View Full Version : a challenge

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 5th, 2002, 04:01:04 AM
OOC: Im starting to build experience so could the person whoa ccepts be a warrior or disciple. Dont want to bite off more than I can chew just yet. :D


::Azhure looked out into the desert wind, feeling the heat on her back. Why was she here? she did not know. Something had called her and she had answered. Something was wrong but why not call a jedi knight? who was out here?::

Jun 5th, 2002, 09:24:03 AM
(OOC: *grins* Not looking to bite off more thanI can chew either. He's just an apprentice to a Sith Lord, and not one to instigate. But he is pretty frustrated.....hope its what you were looking for)


He'd come because he was angry. Angry and frustrated. He had an idea of how to pilot a ship, but he needed a bit more experience before he took one out on his own. And so he'd caught a flight over with another Sith who had been going this way. He just need time away from the castle.

He'd been waiting and waiting, and waiting a bit more for his master to come to him to begin his training. He'd been training on his own up until now, and with the warning from Lady Vader last night not to try to work on anything beyond the things in his control.

And when his master still hadnt called for him this morning, he'd needed to get away.

He wasnt all that happy with the planet they'd landed on. It was warm, much warmer than his home planet, and Corellia, the place he now called home.

The anger and frustration radiated from him as he sat on a rock just around the bend from where Azhure was walking.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 9th, 2002, 01:51:44 AM
OOC: we're in agreement then. Let the games begin.

::Azhure walked around the bend and noticed someone sitting on the rock. There was a darkness radiating from him and she knew somehow it was a sith. She stood there observing him for a few moments then took one step forward. He looked almost frustrated, it could be anything. Hoepfully it wouldnt be soem big problem, and she had a feeling it wasnt.
Azhure felt there was a lot of anger. No harm in asking. The sith interested her, knowing the enemy. Anger was very common from what had been observed.::

Something wrong? Anything I can help you with?

Jun 10th, 2002, 07:36:41 AM
He'd felt someone approaching. That had been about the only thing that had kept him from hurling the rock he tossed from hand to hand in her general direction. He was pleased with the progress he'd made, for weeks ago, he wouldnt have felt her approach at all.

He could read little else from her. Whoever it was wasnt approaching him with the intent to cause harm. At least, not at the moment. He turned to look at her, his left hand coming to rest on his blaster out of habit.

It was the only weapon he carried - for now, at least.

His head tilted slightly to one side as he looked at her, his violet eyes squinting a bit in the sun.

He sighed.

"I doubt it." He replied. His response wasnt a challenge, though it did carry the anger that he still felt towards the holding pattern he seemed to be stuck in.

"Who are you?" He asked. Usually, he was a bit more polite, but the hot sun, and his frustration made him agitated, and it carried through in his voice. He brushed a drop of sweat from his forehead before it ran into his eyes. His light brown hair was normally rather straight, with perhaps a bit of unruly curl at the ends. Today, the humidity had made the ends curl just a bit more, giving him a rather boyish look that defied the rather stern expression on his face that often made him look perhaps just a bit older than his eighteen years of age.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 12th, 2002, 01:18:24 AM
::Azhure noted his tone and the way his hand rested on his weapon. She softly put her hand on her sword. Her saber was also with her, but she perferred steel.::

Azhure Darkstone of the greater jedi order. And you?

::She had heard a slight challenging tone into his voice, though it could be for a couple of reasons. She did not take her hand of her weapon, unsure of the persons motives::

Jun 12th, 2002, 07:42:53 AM
He watched as her hand went to the hilt of her sword.

Azhure Darkstone of the greater jedi order...

His violet eyes stared at her for a moment before he finally replied.

"Sasha." He began, "Of the Sith Order." He stood from where he had been sitting on the rock and jumped down to where she stood on the main road that wound through the hillside.

He'd met a few jedi before her - Xazor, who seemed quite calm and collected, and Satine, who had a rather different approach to keeping the peace, and now this woman.

He wasnt sure what to expect, but it seemed that with most jedi, he was safe from attack unless he had done something to provoke it. And so he seemed a bit at ease, though he knew never to underestimate another.

"And what is it you want?" He asked, his voice remaining on the same tone, somewhat defiant and challenging.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 14th, 2002, 02:09:12 AM
::Azhure's hand did not leave her weapon as she studied the sith. The Sith Order? She had not met many sith, but those that had were quick to attack and she was wary. Smiling softly, not wamrly and not coldly she nodded and walk thre steps to the side, nearer to the other side of the road on stabler ground.
His tone had not changed and she did not take her eyes off the man, as she summed him up as an opponant, if it came to a fight. Jedi genuinly avoided fighting if it was not needed, Azhure remembered. That rule was much like an assasins. KIll the one you were ordered to, and any others who might be of danger. So far this man had not done anything, but she continued to watch him::

I felt someone was....aggrivated....and decided to ask. It is something a jedi cannot understand?

