View Full Version : Through The Darkness......(Faith In One)

Xazor Elessar
Jun 10th, 2002, 09:46:49 AM
Xazor moved over to an empty table and took a seat, pulling up another chair for the tall figure that followed her in. She had just gathered the weapons that belonged to him and placed them on her belt. He had such things as a Light Whip and a two sabers....the lightwhip would have to go for it was a weapon of the Sith. Sighing slightly, she looked at him and nodded in reply to his question.

"Indeed...you may keep your dagger, but do not expose it in here....and never ever use it."

She said softly as a server droid passed by them. She stopped the little machine and it beeped a few times, letting her know that she could order. Smiling gently, she did so.

"I'll have a Strawberry Daiqueri...and whatver you are having my Padawan...."

The Knight said to the young man who sat across from her. They had much to talk about...and hopefully this first meeting of theirs would clear some things up. Though others doubted his validity as a Jedi...she had faigh that he would do well, once they took care of his issues with his past.

Shadow Jedi Davka Volaw
Jun 10th, 2002, 10:49:39 AM
He noded in reply to her orders, not making a sound. When she asked what he wished to order he thought for a moment.

"A glass of Wiskey and a bowl of fruit salad," he said in a dull tone.

With that the droid wistled back in compliance and wizzed away on it's wheels. As he put down his hood he felt eyes look upon him, for he could sense the fear in the room from those who weren't Jedi. There were Jedi in the room, some holding their lightsabers, ready for a fight, but Davka ignored them. He felt that some of the older Jedi looked at him as if they had seen him before. He had wished to keep his history secret from all but Master Xazor, but he knew the resemblance was almost identical.

"Well first things first, my Master, you should know that I am the Great Great Grandson of..........." he paused as if she wouldn't believe him, "Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala."

With that said he could see Xazor staring at him in disbelief, "I have a midichlorian count of twenty-seven-thousand-seven-hundred-fifty, not but fifty more than my great great grandfather at the same age of nineteen."

"I was born on Naboo by my mother. My father was the grandson of a lost son of Amidala. At the age of three I was showing strength in the force, moving from place to place very quickly, moving things by the force, things such as that. Though it was not known by anyone, my parents were in affiliation with the Sith, giving them information on Jedi movements on Naboo. As they noticed my powers they contacted the Sith so I could be tested, and possibly become a Sith." he said in a low voice, not wanting others to overhear the conversation.

The droid came back with their order. Davka took the Daiqueri off the tray and placed it infront of Master Xazor, then taking his Whiskey bottle, glass, and fruit salad. Pushing the salad aside he continued, Master Xazor remained silent. She finally had been able to put up a non-shocked look of interest. He knew that she hadn't noticed the resemblance until he had mentioned it. The difference was the ice cold eyes, blonde hair, and taller stature.

"Well two Jedi intercepted the transmission and killed the Sith upon their arrival to Naboo. Taking their robes from them, they dressed as if Sith and came to our home. As they entered, I remember one taking their lightsaber out and cutting my father in half. My mother running for me on the floor, she two was killed by a lightsager piercing her side. They left leaving me their in the presence of my dead parents. Later they came back, as Jedi this time, and took me to their temple. As I grew I harnessed my powers more and more, homing my skills in lightsaber dueling, meditation, and force honing. As I grew I became friends with another Jedi Padawan named Raja Sjodan. She was the same age as me. At ages fourteen and one half, we became Jedi Knights, and partners. We grew more and at the age of sixteen we were assigned a mission by the Senior member of the council. We had been married at the ages of fifteen, so we had fallen in love. She had been acting strange just before we were to depart on our mission, but I took no note of this. When we came back two weeks later, who was there to greet us but the two Jedi who had 'found' me, helpless. They wished to speak with Raja, so not thinking twice they went off to 'talk'. I had not seen her for a couple of days. I decided to train with those two Jedi, one who was a Kel Dor, and the other being a human. As we trained I saw images of my parents being killed and me sitting on the floor. I saw the faces of the 'Sith' who had killed my parents, it was them. I then sat down thinkinig I was imagining things. I then saw these images." and with that he let his emotions let go and sent the images, of Raja being tortured to death, in the most horrible ways, to Xazor. Xazor was shocked in horror as they took control of her. The sounds she heard were like no other screams she had ever heard, worse than any banshee screams.

Then taking a breath, Davka took the images back and held them inside his head, letting Master Xazor recover from the shock the images and sounds had conveyed on her. She could see the pain these images cause in Davka.

With tears rolling down his cheek he continued, "I realized that these images were real, so very calmly I told them to meet me at a dinner three kilimeters away from the temple. There I killed them and fled to a Sith Temple to become a Sith."

At hearing the story, a Kel Dorian behind them stood up facing Davka, loading a blaster to kill him. The fact that Davka had killed a fellow Kel Dorian enraged him. Before he could react Davka was up. The tables ten feet around were empty almost immediately and glasses spilled all over the floor. It was a standoff between the Kel Dorian and Davka. Firing at Davka, Davka directed the blasts away with his hands and the force. He reached out with the force and picked the Kel Dorian up by his throat, using the force to tighten his esophagus up to where the creature could hardly breath.

"Stop put him down!!!" Davka could hear Master Xazor yelling.

His hatred was flowing and everyone in the room could feel it.

Tears still on his clenched cheek, he had his hand up signaling the force to hold the Kel Dorian up. He grabbed what curage and good he had in him and fought himself inside to put the creature down, he was not worth the effort of killing. Pushing back with the force he hurled the Dorian over a table, knocking it out.

