View Full Version : The First Crusade (Challange to a Sith)

Kelt Simoson
Jun 4th, 2002, 05:29:24 AM
'Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy. Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect, never to attack others.
Jedi respect all life, in any form. Jedi serve others, rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy.
Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.' He recited and paused for a thought before looking up with a smile.

Kelt in his Crusader's Uniform proud to be a new Jedi at the GJO sat there at a local outside bar with his fondest beverage; Ice Tea with a pencil in his hand jotting down a few words, then pausing again before jotting down a few more word from his head. He loved writing poetry and he was a keen story writer and teller. he was a Crusader of the Light, a Soldier Of the Force he had many stories to tell from over the couple of years he was in the Guild.

The sun was just setting and the cobbled streets were still buisy with life, he smiled once again and jotted down a few more words before feelings tingle in his head and a niggerlin feeling in his heart. Looking up sharply his eyes gazed directly towards a dark person....a person with incredible evil within his heart, Kelts face suddenly turned to a stare, almost a displeased glare at the man as he walked by, Kelts eyes like tracers following the dark once.

The dark once suddenly pushed a innocent person to the ground and as a Crusader Of Light...Kelt stood up with a flash.

Fight me coward...not a innocent man...ME!...a Jedi!...a servant of light..! His voice proud and dominant as the street turned into a standstill.

Darth Turbogeek
Jun 4th, 2002, 07:16:29 AM

The Dark Jedi turned to look at the one who had challenged him. It was a human, male - and he was coloured light. That meant he really was a a Jedi.

"Oh dont worry.. Jedi, If I had meant to kill that hapless excuse for a being, I would not be so blatant in the middle of a street. As for you however... your in deep trouble if you challenge me like this. Now sit down like a good little Jedi and leave me alone"

Which of course pretty much was "Well? What are you waiting for?" said in a manner resonably insulting. Turbogeek was feeling a bit narky, dismembering a Jedi would improve his mood no end

Kelt Simoson
Jun 4th, 2002, 11:11:49 PM
Without hesitation Kelt got up onto the table and jumped off the other side and with grace he landed, and with one swift swoop Juran had been drawn the sword from the sheath across his back and defensively held it directly in front of himself.

The sword Juran was particularly ornate and depicted crusader scenes and lily work. Every Crusader of the ancient guild that carried such a sword had his name engraved in the blade, it read "Kelt Simoson-Juran" Juran the name of the actual sword. It was a beutifull master piece and un-breakable even when a light saber clashed with it.

' I am different than most Jedi my friend, they negotiate freedom...i fight for it ' he declared the last words comng out as a whisper. And as a Crusader...thats what they did in the histories....fight for freedom.

'Does one know what he is doing?..does one know that perhaps hurting people is wrong....does one know that i will not stand for the torture of innocent men?...we will have to put a stop to this old man' He said directing the last words to the man Darth Turbogeek had pushed but not looking away from the evil ones eyes.

Darth Turbogeek
Jun 4th, 2002, 11:49:00 PM
"Oh your different are you? How amusing"

Actually, the memories in Turbogeeks mind said something different. If only this Jedi had any idea exactly who and what he waqs dealing with... that this Dark Jedi knew more about what a Jedi was than this one who was drawing sword against him. In some way, it was a classic cosmic joke and he was the punchline.

He flicked back his coat, then in one quick motion drew out a gun. This was not the normal blaster, but something different.... a high speed projectile gun, very rare, but useful against certain opponents. Like sword wavers. Turbogeek took aimed and fired.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 5th, 2002, 03:01:05 AM
The charge was fast, almost to fast for the Crusader to handle. Kelt leaned side so fast cracked his back with a snap, with pure reflexes the Cruader raised his sword in defense and it cought the blade sending the bolt flying out of control into the blue sky and the Templar stummberling back.

' Hmm..you are fast...but not fast enough it seemes' Said the Crusader, still a padawan at the force but a exellent fighter.

kelt looked around quickly searching for something to destract the Dark One, there right infront of the Crusader was a chair, without a hitch he hooked the underside of the chair with his foot and flicked it up towards the dark jedi, and at the same time ran towards the Dark one stikeing out lik you would with a baseball bat towars his head.

Darth Turbogeek
Jun 6th, 2002, 06:14:29 AM
The Force warned him of danger. And with relexes much akin to a feline, one of his hands snatched the chair out of the air. Still expecting that this was nothing more than a disguising feint, he leaned back and allowed the blade to pass over his head - the chair swinging in his hand and around, before being flung around the top of his head and into the chest of the Jedi.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 7th, 2002, 01:48:32 AM
The Jedi was smacked directly into the chest with the chair, and it hurt but not as much as Kelt has expected it to.

Kelt stumbled back holding his chest forcing the pain out of his chest and into his mind extending his force capabilities his eyes squinted together pushing the pain free, and he did it successfully, once again he brought his sword up level with his chest.

With a quick jab he swiped at the dark one distracting his attention toward the blade, the dark one went to block and then saw what the Jedi was attempting, but it was to late. The crusaders leg had twisted around the back of the Dark Jedi's calf and with the aid of the hilf of his sword had brought him down hard upon the cobbled streets head first, smashing his skull against the stone.

The Crusader stepped back a few paces suprised at his ahievment.