View Full Version : Killing Two Prey With One Stone

Azure Regalia
Jun 4th, 2002, 12:40:36 PM
It hadn't taken much time to aquire the prey she had opted for to get to Skywalker. And as soon as she'd gotten what she'd come for on Tatooine (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14822&perpage=20&pagenumber=1), she had left the backwater bar, prey in tow.

Now, the Bounty Hunter watched the controls in the cockpit as the navicomp counted down to the time to reversal into real space. 3... 2... 1... 0... The ship came smoothly out of hyperspace in a remote area of space. It was sometimes refered to as "No Man's Land", as it really didn't belong to any system of major importance. The area of space Hunter's Claw was now in was a large asteroid field. With no star or planet to guide the free floating rocks, they collided with each other constantly, not able to keep a sincronized orbit around anything. The Huntress chose a particularly large boulder to set the ship down on. Once it had landed, the ships bio-skin camoflaged to macth it's surroundings and the surface of the asteroid.

Stretching slightly, she stood and headed aft, to find her prey starting to stir from her sleeping powder enduced slumber. The Huntress was still in Tatooine garb and hadn't bothered reverting back to her orinigal skin and eye color. Instead, she would leave that show for when the Jedi came fully awake.

For now, the Bounty Hunter sat in an acceleration couch across from the Force cage, examining the wall-mounted computer for any inconsistancies in space and around the ship. One could never be too careful.

Jun 5th, 2002, 05:33:32 AM
Upon a precipice of a maintenance platform belonging to one of Tatooine's communication array towers, kneels a very familiar armored figure. Nasta Kardu had provided Jodo Kast with the signature belonging to the acquisition's YT-1300 after he dropped down on the planet. His datapad is jacked-in the computer link-up with an activated slicer program. He bypasses program defenses and subroutes control into the datapad itself, allowing him to navigate freely. Once in the satellite databanks, the hunter scours through the records of traffic control for a matching signature departing Tatooine space by hyperdrive. Instantly the coordinates appear on the screen, offering estimated destinations of Luke Skywalker's hyperjump.

His objectives radically changed in minutes, changing his tact, choosing to act not wait. One bounty, one objective. That soul has already tempted their fate by entering that den of thieves, scoundrels, and hunters. The Red Shiva remains hovering several metres away from the platform. After recording the necessary info on his datapad, he quickly removes the link. While clutching the datapad, Jodo Kast performs a short rocket jump across the span, from precipice to ship. He lands on the cargo lift and enters the craft. Minutes later, Red Shiva departs Tatooine.

In space, Jodo Kast punches a button on the datapad, a slim panel slides open. Held in this panel is a shiny diskette. He removes it, holding the diskette gently with his fingers, turns around to face a large console and loads it. Red Shiva's subspace transceiver receives the disk's info while the hunter contacts private, commercial, and security frequencies using safe communication signatures. An urgent request is sent across deep-space satellite networks in the systems computed by the communication tower's databanks.

Much time passed until a response confirmed a corellian craft arriving in a system known as "Wild Space". In the vicinity of a famous moon called Endor. Jodo Kast knew history, that the rebellion joined with an army of primitive tree-dwelling creatures to destroy the shield generator of the second Death Star. It led to the Empire's demise. Feeding the new coordinates into the navicom, Red Shiva jumps into hyperdrive. Destination ... Endor.

The IG-2000 roars out of hyperspace above Endor, accelerating the ship's engines, he penetrates the moon's atmosphere. The hunter immediately performs a sensor scan for craft on the surface of Endor. Flying high over the forest's canopy, Jodo Kast eventually detects a craft matching the design of a lightfreighter on his sensor monitor. Jodo Kast searches for a desirable clearing before setting down. What he finds is an ancient Imperial landing pad partially overgrown with foliage.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 6th, 2002, 10:45:01 PM
::A petite Jedi Master laid quietly asleep at the bottom of the force cage. She was not aware of what has occurred and under what circumstances they did. Slowly Leia's eye lids began to flicker, as they gradually began to open. Still feeling somewhat drowsy...her vision was quite impaired as she tried to focus in on where she was. Leia slowly pulled herself off the ground where she laid...then began to rub her eyes some as she tried to desperately see. As her vision started to comeback to her, Leia realized she was no longer in the cantina..but was apparently in a cage. The Jedi quickly reacted to grab for her lightsaber...but soon found out it was no longer clipped to her belt and that her blaster was gone as well::

::Mumbling slightly to herself::

How in the Force could I be so stupid to let my guard down?

