View Full Version : Kelt Simoson: Jedi Crusader

Kelt Simoson
Jun 5th, 2002, 05:26:11 AM
Full Name :
Kelt Llian Yohan Simoson
Pronounced: Kel-t Lee-an Yo-Han Sim-o-son


Crusader of Light, The Green Knight

October 18th

Place of Birth:
Shazmak, Aarchim




Hair: Matted Brown
Eyes: Amber/Light Brown

Full Picture: http://www.geocities.com/hobbits_live7/rotkfaramir.html

Callam Simoson- Father
Maigraith Simoson- Mother
Yggur Simoson- Brother
Megan Simoson- Step Daughter

Kelt has a romantic involvment with Jacali Danner

Past Occupations and Status:
Captain Of Shazmak, Jedi Knight of the GJO

Mainly writing poetry and literiture, he also likes to train hard and keep himself physicaly strong and fit. And now his most favored past time is cooking. His bow is also quite a hobby of Kelts and he and Dasquian have archery practices often enough to call it a hobby.

Physical Description:
Kelt is quite a middle weight kind of character of that weight is mostly muscle and bone he has no fat what-so-ever. On the whole Kelt is quite a rugged looking man from his feudal life back on Aarchim, which of course is going to take alot of change to change is medieval lifestyle of the rugged, messy and often matted approach to his appearence.

As of late however his rugged, messy look looks as if it is improving with his obligation to be a presentable Jedi Knight. His cloths and appearence are alot neater and he atlast combs his hair! However his dirty old traverling bag still remains to continue being used along with his cloak, one day they shall be cleaned.

Attitude and feelings:
When it comes to feelings for anoher woman or a lover, at this point in time he does not feel like that. It was drilled into him at a younger age, if he was to be a Crusader he must not have any love ties or relationships of any kind in that way..so if he ever does fall in love it will be kind of awkward.

Other than that, Kelt is a very careing and honest indervisual who loves his work and his status in the galaxy, he continues to make freinds one of his cloest, Dasquian Belargic who he has come close to since his arrival and who is now his mentor since his assention to Knight.

Kelts clumseyness however has all but gone away since his trip back to his homeland and spending alot of time as a Jedi Knight training. He has become much more harder emotionly and mentaly aswell as become much more controlled body wise. He thinks it is because he is finaly growing up to be a respected Jedi and as such should act as one.

As of late Kelt has started to have a romantic involvment with a Jedi Padawan, Jacali Danner

Kelt was born to be a fighter from the start. His father a well known well loved leader of the "Templar Guild" and his mother a Member of the Shazmak Council were both members of the higher up orders of the Planet no nearly from the word go, Kelt was to be a Crusader.

The Crusaders were basically rangers, Soldiers of Light that traveled the lands of Shazmak and its woodland realm healing the wounded, Feeding the poor and treating the sick and when needed banishing or even killing the scum of the planet. The Crusaders are not a secret clan, no, in fact most of the Old Republic know of them during The War Of Aarchim where a group named The Viashino great lizards of hell tried to take the planet for themselves.

The planet of Aarchim had never progressed further than Medieval technology and so they were doomed even before the war began, but not one of the Viashino were force users, most if not all Aachim know force abilities and although it was a price full war Shazmack did not fall to the aliens and they fled, the war had been won after many years of blood shed with nearly a 3rd of the population dead.

The Crusaders are galaxy known, but not galaxy spread as the Crusaders are a small clan only the chosen few ever are allowed to be in the clan of light as there are only 53 Crusaders in the whole galaxy, and even to this day with the help of New Republic technology but still keeping there planet in feudal times, travel the galaxy helping anyone that needs there help and killing without hesitation the scum of the galaxy.

The most important rule to a Crusader is:

"Crusaders are not regular Jedi they do not negotiate peace....they fight for it!."

His relationship blossomed with a woman named Leanna Dorlian, a Princes daughter. When Kelt was Captain of Shazmak, a forest city within the woodland realm of Myrnwood he met her as she was visiting with her father Prince Arkamedies a very strict but loyal patron to the Kingdom. However her father had a diffrent plan in mind, she would be wed to the Duke of Shazmak, a young and powerful man of the Kingdom of Shazmak.

However she wanted to be with Kelt and stayed with him unkowing that she also was forced to sleep with the Duke, somtimes at knife point. The love triangle was becoming impossible to hide and so Leanna told Kelt of her being forced to be with the Duke. Kelt was rather upset of course and took it up with the Duke, his leader.

Kelt of course was over ruled and thrown in prison for is so called bad mouthing of the Duke expected to be exicuted. He spent 2 years in there, slowly fading away. After a long time infact a man named Jack Turner freed him, a prison gaurd who sided with Kelt, who had seen it all, had seen the secrecy. Kelt fled but not without trying to get to Leanna, as he approached her town house, it had been set alight, she inside of course. The gaurds knew of Kelts escape and had killed her, The Dukes doing.

From there he fled and got away from his loved planet only to return months later secretly to see his family in the dales of Dewy. he would never love another woman like Leanna again. A distant, hurtfull fairytale.

One enchanted sword named Juran pronounced "Yurran".This is how it is described: 'Across his back in a sheath of course was his Templar sword.The sword Juran was particularly ornate and depicted crusader scenes and lily work. Every Crusader of the ancient guild that carried such a sword had his name engraved in the blade, it read "Kelt Simoson-Juran" Juran the name of the actual sword. It was a beutifull master piece and un-breakable even when a light saber clashed with it.'

A single bladed misty blue saber called "Sereun"

And a Bow calved on his homeworld which still had not been given a name. it is a short recurve bow made of the finiest wood on Aarchim, prescious and seldom used.