View Full Version : Protecting The Chaos Of Nature (open challenge to a Jedi)

Sten the Chimp
Jun 7th, 2002, 01:23:04 AM
Sten was bored, oh so bored. He sat on the limb of the tree, watching, waiting for something or someone to come into his field of senses, and that creature, unless it was a fellow Sith, would be fought and possibly killed for the disruption of the chaos that ran rampant in Sten's head. He then felt a disturbance. Someone was coming, but who? Quietly, Sten sat and simply waited......

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 7th, 2002, 09:23:57 AM
It was mid-day, and once again Dasquian was patrolling. He'd grown quite fond of his walks like this, simply scouting planets. He picked the places he would look around in specifically, of course, because of darkside activity or unusual goings on - and today he was looking for an infuriated Sith. He could feel the darksider from quite far away, but knew now that he was drawing close.

The Jedi paced into a thicket of trees, stopping on the edge of the grove before taking a few paces backwards. He squinted, looking up towards the branches and canopies above. In total silence he drew the bow from his back and pulled back the string, firing the loaded arrow into the leaves with a twang.

Sten the Chimp
Jun 8th, 2002, 08:59:44 PM
Sten knew of the intent of this stranger, and heard the twang of the bow. He even saw the arrow speeding towards him. It zipped passed his head, with thanks to the Force. Sten, a bit miffed that some sorry human would fire at him, snarled. He then moved from branch to branch, speaking to this human all the while.

"Ahhh, so you use the weapons of old? I like that, for I am a collector of the weapons of old. But in times like these, those weapons are sometimes and almost all of the time ineffective in taking down someone, especially a Force-wielding individual, such as myself. And to do such a stupid thing is considered a wrong, and so I must punish."

Sten stopped on a thick branch, right above the human. He ignited his saber slightly, just enough to sever the branch. It fell, and Sten rode it down, jumping off at the last second and swinging to perch atop another branch. Sten watched as the human was struck by the branch, and as he fell the branch pinned him to the ground. He chuckled softly to himself, and continued moving along the other branches, never letting his eyes off of his enemy.