View Full Version : ::Room 13, hall 3, Azhure Darkstone's Room::

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 9th, 2002, 02:03:00 AM
OOC: This post is to mainly set up the room and what it looks like, also the main purpose of how it links. Basically character devalopment.

::She walked into the room. Turning the lights on into a redish shade that made the room lighter but still had some air of mystery in it, she had it to keep her vision in practise. In the darker areas, if you could see things well it was an advantage.
She could see the bed, with a dark red cover over it. Come to think of it, all her clothers were dark red, brown, black or white. Mostly sensible colours and there wasnt much variety. She needed to get out more when she was all the other jedi women wearing big beautiful colours, though she wasnt one who cared for fashion.
Going to the cupboard on the elft, there was all her clothes, and one photo. Her and Matthias, twin brother. There was also the blue stone necklace he had given her, the colour that reminded her of someones eyes. Someones eyes that sometimes made her feel warm. Who WAS it?
The other cupboard had her collection, of swords, short swords and daggers. There was one red lightsaber, given to her by her first master, and a saber she had made herself, thought it had not been used very much. The saber was a dark blood like red, reminding her of her past and of why she left whenever she fought. The steal weapons had been made by her, some a few years old, some newer. Weapons were her possesions she had much respect for. Something some could not understand.

Looking at the drawer, opening it lay a red symbol of a dark red sun on black fabric. Gettign a lighter she set it aflame and watched it burn. What had happened tonight anyway? Someone had asked her to kiss them. That was very unsual and very unsettling. Emotions blinded you, though friends made you feel good. made you feel cared about.

Looking at her room, she saw a carefullness about it, a precision in it's formation of where things were placed. It did not hold many physical memoriables others had, memories did that.
What it did hold was remnants of a very precise, calculated person who did not like not being in control, not knowing where things were. Sighing she closed her eyes and sank on the dark red bed, how come people made you feel so queer.

It was a room for a warrior, not for a lover or romanticist. It was a room for Azhure Darkstone.::

Tomak Ohara
Jun 9th, 2002, 10:51:35 AM
Tomak walked past Azhures room and knocked on the door. No one answered. So he took a note and posted it on the door. It read,"Dear Azhure,
Hello. I had a great time that night. I was wondering if you would like to do it again. If ya do meet me at my room and we can go back to the B&G. Oh yeah and dress in your best robes please.


Tomak Ohara"

And then he looked back at the door sighed and continued on.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 9th, 2002, 09:54:13 PM
::Azhure heard a knock, but couldnt be bothered answering it.
She went over Tomak's answers. So he needed blood, most likely from a blood bank. But that ran out after a while. He seemed nice, friendly and very jedi-like. It didnt make sense, but then again what did? Some people were a msytery but that didnt mean they werent sincere. Xazor was a friend who had given her advice, helped her through a rough end. It helped what she had said, about not being alone. Remember who you are....who was she? What race? The only clue were the deep blue eyes of a memory. And a broken nose, but some might gringe at that, she did not. It was the only clue to the past. Warren she hadnt gotten to know too well but he had seemed powerful, and genuinly nice. Sage Hazzard was a tricky one, he had fooled her on the first day, made her at her most vunerable. That was something she respected for there had been few who had been able to push her that far. He seemed a good master for a masters job was to push, to direct and to shape. You needed the skill to be able to get to the person for that. It had also made her feel weak. Weakness kills you.
Yes, the jedi had had changed her, made her less wary, more emotional. Something that was a positive and a negative. Something she felt slightly uncomfortable about, but it was easier with time. What time didnt erase was the nightmares though, the peoples hatred who were on her hands. Sage had forced her to face them, it only made the message stronger now, but she could look at them this time. Most nights she avoided sleep still, but sleep came easier, nightmares more bearable.
The jedi had also made her stronger.
Going to the weapons cupboard, the drawers were taken out, a lot of weapons mounted and put into order. She ran her fingers onto one, onto it's sharp blade, hard enough to feel it but not to cut herself. This was what her life had been, a weapon. She'd been a weapon, but never again.
Smiling slightly she went to the window and looked out, before heading to the door, here she was free from certain chains.

