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Evil Hobgoblin
Jun 9th, 2002, 08:25:18 PM
Throughout the years, there have been many rumors regarding the power of Jedi Masters.

The Jedi Masters themselves tended to claim limits on their powers, and the fact that some Jedi Masters have been assassinated in Republic history tends to validate those claims. Even so, many stories have placed those beings as powerful, wise, and patient, possessing traits that made them universally adaptable to dealing with any situation. Still other stories placed them as gods, able to reach across galaxies and affect events from afar, especially if there were kindred Jedi involved.

The one truth of the matter was that only the Jedi Masters knew the limits that bound them.

But the stories and rumors persist, and in every fable there is some fact...


There was a slight tapping sound that came from Hobgoblin's cane hitting the floor. The taps echoed through the hallways of Bast Castle, on the planet Vjun, with nothing to stop them. Bast itself was sparsely inhabited, with only the barest of essentials to keep its' residents alive and well. There were food supplies, of course, and an atmospheric generator that kept breathable air around the castle, but for the most part the castle was dark and silent, with not even a working system of lighting.

The tapping stopped. This was because the owner of the cane had halted in his travels and had started gazing off into space.

No, that wasn't quite right. Hob was definitely gazing at something, but his eyes and attention were focussed on a blank section of wall. Or inside it. Or behind it, or on the very microbes in the air in front of it.

Hobgoblin had been doing things of such a nature for a full month now. Since his final trial (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13192) against Lilaena De'Ville, Hob
had filled his time with increasing amounts of this activity- even going down to the basement of the castle and staring around the room where the old power generators had been kept.

Many who came to Bast died horrible deaths, and perhaps it was with those forsaken souls that Hob had business with.

One could not know unless they asked him, which so far no one had done. Conversely, Hob was now an unquestioned member of the Black Hand. Such a person was not easy to talk to.

Hob's glazed look disappeared. He waved his hand slightly in a back and forth motion, then shrugged and continued on.

His travel path had him do this two or three more times along the same hallway, but upon the conclusion of his last silent consideration of things, he immediately turned and set out for the Gathering Chamber with determined pace. The cane barely seemed to hit the floor as Hob walked, and by the time he had reached his destination he was not using it at all, but swinging it briskly in one of his massive hands.

The doors to the Gathering Chamber parted at Hob's approach. He entered.

The Gathering Chamber was Hob's name for the Black Hand's main meeting hall. It was in this dimlit and shadowed room that the Hand discussed important tidings that involved multiple members. The room itself was wide and circular, with several other smaller exits on the sides and the rear. There were also a collection of grand chairs scattered throughout the hall at even intervals, making the Hand a more or less equal partnership.

Hob went directly towards the back of the hall, where the older member's seats were, and where his seat was. His new seat, that is.

Where his old one had gone was a mystery, but an unimportant one. The seat that was there now was larger than the rest, but only slightly. It was also decorated differently: where the old seats were distinctly technological in design, this one seemed grown out of the rock that littered Vjun's surface. It was decorated with carvings and all in all, it gave the impression of something grown far beyond what it was composed of.

It also perfectly fit Hob's stature when he sat in it, right down to the handrests and the holder for his cane. Once he was comfortably settled, he shut his eyes and concentrated.

Outside the Gathering Chamber, the hallway lights flickered to life, shedding bright and harsh light over all of Vjun's occupants. When those occupants followed the lit hallways to find their source, they would undoubtedly and inevitably find themselves at the Gathering Chamber.

It was, in all respects, an impressive summons from Hob to his brethren.