View Full Version : ..M'Lady..

Jun 6th, 2002, 10:31:45 PM
<center>Sodan stands quietly, his long cape flowing down his body pooling around his feet. His head down, slightly covered by his long jet black hair - his hands grasped behind his back. With his eyes closed, he speaks with his mind, seeking an audience with a certain Dark Master, '..M'Lady Vader..'

Lady Vader
Jun 7th, 2002, 05:01:12 PM
*LV stepped forward to address the Sith before her.*

Welcome back, Sodan. Was your mission successful?

Jun 9th, 2002, 12:37:59 AM
<center>Sodan looked to the respected Sith Master before him. The answer was simple and of course nothing unexpected. He lifted his right hand - palm up - and off to the side summoning his conquered possession, "..Of course.."</center>

Lady Vader
Jun 9th, 2002, 02:34:26 AM
*LV looked to where Sodan pointed, and waited.*

Aurora Keaira
Jun 9th, 2002, 04:09:57 PM
Head hung low in a seemingly defeated manner, Aurora stepped from the shadows as commanded, presenting herself to the Lady Vader. She kept her eyes cast to the floor, not wishing to meet the Sith Master’s gaze; knowing all too well that one look in her eyes would win her judgement of being weak. She knew it to be true, for she had <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=12840>lost</a> her will to push dark thoughts from her mind. Eager to step beyond and replace such weakness with the strength of the darkside, Aurora now stood in the heart of The Sith Order awaiting approval.

Lady Vader
Jun 10th, 2002, 01:46:22 PM
*LV raised an eyebrow. She looked on the young woman for some time before speaking.*

Weakness is not to be tolerated in these walls, young one. Once you choose this life, you will embrace it fully, lest it or one of us end it for you.

*There was no response from the woman. LV could practically smell the fear rolling off of her.*

Look at me.

*The command made the woman stiffen considerably before she lifted her head. LV looked at the woman, drilling her eyes with her own, reading what was beyond in the woman; her soul... her future.*

You have potential. But you need guidence to use this power. You have yet to realize it all.

*She broke her gaze from the woman's and looked to Sodan.*

Train her. See to it that she becomes an integral part of the Order.

*She looked back at the woman, raising a finger to point at her.*

Failure is not accepted nor tolerated here. You will succeed. For once you join this family, you must learn obedience and loyalty.

Anything less... well, lets just say no pleasantries will come from treason.

*She looked back to Sodan.*

She is under your care now. See to it she understand the Force and this Order.

*With that, LV turned, seemingly disappearing into the shadows of the hallways, the black marble pillars seeming to dance and shift, concealing whichever way she had gone.*