View Full Version : Callsign: Mynock

Niklos Thorson (Oddball)
Jun 9th, 2002, 04:48:13 PM
Executing a roll to avoid the incoming laser fire, Niklos Thorson brought his XJ3 X-Wing to the side of his wingmate, and checked damage report to confirm he wasn't hit.

"You okay Mynock?" came the voice from his comm

"Nebula, please tell me any time I haven't been" he replied, smiling

Pulling their snubs round, they saw that their opponents had done the same. They were flying A-Wings. Although weaker than an X-Wing, they had speed on their side.

"Hey Nebula, Think Mynock's suprise will work?" He asked, diverting his shield strength slightly to the front.

"Think it's worth a try. Me cut, you suprise?"

"Roger that. Setting lasers and shields to seventy five percent"

"Throttle at maximum"

"Let's do it"

Speeding forward at maximum speed, Niklos saw his opponents turn to face them head on. Knowing they wre out of range, Niklos slowly stroked the trigger, not yet firing.

"Okay Mynock, cut throttle to seventy percent"


The two slowed slightly, although not enough for the opposition to notice. Looking down at the computer, he saw that they were nearly in range. Almost there...

"Now!" He shouted into the comm, and immediately cut the throttle to below fifty. He looked to his side in time to see his wing set it to full, and cut straght across him. Falling for the bluff, the A-Wings began to turn to follow Nebula, thinking it was evasive maneuvers. It was too late that they realised Niklos hadn't followed. Pressing the trigger, he fired a series of dual burst shots into the front opponent's exposed side. Hitting the engine, he watched as the snub exploded, narrowly missing his friend. Returning throttle to full, Niklos got onto the tail of the final opponent. Switching to Photon Torpedoes, he watched as the sight on his HUD went from red to yellow, and finally green. Smiling, he released a single torpedo, and watching with satisfaction as it crashed into the rear of the A-Wing, turning it into nothing more but debris.

"You okay Nebula?" He asked, quite unconcerned

"Yeah, they didn't get the chance to fire" came the reply, causing Niklos to smile

"Well, I think that's mission succesfull. Let's get back" he said, and pressed a button on the top of his cockpit, and watched as the stars dissapeared into blackness.


Getting out of the Simulator, Niklos undid the chinstrap on his helmet, scratching where the rest had been. Helmets and flightsuits weren't needed for Simulators, but most pilots wore them anyway, so that the feel was all there.

Looking across to the simulator next to his, he saw his wingmate getting out. Dropping to the floor, he began to walk over, as Miro Ton took her helmet off, shaking her head to bring her dark, shoulder length hair out from under. Seeing him approach, she smiled over at him.

"Another run without a casualty. Keep this up, and Rogue Squadron will be begging us to join" She said

"Rogue who? We don't need them, we're Monkey Lizards" Niklos replied, laughing. He glanced to his side to see their two defeated oponents, from Remenent Squadron, looking at them.

"Monkey Lizards?" One asked

"Yeah, because we're from Kowak" Miro replied, as Niklos began laughing in immitiation of one of the small creatures. Looking even more confused, the pair left the pilots alone.

Taking his helmet off, Niklos headed to a viewport. Looking down, he saw the small planet of Kowak. Sighing, he sat down on a storage box, still looking out.

"What's the matter?" Miro asked, coming up behind him

"It's beautiful, isn't it? Kowak, I mean"

"I never really noticed"

"When you think you're going to lose something, you notice things far easier"

"Losing something? What do you mean?"

"There's something I need to do. Something that I should have done a long time ago. I'm resigning my commision"

"What? Why?" She asked, suprise easy to read from her tone.

"I'm force sensitive. I've known for some time, but I've decided now to do something about it"

"Eighteen, A pilot ranked captain and fore sensitive. Dont let it go to your head now" Miro said humourfully"

"Heh, I wish. I need to go and speak to...." Niklos began, before a warning klaxon kicked in. Leaping to their feet, the pair ran towards the briefing room, not another word said.

Niklos Thorson (Oddball)
Jun 9th, 2002, 05:04:51 PM
Niklos had barely had chance to sit down after the Simulator before being called to the briefing room. He entered to see the rest of the Squadron assembled, sitting on a set of chairs facing a holoprojecter. In front was lead, a man called Tork Allem. With his short blonde hair and clean shaven face, he looked the type for would see on a New Republic recruitment poster. Nodding to him, Niklos slowly sat on a seat, and watched as Tork pressed a button, causing the Holoprojecter to display a small starchart.