On the door there were flowers, unusual but she guessed who it might be without looking at the card. She took the flowers into her orderly room where nothing of real beauty other than the weapons. Why would he send flowers? Yes she definantly wanted to talk to him again, he was an interesting person, and a friend might be made along the way. What irked was the question he had asked, no one had asked that before. No one had expressed any interest. Shaking her head in confusion at his tastes, despite not being one for things of beauty that could not be used she put it in a porceline box with water around the bedside table. If someones kind enough to give flowers, it deserved to be displayed.::

Tomak Ohara
Jun 12th, 2002, 08:40:59 AM
Tomak came back and knocked on the door. He thought maybe he could take Azhure out again. He hoped she got the flowers he sent. He had an odd feeling about him. One he had never felt before. It made him nervous, but relaxed. He awaited an answer from Azhure. He knocked on the door again......

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 14th, 2002, 02:30:54 AM
::Azhure opened it and looked at the visitor. Tomak? was she being stalked? That was almost two times in one day.
She smiled and nodded towards the door::

Thank-you. It was a kind gift, though I cannot see what for.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 14th, 2002, 03:17:25 PM
"I was concerned for you. You never responded to my note. I am very sorry to bother you twice in one day, but you must understand that I was only checking up on you. I sent the flowers because I thought you needed some color. You just need something to brighten your room. You seem like the person who has a lot of darkness around them, but you see that is for us vaampires. You, being a very beautiful woman, should accent your face with bright colors. I also would like to see your room seeing as you have seen mine. I know this is odd, but ypu see you and Sejah are my only friends. Not many people feel they can trust a vampire. So may I come in?" Tomak looked at her and smiled. It was nice to have a friend for once. He sat there and waited for her answer.....

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 14th, 2002, 11:19:13 PM
::Azhure nodded, friends were a thing she was statring to like. Xazor had been her first, and she had not very many but enough to finally know what the word 'friend' meant.
She opened the door wider and allowed Tomak to enter::

A friend is always appreciated. The darkness is fine with me, I've lived with it my whole life and it is a familiar surrounding. The flowers do make the room brighter.
Please, sit down, Though I cannot offer you a drink?

::This was a question, to whether he could have any other liquid. She trusted the vampire because she accepted people for what they were, a vampire, an assasin, a person with too much belief in others, a person so closed within themselves they killed themsleves, a pure-bred or taught killer. She'd lived with killers too long to really fear any creature that could kill you. And Tomak, although he had great potentil, did not seem the killing type.
One of the greatest things she feared was herself.
Looking absently at the window she snapped out of her gaze, and closed the weapons cupboard, locking it with a key and putting the key back onto her necklace::

I'm sorry the room isnt any lighter if it is too hard to see, perhaps I could find some candles?

Tomak Ohara
Jun 15th, 2002, 11:04:05 PM
Tomak looked at Azhure, "No the room is perfect. I love what you have done it is beautiful in here." Tomak thought to himself Just like the person that decorated it. Tomak looked back at her and smiled. "How have you been. I hope it has been good. I was wondering if you would like to go flying again. We could go back to the field and just look at the stars. They should be beautiful at this time. Oh yes, I have something for you." Tomak reached for his back and pulled a necklace from his pocket. It was silver with dark stones woven into the chain. It was attached to a small decoration on the bottom. It was his clan symbol. A circle with a straight line all the way through it. Inside the circle were stones that seemed almost alive. They changed colors constantly and jumped around inside the circle."It is the last one I have. I figured I should give it to someone special." Tomak said as he extended the gift to her. "So would you like to come flying with me? If you wish not to we can sit and talk, or we could go down to the bar and grill." Tomak dug his hand in his pocket and found the ring his great grandfather gave him. It was embedded with the finest stones his land had to offer. He thought about his land again and it pained him to do so. He took his mind off of such things and thought about Azhure again. "So what do you want to do, Azhure?" Tomak said. He sat back and waited for her answer...

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 16th, 2002, 12:04:21 AM
::Azhure looked at the stone in genuine confusion, it confused her enough to blurp out the truth::

I'm not special. I'm an ex-assasin who has a rather large death count and is wanted in many areas. No, I'm wanted, but I'm not special.

