View Full Version : The Begining

Jun 6th, 2002, 04:19:57 PM
Full Name : Maximas Duranion
Age: 20
Place of Birth: htrae
Species: Human
Height: 5'8

Maximas grew up on a tiny plannet known as Htrae. Only 239 people populated the plannet. As it happend, Maximas relised he had unusual skills. Mainly being able to move things with the power of thought alone. The people on Htrae looked up to Maximas and named him the king of the land. A huge burdon for someone as young as 14. He found his position exhasting and frequently lost his temper with his people. He was good at heart but felt trapped and felt as if his people relied on him too much. He had heard of the Jedi and realising that moving objects with the power of thought and being able to sense people around him were traits of the Jedi, he took a transport to see if he could train to become one.

Only the future will tell...