View Full Version : To bring before the Council......(Knights and above)

Xazor Elessar
Jun 4th, 2002, 02:19:32 PM
Xazor walked down the cool corridors of the Temple Avalon. To her left a body hovered in the air about three feet from the ground, and to her right, a little boy held her hand and walked in step with her. Jedi Padawan Lance Stormrider followed close behind them, carrying two blasters in his hands. Xazor's blue robes trailed behind her gently as she continued down the hall. Her Garou Warrior braids swung slightly and the gold coins wove into them glanged together gently until she stopped at a set of blast doors. Opening them with her mind, the trio along with the body of the man, made their way into the room of the Council. Many were assembled that day...and it would be a great sorrow to share the news with them. Bowing in deep respect, she looked to the faces of those there and then parted her lips to speak.

"Great Council, I come before you this day with sad news. The man that is hovering beside me is dead by my hands. I take full responsibility for his death...but it was by sheer accident that he is dead in the first place."

She paused for a moment and looked down at Jedidiah and then over to Lance. Her eyes went back to the place they held on the floor but then rose to the Council and others once again.

"I am deeply saddened that he was killed and if punishment is due to me, then I shall take it. I have learned though, from your great teachings, to forgive myself for such acts...and I have forgiven myself...but it still hurts my soul to know I have done something so terrible. This man killed this boy's grandmother and then followed him to the Recruitment Center. He attempted to attack both of us....but I went after him when I learned what he had done. We had a confrontation and then Lance came to my aid. The man again tried to attack me, so I palm-heal struck him in the forehead...with no intention to kill him, but to knock him out for safe transport to here. I have failed on that part....and now his blood is upon my hands."

The Knight held control of her emotions as she spoke, something she had not been able to do in a while. It felt good to be able to speak without the emotions weighing her down...and she hoped the Council would see her true motives....

Jun 4th, 2002, 02:26:09 PM
:: AB raised an eyebrow as Xazor entered the Council Chambers with her entourage, one of them being the body of a dead man. After her explaination, she spoke. ::

You had no preconceived intention of taking the man's life, so it is indeed an accident, albiet an unfortunate one. You were only acting in self defense.

:: She steepled her fingers, leaning back into her seat. ::

I don't see that any punsihment is warrented.

:: She lowered her hands. ::

However... if the Council agrees, I feel you should be the one responisble in contacting the man's remaining family and telling them of his fate.

:: She fell silent, waiting for the other members to speake their minds. on this matter. ::

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 4th, 2002, 04:01:34 PM
:: Lance stood silent as he walked right behind Xazor...it was his first time in the temple and even the first time he ever saw the council...but he stayed calm as always, he did not have anything to say, the two blasters in his hands he simple lookd around while Xazor spoke ::

Jun 4th, 2002, 05:09:11 PM
The small boy holding Xazor's hand stands slightly behind Xazor, allowing himself to be partialy hidden by Xazor's robes. His eyes roam around the temple for a moment, before turning to the one who is speaking, one of the masters. Although afraid, because of all of the eyes of the masters, whose gazes you can never be sure of where they are looking, he feels calm, the people around him radiating peace and calm, knowing he will not be harmed in these peoples presence.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 4th, 2002, 08:17:39 PM
::Leia had looked upon Xazor entering the council chamber so suddenly and unexpectantly, noting her padawan was behind her along with a young boy. The Jedi Master leaned forward in her seat resting her chin on her right hand as she listened to Xazor's tale. Council Member Amazonbabe was the first to reply to Xazor. Leia somewhat nodded in argreeance with her. After AB concluded her comments, Leia decided to give her perspective accordingly::

I tend to agree with Master Mystt, Xazor. What had happened was in self defense and nothing more. I don't see any need for a punishment for doing that. I think the counselor's idea of you notifying his survivors is a noble thing to do as well, providing the rest of the council agrees.

::Leia looked on to Lance...sensing her padawan's uneasiness as well as the young lad behind Xazor::

Lance...I am proud of you for assisting Xazor in her time of need. You should be proud as well.

::The Jedi Master gave a nodding approval at her padawan, before turning her attention to the young boy::

::In a gentle tone...Leia spoke to the lad::

Young man, there is no need for you to hide behind Xazor. We are your friends and family...so to speak. There is nothing to be afraid of.

::The Jedi Master smiled at the youngster, hoping to make him feel at ease::

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 4th, 2002, 09:56:59 PM
Her fellow Council Members had been wise in their decisions... It was a decision that she herself concurred with a simple nod after Leia had spoken.

Then her eyes fell to the young boy... His feelings were a bit frightened because he was in front of the Council but Navaria could feel him trying to relax.

Hopefully with Leia's gentle reassurance, the child would speak about what had happened, and therefore gain a different perspective to what had occurred.

Jun 5th, 2002, 08:41:39 AM
The child turns his light blue eyes towards the woman who spoke to him, suddenly feeling calm and unafraid of the people around him. He steps out from behind Xazor, in full view of the Jedi Council members. He looks around, allowing his eyes to wander, curious about his surroundings, but not venturing away from his adoptive mothers side, unsure if he would be allowed to explore the room he is in.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 5th, 2002, 08:47:25 AM
"Your words are wise, great Jedi...I shall do as you bid. I will contact his survivors and let them know of the unfortunate event..."

She said softly. Bowing her head in respect, she looked up at watched the child gain confidence as he stepped from behind her. Smiling down on him, she nodded.

"Go ahead Jedidiah...these people are your friends and family...you can trust them."

The Knight said gently to her son. She hoped that he would learn how to be unafraid of strangers...and she hoped that he would fit right into the Order...

