View Full Version : Wonders How the Other Half is Doing

Tirsa Krylana
Jun 5th, 2002, 08:26:00 PM

:: the Nebari exclaimed with a resounding smack of her hand on the counter top.

Tirsa sat down on the stool and peered over each shoulder to see who was in the bar this evening. Being the sneaky little curious thief that she was... Tirsa decided to stop at Arcan on her way back to Meras. Been sometime since the Nebari seen the Jedi .... Might bring back something usefull to Sorsha and the other members of her family.

Plus ... she was bored. Nothing worse then a bored Nebari who was sick of watching Endo refuel the ship ::

Sene Unty
Jun 5th, 2002, 11:26:14 PM
"Hey I've never seen you around here." Sene put the statement to the woman sitting at the bar. He walked over and sat next to her, his twelve year old legs barely touching the floor. He smiled.

"You don't look like a Jedi." Sene continued to smile.

Jun 6th, 2002, 06:09:28 AM
"That's because she's not Sene..." says a voice behind both of them. As they turn to look, they see the owner of the voice, a tall, silver haired and eyed fourteen year old.

"Never expected to see you here Tirsa..."

Sanis Prent
Jun 6th, 2002, 11:06:58 AM
(A familiar face interrupted my usual routine of debauchery. I watched her walk inside from the sanctuary behind my pint. If I didn't have a head on my two shoulders, I would do something rash. But I'd played Sabacc, and I knew how to front a good face. In the meantime, I wasn't in the mood to move with a cold stout in front of me. When it was gone, I could move on to other things. Like a bazaar peddler, I could hear opportunity knocking clearly enough...but I wasn't about to answer it with the first thing to pop into my head. Opportunities were alot like women. More than a few might fall in your lap, but fooling around with the wrong ones would cost you.

Anticipation mixed with the aftertaste of roasted barley in my mouth, trickling down to my stomach with a crescendo.)

Clive Jerrard
Jun 6th, 2002, 02:22:04 PM
(A voice broke into Sanis' calm as he kept his eye towards the bar.)

You look possitively green, pal. I'd hazzard to ask why, but I don't think I'd like the answer.

(He hoped he hadn't been interrupting any deep thoughts the man before him might have been having, and being greeted by the blank look, he figured he hadn't. He set his own drink down on the table, some foul-looking encarnation from Nar Shadda. It looked awful, but actually had a pretty good taste, and gave you a kick in the backside like nothing else. Hence why it was called Hutt's Revenge.)

(Clive pulled up a chair and sat at the table, looking over in the general direction Sanis had been looking in before he'd come. He saw possibly what Sanis could have been looking at, a Naberi woman, rather attractive. But the way Sanis had been looking earlier, he figured there was no such thing here.)

(Clive himself knew the woman, but only through dealings back at his ship yard and weapon's depot back on Nar Shadda. There really wasn't anyone's face he hadn't stored into long term memory that had visited his shop. And every time she came, it was always the same deal while she was in the system: refuel and weapons check and reload if it was needed. never any overhauls, or upgrades. Not yet, at any rate.)

(He sipped again, looking back at Sanis, only to have lost him again. He swallowed his drink, setting it down with one hand and waving the other in front of Sanis' face.)

Hey! You here? Or free-floating in the next sector?

Tirsa Krylana
Jun 6th, 2002, 10:43:45 PM
"Thank you little, kid. Best compliment I heard from the likes of you Jedi."

:: she winked at Sene and then laughed at Satine's comment. It was more like a cackle then anything else... Needless to say... seeing him always was a comedy to Tirsa ::


:: Tirsa held out her arms and did a quick spin around on her stool ::

"It's a free sector last time I looked."

:: the bartender set down her order ::

"Well ..."

:: the Nebari pulled out a few credits and slammed them down next to her whiskey ::

"... at least the flying through the system is."

:: oddly enough .... Tirsa felt something strange. She felt a little lightheaded, which was common enough around Force users. Normally the Nebari had that weird sensation... but this felt different. It was like something was poking at the back of her brain ... ::

Jun 7th, 2002, 06:54:25 AM
"Oh come on, the drinks aren't that expensive..."

Sensing someting strange from Tirsa, the Knight frowns. "Tirsa? You alright?"

Tirsa Krylana
Jun 7th, 2002, 10:33:49 AM
"I hate it when you guys do that!"

:: she hissed out ::

"Don't enter my mind! Got it!"