"Okay Squadron, we have a job to do. Not long ago, we got a distress message from the Science Outpost on Grada VII. It appears that a series of ships have exited hyperspace, with markings identical to those of the Krayt Dragons, who I'm sure you are familar with" Tork said, looking out at each Squadron member. Pressing the button again, the projecter zoomed in to Grada VII and the surrounding area. A red blip could be seen in the top corner.

"Their raiding force isn't much, just a Parnial-class cruiser"

"The original slug in space" said a pilot at the back of the room, a Bothan named Krant.

"So what's the plan? Rustle up all the salt we can find in the kitchen and fire it at them?" Niklos retorted, causing most of the pilots to laugh at the pair. Tork smiled, before quietning the room down.

"As Krant so expertly pointed out, this class of ship is very slow and sluggish, and has very little weaponary. However, they are heavily armoured, so can't be underestimated. So, the most of us will head straight for the ship, and try to drive it off" he said, as the projecter showed eight green blips head towards the enemy, as four stayed back. "Niklos, Miro, Krant Branil, you're to hang back to take out any enemy snubs that try to break for the planet"

"We get to kill the parasites when you knock them off" Branil said smiling, as he brushed his blonde hair out of his eyes.

"Any questions?" Lead asked. Seeing noone comment, he turned off the projecter.

"Okay then Monkey Lizards, lets get to work"


Sitting in his cockpit, Niklos watched the eight XJ3s fly towards the Parnial cruiser in near perfect formation. The pilot felt a twinge of dissapointment that he wasn't with them. That would be where the action would be, not back here. Sighing to himself, he turned on his comm-link.

"Hey Krant, you there?" He asked

"Yeah, what?" Came the Bothan's reply

"There's something I've been meaning to ask you. You're a Bothan, right?"

"You noticed! What gave me away? The fur? The ears? Nah, must have been the accent, yeah?" Came the sarcastic reply, obviously meant for humour

"Well, Bothans are hardly a common sighting round these parts. What brought you here?"

Niklos heard him sigh deeply before speaking again.

"I was born on Bothawai. Pretty normal life, until I met a female called Penda. She was a politition. Nothing major, but had hopes. Anyway, we ended up together, and everything as going perfectly, until my uncle was locked away for murder on several counts. It disgraced the entire family. I couldn't stay. Had I, I would have ruined Penda's chances in life as well. I couldn't do it. So I got help from her to get enlisted, and was shipped out here"

Niklos felt himself nodding as Krant spoke. Bothan society was notorious for such occurences as this.

"Was that the last time you saw her?" Miro spoke up

"Yes. I couldn't just appear there for a visit. I wouldnt know what to do, what to say"

"Well, what if I came with?" Niklos asked

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you forget. You are a pilot for the New Republic these days. You're a hero. That should take presedence over your Uncle's affairs. Give it a few weeks, and then we'll go. Trust me, they wont see you how you were. You're a credit to Bothawai"

"Hey, I'm coming too. No way I'm missing out on a free holiday" Branil interrupted

"Don't count me out either. No way I'm letting you three loose on a planet alone" Miro replied. Niklos was sure he heard the Bothan laugh.

"I want to do it. Thanks Niklos, all of you. Don't know what I'd do without you"

"Probably have lots of credits" Miro joked, as Ash's radar lit up

"Multiple blips coming our way" Branil said

"Want to be more specific?" Niklos asked

"Multiple red blips coming our way"

"I've got twelve, two groups of six" Krant said, positioning his snub next to Branil's.

"Okay, callsigns only. Nebula, you take a group with me. Sithspit, Flyboy, you take the others" Niklos directed.

"Copy Mynock" the three said in unison. Looking at his Targeting computer, Niklos saw the snubs were Uglies, with the local designation X-Cargos. These mixed an X-Wing with an enlargened cargo hold. Perfect for Pirates that favoured hit and run, but just as good for opponents, as these craft were sluggish at best. Switching to dual-burst, he slowly glided away from Miro, before cutting in sharply, sending the Uglies into a corridor of laser fire. The lead X-Cargo didn't stand a chance, and exploded in a hail of debris. Seeing the pirates begin to evade, both pilots picked a target and dove in after it. Matching his speed with his target, Niklos took his time to line up his shot. Two lasers hit his opponents engine, causing the entire craft to explode.

