View Full Version : Plus theaters, minus screens...?

Jun 5th, 2002, 07:53:00 AM
Will AOTC gain theaters this weekend as Spider-Man did, but lose screens? TPM also did this. 2,970 to 3,126 at its widest point, which was fourth weekend or so I think.

I looked at my local theaters to get a bit of a picture in my tiny area of the nation, hehe...

Evergreen: cutting AOTC from 3 screens to 2. Spider-Man retains two screens (there is something wrong with these people if they think putting the STUPID looking Ya-Ya horsecrap on two screens is a good idea and putting the most obvious #1 film on one single screen, Bad Company, is smart also; this isn't bad company, it's just a bad move!).
Broadway: Spider-Man gets the BOOT, AOTC is still playing next to two new openers and Sum of All Fears (Broadway is small, so I mentioned it for this reason; 4 screens total).
Movies on TV: Status quo (SW on 3!).
Tigard 11: Status quo (SW on 2).

This seems encouraging to me, for my viewings, I mean, the selfish b***ard that I am, hehe.

This is my idea of perfect...

AOTC stays at Evergreen on at least one screen through mid-July, then for the rest of July they give it a split engagement, something like noon and 7:30 p.m., sharing a screen with perhaps Spider-Man or something else that they do not want to cut yet, but don't want to give a full screen.

THEN, Movies on TV, being a bigger theater, still has a full screen playing AOTC through half of August at least (they played TPM 22 weeks, the entire run up until Nov. 3, versus 14 weeks for Evergreen). Then immediately following the, oh, mid-August departure of AOTC from Movies on TV, it enters Valley Tri Theater, the cheapo, second-run theater in my area, where it plays until the end of September, when I leave for college (Sept. 30 is the start date). If all of that went perfectly as I described, or 85% perfectly, I would get to 75 AOTC viewings I think...

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 5th, 2002, 11:30:37 AM
That doesn't make any sense why are they putting that stupid chick flick (sorry about that) on two screens? I doubt it will do well, it looks stupid, I don't even know of any girls that want to see it.

Jun 5th, 2002, 12:07:55 PM
Yeah Carr, then you again you didn't think anyone would wanna see "Sum of All Fears" either. ;)

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 5th, 2002, 12:28:36 PM
Well I was baseing that on thinking that people wouldn't want to see a nuke drop on a major city. This is going by what people think, I asked my sister about it and she says it looks stupid and none of her friends want to see it, I also asked a few other girls, and none of them have even heard of it. I am thinking it will make about 10-15 million max and maybe finish in the top 5, either 5th or 4th depending on a couple of factors. Number 1 should be Bad Company I bet that makes about 40.

Jun 5th, 2002, 12:54:46 PM
Dude I'm just joking with you. :) I don't think it will open above say 12M. On the other hand it might play for awhile(i.e. good legs) because there are not many films out right now catering to females.

Jun 5th, 2002, 05:06:17 PM
I honestly think that "the stupid chick flick," whose name I will not even type out of the sheer idiocy of it, is going to be absolutely the worst, most painful film of the year. This is why being a critic is just not fun sometimes.

Bad Company will win the weekend easily. Hopkins, Rock, excellent advertising? Sure, no problem. Sum will drop at least somewhat, and it would need a 0% decline to win the weekend. It'll be more like 35% I think. I imagine it having pretty good staying power overall, but maybe I'm wrong. Still, it'll make $20M or so second weekend while Bad Company will debut with probably $35 million.

The stupid chick flick will make probably $13M in opening weekend and display good legs because, like a car crash, everyone has to see what happened. lol.

WHY would my theater get TWO prints of this stupid movie and only one of Bad Company? Are they high?!

Jun 5th, 2002, 08:04:46 PM
I don't know if "Bad Company" will debut that high. I was thinking more in the mid 20 range personally.

Jun 5th, 2002, 08:06:40 PM
Well, these are the changes happening at my favorite megaplex on Friday.

AOTC 5 screens to 3 screens
Spidey 4 screens to 3 screens
Bad Company 2 screens
Divine YaYaYAyay 1 screen

Kewl. Stick all the women in one room! >_<

Mu Satach
Jun 5th, 2002, 09:05:37 PM
I will go on record here and now that *I* Mu Satach... do here by solomly swear...
I want to see the Ya-Ya flick...

why? you ask???

the tantrumns with the phones hooked me in the trailer
:D :D :D :D :D

I think to appreciate this one you need to have a very interesting mother daughter relationship... so yeah... it's not going to do all that well this opening weekend.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 5th, 2002, 09:20:25 PM
That part of the trailer lost me, I couldn't understand what the heck they were doing, I thought the mother had lost it or something. As far as Bad Company since Sum made 31 I think Bad Company should do at least that, it stars two huge actor who will draw in crowds it could do anywhere from 30-40 million.

Jun 5th, 2002, 09:35:59 PM
Ugg, yeah my sister and mom actually want to see that STUPID looking POS. Unbelievable. I have to see it, so I'll tell you all how awful it is, haha.

AOTC 5 screens to 3? Jeez that's cool it's still on 3, though, hehe man 5 screens is a lot.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 5th, 2002, 09:40:52 PM
Carr, I think the point was that both the mother and the daughter had lost it.

Like a car crash...good choice of words. ...I'm almost tempted to see it! Nooo! *goes to see Ep 2 again instead* ^_^;

Jun 5th, 2002, 09:45:54 PM
You guys are lucky. I know I don't "have" to be a critic and stuff, but it is something I started and cannot quit (because of how I am), so I can't see AOTC quite as much as I could if I didn't have to see this nonsense.

Still, I'm not letting it slow me much. Plan is Bad Company and AOTC Friday, No-No Sisters (hehe) on Saturday along with AOTC yet again, hehe. I'm cancelling out other non-SW viewings with AOTC.

Jedi Master Carr
Jun 5th, 2002, 09:57:54 PM
I have no intentions of watching that movie, it looks stupid to me, but of course that is my opinion, thank god I don't have a girlfriend at the moment she might make me go see it, sitll I think I would try to make her go to something else, hell I would go see Enough over that movie.

Jun 5th, 2002, 10:26:06 PM
Yeah, haha, I guess that would be a bad part about having a girlfriend for some guys, but see since I'm a movie critic anyway and I have to see it all, if I had a girlfriend it would just mean I didn't have to see it all alone! It looks incredibly gay and weird for a guy my age to walk into Crossroads alone, trust me. ;)

Enough was not that bad, actually, man I thought it would be SO stupid and horrid, but it wasn't.