::She looked at him, unsure of what to do. Emotions were oen thing you avioded half the time, friendship was nice. Different morals, different rules.
Now this? It was beautiful and she wouldn't have minded taking it, but the insentive behind it baffled her and did not seem to make sense. And if she did take it what were the conditions/expectations. You just didnt give something to anyone::

Why give it to me, someone you do not know? Im hardly someone whos worthy of such a gift, and I do not take compliments well, where I come from they are rare and of a different kind.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 16th, 2002, 11:19:25 AM
Tomak looked at Azhure in puzzlement, "You are special. You are like me. You think emotions do not matter. I thought that until I met you. You see you made me realize that emotions do not hinder your skills, but the only make them better. So I would like you to promise me you will not hide your emotions. As for your past, it may be important to you, but if I have learned anything inthe three-hundred years I have lived it is that you should not dwell on the past. It will only cause pain and suffering. You see, the past is something you cannot change." Tomak dwelled on his words. He was right you can not change the past. It was then that he realized his device only gave him transportation into the future. His father was only trying to save him. The vampires would still die. He could not stop their fate. The past would remain the past and never change. It then made sense to him. His father had sent him here for the Jedi to protect him. He had sent him here so that he could live and hopefully further the race. "I understand now. But it is not possible," Tomak began to cry,"He promised me I could return! He promised I could save the vampires. He lied to me. He lied to everyone. I must further my race." Tomak looked at Azhure. The tears now were apparent in his eyes. He spoke to Azhure, "I understand. I need you Azhure. You are the one person who helped me discover my past, and now I will help you discover yours. what do you know of your past. I vow to help you, and all others before myself ever again. I am sorry. I should have thought of you and the others. I am the greatest fighter of my people. If I had fought they would be alive, but I would have never come here. I never would have met you." Tomak stood up, still crying, and touched Azhures face. She was beautiful. Although his race was gone, he would value the time he had here with his new friends, and as a Jedi he would save many and keep the peace in the galaxy. He felt his emotions well up inside of him. He looked at Azhure again, "Thank you for everything you have tought me. I wish to do something. It is a ritual my people have when we have epiphanys. Just stand there." Tomak took off his clan symbol, and took his long claws and put a small cut in his wrist. He laid his symbol on the ground, and let himself bleed on it. Then it began to change. It became silver, and the cloth around it went from red to gold. The truth had been revealed and Tomak knew what he had to do. He had to further his race, and he had to keep his promise to his father. "Azhure, you are very kind. You have shown me my true self. You have made me realize that our destinies are pre-ordained, and for this I thank you." Tomak had tears still in his eyes. He looked at Azhure and what Azhure decided next was up to her......

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 17th, 2002, 01:53:50 AM
::Azhure listened to what he said, emotions did not matter? She did not believe they didnt matter, she believed they made you weak. But emotions was a part of everyone and ever since she had lost that strong hold on beign cold and heartless, the jedi had made her more approachable, kinder. Friendly.
But still in missions she perferred not to have any emotion, it worked better that way.
Not hide emotions?::

I do not hide emotions, I just dont use them very much. I have been trained not to and old habits brainwashed into you take time to go. And perhaps if you could help on my past that would be good, but the past is something I've never looked at too strongly. My parents I never knew and though curiosity is still in my mind, I will not try and find people who did not want their child

Tomak Ohara
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:24:48 AM
"Do not hate your family. They had to have had a reason. Every one has a reason for their actions. I tell you to seek them out, remeber what does not kill you will only make you stronger. Remeber life is only what you make it out to be. find out everything you can." Tomak got up and looked at Azhure again. She was so intelligent, and so beautiful. He reached out and hugged her. He leaned back again his ars still on her shoulders, "Thank you very much Azhure. You are one of the best friends I have ever had, and I hope that one day someone makes you very happy." Tomak sat back and looked at her again,"So you got anything to cook? I can cook really well. You do not live for three hundred years and not know how to cook ya know." Tomak sat back and awaited her answer....

