from underneath. A blaster pistol hung at her side as well. Baret looked over at Sorana, a slight smile on her face. “At least two dozen.” She said quietly, not seeming very worried.

Sorana nodded solemnly, her facial expression never changing. “That doesn’t mean we can be complacent.” She responded in a even voice. Sliding back down the hill some, Sorana pulled out her comlink and activated it as Baret slid down beside her, unslinging her repeating blaster. “All right everyone, this is a go. Everyone ready?” Sorana asked into the comlink.

There was a brief pause before the first response came. A sultry voice replied over the comlink. “No problem, Terra and I are in place and ready to go.” As always Tabatha Srevs sounded as if she was not taking things seriously. Sorana knew that she did, but wished she would just show it a little more.

Then the fifth member of the team reported in, her voice the cold professional one she mainly used. Kara Maldor was used to operating alone before she had joined up with Sorana and the others, and she often handled her parts of their operations solo as well. “I am ready.” Was all she said. Sorana had no doubts that once the shooting started Kara would be doing her part with ruthless efficiency.

Nodding to Baret, Sorana drew her heavy blaster pistol as the two started down to the base of the hill and started to move around the side. “Stand by for our signal.” Sorana said into the comlink as her and Baret moved towards the draw that would lead them right to the center of the camp.

Jun 11th, 2002, 04:11:05 PM
Stopping behind the last outcropping of rocks before they came to the open ground between them and the camp, Sorana and Baret listened for a moment. They were close enough that they could hear the gang members near them talking, but couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. Won’t really mater soon anyway. Sorana thought as she nodded to the tall blond.

Baret moved up behind the rook outcropping, pressing right up against it with her light repeating blaster ready. Movement, lifting her heavy blaster up as she ran across towards an outcropping across the open riverbed. Her blaster bucked slightly in her hand as she fired off several shots at the surprised gang members. One fell backward as a blaster bolt burned into his chest, his cry snapping his companions out of their shock as they began to draw their own blasters.

Sorana dove to the hard ground, rolling behind the rocks as blaster bolts began to impact all around her. Getting quickly back to her feet, she stayed crouched down, her heavy blaster up and ready as she waited for Baret to cut lose.

Kneeling up over the outcropping she was behind, Baret leveled her repeating blaster at a small group of gang members that had started towards Sorana’s location. Pulling the trigger, she unleashed a hail of blaster fire, scattering the group and leaving two bodies lying on the ground.

As the barrage started, Sorana pushed herself over the rock outcropping, landing in a full run towards the edge of the camp. Most of the gang members had started firing at Baret, but one took a couple of shots at Sorana as she started covering the open distance. A quick shot from her blaster took care of him as she slammed into a stack of barrels, coming to a halt. A few more blaster shots landed near her as several of the other gang members focused back on her. Sorana quickly caught her breath from running in the heat as sweat was beginning to cover her forehead.

Baret had ducked back down behind the rock outcropping as blaster fire impacted into it and flew overhead. Reaching to her belt, she pulled out a grenade and prepared for throw it.

Jun 12th, 2002, 09:47:29 AM
The grenade’s explosion sent sand and smoke into the air as the sound of the blast reverberated through the camp. A group of four gang members emerged from one of the crude buildings built near the base of one of the hills that went up from the riverbed. They blinked as their eyes adjusted to the bright light, looking towards the direction of the smoke and blaster fire. They could make out others making their way towards the fighting and they started to move that way themselves when they heard a soft voice call out to them from their right.

“Hello there boys.”

The gang members turned that direction, their blasters aiming in the general direction of the voice. They were not quite prepared for what they saw. Standing near the base of the hill was a very attractive young woman with raven colored hair in a black bodysuit that showed off the smooth curves of her body. A holster hung down on each leg from the black belt she wore around her slim waist. The front of her bodysuit was covered in dust and sand and it took a split second of hesitation for them to realize that she was pointing a pair of blaster pistols at them with a grin on her beautiful face.

Tabatha Srevs shook her head in slight disappointment. “Men can be so foolish sometimes.” Her twin blasters whined as she began to fire, diving off to her right as she did so. Her hail of blaster fire cut down the nearest two gang members as the other two began firing, trying to track her as she rolled behind a crate. Coming right back up to her feet, Tabatha leaned back against the crate, her two pistols lifted up in front of her near her shoulders as she looked over her right shoulder.