Jun 14th, 2002, 07:07:07 AM
She had smiled at him, despite his rather hostile tone. His head cocked slightly as he looked to her, he considered for a moment whether or not to waste his breath in reply.

What could she understand of what he was going through? Why would she even care to hear it?

"I am aggravated." He finally admitted.

"You were right about that." He tossed aside the rock he had still been holding in his hand. He stared at her again for a moment, his violet eyes almost accusing, as if she was the source of his problems. He knew she wasnt, and normally he wouldnt have been such a jerk, for he was still rather young and hadnt fully grasped the darkness of the Sith, but too may things had gone on over the past few days for him to handle. He was slightly confused and angered by all of them, and it was easier to accept the anger and let it fuel him, than to try to sort it all out, for many of his questions, it seemed, had no answers.

"And I doubt you could understand." He retorted.

"What do you know of being put in a holding pattern? Waiting day after day for your master to have time for you? What do you know of being held back?" He demanded, his voice rising slightly.

This was why he had made the decision to join the Sith Order. Though he was generally a good kid at heart, he did have a very dark streak to him that came out from time to time. And the Sith Order welcomed this darkness - encouraged him to feed on it and grow from it.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 14th, 2002, 10:29:01 PM
::Azhure looked at him. His eyes seemed to blame her for the problem. She laughed emotionlessly and shook her head, she knew what it was similarly like, but knew he didnt want to hear it::

Probably none. A jedi has the perfect masters and the perfect life, so many seem to like to believe. Or perhaps it is what one allows others to see, deception is a powerful weapon.

::She wasnt sure of what to feel now. he hadnt attacked, he was emitting hatred, and she's heard many sith attack because they need to let off steam but this did not fit the mold she had envisioned, but in this world nothing ever did::

Jun 17th, 2002, 08:05:14 AM
She seemed to be mocking him. Of course he knew that deception was a powerful weapon. Did she think he wasnt aware of that? And he didnt think jedi led perfect lives - he just knew that they knew nothing of his life - knew nothing of what it was like to feel the power, the rage, and the pull of the dark side of the force.

As he'd joined her on the road, she had backed away from him a few steps - creating a greater distance between them. She seemed wary of him. He could feel her apprehension. It was faint, for he was still learning, but her wariness seemed to fuel him.

It was something the darkside fed on - the fear of others, and he welcomed it. Though he wasnt normally one to attack unless provoked, he was angry and frustrated enough this day that it was possible. That, and the more experience he gained with the lure of the darkside, the stronger a hold it began to have on him. His left hand had been resting on his blaster, and it was at this point that he drew it.

(ooc: I can go either way on this one - if youre looking for a fight, thats fine. If you're just looking to rp, thats cool, too - they can just exchange rather heated words or whatever and set it up for another time. He's been given a lightsaber now in later threads, *laughs* so it would be more of a fight the next time... ;) But either way, just let me know, and I'll reply accordingly. :) )

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 17th, 2002, 08:51:56 PM
OOC: I bite my thumb at you sir! :p in other words, a battle.


::Azhure looked at him, the dark feeling in him seemed to rise. She did not feel the fear because she wouldnt allow herself to. Fear created anger, made you weaker as emotions blinded you, and as a padawan still, people kept telling her to be wary of the darkside. If he was going to attack then she must be ready or die, like the Kishja.
Azhure looked at the blaster, another gun. Not one to use guns , and knowing guns and swords were hard to fight with, she took out her saber. Use the saber like a sword, in case of the attack. Azhure studied his face and came to a conclusion, her face showing no emotion as she got rid of the fear and most emotions and put them into a little box in her head, hoping one wouldnt boil over::

You wish to fight? why?

Jun 18th, 2002, 07:16:18 AM
(ooc: *laughs* Yes, M'am.)

He didnt bother answering her question.

He hadnt drawn his blaster with the intention of firing at her. Not at the moment, at least. He had drawn it instead with the intention of warding off the three men who had just come over the hillside behind the jedi, on her side of the road. The two of them had been so focused on one another, it seemed that neither had felt the presence of others near them.

They were a scruffy looking band of men, and it was clear that they had no intentions of anything good. In fact, they likely would have been quite happy robbing the two of them and leaving their throats slit on the side of the road.

And they had drawn their blasters as well, so he had fired. He knew the blast would come relatively close to her head as he shot it, but he was confident in his aim that it wouldnt hit her, but would instead take out the target behind her. And it did.

His shot, combined with the the appearance of her lightsaber had made the remaining two men reconsider their original plans, and they turned tail rather quickly.

He had killed once before - and only once in a bar fight. And now that he was past the first kill, this seoncd one was nothing to him. Not that he didnt value life, for he did, but already the dark side was beginning to take hold on him, and he wanted the other two dead as well.

