View Full Version : Obstacles and Obligations: Premonitons and Hidden Desires

Commander Vanicus
Jun 5th, 2002, 08:22:44 PM
This thread is open, but is a complex story based on an older RP that will be linked. The previous RP was not completed, but in a sense will be after the story elements are added to this thread. If you wish to join, please PM either myself or Lily Brand so that we can discuss it.

A continuation of; <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=7415>Seeking Sovereignty</a>

*Plink plink plink*

It was a sound that echoed through his ears. He had been hearing it for so long now that it went unnoticed. Water dripped from the ceiling of the caverns and into small pools in many places in here underground, which had become his home. The musty air that always seemed stale and so not full of life was another of the facets of this new way of life that had become commonplace.

Thoughts of a cool breeze and fresh air raced through his mind as he trudged through the damp dirt. He longed to see the sun once again. Nearly a year’s time living in the depths of this planet was almost enough to drive one insane, but it was what had to be done. The people wished it, more precisely begged for it. He and his Jedi companion had to come here and hide, for the well being of the entire universe. The balance of power could not be allowed to shift so dramatically.

In his left hand was a stick of old petrified wood. Atop that glowed the light by which he found his way. Torch-light wasn’t the at all modern or convenient, but it was all there was. In his left hand near his side, dinner swung past his leg with each step. He never would have thought that he would have to become a hunter-gatherer in the literal sense a year ago, but now…

Nearing what they had constructed as their home here in the belly of the planet, his thoughts drifted yet again to how they had come to be in this place and what the current situation was topside. They expected to hear word of some word either of failure or success, but still none had come. Knowing exactly how long they had been down here was difficult considering that every day was just like the previous, dark and filled with the constant sound of dripping water.

Would they be able to leave this place and once again see the sun or breathe in the taste and scent of real fresh air……..ever?

Lily Brand
Jun 5th, 2002, 09:10:42 PM
*Plink plink plink*

The rhythm of the water dripping off the tips of the stalactites provided a meditative anchor for the lone Jedi. Her blessed Jedi robes were tattered and tarring off at the ends, but they were the only clothes she owned. The Sith had afforded her no time to take anything else but what was on her own body. At least they could be kept cleaned. Thank the Force that early on, she was able to find an ample underground lake down here. It was with that miracle, that Lily and Alex were able to survive.

She was sitting in front of a make shift shelter, its form made of rock and grass that were collected over the last year, in which she and Alex were forced to call this place home. But, it had to be done because of what was laid out before her.

Two gauntlets, forged from the sturdiest steel found on the planet Korriban, fought the control of the Jedi; trying to reach out into the distant stars in search of the feared Sith Master that had come to claim them over a cycle past. They haven't felt the closeness of the Dark Side in so long that it wanted a vessel desperately. Its claw like spindles wanted to dig right into the flesh of a Sith to reap and sow untold power! It wanted to leech all the ambient Darkness from its surroundings and give life to the runes chisled into its shell. It wanted to have the vessel claim the accompanying Sith Sword, with the black blade that was carved out of a nightmare, and lay waste to the Jedi that had imprisoned it!

This is what Lily Brand, Daughter and Student of the late Jedi Master Jaydos Brand, had to fight against each day of her life since coming down here. She was a prisoner in these caves and a prisoner to these weapons. It was a fate that this Jedi had accepted a long time ago and would do anything to preserve the balance of Light and Dark.

Some days, the artifacts would not sing their song of mourning; crying out into the galaxy in hopes that they would be found. Those were the times that Alex and Lily could relax and find comfort with each other.

It was times like this that Lily was focused and distant. Using all of her abilities to channel the Force and block out the songs of the sword and gauntlets. They were particularly strong tonight, or was it morning........ and it was taken its toll on her.

Heavy bags were worn underneath her closed eyes. It was the only sign of how truly tried she was. Her back was straight and perfect, head held high and arms resting gently on her crossed legs. Lily mediated and along with the help of the dripping water around her, focused her energies to cut the music off at its strings!

Commander Vanicus
Jun 6th, 2002, 10:32:49 AM
The squishing wet sounds of his footsteps broke the monotonous sounds of the dripping water as he approached their makeshift underground hovel. They had been lucky that Lily had her lightsabaer with her when they came down into these dark depths. It and his blaster were their only real tools they could use to get anything accomplished.