Stepping out from behind some rocks on the hillside was her longtime friend Terra Alger. The attractive red head was dressed in her standard short black leather skirt, with tall black boots and a loose fitting white shirt that was dirty with sand as well from crawling into position. A vibroblade hung from her belt and she had her blaster pistol aimed in front of her.

With a quick series of shots, Terra put down the two gang members that had been shooting at Tabatha. Her pistol aimed in front of her still as she moved forward into the camp, she smiled over at her friend. “Your all clear now.”

Tabatha stood back up, leveling her blasters in front of her as she started to move towards the center of the camp. Terra moved over towards the crude building the four men had from as she glanced over towards her friend. “You know, someday your gonna pull that little stunt with some men who won’t hesitate.”

Tabatha laughed slightly. “Maybe.” Her left hand moved slightly too the left as she fired off a shot that hit a gang member who had just run into view in the center of the camp. She then moved to her right, moving behind some cover as more gang members shifted their focus from the firefight at the other end of the camp and started firing towards the two. Terra moved over against the wall of the building, firing back at the gang members.

Jun 13th, 2002, 12:32:10 AM
As the volume of blaster fire increased down below her, Kara Maldor peered over the crest of the hill she was on, looking down at the camp. Tabatha and Terra’s assault from the left flank had focused the Northern half of the camp onto them, while Sorana and Baret were dealing with Southern half, leaving Kara with the opportunity to move down to throw more chaos into the battle.

The swoop gang members were so disorganized and poorly trained it was pathetic. If the New Republic wasn’t busy focusing on the remnant of the Empire, they would likely have stopped this gang long ago. But, if that were the case, work for Kara and her companions would be few and far between.

Standing up with her blaster pistol in hand, Kara started carefully down the side of the hill. She was dressed in tan and dark red armor that fit snuggly on her small frame. Custom made, the armor had environmental controls that helped keep her cool, even in the intense desert heat. Its slight bulk did nothing to hinder her movement or reflexes and powerful sensors in the helmet were busy relaying the positions of everyone down in the riverbed to a heads up display inside the faceplate of the helmet. The top of the helmet was somewhat oval shaped, extending slightly past the back of her head. The overall appearance was fearsome and had served her well over the years. Her long dark brown hair extended out from under her helmet in a braid that went down to the small of her back.

Reaching the base of the hill unnoticed, Kara moved over behind a group of gang members who were exchanging fire with Tabatha and Terra. Two were using either side of a large container as cover, shooting around the sides, as she moved quietly up behind the one too the left. Her left hand shot out, grabbing the man by the back of the neck and slamming his face into the container.

A quick shot from her blaster in her right hand dispatched the other gang member as she smashed her left knee into the lower back of the gang member she had pressed up against the container. The man cried out briefly in pain before falling silent as she pulled back her knee, pulling the eight inch blade that had extended up from the top of her greaves our of his back. The blade was covered with blood as it retracted back into place inside the greave. Letting go of the man’s neck, he feel to the ground.

Moving quickly to her left, she ran up to a gang member who was kneeling behind a long wooden crate. He was just turning towards her as she brought her left arm horizontally across the front of her body, a ten inch blade springing out from her forearm guard as she did so. The vibroblade slashed across the man’s throat, sending him to the ground with a gurgling sound as his hands reached up.

As the forearm blade retracted back into the guard, she fired two quick shots from her blaster, hitting a gang member ten meters away square in the chest. As he dropped to the ground, she rolled forward and came up behind the crate on one knee twisting to her right and firing several shots at a pair of gang members who were running North. The blaster shots hit the side of one of the crude buildings as the two men disappeared from view.

Jun 13th, 2002, 10:53:23 PM
Sorana was moving through the camp now, towards the middle firing at retreating gang members as she went. The swoop gang members were starting to collapse, trying to retreat in panic and not really having anywhere to go. They had gotten so used to outnumbered poorly armed farmers that they didn’t know what to do in the face of real resistance.

She ran up to the side of a crude building, leveling her pistol and firing at a gang member who had enough sense to try to provide some cover fire for his retreating companions. The blaster bolt hit him square in the chest, sending him backwards to the ground as Sorana started forward again, hearing the distinctive sound of Baret’s repeating blaster off to her right.