Jun 5th, 2002, 09:05:36 AM
The child looks back at Xazor, then allows his eyes to roam again, amazed that the people around him are so still, while he is so nervous to just be in this room, not sure if his mother was telling him he could walk around the room, or if she was just telling him he can trust the people around him, he stays there, only trusting the people around him, finaly feeling safe in their presence, no longer worried that something will happen to his mother, or to him.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 5th, 2002, 04:16:01 PM
:: Lance simply nods to his master and listens to the other speaking he awaits for this to end or to be asked something::

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 5th, 2002, 06:32:18 PM
"Jedidiah ... Lance..."

Navaria said with a soothing tone.

"... is there anything that you want to say that Xazor hasn't? And ... is there anything that you want to tell the Council? This was an unfortunate day that a death had to occur and it is never easy to deal and understand why things happen the way they do."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 6th, 2002, 04:52:52 AM
:: Lance looked at the council member who was speaking to him and lowered his head a bit as he let a few words slide out of his lips::

No..I have nothing to add..

Jun 6th, 2002, 05:24:12 AM
The child looks up at Navaria, "No, i dont have anything to add..."

Jun 6th, 2002, 08:42:28 AM
The Child rethinks his statement and speaks again, slowly, "Why do you have to inform his relitives when he killed my grandmother? why would a killers family deserve that? he doesnt deserve it, and his body doesnt deserve anything more than being thrown to the animals in the jungle...."

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 6th, 2002, 08:56:30 PM
::At first, when Lance & Jedidah responded with no further comment, Leia's thoughts were that there was more to be discussed. Sure enough, Jedidah did have more to say. The Jedi Master looked at Jedidah with concern and sincerity::

Jedidah...I can understand your feelings of anger. This is something we as Jedi will have to help you with. To understand this feeling and help you deal with the unfortunate death of your grandmother. For a Jedi cannot have Anger to remain in the Light. This murderer killed your grandmother..yes it is wrong. But his family did not doing anything to you or your grandmother. They deserve to know the truth of what happened to him, regardless of what type of person he was. Do you understand?

Edit: typo :\

Jun 7th, 2002, 05:17:45 AM
The child nods, not having any more to say, and feeling saddened because he said what he did, but he couldnt help himself. He lowers his head, eyes to the ground and stays silent.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 7th, 2002, 08:39:19 AM
:: Anbira was less sympathetic, his voice serious and stern ::

Mind your thoughts and emotions, young padawan, lest you allow the dark side to enter within you.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 7th, 2002, 12:46:47 PM
Xazor placed a gentle hand on Jedidiah's shoulder and sighed within herself.

"He has had no formal training Master Anbira....that is one of the first things we shall cover indeed....."

She said softly, not wishing to appear disrespectful....but she had to stand up for her own son. He did not know any better yet...but in time he would.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 7th, 2002, 12:59:53 PM
It is never too early to be reminded of that most sacred rule.

:: Anbira's brow furrowed, as he used a pointed finger for emphasis ::

Even in submission to be trained, you must be removed from hatred.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 7th, 2002, 01:02:13 PM
Xazor nodded as she took his point. Jedidiah was only a child, but she knew that it was early in life when the seed of darkness was planted.

"Listen to the words of Master Anbira....he is wise and knows well what he speaks of."

She said gently, squeezing the child's shoulder for comfort.

Jun 7th, 2002, 02:12:13 PM
:: AB watched the exchange between Padawan to Master to Knight. It was understandable why the child would feel the way he did, but it was something he had to learn to let go, lest it consume him. ::

:: She felt, however, that all that needed to be said about the issue was said. No need to beat an already dead horse. She winced inwardly not meaning to use that expression, seeing as how there was a dead man in the council room. And that, first and foremost, needed to be dealt with. ::

Xazor, have the body taken to be cleansed and wrapped properly for burial. Just because this man may have not been angelic, does not mean we do not show his body respect. We will not stoop to his level.

Please see to the preperations for transport to the family.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 7th, 2002, 02:48:43 PM
Xazor acknowledged her friend and Jedi Master, Amazon Babe. She smiled and bowed her head in respect.

"I will do as you and the rest of the Council has requested. I will see to it that he has a proper burial and that his family is notified....I will also have a few words with my Padawan. I can assure you that all will be dealt with properly, and that I will bring the Order honor...."

The Knight bowed once again, wondering if she was now dismissed....or if they had anything further to say.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 7th, 2002, 07:42:26 PM
::Leia continued to listen on to the exchange of words in the council chambers. Nodding in agreement with the other members::

I concur with Master Mystt on what needs to be done. Unless anyone else on the Council has anything else to be added, you may proceed with the necessary arrangements, Xazor.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 8th, 2002, 12:16:43 PM
:: Lance waited patiently that this meeting to end::

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 9th, 2002, 12:22:49 PM
"No ... Tend to what needs to be done. Everything that had to be said ... has."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 9th, 2002, 02:39:42 PM
Xazor bowed in respect to the Council and turned to leave. Before she did, she had to say one last thing.

"If I had it my way...this man would not be dead. This is a heavy burden upon my heart, and I once again apologize to the Council. May the Force be with you...."

She said softly, and led the "procession" out of the Council Chambers to go fulfill the duties that she was instructed to...

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jun 9th, 2002, 04:50:09 PM
:Lance bowed before the council and followed Xazor as she stepped out of the council room :

Jun 9th, 2002, 06:46:33 PM
The child silently follows his mother out of the Chambers, head bowed, feeling upset with himself for his words..