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 19th, 2002, 01:51:26 AM
::Azhure stood for a second, unsure of the hug. The only person who had ever hugged her was her twin. She didnt know quite how to react, and the comment after that had surprised her more. Best friend? She had never been anyones best friend. Despite herself a small smile twitched on her lips before she banished it from her face. A close friend? It was a strange feeling.
She turned away for a second to look at somehtign out the window before nodding::

A vampire cook? I like it. I wont stop you, Im better at making a sword than a meal.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:03:52 AM
Tomak walked into the kitchen and asked her what she wanted. He pulled out anyhing he thought he could make a meal out of. He saw some that looked alive. Best not to mess with that. Tomak cooked quickly and within no time he had a full course meal on the table. "So what do you think Azhure? Do you like it? I hope so. Anyway, I should tell you something. Dios hunted me again today. I was at the B&G earlier today and he was there. He started to fight with me and tried to convince the others I was the evil one. He drew his saber to strike me down and I acidently cut his arm off. He blocked to low and I could not stop my strike. Those Sith do not know what they are doing. Why do they feel they must destroy everything. It does not make sense to me. Those Sith are so....wrong. They do not understand the fact that if they corrupt things they will only cause trouble for themselves. The jedi will hunt them down." All of a sudden a thought pulled at the back of Tomaks mind. He brushed the feeling off. He was more concerned about the wonderful date with Azhure, and the fact that if he played his cards right he might could get the kiss he had been seeking.

Dios Kane
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:14:49 AM
Tomak had his back turned to the table and Azhure was looking out the window, neither noticed Dios abrupt appearance, he had the fool in his hands, he would die this time. But before he got up to strike he noticed Azhure, beautiful yes, but so caught up in her thoughts that she had not sensed him coming. He picked up a piece of food and ate it before lifting his sword and holding it to her back, "Hello woman, commiting syn with this carrier." He could tell she was surprised, good. His hand caught her by the neck so that she wouldn't do anything rash, "Don't mind the dried blood, Tomak was devilish enough to gift me with a slight modification. "Don't mnd the smell either," he smirked, "that would be Tomak's filthy sweat." He laughed as he waited for Tomak to think things out.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:20:38 AM
::The hand on her back had surprised her, had she become that careless. In one swifdt movement her hand caught the sword at her side, and making a risky move to face him, her sword clashed with his::

I will not fight you, but I will ask you to leave. I was less than impressed with your manners. Don't threaten me again

::She looked at the man. Her risky move hed made a slight cut from his fingernails into her skin and she felt the blood on her neck, but ignored it. He had annoyed her::

Dios Kane
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:32:08 AM
He looked at her and smiled, the pluses still ousted the minuses. His nails had proven to be very sharp and had cut her neck. "Well, Tomak, enjoy the scars on her neck, they mark that you are what has caused this. If you had never let your soul descend, my family would never have died and this pain would not follow you." He smiled as he came up with another plan. "Tomak you do know how I can trail you everywhere you go right?" He closed his eyes for a moment and then he was in front of Tomak to blink and be back where he was, "I'm inside your head, I know your true thoughts Tomak, all thanks to your father, he linked us, an ironic pair, but unfortunatly you don't get the better side of this deal, do you, I didn't think so." He backed up and watched the fire burn in Tomak's eyes.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:40:49 AM
Tomak activated his saber and waited for Dios to strike. "Azhure run away! Protect yourself! This man seeks me, but I will not give him the pleasure of a fight. He has betrayed even his master! What he is doing is dishonorable in our time. Hiding behind a woman Dios. You truly are pathetic aren't you. You just do not know when to quit. Go home. For the last time. You have invaded my personal time with the one I love. You just do not know what you are meddling in, but until you strike at me I will not give you the pleasure of a fight." Tomaks words were strong and true. He looked Dios in the eye hoping the foolish warrior would back down from what he started.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:53:45 AM
::Azhure looked at Dios. Run? When had she ever run?
Azhure did not run from someone who was threatening her friend, or herslef. Her mind had dismissed hes the one I love comment for she did not want to think about that now, but she looked directly at Dios::

A warrior does not run if threatened. Leave now. You are in a jedi residence, leave this for the battlefield to fight with honour.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 19th, 2002, 03:00:58 AM
Tomak looked at Azhure, "I will not run Azhure. You are the only person I have ever cared about. I will do anything to make sure no harm comes to you. This demon wishes to kill me, and if he does I will make sure it is for noble reason." Tomak got in a ready position waiting for Dios to strike. "You wish to finish me, you fool. Well now is your chance. I will strike you a deal. The day that you can strike me down in battle I will say myself that I am a demon and have infected everyone I ever knew. Now then I await your first move."

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 19th, 2002, 03:09:44 AM
::Azhure nodded, not bothering to reply to Tomak's words, partly because she wasnt sure how to respond and concentrated on the matter at hand. Emotions were never good with her and she closed herself off from them as she readied herself for battle::

I stand beside my fellow jedi. Bring it on if you must.