::The Jedi Master walked over to the bars of the cage. She thought about calling on the force for strength and use her Jedi Force Grip technique..but first....she spotted that citizen. The so call nice citizen that was having a drink with her in the bar::

YOU!!! What do you want with ME?!!!

::Leia demanded::

Azure Regalia
Jun 7th, 2002, 02:13:42 AM
The Force cage that had the Jedi ensnared hummed softly, it's bars lightly glowing, letting the Huntress know the cage was in perfect working order. She looked up as the Jedi woman began to stir in her slumber. Coming fully awake, she launched herself at the bars, grabbing onto them and demanding. No sooner had she made her demanding question known, that the cage's bars spat out energy, singing the Jedi's hands slightly.

Careful. Touching those bars for too long will leave you with some nasty burn scars.

Inside the cage was a small flask of water that the Huntress had put in there at the same time she had put the Jedi. The sleep-inducing power she'd used tended to make the victim thirst mightly. Of course, the Jedi wouldn't notice until her irritation at being caged had been calmed a bit.

She deliberately went on with some tasks before sitting back down in the acceleration couch across from the cage to answer the question.

Not much, really. Just where your brother might be going. I'm sure you're aware he has a bounty on his head.

She saw something flicker across the other woman's face.

Yes, quite a large bounty too. Must be nice being famous AND popular.

She stood and threw off the dirty old rag she'd been wearing as a cloak. Underneath were comfortable clothing, easily movable in, with an array of weapons strapped to her.

She wasn't going to volunteer who she was. It wasn't in her nature. Instead, she sat back in the acceleration couch and eyed her passenger.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 7th, 2002, 08:54:00 PM
::The Force Cage hummed as it emitted a low discharge, the Jedi Master jumped back slightly. She looked down at her hands, before gently rubbing them together. Luckily it was just a small shock and did not injure the Jedi Master. Leia walked back to the front of the cage, where she could see her captor. Her eyes furrowed when the woman explained what she really wanted with her::

Very nice indeed, that you would consider using me to get to my brother.

::Obvious sarcasm could be heard from the Jedi's mouth::

It truly disgusts me that you Bounty Hunters have nothing better to do then to go after Luke. What makes you so sure he will know where I am and would come after me? Huh?!

Azure Regalia
Jun 9th, 2002, 12:49:08 AM
The Bounty Hunter laughed. This was almost too easy, it made her just a bit uneasy.

Dear jedi, that's exactly what I'm hoping your brother will do. It'll safe me time and energy in extracting the information from you. Of course, even if you wanted to send a warning to your brother, you couldn't. Not with that cage, and certainly not with me around.

I suggest you sit back and enjoy what time you have left.

She stood, her form changing back into it's original state, her skin taking on the powdery blue color, her hair a shokcing orange-red, and her eyes a reptilian yellow. The tail she'd been concealing, unfurled itself to sway lazily behind her.

And even if I don't get your brother, I have you. So, in either case...

She took a step closer to the cage and favored the Jedi woman with a ferral grin.

... I win.

With that, she made her way over to the comm station to do some work. It was time to contact that whom she knew would be interested in knowing she had Jedi Master Leia Solo in her custody.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 10th, 2002, 09:34:04 PM
::Leia watched as the so-call civilian revealed her true identity. A "changer"...a being that can cloak and take on different appearances very cameleon like. The Jedi Master's eyes narrowed as she watch the transformation take place::

::She thought::

Now I see the truth, how I was caught off guard so easily.

::A slight sigh could be heard from the Jedi's lips::

So now I see your true colors, so to speak. You are a changer to say the least. Either way that does not matter now. If you think you have the upperhand here, I can assure you, you are wrong. My brother is not one to be caught off guard, for he is very strong in the force. If I was you, I would not be so cocky. Furthermore...I honestly don't see how you think you can win!! That my dear is where you are sadly mistaken.

::With that Leia turned around, her back now faced the front of the cage::

Jun 10th, 2002, 10:54:07 PM
The bounty hunter created a perimeter around his craft using motion detectors, infrared scopes, and sound sensitive transceivers while perched upon the ancient Imperial landing pad. All from within the Red Shiva using the craft as a command center. If the need arises he can link-up this system array to the craft's weapon battery.