He took aim towards the second main and fired his blaster.

(I'll PM you rg this and what I was thinking..... ;) )

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 20th, 2002, 03:12:30 AM
::Azhure moved her saber to the side of the shot and reflected it, the bullet dissapearing elsewhere::

No need to kill them.

::These words were not the pleasant sound, but words that rather told him not to. She was going back to her old tone, the one that held conviction fo every word she said and she looked at the sith in the eye, remembering the jedi code and though jedi did not fight she felt a fight coming on if he were to resist, a fight she would certainly not turn her back on::

Jun 20th, 2002, 08:09:46 AM
No need to kill them

But there was a need to kill them. There was a need based upon the fact that he was Sith, and at times, it seemed, there was an instiable lust for blood. And there was need based on the fact that these men hardly had good intentions. They would have killed the two of them without a second thought. It was men like the three of the that would cause the death of others. Certainly, they werent worth saving.

Angered that she had deflected the shot he'd had, he turned his blaster on her, firing off several shots aimed at the hand that held her lightsaber. He wasnt out to kill her - not at this point anyway, he just didnt want her interfering anymore with that lightsaber of hers.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 21st, 2002, 12:10:14 AM
::Another sith, killing for the simple fact of killing, perhaps a second primary source but she remembered when she did similar things because it was her job. It disgusted her, thinking that she used to think it was for a good reason. Reflecting the other shots accept for one, which she moved away just in time for. Flipping to the right side, the same area the men were running, she looked at the sith in the eye::

Why do you wish them dead?

Jun 21st, 2002, 07:36:49 AM
He shook his head, annoyed that she just didnt seem to get it.

"Are you stupid?" He demanded.

"Those kind of men dont deserve to live. They'd slit your throat for the fun of it. And if not yours, a young child clinging to the mother they just tortured." As he spoke, he advanced in her direction - as she blocked the way between him and pursuit of the men. He was relatively sure she wouldnt attack him - she seemed of the peaceful sort of jedi mind.

"I dont take threats to my life lightly." He added, his violet eyes carrying the anger he felt. He wanted the men dead - for the simple reason that he was having a bad day, and they had made the mistake of threatening him.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 22nd, 2002, 07:13:26 PM
::Azhure laughed::

How very noble and jedi-like of you, though I do not think you want them dead for that reason.

::azhure would have liked to believe she was a pure peaceful jedi. She followed the rules and believed in what was good, but she was also a warrior jedi and not exactly the role model. But enough to know you did not kill for almost any reason. especially if you were just pissed off::

Jun 24th, 2002, 07:01:44 AM
He glared at her, his violet ey6es conveying his anger. She hadnt believed a word he'd said. She thought he just wanted to kill for fun. And so, he would live up to the part. If thats what she thought of him anyway, what did he care?

"It has nothing to do with being noble." He retorted angrily, hating the fact that she was laughing at him.

"And Im not like a jedi." He added, raising his blaster for a moment and training it on her.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 25th, 2002, 03:41:39 AM
::azhure studied him carefully and shook her head;:

No, your like a sith, a sith who wants to attack men because your having a bad day.

::She looked at the balster, and flipped behind him, peerign at him behind his back, her body ready for an attack as they tensed for action::

If your going to bring it out on someone, dont take it out on someone who cannot defend themselves

Jun 25th, 2002, 06:41:47 AM
As she flipped over him, the hand holding his blaster lowered it. She spoke from behind him, and he paused for a moment before he finally faced her.

"They're perfectly capable of defending themselves. They got themselves into the situation, didnt they? Ever think of the fact that maybe they should have thought about how the hell they were going to get out of here if killing the two of us and robbing us blind didnt work?"

He jammed his blaster back into his holster and turned away from her again. He began walking down the road in the general direction the men had taken.

He was tired of wasting words with a woman who just clearly didnt get the fact that these werent men worth saving. And at the moment, they werent worth his time, either. If he came upon them, perhaps he'd take action, but likely, by then, he would have cooled down a bit, and it wouldnt matter so much.

A few yards away he turned back to her for a moment.

"And I'm not like a Sith," He commented, "I am one."

His violet eyes glared at her.

"And clearly you dont know everything you think you do." He added.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 27th, 2002, 02:36:39 AM
::azhure studied him::

Some don't use their brains ad go into something they have no power to defend themselves in, including a force user. And believe me, I know your a sith. I can sense the darkness around you.

::A slight tone of some unrecoginizable emotion came into her voice, perhaps a coldness that though that dwelling on hate was futile::

Killing them doesnt help the problem, nor makes anyone else feel better beside the darkness you let into your heart. Perhaps one day you'll see that.
I'm not as stupid as may think I am sith

::She watched him go, an interesting encounter. Obviously newer to the sith. Still the darkness would do as they always did to the person.::

OOC: OK, that turned into a real battle..........