Dios Kane
Jun 19th, 2002, 03:18:47 AM
"Trust me Azhure, I have no intention on "bringing it on" just yet. I want my hunt to become paraniod first. You hear that Vampire, you can't get close to anyone because I'll be right there, just as close, with my sword ready. I have honor demon, as you never had the right to claim honor because you killed women and children. I have seen women in this age and as you can see," he rubbed his wrist, "they are very capable unless someone like you appears and weakens them. Azhure, you reek of training, put aside your emotions and realize that he is evil. He says these things to catch you offgaurd. Vampires were known for their ability to trick women into becoming their slaves. But know that their slaves became damned also and had no place among the stars." He points a finger at Azhure and Tomak, "You are forsaken, await your judgement infidels!" He backs up to the door makes a casual escape, letting the holy water cloud his inner emotions, camoflauging him with the rest of the light side of the force.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 19th, 2002, 03:26:36 AM
::Azhure raised an eyebrow, a slave? She was no-ones slave.
As she watched him depart she shook her head, a feeling of distaste in her mouth. That was one person she did not like one bit. Slowly her sword was put back into her scabbard and she let the emotions back in and her heart beat normally, the slow beating she had in battle mode gone. She heard the comment about Tomak killing, but as a past killer, she understood why he was here and looked at him nodding as if to say 'If he comes back, alert me also'. DIos had made this personal by calling her a slave, she answered to no-one besides her jedi master, and that would always be the case. Azhure relied on no-one and allowed no-one to rely on her::

Are you hungry?

Tomak Ohara
Jun 20th, 2002, 12:12:50 PM
Tomak looked at Azhure, "Sure shall we finish eating. Sorry about that, I should have tried to protect you." Tomak looked at Azhure again and saw that she seemed annoyed. He didnt know what was wrong, but he wished he could make Dios dissapear.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 21st, 2002, 12:15:48 AM
::Azhure smiled soflty, feeling that old sting of feeling weak::

I dont need protecting. I dont need anyone.
And it's ok, the food is still warm enough. Thank-you for the cooking

::She sat down and waited for Tomak to sit::

Tomak Ohara
Jun 21st, 2002, 08:55:14 AM
Tomak took his seat and looked at Azhure, "Everyone needs protection sometime, and when you do just call my name Azhure, and I will get there as quickly as my body allows. So what do you think of the meal?" Tomak asked. He had seen many powerful people in this world, but Dios was not one.....yet. He would eventually rise to power and no longer would the jedi be able to protect him. He moved his thoughts from such things, and then he held out his ring and threw it on the table. "If you will not accept the necklace I gave you, then take this it means more to me. For someone who just helped me defend my life, I must give them something." Tomak held out the ring, and gave it to Azhure. "Do not give it back to me. It was my grandfathers. He was the only vampire who believed in my cause. I was good. For 200 years I never killed. He gave me this ring before he died, and he told me that if I was ever in trouble to hold it and my fears would sink as quickly as the sun." Tomak looked at the ring and then once again at Azhure. You are a great person, Azhure. Tomak was thinking to himself, so strong and so beautiful. You are the perfect woman. I don't know why, but I believe I am in love. These were the things he wanted to say to her, but his mouth could not dare to speak the words his mind thought. Tomak continued eating and waiting to see what would happen.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 23rd, 2002, 03:21:34 AM
::Azhure studied Tomak carefully::

Ever since I have been a young todler, I have been taught to trust in ymself alone. Relying on others kills you. Though I am in a new life, and I am a jedi I still feel weak if I need rely on others.
A strong person can take care of themselves, of their own honour.

This said she studied the ring again, then reached out and took it gingerly, carefully as if it would sting her or make a negative move against her independance any minute before measuring it up in her hand and finally accepting it, without a word. The ring made her feel a bit warmer, a little less alone but her sense of security had gone a little as she let in Tomak a little further into her blocked heart that not many friends entered. Kepp her safe? Why did she NEED to feel like she needed to be safe? She had never needed that beofre, or at least never felt she needed it.
Looking away she got up and a frustrated tear went down onto her cheek before she took control of her emotions and wiped the tear away, her face cool. She turned around and managed a smile::

The food is great