Kara was moving towards the North side of the camp when she spun around and fired at a pair of gang members that were fleeing from Sorana and Baret. The two men tried to react as they spotted her, but were cut down by her blaster fire before they had a real chance to react.

Putting her back to the wall of one of the buildings, she scanned the area as Sorana and Baret came into view, each moving up a different side of the camp. Kara made one last check for any possible gang members who might be hiding before scanning over towards where Tabatha and Terra were. The two seemed to have moved onward towards the Norhtern part of the camp. Kara waited a moment for Sorana and Baret to come up near her so they could advance evenly.

Moving quickly through the camp, scanning side to side, Tabatha stepped out into an open area that was in the Northern part of the camp. She heard the distinct whine of swoops as four gang members started off up the dry riverbed to the North, their swoops accelerating quickly.

She fired off a quick shot that knocked a gang member off the swoop he was just starting up. From the corner of her eye, she saw Terra rush up to a swoop and jump onto it. A smile crossed Tabatha’s face as she ran over to the swoop that had just been vacated, holstering her pistols as she went. She reached down and pulled the goggles of the dead gang members head and reluctantly put them on, trying to ignore the sweaty feel to them as Terra shot off after the fleeing gang members. Smiling again, Tabatha leaned forward, revving the repulsorlift generators and then shot forward after her friend.

Sorana moved to where she could see Tabatha just as she started off. “No! Wait..” She tried to call out as the raven haired woman zipped out of the camp up the riverbed on the captured swoop. “Damn! There they go again.” She mumbled as she drove back her left elbow into the face of a gang member who came up behind her.

Jun 14th, 2002, 09:20:49 PM
The swoop’s repulsorlifts whined as they propelled it down the dry riverbed, dust and sand blowing into Terra’s face as she tried to push the vehicle faster to catch up with the fleeing gang members. The terrain was zipping by as she pushed all the speed she could get from the bike. She slid left right before the riverbed turned left, letting her take the turn fast and wide.

Up ahead, the four gang members were maneuvering tightly together, it seemed they were at least good at that. But piloting had always come easy to Terra, she was confident she could out do them. One of the rear most members glanced back behind him and spotted her slowly making ground with them. He pulled out his blaster pistol and turned back and fired off several shots quickly before turning back to the front to watch where he was going.

The blaster bolts flew wild around Terra as she maneuvered to the left side of the canyon, making it harder for him to shot at her with his right hand. The other gang members all glanced quickly over their shoulders and then tried to accelerate away from her as well. She ducked the swoop under a rock archway as she sped along the side of the canyon, trying to close more with the gang members, but making little ground.

Further back in the canyon, Tabatha could make out Terra ahead of her. A good pilot herself, she was not nearly as good as her redheaded friend. If she could keep them in sight, she was doing good. She just had to stay with Terra as best she could and hope that some means of catching up presented itself.

Despite how icky they felt, she was glad for the goggles to keep the sand out of her eyes as she moved at high speed along the dry riverbed. With all the sand that was kicking up at her, she was sure that it would take her forever to wash all the sand out of her long hair.

Back at the camp, Sorana, Kara and Baret were scanning the area around the North side of the camp, looking for anymore gang members. Everything was quite now, with some smoke still rising up from where Baret’s grenade had gone off. Kara scanned South, looking at the HUD on the inside of her visor. “There is no other movement in the camp besides us. There could be some hiding in the buildings though.” She said as she turned her head back to look at Sorana.

Nodding towards the other two, Sorana started back through the camp towards one of the crude buildings. Coming up to the dried clay building with its thin plastic door, she remembered that this was where she had seen the gang members throw the young women they had take prisoner. Hoping she wasn’t going to end up in some hostage situation, Sorana kicked to the door open her heavy blaster aimed ahead of her as she peered inside.

The room held five young women who looked to be mainly in their late teens huddled together in fear. They seemed unhurt as Sorana raised her blaster up in the air, the slightest feeling of pity for them in her. “Don’t worry, your safe, their all either dead or run away.” She said in a flat voice. “Come on out, so we can get you back to your families.” She lowered her pistol down by her side and turned around looking out at the silent camp, the bodies of the gang members scattered about it. In the back of her mind, memories of feeling the terror these girls had just been experiencing came back to her as she recalled the Empire’s attack on her home so many years ago.