Stalactites and stalagmites were no match for a swing of the mystical Jedi weapon. Many of these stone pillars had been used to construct the walls of their makeshift home, and many others cleared so that they could line the floors with the straw and dried plants that they had gathered to make their floor and bed more comfortable than the damp rock and mud that surrounded them on all sides.

As he approached he tried to quiet his footsteps as much as possible. He could feel in the stale air that Lily was having one of her on duty days, trying to contain and hide the presence of the artifacts, which the two of them had been ordained to keep from those who would abuse their magical power.

Alex knew next to nothing about their true nature, but had learned enough from his discussions with his beloved Lily, to know that it took a great deal out of her during times such as this. And the musty air seemed almost electric at such times, making it obvious to him that he must be careful not to distract her from her task, lest it fail.

Tonight’s dinner was already on spits and the fireplace type circle outside the hovel waited to receive it’s topping so that it could be cooked and cleaned by the heat. Without announcing his arrival, he walked to the side of the fire pit and set the spits above the lapping and licking flames. Soon the scent of their upcoming meal filed the room in which they resided. While he added some small green plants to a bowl carved from stone at the edge of the fire pit so that they could boil and be consumed safely.

It wasn’t the most delicious of cuisine, but at least they were not starving down here in the recesses of this world. Recesses that he hoped one day soon to leave as nothing more than a past memory. He was very tired of seeing the same dark dingy cave walls. He longed for natural light and the heat of the sun on his skin. And of course real food, not cave dwelling varmints!

Lily Brand
Jun 9th, 2002, 08:38:36 PM
To block the presence of these artifacts was, at times, odd and chaotic. Lily could only explain it as a property of the items. There were no reasons as to why the song of the gauntlets and sword would cry out into the darkened void of the Force. Sometimes at night, Lily would wake up out of a sound sleep right as the items started again. Her mind was so sensitive to the specific energies that they were taping into that she often wondered if one day they would stop and give up their futile destiny.

It was only a dream. A wish. A hope. A desire. One that the Jedi would never give into fully. For if she did, it would be the day that she would fail and die. Probably causing the death of her lover and then these objects of destruction would be in the hands of the Sith.

On the other hand, her sensitivity was useful in knowing when the objects quieted down. Like they did now. Without a vessel, the gauntlets could only try and call out for so long before having to channel the Dark Side to replenish its depleted power.

Finally, Lily could break her trance and slowly the world around started to become real. Not this other world that she could barely sense at all. First her body began to tingle; the slightest shift in her weight was like pins and needles shooting up her limbs. This was a long session and probing mentally with her internal clock, three hours had passed.

This caused some concern for Lily as she heard the crackling of the campfire, the warmth being emitted that helped to revive her stiffened body. Three hours was a long time for her to be masking the presence of the artifacts. Only time that she was required to do such a lengthy stretch was about a year ago.

Her thoughts were interrupted as the smell of dinner flooded her nostrils and they flared; wanting to take in more of the smell. It seemed that her senses had missed serving their purposes........

And then her stomach growled.

A timid hand reached up and patted her stomach gently as eyes fluttered opened.

"Hush now," She said quietly and looked over to where Alex was. Right now his back was facing her but his thoughts were alive in Lily's mind.

Living down in these caverns for so long, being so close, the two of them were able to declare the love they felt for one another. Something that they could not do before the Sith came because of duty, honor and respect. It was impossible not to reach out to one another for comfort and love with the situation that fate had given them. Ever since the first night that they had consumated their love, Lily had always been keenly aware of Alex's emotions and thoughts, especially when they were strong. Like they were now. He was restless and homesick.

Lily was as well but it was easy to hide such feelings with the disciplined mind that she had. Alex was military. He was a soldier and a leader. He felt lost without that part of himself but Lily knew it was her that kept him going.

Quietly, like only a Jedi could, Lily crept up behind him and wrapped a single arm around his neck. With a smile on her face, she nuzzled his cheek with her own without saying anything. Alex could feel in his mind how much that she loved him.