Jun 7th, 2002, 05:15:35 PM
Alpha growls slightly, frowning.

"I wasn't in your mind! You're radiating emotions like a nova!"

Tirsa Krylana
Jun 9th, 2002, 12:53:57 PM
"So frelling what?!"

:: she stood up and was face to face with Satine, leering at him ::

"You're picking up on them! GO AWAY!"

Sanis Prent
Jun 9th, 2002, 01:46:01 PM
(I looked up at Clive, managing a smile)

Yeah, I'm here...but this isn't exactly the place to be if I were you, Clive.

(I hoped the hint would keep the guy out of any undue trouble. Not that we were poker buddies, but Jerrard knew his P's and Q's, and getting a decent contact in legal trouble wasn't going to help me.

Out of a jacket pocket, I pulled out a small plastic pouch that said "5". From another pocket, I pulled out a plastic vial, with a clear liquid that said "5A".)

Why don't you make yourself useful, and get me a double of Maker's, Clive.

Jun 9th, 2002, 05:19:19 PM
"Listen you frellin blue moron!" Satine says, his voice raising, luder then most had heard from him in a long time. "You don't want your emotions picked up on? Keep the damn things bottled up while you're here! How in the Nine unholy Hells are us Jedi--the Force sensatives--NOT supposed to pick 'em up if you leave them out in the open? The answer: We can't help it!"

Tirsa Krylana
Jun 9th, 2002, 08:01:12 PM
"Blue ... moron??? The mighty Jedi have resulted to insults now!"

:: her voice was raised an octive higher then Satine's ... drawing more stares this way ::

"And the answer actually is .. NO YOU CAN HELP IT!!! What kinda Knight can't block someone's emotions and then go away when someone tells them too!!! No wonder people get so frelling pissed at you guys... LIKE RIGHT NOW!!!"

Jun 9th, 2002, 08:13:40 PM
Sanis sat at his table with his hands underneath preparing whatever it was that he was. Just as the two vials were out, a large animal came bounding through the bar, weaving between legs and hopping over empty chairs.

It turned out that one of the chairs that it decided to go under was the one Sanis was sitting in. The animal was large enough that she could not fit all that well underneath the chair and had misjudged it in her zeal to get across the bar where her Master sat.

The effect of her going under the chair but being too large caused Sanis’ chair to topple over and the two concoctions he was fiddling with to fall to the floor, the vials being smashed and spilt under his weight behind the white streak of a creature as it passed.

Grimya walked up to her master’s side and licked her hand, wanting her mid-day meal.

Jun 9th, 2002, 09:16:15 PM
"Alright," Satine says, taking a deep breath to try and calm himself and avoid hitting the Nebari. "Some Jedi can. Mental games have never been my strong suit, and neither is blocking thoughts--unless they're MY thoughts."

He quickly turns on his heel, his trenchcoat fluttering behind him as he walks off, clamping down on his own anger before he breaks something...

Tirsa Krylana
Jun 9th, 2002, 09:20:59 PM
:: Tirsa wanted to throw something at him so badly but considering where she was ... It wasn't a brilliant idea. Instead she slumped down on her stool and downed her shot of whiskey to cool her nerves and mumbles under breath, still angry ::

"Frelling Jedi.... Telling me to calm down and dren when they can't do it themselves. Frelling bunch of hypocrites..."

Sanis Prent
Jun 11th, 2002, 10:52:29 AM
OOC: Well, I had the vial as being plastic, as I wouldn't want the thing to break in my jacket pocket to begin with. :\

Clive Jerrard
Jun 11th, 2002, 12:57:53 PM
OOC: Maybe the post can be edited to read that the vial rolled across the floor instead of breaking? (And from Sanis' post, there is only one vial. The other whatever-it-is is inside a pouch.)

Jun 11th, 2002, 02:17:46 PM
OOC: The post was edited and applies inside pouch, outside pouch, or a cross between the two.

Clive Jerrard
Jun 11th, 2002, 02:38:29 PM
(Clive attemtped to keep Sanis from going over, but in the process only ended up spilling his drink onto his own lap, causing him to stand and brush his pants in vain.)

Ah, damn... and these were new too.

(Amidts his grumbling, he offered Sanis a hand and helped him to his feet, noticing the vial and pouch, both of which had been burst under Sanis' weight. It took him only a second to put two and two together, and gave the other man a half grin/half grimace expression.)

Uh, you still need that drink?