She pushed the memories back into her subconscious as the girl came cautiously out after her, looks of distrust on their faces. Sorana looked at them with a slight frown. Well, some lessons in life come hard, hopefully they will grow stronger from it. Could have been worse if we had not shown up. She looked back towards the rest of the camp waiting to hear from the rest of her team.

Jun 16th, 2002, 01:37:03 AM
The steep hills on either side of the riverbed came to a sudden end as the fleeing swoop gang members started out into open desert. The heat shone reflected over the hot sand with mirages shining on the surface. Terra continued to push her swoop as she tried to gain more on them. The sand being kicked up was even worse now as hot wind was blowing in her face as she kept in pursuit of the fleeing bikes.

Suddenly, two of the gang members pulled to the right, as the other two moved slightly left. Terra knew just what they were doing, it was an old pirate trick, seem to split up so that one group could maneuver so that the other could attack from the rear. Unless she wanted to give up the chase, she had little choice but to follow one of the groups. She steered after the group that went left, hopping that Tabatha had noticed what had happened and would be able to mess up their plans.

Coming out of the canyon, Tabatha noticed the fleeing gang members split into two groups and smiled, knowing full well what they were trying to do. Seeing Terra follow the group to the left, she turned after the ones to the right, hopping they would be to focused on moving to get behind Terra to notice her.

She could just make out the two gang members, their forms almost disappearing in the heat shimmering off the sand. As they started to turn left, she smiled, turning sharp to the left to try and cut across their path some. She could faintly make out the other two maneuvering Terra into the path of these other two. Reaching back with her left hand, Tabatha pulled out one of her blaster pistols and aimed it forward.

Back at the camp, Kara had finished her sweep of her section of the camp. Everything was quite, save for what she could hear of Sorana yelling at the captured young women, trying to get them to stop thanking her constantly and get ready to leave. Kara smiled slightly underneath her facemask. Sorana was never one to coddle anyone, so those girls were in for some stern words.

Holstering her blaster, Kara turned back and started towards where Baret was standing, her light repeating blaster cradled in her arms. The tall mercenary was looking around at the scene of chaos with an expression of grim satisfaction on her face. She looked down at Kara as she came over. “Well, this was certainly an easy job. I don’t think these guys could have been much easier.” Kara looked back towards the North of the camp where the dry riverbed continued onward down the canyon. “Hopefully our two impulsive friends will not get themselves into any trouble.” Kara said, her voice sounding cold and empty through the respirator of her hemet’s facemask.

Baret turned to look to the North as well, a slight smile coming to her face. “They should be alright. They are both excellent pilots, if a little reckless. Shouldn’t be much a problem for them.” With that said, the tall blond woman turned and started over to where Sorana was busy scowling at the young women as she hustled them towards the South part of the camp.

Jun 16th, 2002, 08:31:20 PM
As she cut across towards the two swoop gang members, Tabatha could see Terra coming across from the left, following the other two. She was letting herself be pulled in, trusting in Tabatha to watch her back. Gritting her teeth, Tabatha accelerated, pulling closer to the two gang members as they pulled out their blaster pistols and started to aim at Terra. Tabatha lifted up the pistol she had in her left hand, firing off a series of shots.

The blaster bolts flew through the air, aimed in front of the two gang members just slightly. A blaster bolt hit the swoop of the gang member closest to Tabatha, exploding just in front of him on the vehicle. The front of the swoop dipped down as the man was thrown off, hitting the sand hard at the high speed, rolling some before coming to a halt. The swoop exploded into a ball of fire as it hit the ground, causing the other gang member to veer to the left, crossing in front of Tabatha as she slide right to avoid the explosion as well. She pulled up right beside the other gang member, his blaster pistol coming up.

Tabatha quickly flicked a switch with her right thumb, rapidly slowing down as she suddenly dropped back from the other bike just as the gang member fired off several blaster shots that flew off into the desert. Her blaster pistol came up as she fell back, firing off several shots as she started to accelerate again. Two of the blasts hit the gang member in the back, causing him to fall left, sending the swoop spinning as it smashed into the ground in a big fire ball. Tabatha managed to quickly move to the right, feeling some of the heat from the crash, but otherwise unphased. She started into a wide turn to see how Terra was doing.