Commander Vanicus
Jun 10th, 2002, 02:45:29 PM
Like most men, Alex was not so good at expressing his feelings through words, and instead conveyed them through action. It wouldn’t be true to say that he had never told her of his love for her because he had on a few occasions, even before their plight under the surface of the planet began. It was during those times that it was a much more pent up and unreleased feeling. For they had been so often separate in their individual communities. Her in the Outpost that had become the Jedi Temple, and him in the city, keeping up with the every day task of seeing that all his duties and those of his subordinates was carried out with precision.

Things had changed drastically after the day the Sith came to this world which had been quiet and devoid of such evil activities for nearly two hundred years. Some of those things were good, but most were not. One of the good things was that he and Lily were no longer separate, they were always together, always relying on one another so that they could see the next day come and live to maybe tell others of their plight.

Love was powerful, and stood rigidly against the despair and disconnection from the world they once knew. It was true that it was the thing that carried them through these tough times and gave them the will to do all they could to survive and carry out the task they had been appointed by the elder Jedi of the Outpost. Love and duty were all the two of them knew anymore. The simpler things in life were a memory buried in the past a year ago, just as they were almost literally buried under the soil of this planet.

Her unexpected arrival and caress eased his mind and warmed his very being. The feelings they shared for one another were amplified when they were this close and it was as if the rest of the world and their situation here didn’t exist. It was a fleeting moment of bliss of which they had quite a few of in the last annum.

His hand that was not occupied with the frying of their dinner over the open flame, came up to meet the side of her face and he took a deep breath, savoring the content and completeness he felt. His voice came soft and soothed in its tone, it was brief and simple, but the sound of it was laced with his devotion to her.


For the time being, he was no longer thinking of the bleakness of their living conditions or reminiscing about what it was like to see light that was not artificially created by fire, he was at peace and not fully aware of the reason that her close presence soothed him so wholly.

Lily Brand
Jun 12th, 2002, 06:29:21 PM
Before she could answer verbally, Lily's stomach decided to answer the question for Alex.

He could feel her laughter, as well as hear it, across his cheek and neck. "Yes. Very much so." Lily tenderly brushed her lips across the palm of Alex's hand before moving over to the flattened stone next to him. They weren't the most comfortable seats but it was better then sitting on the jagged and cracked cavern floor.

Lily watched Alex do the final preparations for dinner tonight and smiled within at how dramatically his mood had changed. He was enjoying the mundane task of cooking now with a smile on his face. The part of him that was tired and depressed, hating the situation that fate had thrust them into was gone. Replaced by compassion and peace.

The Jedi once thought it best to explain how she expressed her feelings for him. That it was the Force and her ability to project her actual feelings and thoughts into his being. She always decided against it. Lily loved him dearly but to explain such ways to a non Force user was difficult. At best.

There was one way that Alex could understand and Lily was considering it until about a month ago. It was what the Jedi called a Life Bond. In the case of the two of them, Lily would be able to feel Alex's emotional state, know where he was at all times and they would be able to carry on telepathic communications with each other. Lastly, both of them could have premonitions about each other. Even Alex could because a Life Bond was a powerful commitment. Granted, he would not have waking visions like Lily, but they could come in his sleep.

Lily could not afford that yet for personal reasons.

Then it happened. So quickly and violently. A multitude of colors flashed before her eyes. The usual sign that this was the beginning of a vision. The pure chaotic nature of the flash warned Lily already that terrible danger was coming.

Alex was in the middle of handing her a stone made plate of food when he saw Lily's eyes glaze over; staring forward at the stone wall across the room. She didn't blink nor move at all. Lily looked like a statue and they only indication that she was alive was her shallow breathing.

What Lily saw was far worse. It started off innocent enough. Four moons were orbiting the planet. The order of nature and balance were met; Lily could feel the Force binding the moon and the planet together. The threads of power indicated by the pale blue light that followed up from the planet and embraced each moon.

Suddenly, her heart stopped as she watched one of the threads snap loose on the smallest of the planets. Order had been thrown into chaos. The moon had shifted from its orbit and was drawn into the planet's atmosphere.

Around and around the moon went, gaining faster in speed. With each revolution earthquakes split the ground asunder underneath the oceans causing massive tsunamis. Volcanoes gave rise at places one never thought were possible. The sky darkened black and cold from the endless ash pumped into the atmosphere.

Devestation was everywhere!

