View Full Version : My LOVELY car!!! (Pictures)

Jun 9th, 2002, 08:13:45 PM
No text right now, just wanted to get something quick up to show you guys.

The last picture, though, doesn't really show what it should. That door is not "ajar," it just plain doesn't open at all, which is what I was trying to show, haha. Oops.


She may not look like much kids, but she makes 15 over the speed limit! :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 9th, 2002, 08:30:42 PM

Looks like you banged it up pretty good there, Jonathan...

Jun 9th, 2002, 09:45:54 PM
Man, that is pretty dinged up! Good work!;)

Jun 9th, 2002, 10:01:32 PM
Beautiful. ;)

Jun 9th, 2002, 10:22:49 PM
"Good job!" :)

Jun 9th, 2002, 10:23:24 PM
AHH, That's just a scratch :)

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 9th, 2002, 11:11:06 PM
Rollover of a 4wd.... ouch!

On scale of crashes.... 4. I have to post pics of my brother's rally car - ran backwards into trees at 140kph. Which was an eight.

Taylor Millard
Jun 9th, 2002, 11:12:33 PM
Owwie...is it fixable?

Jun 9th, 2002, 11:49:02 PM
yeah, that is crash up derby kind a car dood;)

I am sure it is hard to look at it, knowing how it use to look and run. Was this your first car?

Jun 10th, 2002, 12:06:21 AM
Yeah the poor thing is in bad shape compared to before. It was my first car to use, but obviously its use will not have been that long. August 2001 for me - June 8 (or half of it), 2002, R.I.P. lol!

Yeah I do not think the condition of the car is HORRIBLE, I mean I heard people say they thought it would be worse, and to be honest I thought so too, but when you see a perfect condition car one moment and then you are sitting there, inside even, looking at this roof that is all screwed up and stuff thrown all over the car, you are just thinking, "Oh... my god. This is really bad. It's ruined."

I think it is fixable though, but the question is... is it worth fixing? We'll figure that out soon. This week I think. I would say you need to remove the roof entirely and replace it. Unfortunately the structure of the car is damaged on the right side too, it caved inwards a bit, so somehow that'd have to be fixed too. Then the windshield would likely need replacing entirely too because of the cracks. I am not sure there is any way to salvage what is there at this point. The cracks would spread, but maybe not, I mean maybe since they are on the passenger side it would be ok.

The front of the car could be worked out a little bit without much cost probably, just a little prying a few things back into place. The hood is messed up though. As long as the interior is ok, like all of the engine parts and whatnot, then it's probably not too bad there. The hood could be replaced entirely too I suppose, or bent back into shape perhaps.

The dents throughout may be able to be fixed I guess, at enough cost, and the paint could be reapplied. It's not totally ruined by any means, I mean I did drive it home, but I will not be driving it anymore. If we fix it, we'll sell it.

Jun 10th, 2002, 07:42:37 AM
Glad you made it out of there ok, man...

Lady Vader
Jun 10th, 2002, 12:37:49 PM
Here I was expecting shattered glass, caved in roof, impacted sides... But, to quote Monty Python... "It's just a flesh wound."

You're lucky it wasn't worse. And actually, the damage doesn't look all that bad as to be horribly priced to fix up.

Though, the true question isn't whether you want to fix it, but whether you want to drive it again. :uhoh

Jun 10th, 2002, 01:40:34 PM
I'll give you my Watto for your car! :)

Mu Satach
Jun 10th, 2002, 02:55:11 PM
Owies... glad your ok Jon!

The vehicle seemed to roll pretty good... a friend of mine rolled her little SUV a couple of winters ago and it looked like she shouldn't have walked away from it. (but she did thankfully)

As for fixing... the first thing to check would be if the frame is bent... I was in a front end bang up about 4 years ago and the car looked like just the front end was smashed up... but the frame was bent, so the car was a total loss.

If the frames ok then the rest of it can be patched up... but from the looks of the pictures a hell of a lot of patching would need to be done....

