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Marcus Telcontar
Jun 7th, 2002, 12:41:52 AM
Ohh hhoorrssee sshhiitt... Both of you make me ill. You drag your RL religion crap into SW and then try to look down your noses at us. Were here to stay mr. dt and your over zealous wife. You can't take the heat, get out of the damn kitchen. God mode, don't make me laugh. Both of you two are master's at it and everyone knows it. You think you two wrote the damn book on it...

And let me tell you something mr. info!... Having a "Good" Vampyre as a jedi...omg!!!...That's about as lame as saying your going to make a Christian a "good" and outstanding Satanist at the same time. You fell and bumped your head's. It's funny how you don't want to acknowledge "Us" as legit CHR's on your board, however, you will a Vamp if he fit's your criteria ...Murmm...I smell hypocrisy. You both are a piece of work ya know...LMAO!!!...So take that to the bank and cash it in. And a little something else...Juz because GL never mentioned Vamp's guy's doesn't mean they can't or don't exist. So get over it!...Saurron, ya hit the nail right on the head bro. I guess some peep look at chit trough a straw, what can I say...lol

Hmm... and it was worse than that as well. I was fairly willing to listen up until then.

Jun 7th, 2002, 01:57:47 AM
I'm confused... why are you taking notes on a thread that's been closed and moved. Or was this doen before the thread was moved and such?

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 7th, 2002, 05:04:55 AM
He was editing the post that caused the thread to be closed and moved to be less antagonistic. I was trying to catch it when it was at it's worst, or at the least catch something incase he edited all out. He didnt change much, I think I do have a recollection of what was originally there, but as I didnt get that, I listed what I had.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 7th, 2002, 01:46:18 PM
I find his comments very hurtful as well, for I too am a Christian. I think that it was extremely disrespectful of him to rip on two of the best RPers that SWFans has! Not to mention that he cut down the people who "bring" their religion into it. I don't even see where that was a concern in the original thread! *sigh* I dunno anymore...I hate OOC arguments and insults...it ruins the fun RPing has to offer.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 7th, 2002, 06:54:17 PM
Yeah well... I actually wasnt seeing red about it, like you would expect. I'm pretty relaxed, just shaking my head in disbelief they escalated what was a fairly resonable discussion out of sight so fast. All the fault is on them for this as it was quite unprovoked. I'm pretty sure they are badmouthing me behind my back, but that isnt worrying me either. if they really want to get all OOC, I dont think fpeople will be questioning a banning. Until then, ball's int ehir court. They can choose to be mature and discuss resonably and I hope they do. The actual question was being discussed well and some good points were coming out. I am rather disappointed closing was forced.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 10th, 2002, 10:57:03 PM
Well, the whole thing is, you're trying to change something thats been status quo for about 2.5 years.

The other part is that you simply don't have the authority to dictate what someone RPs. Its unreasonable, and goes against long established precendents.

Furthermore, you are free to simply ignore the roleplays and roleplayers that don't fall into your sense of what makes sense.

Its why I've been ignoring anything you've done for the past 4 months.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 11th, 2002, 12:47:44 AM
Excuse me? Who was changing anything? This was related to the GJO and a possible Jedi Vampire. Did you see a sign saying you shall not roleplay here?

Why dont you read the actual thread before you comment and understand what it was really about. It was simply related to the GJO and what would be an acceptible vampire IN THIS GROUP.

Dalamar and I have chatted, he has apologised for what he said. I expect Soth too as well, for nothing justified that attack.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 11th, 2002, 09:52:31 AM
I did read the thread: I obviously misinterpreted it. The discussion clearly drifted at one point, and resulted in the mess that we have now.

A good many people felt that you were challenging the legitamacy of thier well establish characters, which obviously makes for some nasty tension.