And then it stopped. Abrubtly like all her visions.

Lily finally blinked and found herself staring at Alex. Whatever had overtaken her seemingly melted away as the Jedi regained her composure immediatly. It was like flipping a switch.

"We haven't much time. Alex, it's started."

Solemnly, she looked to the gauntlets and the sword. "He's come back."

Commander Vanicus
Jun 14th, 2002, 05:45:50 PM
To say he was surprised as he started to hand her the plate of food he had prepared would have been a grossly exaggerated understatement. His feelings of peace and content were washed away in but a brief split second as he saw the distant look in Lily’s eyes and the color wash from her face. Those feelings were replaced by confusion and fear. He had not seen her in a state such as this one before.

He felt helpless as he placed her plate aside and took her shoulders into his hands. Alex had no idea what was happening or what, if anything, he could do to help. His knowledge in the ways of the Force was non-existent and that was the only thought that came to his mind as to an explanation for what he was witnessing.

It was plainly obvious that she was looking at something other than the dark wall across the cavern room they were in, as her eyes danced but appeared to have no definitive focal point. There were no sounds coming from her or even his own mouth or body as he sat there with his hands on her shoulders, his mouth agape in surprise.

There were only the sounds of the dripping and the crackling fire present.

It only took a few seconds for her to finally snap out of whatever state she was in and much to his comfort her voice soon followed. As she first began to speak the tension with which his fingers held her shoulders relaxed. But with each following word, they began to tense again, not so much that her caused her pain, though enough for her to realize without probing his feelings that he was worried, and afraid.

He had no idea that she had just experienced a vision of a possible future or even that she possessed such abilities. But from what she was saying, he was beginning to piece that together as a reason for what had just happened.

Then came a sentence that chilled him to the bone. It wasn’t so much that he knew exactly whom she was speaking of, as it was the very sound of her voice when she said…

”He’s come back.”

The dread in her voice somehow was cast into him as she felt it, thorough more than just the subtle picking up of emotion in her tone, but through a means that was beyond his understanding. Her abilities in the Force were powerful and affected him as well, even when she was not trying to intentionally.

“It has to be one of those Sith!” He thought to himself, but even as he did he became confused.

As far as he knew they had never left the planet and that was why they were still down here living in such squalor. His heart and mind were plummeting and rising as the emotions of what had occurred in just the last few seconds began to set in. Helplessness, worry, fear, confusion, and impending danger were all in control now, pulling him in many different directions, making his mind a place of chaos and nonsense.

He had to try and get some answers so that he could better understand, but he was unsure exactly what to ask. A single word passed quietly from his lips as his eyes reflected back all that he was feeling to her.


There were plenty of other questions running through his mind in its chaotic state, but that single word was the only thing that had actually become verbalized and said aloud. His face lined with worry, he awaited an answer to a question he wasn’t even sure he had spoken.

Lily Brand
Jul 1st, 2002, 08:07:32 PM
Her eyes returned to Alex's; focused on what was going to happen. The vision she saw was no foolish portent. Lily's abilities were strong in predicting the future and knowing signs and portents for what they are worth. Instinct told her that this vision wasn't a possible future. It was a warning that both her and Alex's lives were at danger.

"The immense green Sith. The one that led the raid here months ago. He's coming back here..... alone."

Lily stood up and rubbed at her shoulders. Suddenly it was so very cold in the caverns. "He hasn't given up on finding these weapons and I know there wasn't anyway for him to know they were still on this planet. I've been blocking them successfully!"

She turned around and looked down at her love still sitting on the floor. "All I know is that in a months time, all life will die and the Sith will possess these artifacts."

Frustration was trying to take control of Lily. Closing her eyes, she willed the Force to enter her being and calm her mind; whisking away emotions that would cloud her judgement. "We need to get off this planet at all costs, Alex. I just don't know how yet."

It was amazing that in one moment, everything was perfect. Who cares where they were in the galaxy. Alex and Lily were together. Bonded by love. Nothing matter but being together.

Now, everything changed. Thousands, possibly millions of lives were on the line; just like a year ago.