Gouyen Chee
Jun 10th, 2002, 03:30:03 PM
Youch! Looks like you've got a "walking wounded" vehicle on your hands. Glad to hear you're ok.

I must agree with Mu Satach about the frame there. If the Montero is a chassis-frame vehicle, it would just be a matter of fixing/replacing the bodywork. If it's a unibody you'll have to see if it can be straightened on a frame jig, which may actually pull out some of the dents (happened to my Focus when I had bodywork done to it last year). If it can't be straightened, then it's a total loss.

Jun 10th, 2002, 03:35:21 PM
We will be looking into fixing it, if that is possible, but I won't be driving it again. If we fix it, we'll sell it, hehe.

"Yeah looks pretty bad."

"The damage doesn't look as bad from the outside."

There are now Star Wars quotes for basically every situation. :)

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 11th, 2002, 11:34:21 PM
Im glad that youre alright, Jonathan. The fenderbender I was in one time was enough to scare me! Have you given any thought to your next vehicle? I have a Santa Fe and thier center of gravity is low.

Jun 12th, 2002, 02:30:53 AM
I don't know what my next car will be, but my parents still want me to use an SUV, GRR, I will speak with them about it. I know them well enough to assure you they will not refuse an executive order. Err, I mean, uhh, I'll have to decide later.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 12th, 2002, 11:33:47 AM
The Santa Fe's are 4 wheel drives....all wheel drive all the time. Ive had it for a year and a half and never once had any problems on the snow, ice or during rain. Its a V6..the pickup and go isnt the best but once youre going, you can go forever! It also has the best warranty on the market! 10/100,000 miles on the powertrain and 5/50,000 on all the rest. If I had the money to but another one, Id do it! I love the way it handles and drives! I had always sworn that I would never, ever buy a foreign made vehicle but once I test drove it, I was sold! My husband and I had driven Durangos' and Tahoes', etc. We saw the Santa Fe on the showroom floor enroute to test drive a Pontiac Bonneville.......
and we went home with the Santa Fe that same afternoon!! You ought to at least try to drive one! :)

And again, Im so glad that you werent hurt!

Jun 12th, 2002, 11:53:02 AM
Originally posted by JonathanLB
"Yeah looks pretty bad."

"The damage doesn't look as bad from the outside."

There are now Star Wars quotes for basically every situation. :)

Luke to Artoo applies as well:
"You were lucky to get out of there..."

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 12th, 2002, 12:00:53 PM
If I was going to get another car, I would start with a Subaru. A much better 4wd system for start and some good engine option, naturally good handing and really top notch quality. The Forrester is a damn good bet, my dad has one. For a bit of fireworks, the Forrester GT is a turbocharged hoot.

Personally from an Aussie perspective, we will NOT touch USA built cars. You have no idea how much better Jap sourced vehiches are at times. We get some good ones and a lot of them. And out own local vehicels are excellent as well.

The best smallish 4wd's (Or the TOTALLY misnamed SUV... there's nothing sportly about most of them) are Subaru Forrester, Mazda TRibute or a Honda CR-V. We also get the Santa Fae, but it pales with the ones I've mentioned.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 12th, 2002, 12:23:35 PM
Bah!! :mad My Santa Fe rulz!! (I will say that the Forrester would probably be my next choice :) )

Jun 12th, 2002, 04:25:11 PM
I am sorry, I do not agree with you there Marcus...

My car was a Japanese one, Mitsubishi that is, and those cars are notorious for their, uhh, rolling abilities ;)

I would much prefer a U.S. made car. We build our cars strong and durable. The Japanese have some good cars, but I prefer their luxury cars. I do not think they know how to make SUV's properly. We have a Chevy Tahoe and it's super reliable, but before that we had a Suburban and that was super reliable too.

Anyway, good advice you guys and thank you! This is helpful to me. I will talk to my parents about it.

I am also glad I was uninjured, hehe, obviously. My neck was a bit sore for one day after, that is it. Now it is fine again, phew.