View Full Version : Episode 3's shocker...

Jun 8th, 2002, 09:19:52 AM
Do you think we will get one? I was thinking about it and I think that *if* Lucas decides to put one in, it will somehow involve Qui Gon knowing far more than we think he does, and he will reveal that to Obi Wan via spirit form just like Obi Wan appered to Luke in ROTJ and fessed up about Vader/Anakin. Of course this is unlikely, but I think Qui Gon was such a great character, and was such an attention grabber that I don't see his role being confined to TPM and that's it.

Any other thoughts?

Jun 8th, 2002, 09:23:21 AM
Hmmmm something regarding Anakin's birth perhaps....;)

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 8th, 2002, 12:43:33 PM
I am thinking if he does it will be more along the lines that Anakin/Vader is still the chosen one and will destroy the emperor with the help of his son and bring Balance to the Force. I think somebody will bring that up, considering Yoda and Obi-Wan seemed so pessimistic about Vader in ROTJ I have to think having Qui-Gon do it would work of course Obi-Wan will not believe him and feel that Luke is the only hope.

Jun 8th, 2002, 04:33:01 PM
It could be Qui Gon telling Obi Wan that he knew that the galaxy was about to crumble, and that dark times were ahead. In his apparition to Obi Wan, he would probably tell him that it wasn't his fault about what happened to Anakin, and to not lose faith because he is still the chosen one.