Commander Vanicus
Jul 12th, 2002, 08:40:55 AM
The dread in her voice was easy enough to pick up on, coupled with the doom laden in the very words themselves. His look of confusion transformed into one of concern and concentration. Alex knew nothing of the condition of the Outpost above them, or of the city he had left nearly a year ago, and in his obliviousness he thought leaving the planet should not be all that difficult unless their were Sith still in the Outpost where they would have to exit these caverns.

In a way, even with the prediction that Lily revealed could spell the doom of everything alive on this world, Alex felt a great relief. They would finally get to see the surface, he sun, the fresh air, and the look of sky above instead of cold unforgiving stone.

“Do you know if the exit to the cave is safe for us to use? The one we entered through?”

It would be a long trek with many forks and incorrect path possibilities along the way for them to get to the entrance they used a year ago, but so much time had been spent in this dark dismal place that Alex would be able to find the way with a blindfold on if necessary.

Tonight’s dinner had become but an afterthought, something totally forgotten and replaced by the urgency in his lover’s words.

Lily Brand
Jul 16th, 2002, 04:46:57 PM
"There is no one else on this planet."

Her eyes were locked upon Alex's in all seriousness. They also seemed to become wiser in a sense. He had seen this many times when Lily was reaching out through the Force to gain insight in whatever situation arose.

She hurried to stand up and began making a make shift strap for the malevolent weapons with her leather belt. "By the time we reach the surface, the Sith's plans will already be set in motion."

There was nothing left of value on her belt except for the material itself. She set the sabre aside and looped the now leather strap over her head, the sword safely fastened on Lily's back. The only other item that was able to survive in this time was an old pack that would be well suited to carry the gauntlets. She crossed strap of the pack in the opposite direction of the make shift.

"We're already running out of time."

Lily stood up, sabre in hand and stared off into the black pit that a year ago, Alex and her had exited from. She relaxed and let her conscious thought go and went into the past. Of the mad dash into the caverns and the days of camping inside them until settling here. It was an old technique used by the Jedi to enhance any memory and relive it like it only happened hours earlier.

It perhaps wasn't the quickest way out of the maze of tunnels but it was one that would not get the couple lost.

She looked over at Alex and offered him a half smile, "Ready?"

Commander Vanicus
Jul 17th, 2002, 08:56:38 PM
Seeing her preparing to leave as well as hearing the urgency in her words was enough to cause him to gather the few things he had while she was as well. He had listened to what she had said carefully, not letting any single syllable’s tone slip by or be misinterpreted.

If Lilly were to ask him to jump into a bubbling hot pool of lava he would. His devotion to her went that far, but he would prefer to do something like that in a sacrifice to save her rather than just at her request.

He hoped his blaster was still charged, seeing as he hadn’t used it but a few time early on in their adventures here in the deep recesses of the planet, as he clipped it to his belt. He also picked up the stone weapons that he had crafted for “hunting” their meals. There would be no telling what they may run into on their way out, and the blaster couldn’t be counted on one hundred percent.

“I am.” He replied, realizing for the first time in a very long time, just how little they really had with them down here. He tried to put on a pleased face to do what he could to ease her mood.

Lily Brand
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:06:17 PM
She couldn't help but feel more at ease by the look Alex threw at her. All of Lily's life was a matter of calm, seriousness and clear thought. Sometimes she often forget how Alex would make her feel relieved by a look, a thought she would pick up on. Sometimes just by being in his presence because his aura was so pure of love and devotion.

It made keeping secrets from him that much harder but now wasn't the time.

"Then let's go."

Lily led the way out of the opened area and towards the darkened tunnel that began the long trek towards the service. With a snap-hiss, her dark blue sabre lit the tunnel in a kaleidoscope of different shades of blues that reflected off the rock's surface.


They had made a lot of ground in the short time they started their journey. The tunnels had not changed much at all in the last year. A few small ponds that Lily remembered were larger, more like pools now because of the stalactites dripping water from the ceiling. They too have grown but shorter.

Silently, they both refilled their skins with water before heading into the maze of stalagmites that covered the ground in this chamber. Weaving through them, Lily was distracted by a feeling that something was wrong and stopped dead in her tracks.

Another vision had over taken her.

Her eyes shut tightly and she gripped at the side of her head, pulling hair. The pain was intense!

In her minds eye Lily watched the sandy ocean bottom being ripped apart by an earthquake. Red lava spewed forth and killed all plant and animal life that was unfortunate enough to be near. Her throat started to constrict as if choking on water and steam....