The redhead had caught the attempt to trap her out of the corner of her eye and seen Tabatha ruin the maneuver as she had been counting on. With a sigh of relief, Terra drew her blaster pistol as she came in closer to the two gang members. Their path to the trap had allowed her to cut across and close with them. The two started to fire at her as she closed, forcing her to veer left, behind them. The nearest gang member tried to turn to follow her as she leveled her pistol at him, firing off two quick shots. One was to high, the second caught him in the back, sending him off his swoop and onto the ground.

Terra turned right again as the swoop exploded, pulling up to the left side of the other swoop. The gang member looked over at her, and fired a shot across his body that passed in front of her. Terra’s pistol came up and fired a shot that hit the back of the swoop, damaging on of the repulsorlifts. The vehicle began to spin out of control as the gang member tired to gain control. He had just managed to grab the controls with both hands when the vehicle hit the ground, exploding in a fire ball behind her as Terra looked over her shoulder.

Well, that’s that. Terra thought as she slowed down and started to turn around as she spotted Tabatha closing towards her. Terra brought her swoop to a halt as Tabatha pulled up next to her. “Well, that was a fun bit of excitement, even if it will take forever to get all this sand out of my hair.” The raven haired girl said as she ran a hand through her windswept hair. Terra smiled at her friends typical vanity as she pulled out her comlink and activated it. “Terra to Sorana, all the running gang members have been dealt with. How are things back there?”

The reply came back rather quickly as they heard Sorana’s voice come through, annoyance very obvious in it. “Oh, just great. Now get your butts back here so we can get these girls back to their parents, get our money and get the hell off this dust ball!” Terra and Tabatha smiled at each other as they started up their swoops and turned back towards the camp again. “Okay, we are on our way back.” Terra replied as she shut off the comlink. “I wonder what has gotten to her this time?” Tabatha asked as the two started to accelerate over the hot sand below them.

Jun 18th, 2002, 01:08:19 AM
Hours later, an old TL-1800 Transport lifted off from the spacedocks in the capital city. The circular hull of the transport looked as if it was patched together with spare parts. The welded on plating in actuality served to thicken the hull of the ship. The two forward firing laser cannons mounted on either side of the main hull were supplemented by heavy double laser cannons turret mounted on the top and bottom of the central hull. The bridge of the transport jutted out from the center of the main hull, cylinder shaped as it broke the smooth curves of the circular hull.

The powerful engines flared on the back of the transport as it continued on upward towards the lower atmosphere. Inside The Centurion, Sorana made her way back towards the common room of the craft. She had put back on her black leather jacket that she had decided to leave behind due to the high temperatures on Ryloth 5. Stepping into the large dimly lit room, Sorana looked around at the others already there.

Baret was seated at the hologame table, her stripped down light repeating blaster laid out in front of her as she sat about cleaning the sand from it. The tall blond was very disciplined that way, years of training with the various mercenary units she had served in. Kara was much the same way, Sorana realized as her gaze drifted over to the bounty hunter. She was still in her armor, her helmet sitting next to her on the cushioned bench she was seated on. She had removed her left forearm guard and opened it so she could clean the vibro blade and the mechanisms inside. She would do that for any of the various concealed blades she had used and would get around to a light cleaning of all the parts of her armor. Kara’s lovely face was very focused on her work, almost statue like in its emotion.

Tabatha came walking into the common room as well, her pistol belt in her hand with both pistols in their holsters. She walked over to another cushioned bench, tossing her pistols onto it as she sat down, seemingly exhausted as she let out a large sigh. Neither Baret or Kara looked up from their tasks at the former pirate as she hummed softly to herself. Sorana took a seat near Baret, untying the bottom of her holster as she did so. The near quite in the room was broken as Terra’s voice came over the comlink. “Tabatha, are you going to get up here and start working on the calculating the astrogation coordinates so we can make the jump into hyperspace?” Her voice held a slight hint of mild annoyance.

Sitting back up, Tabatha pulled out her comlink and activated it. “Okay, okay, I’ll be right up there.” She replied before turning off the comlink. “Man, can’t get a moments rest around here.” She mumbled as she stood back up. Looking over at Sorana, spoke up. “Well, where shall I set a course for next?” She asked.