"Niklos, Miro has just been hit" Came a robotic voice from his Astromech droid, R2Q9-GZM, also know as 'Gizmo'

Spinning his snub round, Niklos saw three enemy making a break for the planet. Miro's X-Wing was limping away not far away.

"I got one, but his debris hit my engine" She said regretfully

"Dont worry, just get back to base. I'm going in after" Niklos replied, following the craft

"Niklos, don't! Wait for the others to finish, and we'll all head down!" Krant shouted. Putting his hand to his comm, he began rubbing it, to give the effect of static.

"Can't......comm malfunction.....going in" was all the others heard before he turned it off completely, and proceeded into the atmosphere of Grada VII.


Niklos pulled up sharply on his stick, lightly skimming his snub over the treetops of the planet. Looking out, he saw the three X-Cargos speeding towards a tall building, which he recognised as the main labratory on this planet. Knowing he couldn't get in laser range before they did whatever they were here for, he switched to torpedoes and lined his craft up with the closest of the enemy. He watched the crosshair slowly turn from red to green, and pressed the trigger, sending a single torpedo arcing towards the pirate. It slammed into the rear of his ship, sending it spiralling down into the treetops.

It was then Niklos realised. If they think I'm following, they might open fire on the labs. Looking at what they fly, I doubt that's what they want to do..

"Nacho, set the next Photon on a thirty second delay" He said, and waiting until the droid gave an affirmative. Aiming down, he fired the shot, before rolling his craft down. Seeing a gap in the treeline, the pilot straghtened up and landed, in time to see the explosion from the torpedo. Hopefully they'll assume that was me crashing he thought, before jumping out of the cockpit, and running in the direction of the main lab.

Reaching the large courtyard in front of the lab, Niklos saw that the two X-Cargos had landed in front of the main doors, cargo bays open. They must be here for something. But what? he thought, as he took his DL-44 blaster out of its holster, and slowly crept up to one of the ships, peering in, he saw that the cockpit was empty. Niklos fired a shot at the controls to destory them, before doing the same in the other. Checking the coast was clear, he began to jog into the lab itself.

As he moved quickly through the corridors, Niklos could feel the adrenaline coursing through his body, speeding his movement. Hearing a noise, he sped up to a run, turning the corner to be greeted with a blow to the midsection. Focusing up, he saw one of the pirates standing over him, and another racing up. The approaching one kicked him in the ribs, making a loud cracking noise. Niklos didn't know if he had broken any, but it sure hurt enough. Seeing his foot approaching again, the pilot grabbed his foot as in closed in and gave it a sharp twist. This caught the assailant of balance, knocking him to the ground. Niklos rolled away, and slowly got up, remembering to pick up his pistol. Seeing the other man unholstering his sidearm, he quickly snapped up his weapon and fired, hitting him in the leg. Quickly flicking the setting to 'STUN', he then sent another shot into his chest, knocking him down. Walking up to the other man, he saw him slowly start to get up. A quick blow to the side of his head courtesy of Ash's blaster soon put him back. Taking a deep breath, Niklos slumped down against the wall, and awaited support to come.

Niklos Thorson (Oddball)
Jun 9th, 2002, 05:08:04 PM
"Does that still hurt?" Miro asked, lying back on her bed.

"Yeah, the medic droid said it will for at least the night. Apparently I was lucky it didn't knock me out" Niklos replied, while putting pressure on the Bacta patch covering a head wound he got when he hit the floor in the fight earlier. Reaching to his side, he picked up a small holopad, and began to write his report on the chase. In his normal style, there was one or two slight exaggerations.

"So, we not doing anything tonight?"

"I don't feel up to it, but I doubt Krant will let you stay"

"It sounds like I need to clean myself off then" She said, getting off her bunk. Opening a side door, she began to take her shirt off, causing Niklos to adjust himself so he was looking away.

"Niklos, it's not as if it's anything you haven't seen before" She said smiling as she left the room

"Hey, you're lucky you room with someone with such perfect manners" He shouted to her in reply.

Getting off his bunk, the pilot went to small viewport on the wall, and gazed out into space. In the distance, he could see a pair of X-Wings patrolling an otherwise empty area. Sighing, he looked down, and saw his flight helmet on the floor. A simple purple and yellow checked pattern decorated it. Niklos picked it up and sat back down, spinning it in his hands. I have to go and do this now he thought to himself, before quietly slipping out of the room.