View Full Version : Quick Image Randomisation question....

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 10th, 2002, 02:50:36 AM
Before I go try it and potentially frell something up.

SWForums, I'm sure you you exactly how I get image randomisation working now. My question is, would that same type of filename, pointing back to the script work with the Avatar? And more importantly, would the quotation marks survive?

I'm being cautious about this as I am quite well aware the avatars exist in the database and hence if something goes wrong, it's not a easily repaired table that will get frelled.

Jun 10th, 2002, 09:26:00 AM
It would not function for an Avatar because an avatar is a file uploaded directly into our database and from then on pulled directly from our database.

The upload only accepts images and would not recognize a pl script, thus not allowing it to be placed in the DB.