Then it ended and Lily stared at Alex. Eyes wide filled with dread. "Something's wrong, Alex!"

At that point, the entire cavern began to rumble ... causing both of them to feel their body tingle with the reverberations.

Commander Vanicus
Aug 20th, 2002, 12:16:53 AM
This was the second worst place top be at such a time. It was second only to being at the epicenter of such an occurrence. Being trapped underground during this event could prove fatal, either immediately or later if they were trapped within an area with no way out. Sure Lily’s saber could cut through stone, but how would they even know which way to go if all the paths were completely sealed and the very structure of the caverns changed by this cataclysmic event?

There was little time to think, only respond by instinct as the terror of the situation struck them both in but a fraction of an instant. There was a larger more spacious room ahead of them, but getting there would be no simple task with the very floor under their feet swaying and shifting. Stalactites began to drop and the walls creaked and moaned as if ready to split asunder.


Came his voice, full of urgency as he started to run in the direction of the larger room, wringing one of his arms around her waist to help pull her in the right direction in the urgent flight for at least a little more safety. The footing was not to trustworthy as the large, pointy, and very deadly aged columns of stone dropped all around them, shattering and coating the ground with debris.

He wasn’t really a follower in the ways of the force, but at this very moment, he was hoping with every fiber of his being that it would be on their side and help see them through this crisis, even though there were sure to be many more ahead if they did make it beyond these dismal and dangerous depths.

Lily Brand
Sep 3rd, 2002, 03:14:21 PM
The comfort of having Alex's arms around her body relaxed her mind greatly in knowing he was all right. But with the sound of stone crashing around them like a thunderous storm; it was overshadowed by both of them refusing to give up and make this cavern a lovers tomb.

Spikes of fractured stone shot through the floor providing more obstacles along with the teetering floor that was breaking apart. Lily winced as she pulled Alex around to her side immediately. If she hadn't, he would have been run through and killed instantly. Instead Lily had suffered a lengthy cut alongside her back because of the shift in position. Which would heal but the feeling of matted cloth against the wound alerted the Jedi that she must be bleeding badly.

Least of her concerns. The exit was almost there, between the stone shower, that Lily could make out. It was hard to tell distance because of keeping Alex close by and terrible footing. Wading through this catastrophe was like attempting to run across a rapid river by jumping on tree logs.

Sounds impossible no?

Not for a Jedi.

Through all the distractions, Lily would never be severed from the Force. It was her eyes, her ears. It was the very power that moved her legs away from falling through the floor or become a squashed by the boulder that came crashing down. Her brain was pounding with exertion and her body felt so light and numb; as if she wasn't in control of her own functions. In a way, that was true but it was trust in herself and belief that they wouldn't die in this unforgiven prison.

All of them would make it. So she would swear by the Force.

When I say jump. Jump, Alex! Trust me......

Lily had a flash of danger and the timing had to be perfect. A cavern floor was almost gone; buried in irregularity caused by the falling debris. The exit was still clear but what she knew, and Alex didn't, was in a matter of seconds, the entire floor would be covered by the last remnants of stalactites that still existed in this area.

Three steps forward and it was time. Only eight feet away. Any Jedi could make it with aid from the Force. But then there was this dodging of random stone.


Swallowing a breath, she jumped, channeling the Force to give her strength and power to carry both of them to safety.

Commander Vanicus
Sep 9th, 2002, 02:11:12 PM
They leapt in unison, each having an arm wrapped around the other. Alex could feel the damp warmness on Lily’s back, where she had suffered the wound, getting damper with each passing second. But at this moment that wasn’t the immediate concern, instead the strength and exertion put into the jump and clearing the opening chasm was.

It was amazing to feel the unseen power that helped guide their spring into the air provided by Lily’s manipulation of the Force. It made for a feeling of temporary weightlessness and confidence that they would prevail.

The sight and sounds of the ground below their airborne bodies falling into the depths of what seemed to be oblivion was tremendous and frightening to say the least. How was it that Lily or Alex would be able to judge how far they would have to go through the air before their footing would be solid and secure? Alex sure didn’t know, but perhaps with the Force as her guide, Lily did, and that was all that the Commander could count on and trust.