A black protocol droid shuffles into the cockpit from out of the cargo hold. Jodo Kast swivels around in the pilot seat, watching his image reflected in the black enamal finish of the droid's protective plates. Rising out of the seat, he steps to the doorway leading to rear bulkhead. Before disappearing, he commands T7AX.

*Open the weapon's vault, Sevenax*

"Yes sir"

To his right a wide door opens revealing a very small room lined with equipment and weapons. Eyes hidden behind the helmet's smoked-out visor scan over a flame rifle, mortar rifle, laser-guided multiple shot projector rifle, and other numerous weaponry. He chooses the familiar blaster rifle and loads a fresh power-cell.

Striding back to the bridge, Sevenax finished activating blast shield and opening up the broad-band scanners. No craft can arrive on or depart from Endor without Jodo Kast being alerted. While looking out the duraplex viewportal at the massive trees that completely populate the moon's fertile surface, he orders T7AX to attach firing modules on the probe droids and send them to the coordinates leading to Luke's ship.

Minutes later, a trio spherical droids navigate through the behemoth ancient kings of Endor. Soon arriving at the YT-1300, they immediately circle while small mechanical arms uncurl on their left side. Having analyzed the craft and it's defense, each probe fires off magnetized homing transmitters at key places on the craft's outer hull. They quickly and silently retreat.

Azure Regalia
Jun 10th, 2002, 11:44:37 PM
The Bounty Hunter allowed the Jedi to continue talking, ignoring her for the most part, and half smiling at how Skywalker was strong in the Force. Oh, the Huntress was very aware of this ability of the great Jedi Master. But what the other woman did not know was that she could mask the Force much like a ysalimiri could. The Force would be of no concern to her.

Finally, the Jedi fell quiet, allowing the Huntress to send a transmission (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19720) out into deep space.

Once she was finished, she looked at the cage where the Jedi sat, cross legged. Then, she stood and went to the acceleration couch for a short doze, setting the security droids within the ship on alert.

jedimaster skywalker
Jun 13th, 2002, 06:06:58 PM
it had been a long time since he last stepped foot on this planet, it reminded him of the last time he had seen his father, when he had rescued him from the dark side, now he had returned to this planet in hopes of finding a way of communicating with his father's spirit.

there were so many things he need to discuss with him but Luke had been here for awhile now and was no closer to reaching him then he had been when he left yogs. Luke stood above the "shrine" the ewoks had erected to honor Anakins return to the light side.

"Leia?"Luke felt something, something about his sister, he tried to reach out to her with the force but he couldn't reach her, the feeling he had was beyond the force, it was the result of the connection that is shared between twins. Luke shook off the feeling he knew that Leia was safe and sound either back on Tatooine or back on Coruscant.

Luke turned away from the "shrine" and headed back into the woods walking back towards the ship.

While walking Luke became lost in thought and soon he could see the old imperial bunker that had housed the shield to the death star, though in shambles it would still provide shelters to those that needed it. Luke picked a spot and sat on the ground to meditate...he found himself doing this alot recently

Jun 16th, 2002, 03:38:17 AM
The black protocol droid's head turns in Jodo Kast's direction. Both had been standing in the dimly lit flight deck working silently before a console. A digitalized monotone voice speaks.

"Sir, a single humanoid lifeform reading from a dozen kilometers away near an derelict structure."

The hunter casts a sidelong glance at his co-pilot and nods. Striding over to the console, Jodo Kast peers down at the information on the screen. After pushing a few keys, he turns his attention back on the droid and orders.

*Ready the ship for immediate lift-off, Sevenax. And perform a reconnaissance fly-over. I will be back in the cargo hold*

"Yes, sir."

Jodo Kast disappears into the back of the ship while Sevenax activates the engines. A slight tremor rocks the ship under the propulsion of the thrusters and the craft ascends up above the great trees. He stands near the cargo lift, punches a nearby power switch, and the ramp descends with a loud grind. Once on the lift itself, Jodo Kast speaks over the helmet's comm-link to the droid, relaying a command.

*Activate the ship's shielding and prepare it's battery for sky cover if impending danger descends. Also remain on standby for any ground cover on my command. Once the target's location is confirmed, please scan the target for verification of the intended acquisition*

"Yes, sir."

WIth those words, Red Shiva turns ninety degrees and launches off over the trees. Jodo Kast clutches his blaster rifle tightly while mentally preparing himself for the hunt. In seconds the ship arrives at the old imperial bunker. While the ship's thunderous engines hover above, the droid confirms the identity of Luke Skywalker with the ship's visual sensors.

