View Full Version : A suggestion...

Ilyn Pyke
Jun 6th, 2002, 02:38:33 AM

I want to suggest if it is possible to have a hunter and a scoundrel style set themes. The former one can have a collage of hunters. While the latter can have Han, Chewie, and Jabba (maybe even Oola and Crumb). Thoughts?

Sage Hazzard
Jun 9th, 2002, 04:37:20 PM
I'd like to say I very much like this idea. Although I've been notified it's pretty rough on someone to make a style set. The programming involved being complex. However, I am backing this idea anyhow. I'd be willing to help my community in any graphical way, as I'm not bad at it. So I can make a banner, et cetera. But I know that's a small bit of the problem with making new style sets.

EDIT: Mods and admin, if enough people support this, would you consider going through the trouble? How many people would need to be on board? (BTW, small note, if my proposal for "need meets demand" is accepted, don't anybody go and ruin it by posting under multiple user names just to stack the tally)

Jun 9th, 2002, 04:39:21 PM
Its not so much programming as it is HTML and CSS modifications to somewhere in the area of nearly 600 templates, which the forums are rendered from.

For example: The creation of the concept for the new AOTC - Geonosis style took a little less than a day. While implementing it is still an undergoing process after a little more than a week after initially adding it.

Sage Hazzard
Jun 9th, 2002, 04:43:49 PM
Hmm... Sounds tricky. And I sympathise with your troubles. I know it's a pain to do that sort of stuff. I deal in mainly HTML and it's a big pain in the rear to just modify simple code.

Look at my first reply, I edited it to propse something new. I didn't know you'd reply so fast. :)

Jun 9th, 2002, 04:45:50 PM
Anything is possible, but I can say that I myself won't be doing another style here for at least another month or so. Its a ton of work and really burns me out on coding for a time.