He trusted her implicitly and unquestioningly. And just as it was in the past, so it was now, that trust was rewarded when they made their landing on solid ground. The impact being just as the leap itself, aided by Lily’s use of the mysterious power she wielded, cushioning their landing

The sight and sound of the shaking earth began to subside as the pair tried to gather their senses and get their bearings, fighting through the adrenaline rush. It sure seemed as if this life threatening part of their trek had come to an end. But there was little doubt there would be other such perilous trials in their quest to escape this now doomed world.

Alex looked at Lily’s back and knew that something had to be done soon to clean the wound and stop the bleeding. Supplies for such things were severely lacking in this dark and dismal place. Concern and doubt were evident in his posture and facial features as he looked into her eyes. It would do them no good to escape this underground hell only to have her perish later from blood loss or infection.

Even without words, she would know what he was thinking and at this time keeping a positive attitude was nearly impossible without deception. Deceiving Lily was something that Alex would never do. His love was too powerful and true to conceive of it.

Lily Brand
Sep 18th, 2002, 01:13:54 PM
With a hard swallow, Lily welcomed the Force into her body and extended her senses outward into the vastness of it; thanking the Force. It was almost a tradition within the Brand Clan. Every time a dire situation was averted because of the Force, her father taught her to take a few moments to collect herself and immerse her being into its peace and wonder, in honor of the power that was blessed to them. In honor of the lives that were saved.

A gentle hand cupped Alex's chin, stroking the beard that had started to become rougher with time. "I'm all right. Relax, love." She spoke in that whisper of a voice that held so much compassion and ease that already he felt the warmth and love of Lily fill entire his being. He was swallowed completely in a sea of devotion and peace that he felt the tension in his body leave almost without passing.

Now that Alex was sated, she took a moment and reflected inwardly. She would focus on the wound momentarily but something of more concern was prevalent. Lily peeled away her senses and burrowed deep within her body. Past the pain, the blood loss, the sweat that had broken out through the skin. Every layer of self was stripped away until there! Yes! There it was.

A small heartbeat.

A faint smile was hidden from Alex by the shadows of the caverns. He could not see the smile of relief upon his lover's face but he knew that everything was indeed all right. Very much so.

Commander Vanicus
Sep 22nd, 2002, 01:22:30 PM
His concern for her health seemed to vanish almost completely, as an unseen wave of calm and ease washed over him, penetrating every aspect of his being. His heart rate slowed, his sweat glands stopped working so hard, and his muscles relaxed. It was as if he suddenly knew that everything would be all right. Though he couldn’t completely shake the feeling that wasn’t really true, especially as it pertained to things other than Lily’s injured back.

“We need to try and keep moving Lily. The aftershocks are bound to start coming soon and we should get topside before this place becomes a tomb.”

It was the only nagging concern that remained with him. His worries about her wound seemed as if they had been completely forgotten for the moment. It wasn’t that he didn’t care; it was that those feelings had been repressed purposely, though not by him.

He started to get to his feet and offered her a hand to help her rise as well.

Lily Brand
Apr 19th, 2003, 09:23:19 PM
Now that attention was trained upon her, Lily quickly compensated with a curt nod of agreement. "Yes. We don't want to be anywhere near here when that does occur." Her eyes closed, searching the Force for any hint of geological movement. Considering how unnatural the quakes were to begin with, the Force welcomed the knowledge the Jedi searched for. "And they will happen."

She peeled her eyes open and reached up to take Alex's hand. Every instinct inside of her wanted to take that hand and rest it upon her belly, letting him know that their love had created something so precious. Reality was, if her lover knew that she was pregnant, he would risk himself unnecessarily in situations that Lily would easily have handled herself. It was just the way he was. A self-sacrificing loving hero who was terribly honest. It's what made her heart ache with pain from her deception, yet her mind continued to reinforce that the decision that she made was right. Maybe one day he could forgive her, if ever.

Only her training as a Jedi made Alex unaware that his love was at a crossroads but there was something odd about the way she was looking towards him that made him pause in wonder.

To wash away any concern, she lifted his rough hand to her lips and kissed the back of his fingers. "We better go." Her head pivoted towards the correct path to take that would lead them closer to the surface and pointed it out with a small shrug with her chin. "That's the way we need to go."