*Sevenax, lock on the target and lay some down cover fire until I am cleared*

From the battery console, T7AX initializes the ship's twin cannons. Rotating on the their turrents and zeroing in on the acquisition. Both cannons erupt with fire, bombarding the now alert Jedi Master with powerful laser bolts. All around Luke, the earth erupts into a maelstrom.

Jodo Kast watches a second's moment before performing a jump from the platform. Instantly rocketpack thrust kicks to life with a scream that is barely heard above the roar of the great guns. The hunter descends down to the edge of the clearing well out of range of the perilous cannon fire and the Jedi's deadly lightsaber.

jedimaster skywalker
Jul 5th, 2002, 02:46:05 PM
Luke's saber was out and activated well before the deadly volleys began raining down around him, he was easily able to deflect some of the blasts that came to close to him.

When the blasting stopped there was nothing to be seen except a giant dust cloud, when the dust finally settled the Jedi was no where to be found.


Luke made his way through the forest, he traveled fast but cautiously. He wasn't sure yet where he was heading, for now he only wished to throw his pursuer off his trail. Luke could feel the presence of the bounty hunter closing. As Luke came to a clearing he had an idea. He looked around Quickly "Yes this will do." he cut some vines down with his saber and gathered some dry brush......


"Well hopefully that will slow down the bloodhunter"

Luke headed out of the clearing moving a little faster than before, the bounty hunter was getting dangerously closer. about another 200 meters and he would begin doubling back and go on the offensive......

Jul 7th, 2002, 07:49:16 AM
The dust clears with no Jedi in sight, he had watched Luke flee into a stand of trees but was temporarily upheld by friendly fire, speaking over his com-link, Jodo Kast orders Sevenax.

*Initiate a lock on the Jedi and pursue. Observe and report. In these woods it would do no good to fire the cannons. Feed me acquisition's location while I track him from the ground. And await for further instruction*

The droid monotone voice speaks softly over the helmet's com-link, "Yes, sir." The hunter watches the ship hover above the trees standing before him. Jodo Kast snickers to himself, the Jedi was moving very quick and put alot of ground between them.

Before long he came upon a clearing, raising his blaster rifle up quickly, he quietly listens while searching his surroundings. From his angle of approach he already discovered the vines that had been hacked free. The Jedi leaves obvious signs in the wake of his path. The hunter avoids the clearing altogether by circling around it.

Sevenax ends the silence as he reports, "Sir, there is a lifeform matching the visual scan of the acquisition. He is hidden a quarter of a kilometer west of your position and appears to be doubling back now."

After receiving the schematics of the Jedi's course, he peers left and right before moving slowly right disappearing amongst the underbrush. With a minute by minute report from Sevenax, he was able to determine a great vantage point from which to ambush Luke Skywalker. Many long minutes maybe hours pass when the Jedi's infrared signature emerges from the trees cautiously and quietly.

After locking his armor's various weapon systems on Luke Skywalker, Jodo Kast breaks his cover, flipping his blast rifle up, firing from the hip three quick bolts with deadly accuracy at the venerated Jedi Master. But Luke easily deflects them as the hunter also fires off a rocket dart from his right gauntlet.

The dart, locked on the Jedi, launches at speeds approaching mach iv, whistling as it cuts through the air. The dart detonates quickly, disintegrating itself within a powerful concussion stunblast two metres from Luke Skywalker. The blastfield throws the veteran Jedi several feet back.

As Luke Skywalker lands sprawled out on the forest floor, Jodo Kast is already performing a short rocketjump, landing several feet from him. The ominous barrel of his blaster remains trained on Skywalker's chest as he commands.

*Surrender or die, Jedi*

jedimaster skywalker
Jul 7th, 2002, 02:43:56 PM
Luke looks at the barrel of the hunters gun, then looks around the scene. "Death is inevitable and today looks like a good day to die"

the bounty hunter looks at the jedi and is about to show the jedi that he means buisness when he is thrown back into the trees with the help of a force push. Luke jumps to his feet saber ignited and proceeds to walk towards the hunter.

"Now, I think its time for you to tell me whos contract you just tried to cash in on." Luke spins his lightsaber and continues his advance on the bounty hunter. ....