He had hate flowing through him, hurting him inside. Images of Raja flowed through his head, making the anger flow.

"I Loved Her." he said under is breath, seeing that Master Xazor had heard him.

Immediately he dropped to his knees, crying out to Raja, for he had loved her...

Xazor Elessar
Jun 10th, 2002, 11:15:21 AM
Xazor listened intently as Davka spoke. His tale was unlike any other she had heard...but it ended as many others had. He loved someone...and it had a tight grip on his life. She shook her head as he played the images in her mind...and it nearly brought a tear to her eye. She had not seen something so horrible since....The Great Defeat on Cysaria. Sighing slightly, she was shocked suddenly as he lashed out at the man behind him.

"Put him down!"

She cried out to her Padawan. She then stepped in between the other man and Davka. Placing a hand on his chest, and a hand on the other man's arm, she looked to the Kel Dorian.

"Please...he does not know what he is doing. Let me pay for your drinks."

The man scoffed slightly and lowered the blaster which he was not supposed to even have in the Bar and Grill. An NRSF member came and took his weapons as well as those of his comany. Davka fell to his knees and Xazor knelt beside him.

"I know you loved her...I too have lost someone I loved, but I moved on....you must let go, though I know it will be most difficult."

She said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. The Knight sent warm, calming waves through him by the Force. She took his arm and helped him up, then sat back down at their table. Many were looking at them still, though.

"There is nothing to see..."

She said softly, and everyone seemed to turn around and begin speaking with those they were with. The Knight took a sip of her drink and sat it back on the table, hoping this was it for his outbursts....it was making both of them look bad. She had patience, though....and would help him.

Shadow Jedi Davka Volaw
Jun 10th, 2002, 12:53:57 PM
He took his place opposite of Master Xazor and poured a glass of Whiskey, drinking it down quickly. He then took a fruit and ate it.

"I apologize for my actions master, but the darkside has a strong grip in my life. I do not want it in me anymore, this empty feeling." he said apologetically.

Continuing his story, "I went to the Sith Temple and became a disciple and with my hatred, anger, and skills I quickly became a Sith Lord. As I did more missions for them I fell further and further into the Darkness. The pain I felt was immense, and my heart cried out for her. I noticed how people feared me. My looks showed evil, and they cringed in my shadow. I was and still am feared because I am six foot five inches tall, one-hundred-eighty pounds of pure muscle, I have control of a force no one really knows how to use, I use weapons no one knows how to use, and I have a hatred and anger in my life. I wish that wasn't true but it is, and that is why I came back to the Jedi. I had no other way out."

"So what do you wish of me my master." he said in a hopeful tone. His eyes were again icy and he had cold in him, Xazor could feel it. He was calm though, little anger flowed in him.

As he waited he ate his salad and after finishing it he took another glass of Whiskey...

Xazor Elessar
Jun 11th, 2002, 07:08:25 AM
Xazor listened to his story and nodded a few times as he spoke. Sighing to herself, she took a sip of her drink and set it back on the table top once again.

"You need to learn how to be calm. The past is over and done with...you are here and now, learning to be a Jedi. If you let your past rule you, what shall you ammount to in the future? Just a copy of what has happened to you before. You don't want that, do you? We need to work greatly on your anger.....I know exactly...I mean, exactly, how you feel. I too have had very troubling issues with anger....until recently. Time, training...and the patience I have with you, will break you of this aggression. You must be willing to work.....hard......"

She said softly, her voice held some sterness to it...but she was, for the most part, gentle in her words....

Shadow Jedi Davka Volaw
Jun 11th, 2002, 07:20:36 AM
"Yes my master, for I am willing to work hard on my anger. But Master, what do I do when the anger rises to where I can not control it? How do I override my anger, hate, and pain?" he said finally in a Jedi's tone. He sounded like his Great Great Grandfather.

He was tired from that last episode, he needed to stop this before something worse happened and he would be deemed uncontrollable and excluded from becoming a Jedi. He did not worry of that now because it had not gotten to that yet.

**Just keep it in mind Davka** he thought as he awaited his masters answers. They were big questions, so he tunred all attention to her.

As he did so he kept the force active around him, to warn him of any pressing danger...none.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 11th, 2002, 07:30:17 AM
"Keeping your mind clear and learning how to quiet your soul....these things will help you. You must learn how to focus the Force and keep it centered in your soul. You must remember the Jedi Code...and do all things that it asks. This is a difficult life for one who is always so close to anger....I know. I will train you, and you shall learn how to control it, though....."

She said softly, knowing her answers were a bit vague. The Knight did not know how to explain her method of teaching this to him.....but she hoped he understood, nonetheless.

Shadow Jedi Davka Volaw
Jun 11th, 2002, 09:13:17 AM
"Yes, my master. I am no longer hungry, do you wish to go to the training arena?" he asked, hoping he could at least make up for his anger, hate, and outburst by proving he had skills in fighting.

He had understood perfectly what he was required to do to harness his agressions. He remembered having anger as a Jedi before, but he rediscovered, by her answer, how to control that anger. He had already started giving off light, just enough to prove he was trying. He could tell that this would drain him, reuniting with the light side. But no matter how hard it was, he would not let Master Xazor down...

Xazor Elessar
Jun 11th, 2002, 09:24:16 AM
Xazor nodded and smiled gently.

"Indeed.....we shall go there now. I must go to my room to retrieve some things.....but I will meet you there in a half an hour. Here is the directions...."

She said, handing him a small holo-map.