View Full Version : Episode 2 Bootleg

Jun 10th, 2002, 12:01:07 PM
So far I have the complete version of EP2 in VCD format, its not a cam version, Id say its equal or better than VHS, my question is does anyone know of a DVD screener version? Is there one out there?

Jun 10th, 2002, 12:26:21 PM
You won't find the answers here. Swforums + bootlegs= no good conversation here.

Jun 11th, 2002, 03:38:16 PM
Why? Its not like I dont support Starwars, Ive seen it 3 times in theatres, 12.50 a ticket X many views = no more money for action figures. Whats wrong with a little home viewing entertainment?

Jun 11th, 2002, 04:24:53 PM
Well, at the risk of sounding totally square, its just plain wrong. I know a few guys who haven't seen it at the theaters at all, because they downloaded the pirated copy off the Net before the release. Multiply that by the number of people who did the same and you find a good reason why the film isn't doing better at the Box Office. (I don't know how many people fit the category of not seeing it in the theaters, but I'm figuring that if I know a few people personally - there has to be plenty more out there). At least you've seen it a few times at the theater, but even so, it takes away from Lucasfilm's profits. And if Lucasfilm isn't making any profit, what incentive do they have to make any more movies? How would you feel if they said - "You know, we barely broke even on Ep. II... The hell with Ep. III"?
Also, wouldn't you much rather see it on the big screen? I don't know about you, but given the choice of watching it for free in a substandard format or paying some money to see it on the big screen with really good sound - I take the movie theater in a heartbeat. Star Wars was meant to be seen on the big screen and if its in the theaters, that's a chance I wouldn't pass up.
So, I guess its up to your moral standards.

As far as why it shouldn't be on the boards, I'm sure JMK or one of the other mods can explain that better than I can... I don't know exactly, but it is likely that endorsing the use of a bootleg on a site like this could have legal ramifications or something.

Doc Milo
Jun 11th, 2002, 05:26:16 PM
All of what JMC said -- and the fact that bootlegs are illegal, a violation of copyright.

Jun 11th, 2002, 07:46:35 PM
I was in the midst of getting a bootleg copy before a virus ended up destroying some of the files on a friend's computer. So I guess I may have been spared a virus by nothing more than blind luck. Ythom, I don't think you're evil for seeking out a bootleg. But you already have ONE copy, why get greedy? The real DVD will be out in November so why not just wait. The VCD should do you fine for now.

I'm just not that adamant on the whole copyright issue. I know I SHOULD be, but I'm not. Even if I had a copy, I'd still be buying the DVD in November. Throw in the thousands of dollars I've already thrown in Lucas' direction and it doesn't become that big of a deal to me. Now if I were making copies and selling them over the net, then I'd be setting myself up for some legal action. But having a copy of a movie I've already seen multiple times at the theater? There are worse things you could do.

Darth Viscera
Jun 12th, 2002, 01:27:43 AM
Just so you know, the only versions of AOTC out are cams and telesyncs. Check vcdquality.com daily, and you'll know what's available and what's not. If someone does do a DVDScreener rip, they're going to start advertising it. I hope it's DVL.

Jun 12th, 2002, 10:37:33 AM
I think it is VERY , very wrong to get/produce bootleg of anything BUT if I could I would get a bootleg of AOTC . I got one of TPM :) :(

although I know it is wrong I would be forced by the dark side to do so :(

Jun 12th, 2002, 03:57:51 PM
I plan on buying the DVD as well, But i just cant wait that long, I want to be able to watch it whenever I want, I love it that much.

Jun 12th, 2002, 04:46:30 PM
We can talk all we want about bootleg versions, but we can't post links as to where to find and download them, that's all. We don't need Lucasfilm having the board to be shut down. If you really want to talk about where to get it and distribute it, do it through private email, no problems there. :)