View Full Version : The best defense...(Open Challenge...)

Jun 10th, 2002, 11:16:42 AM
Satine walks through the streets of the ghost town, looking around, trying to place where he was feeling the presence of a Dark Sider. Keeping his weapons hidden underneath his trenchcoat, Satine walks into the place where it seemed to be the strongest in the Dark Side.

"Any Sithling around here?" He asks, his voice reaching to the farthest corner of the large building he was in, the Jedi looking around, and activating a glowrod, sending the light beams around the room...

Jun 10th, 2002, 11:28:13 AM
It was a ghost town, and that was exactly the reason he'd gone there. He pretty much preferred quieter places, and the training grounds back at the castle had been rather loud lately. He had come because he'd had a desire to travel, to see the rest of the galaxy as much as was possible.

Though he was an apprentice to a sith lord, he still carried only his blaster. He'd been working on a lightsaber, and eventually, perhaps, he would carry one. But for now, his blaster was much more comfortable, and it was the first thing he reached for out of instinct in a bad situation.

And that was what he did now. He didnt move from where he stood, he only answered the man's call as the light cast upon him.

"Yes," He replied quietly.

"There are." He made no move to attack, for he wasnt the type who would needlessly enter into a fight or battle of any sort.

His violet eyes stared at Satine in the light of the glowrod.

Jun 10th, 2002, 11:32:25 AM
And Satine's silver eyes stared right back.

"And what may I ask, are you doing here? I had gotten reports that one of your kind was lurking, but I'm curious as to why."

Jun 10th, 2002, 11:37:09 AM
His head cocked slightly to the side, amusement in his eyes, though only briefly.

"Lurking?" He repeated, rolling his eyes.

"It seems its only called lurking when its one of 'my kind'." He stated.

"If it were a jedi it would be called patrolling, wouldnt it?" He asked. His tone was calm, though there was a slight suggestion of mockery to it.

He wasnt one to provoke, but when provoked, his stubborn nature was quite terrible at letting him back down.

Jun 10th, 2002, 12:01:12 PM
Satine sneers.

"For anybody but me probably. I consider myself 'lurking' when I do something like what you are. But I also call it hunting if I'm waiting for one of your kind to show up."

Jun 10th, 2002, 12:08:30 PM
Sasha noticed the sneer. And certainly, the word 'hunting' was anything but friendly.

He had sought out the jedi at Yogs to understand the hatred between Jedi and Sith. While he had failed there, he knew, here, certainly, what was meant by it.

This man was nothing like the others he had met.

"And what, exactly, am I doing that is causing such a problem?" He demanded, his voice still relatively calm.

Jun 10th, 2002, 12:12:37 PM
"That's what I was going to ask you. The native a few klicks away are extremely frightened by you. A Jedi's job--well, one of them--is to calm the masses."

Jun 10th, 2002, 12:27:20 PM
His violet eyes narrowed slightly, and he chuckled with amusement.

"Ive done nothing that should worry them." He replied, still standing in the same spot. He hadnt moved since their confrontation had begun.

"And I have no plans to harm them." He added, stepping forward a bit, into the light a bit more. He was nearly six feet tall, and would perhaps grow another inch or two over the next couple of years.

He was dressed simply, in what he chose to wear, as his master had not required him to wear the robes of an apprentice.

"And your plans....?" He questioned.

Jun 10th, 2002, 12:32:35 PM
"My plans were to remove the Dark One from this world."

Satine had not moved either, his trenchcoat still for once. Sasha could see the weapons belt the Jedi Knight wore, and the glint of the sword on Satine's back.

Jun 10th, 2002, 12:57:58 PM
Certainly, he had seen the weapons. He was sure the jedi carried others that he had not yet seen.

"I figured those were what your plans were" He stated quietly. It had been quite obvious by the way Satine had been patrolling that those had been his intentions.

"Im asking, rather, what they are now." He added for clarification.

His left hand remained on his blaster. Although most of the jedi he'd met hadnt threatened him, there was always a first time, and he didnt doubt that this one might.

Jun 10th, 2002, 01:04:54 PM
"I can give you a choice. You can leave peacefully, or I can use Force. I don't want to use the second option though..."

Jun 10th, 2002, 01:31:43 PM
His eyes narrowed with the 'choice' he'd been given. The truth was that he didnt have a way to leave the planet for a few more hours, at least. He'd caught a ride over with another member of the TSO, and the ship picking him back up wasnt coming for another few hours. But he didnt want to announce such a thing, for he wasnt sure just how badly some of his comrades were wanted by the jedi.

He sighed.

"That isnt really much of a choice." He replied.

"Im not causing any problems, beyond the local's irrational fear of me. What Im doing here has nothing to do with them. I'll be gone within a few hours. Is that leaving peacefully enough for you?" His violet eyes stared at Satine. He didnt necessarily like or dislike the guy. So far, though he had seemed a bit rash, his actions had been fair enough.

Jun 10th, 2002, 02:00:55 PM
"Do you swear that you won't cause trouble with the natives? And I mean NO trouble! If I hear of anything, I'll find you, and I will get you..."

Jun 10th, 2002, 02:32:18 PM
He took a moment to respond.

"No, I wont cause problems with them." He replied.

"I havent caused any so far." He added, mumbling a bit under his breath.

He didnt like the threat the jedi was giving him of finding him if he caused problems, but the deal seemed to be fair enough. For now.

Jun 10th, 2002, 06:53:16 PM
"I will leave you to your own life then. Try to stay out of trouble." Satine says, turning on his heel, and walking out.

This is the oddest little encounter with a Sith I have EVER had. Didn't even have to unsheathe my sword...

Jun 11th, 2002, 07:08:23 AM
He chuckled to himself as the jedi turned on his heels and left. It was at this moment that he considered what he might have done had he had more experience. Had the ways of the Sith been more fully ingrained in his mind. But he was yet an apprentice, still young and impressionable, and only time would tell how he would change, or not change, in his ways. For now, the jedi had actually trusted him enough to turn his back and walk away.

He supposed it was because his intentions, this time, had actually been good. He'd had no intentions to cause any kind of harm. He'd been searching only for some solitude.

Perhaps the jedi had read this from him. As he leaned back against the wall, he considered how easy it had been to reason with the guy. This, perhaps, was Xazor's doing. Their friendhsip, it seemed, might have had a slight influence over his actions. He'd reasoned rather than attempted to fight.

But he could feel, though only faintly, confusion from the jedi, and he fed off of this. It amused him. And so he began to walk in the direction the jedi had taken, not tracking him exactly, but following, certainly, a similar path.

Jun 11th, 2002, 07:13:18 AM
Satine makes his way to the outskirts, where a black, sleek, fighter had landed. Hitting a butotn on his wrist commlink, the fighter's cockpit opens, and Satine jumps tino his Pyro-GX, initializing the engines, and prepariong fortake off.