Sorana looked up at the raven haired young woman as she considered the question for a moment. “Nar Shaddaa.” She eventually replied in a flat voice. Tabatha just looked at the stern faced woman with a look of surprise on her face. Both Baret and Kara also looked up from what they were doing to regard Sorana for a moment. “Nar Shaddaa? The Smuggler’s Moon? Why do we want to go there? All those slimy Hutts and their equally slimy henchmen. Please tell me your kidding.” Tabatha asked as she looked at Sorana with a look that said she hoped that it was all a joke.

The expression on Sorana’s face never changed as she locked gazes with Tabatha. “We have unfinished business, now set our course for Nar Shaddaa.” Baret and Kara just went back to what they were doing as Tabatha threw her hands up in frustration and started off towards the bridge to set the course. Sorana just sat back and closed her eyes as she listened to the droning of the ships engines as they made their way into space.

Jun 24th, 2002, 09:16:32 PM
The streaking lines of hyperspace reverted back to normal stars as The Centurion dropped out of hyperspace and into the Nar Shaddaa system. All five women were gathered up in the cockpit of the ship as Terra took control again, turning the craft towards the distant Smuggler’s Moon. She was wearing her typical outfit of black leather skirt and loose fitting white shirt with long sleeves. Tabatha was seated beside her in the co-pilots seat, dressed in her tight form fitting bodysuit as she let out a sigh as another transport passed by on its way out of the system. “I sooo hate this place. Why are we here again Sorana?” She asked, looking over at the group’s leader as she sat in the chair behind Terra.

Sorana, dressed in her typical black with black leather jacket, didn’t take her eyes off the ever nearing moon as she scowled and replied. “Because I want to take care of some unfinished business, that’s why Tabatha now stop whining about it and deal with it.” The raven haired former pirate looked slightly disappointed as she went about her tasks in preparing them for landing, her face showing a little pout that would likely get any many in twelve parsecs to do what ever she wanted him to if it would make her feel better. Kara, who was dressed only in the blackbody suit that she wore underneath her bounty hunter armor, looked over towards Sorana, her attractive features unemotional as she spoke. “So what is the nature of this unfinished business Sorana?”

Sorana continued to look at the moon, ignoring the increased amount of space traffic as she answered. “The type that involves money. There is a Hutt on that moon that owes us a fee for a job we did for him, and I intend to collect it, or take it out of his fat hide.” Both Tabatha and Terra turned back towards her with surprise on their faces and even Baret looked up from sharpening one of her combat knives with slight surprise on her face. Kara’s face however remained unchanged as she kept her gaze on the outlaw.

“Demand money from a Hutt? Are you insane? Only thing that will likely get you is fed to whatever nasty pet they have, or on the end of a leash as the dancer girl of the month. Me personally, I would rather be fed to the pet.” Tabatha said, still in shock.

Kara simply stood up. “I am going to go suit up then.” She calmly said as she walked back towards the door to the cockpit, waiting a brief moment as it slid open for her. Baret spun her combat knife in her hand and quickly sheathed it. “I had better make sure I have everything I need as well.” She said as she stood and quickly followed after Kara.

Terra looked back towards her piloting as they entered the gravity well of Nar Shaddaa, the space traffic getting much thicker as Tabatha called into request a landing platform. Glancing quickly back at Sorana, Terra looked forward again and asked. “Sorana, don’t you think it might just be better to forget about the money that Zalar the Hutt owes us. We could just end up in a lot more trouble than we really need. We could always go do something much easier, like bust someone out of a Imperial maximum security detention center or something.”

Her finger tapping on her heavy blaster pistol that she had slung down on her right thigh, Sorana coldly replied. “Just get us down on the moon and stop being as big a worrier as Tabatha okay?” She watched as the various other transports and smaller spacecraft passed them by, her face showing some signs of impatience.

Tabatha looked over at Terra. “Okay, here are the coordinates for our landing platform. Though I doubt we will have as easy a time getting take off permission when we want to leave.” She said with a downcast look as she propped her left elbow up on the control panel in front of her and rested her chin in her hand, a totally unhappy look on her face as she looked out at the moon below them.