Jul 9th, 2002, 10:57:23 PM
Jodo Kast was thrown through some of the surrounding underbrush by Luke's use of the Force. Landing hard but the foliage breaking his fall softly allow the hunter to make a quick recovery of his senses, rising up he watches the Jedi Master approaching with lightsaber twirling perilously around himself.

The armored hunter charges forward grasping the blaster in one hand, as the combatants are about to meet, Jodo Kast swings his left hand in a swift viscious chop at the Jedi Master's blade. Instantly the material of his glove explodes into burning cinders as the lightsaber's blade shuts down and the hunter's blaster fires off two bolts in quick succession, striking both of Luke's thighs. Immediately he smashes the blaster across the side of the stunned Jedi's skull. After falling to the earth, a dart projector gun materializes in Jodo's left hand. He fires off two tranquilizing darts at Luke's chest. Revealed beneath the destroyed glove are the very fine ringlets of a cortosis ore byrnie.

OOC: A byrnie is a chainmail pullover shirt including hood and gloves used during medievel Europe.

jedimaster skywalker
Jul 11th, 2002, 10:02:37 PM
Luke is dazed as he turns over onto his back just in time to receive the two darts into the chest, he looks down and pulls the darts from his chest and immediatly begins to enter a jedi trance to slow the effect of the drug.

Once again Luke calls on the force and pushes the hunter against a tree and then scrambles to his feet and begins to run through the forest, he only has a couple minutes before the drug will knock him out.

Luke ducks into a foliage covered cave and works quickly....

Luke touches a red button on his wrist comm then pulls something else out of his pocket....he rips open the packaging and pops its contents into his mouth and swallows..he then drops to the floor of the cave as the drug finally overcomes his trance..............

Sep 7th, 2002, 01:29:53 AM
An invisible wall punches Jodo Kast into the foliege once again. Growling, the hunter quickly rises, recovers his blaster all the while watching the dense stand of trees in which Luke Skywalker's form disappeared. Switching his macrobinocular visor to infrared, he eventually locates the Jedi Master by his heat signature fading into the trees and locks on. He knew the venerated Jedi could not move fast enough with the blaster burns on both thighs while harboring the tranquilizing drugs of the darts.

Jodo Kast gave chase, dodging through the undergrowth and manuevering fluidly through the trees like a superbly conditioned athlete. On the run he spoke over his comm-link to his protocol droid T-7EX above the canopy, "Give me the location coordinates to the acquisition quickly."

It did not take long for Jodo Kast to arrive at the entrance of the cave in which the Jedi sook cover. Or ambush. He activated his helmet's motion detector. A small visible digital schematic appeared on his visor, spinning while shifting left to right to left again continously. Seeking to detect any motion of Luke's heat signature. The mandalorian hunter entered the cave with blaster held ready...

jedimaster skywalker
Nov 24th, 2002, 07:07:52 PM
{ Dream State}

Luke Kneels in the middle of a frozen tundra, an image of an old friend appears Luke you must go to the dagaboh system
Then the image fades....

The scene changes to that of a medical facility, long time friend Han Solo emerges through the door... thats two you own me kid

The scene changes yet again to a city in the clouds, Luke is clutching for his life as the evil Dark lord of the sith approaches him.. obi wan never told you want happened to your father....
I am your father.....,join me and I will continue your training......
together we could rule the galaxy as father and son

{ Dream State ends}

Luke awakens momentairly from his drug induced sleep... Father...Please.... but quickly falls back into unconsiousness.....

{A voice echoes through Luke's Mind}

<font color=red>Luke embrace the dark side and you can become the most powerful jedi the galaxy has ever seen..you can rid the galaxy of all the scum and become its supreme ruler</font>

Jan 25th, 2003, 03:34:16 AM
A hand grabbed Luke Skywalker's robe wretching his slack body up in a semi-sitting configuration. If the Jedi Master was cognizant he would see his own eyes reflected in the dark visor of a mandalorian commando helmet inches from his face. But instead the Jedi's head lulled back with pretty blue irises barely visible beneath rapidly moving eyelids. A sawed-off blaster rifle barrel placed tightly against the ribs of the unconscious Jedi who continued to mumble and twitch.

A gravelly voice spoke, "Sevenax, prep the Force nullifying cell unit. Now."

A monotone metallic voice responded, "Yes, sir. Immediately, sir."

The Hunter emerged with his captive bound with high-tensil alloy restraint as the a large ship descended from above.