View Full Version : Requiem: Thanatos

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 13th, 2001, 04:00:56 AM
Jeseth looked around his quarters, glancing at the books in his library. His senses reached out, seeking that night... the night Hob had pulled him - No, ripped him from the fabric of the Force. The night he howled in agony at awakening seven feet below dirt and stone, and having to claw his way up out of his grave, and wander Naboo, his body nearly completely decayed. It was disgusting.. but he had survived. Jeseth's hand stopped upon a leathery black book... It was not the Book Of Anger. It was another... one that discussed the rituals of Sith resurrections. Hob had done well, and though the ritual was far from perfect, and left Jeseth scarred for a time... It was still life.

His thoughts wandered back to the papers he had left scattered atop his desk. Most of them were notes of what he had uncovered about the reemergence of the Sith. Itala Marzullo, Lady Mara Jade... The black book slid out from it's place in the book shelf, trailing dust and cobwebs behind it in an arch as Jeseth placed it inside of his travel sac. He unfortunately would need to go to the one person he would least want to depend on: Jedah Lynch.

If there is no other way... then so be it. He will confess the location of the burial grounds to me, or be destroyed.

He recited quietly in his head, remembering the ancient tongue he had learned while studying among the Jedi - To think, they suggested he give up his study of the Dark Arts! These thoughts continued to occupy Jeseth's mind as he made his way towards Quellin's door, knocking on it silently once he arrived. Quellin had been his chosen hand for the ritual...

Quellin Vos
Dec 15th, 2001, 05:53:18 PM
The room was eerily dark, choked with a damp mist. Quellin hadn’t felt the touch of his room in ages, and he was finally at home. He had been resting on the dust-clogged bed for hours, gazing upon the one room enclosure. The walls were a vacant, no objects, no decorations, but just a charming barren atmosphere. It was now the perfect time to meditate, a technique he had learned from the Jedi, all the anger and hate could finally be centralized and put to the proper usage. But before Quellin could even close his eyes a silent rap at the door began. At first it was soft, but as the noise bounced off the walls it grew louder, almost ear splitting.

They didn’t call this place the Chamber of Echoes for nothing, such a unique room it was.

Quellin grasped his ears to protect what he could and scampered towards the entrance. The door, created from local minerals, was encased in a rust-like membrane. It took all of Quellin’s strength to thrust open the obstruction, allowing the vibrating sound to escape and exit the chamber. To Quellin’s surprise stood Jeseth Cloak, his newly appointed master, in a sign of respect the Dark Jedi fell to one knee. “What business brings you to my humble quarters, master?” he questioned.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 15th, 2001, 06:57:47 PM
Jeseth peered inside the baron quarters, smiling. "We will be taking a trip." The words echoed back and forth, projecting through the halls much louder than they were originally spoken. The Dark Jedi raised a brow and then placed his hand on Quellin's shoulder. "Rise, let us discuss on our way to Hob's quarters. I have need of the Book of Anger... and I believe it is in his possession. The walls here echo far too loudly, anyway." Quellin followed behind Jeseth, shutting the door to the room behind them. "I am about to perform a ritual... and I need your assistance. If you come, you will remain silent while the ritual is performed and do exactly as told. One world uttered incorrectly and we will both die. Do you understand?"

Quellin Vos
Dec 15th, 2001, 07:23:41 PM
Quellin rose to his feet, trying not to make eye contact with his master. "Understood..." he replied, though deep inside he was still a bit suspicious of his master’s plans. But with a surge of confidence Quellin continued onward. He decided it was best to follow instructions and keep quiet, no need to bother Jeseth with petty questions.

The corridor was gloomy, only fixtures of flames lighted their way. Quellin had never ventured down these halls, only secluding himself to the Chambers of Echoes. The young warrior had the pleasure of meeting the ghoulish goblin once, and from what he had gathered, Hobgoblin was not one to be fooled with. For now Quellin could only ‘sit back and enjoy ride.’

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 15th, 2001, 08:34:51 PM
Jeseth sensed the uncertainty. "Have faith, my brother..." The door to Hob's quarters opened up to reveal a small cave-like room. They had traveled several stories lower, probably close to the very bottom of the castle's foundation. Inside, a much small door led to Hob's quarters... Jeseth looked around. The creature wasn't here... but that was fine. Hob didn't have to know that Jeseth was borrowing the book. It would be returned in a few days time, and regardless of that, the book itself belonged to him and Delirion.

"Wait here." Jeseth approached the small door, the damp rock echoing at the touch of his feet. He opened the wooden covering in front of him, looking into the hole before stepping in. He very felt cramped, his wings encumbering him as he traveled down the jagged rock tube. He finally slipped and tumbled forward, hitting the ground. A pile of crystals was illuminating the chamber he had fallen into with what seemed to be a candle behind them. Interesting... Jeseth looked around, getting to his feet as he did so.

Hob was apparently gone. The dripping of water from the rock ceiling was annoying. Jeseth sneered and reached the bookshelf, glancing through the different titles. He reached the unlabeled black book, taking only a moment to revel in the aura of power that it put off. He recognized it's hateful cry... "Welcome home, my friend." The book shot off the shelf and into Jeseth's now-open bag. He grinned and climbed his way back up the shaft quickly, a few feathers clinging to the wet walls. Quellin could hear the scuffling of shoes on rock, and then finally spotted Jeseth's head emerge from the darkness. "Quickly, let's get going. I got what we came for."

He stepped past Quellin and closed the door behind them "My ship is reported stolen... Do you have one?"

Quellin Vos
Dec 21st, 2001, 01:49:50 AM
“A ship, there is the one I returned on…” Quellin was still unsure of the name or the class, all of it seemed so frivolous at the time. “I can show her to you if you like.” As the two roamed down the obscure corridors Quellin’s paranoia began to rear it’s repugnant head. As usual Quellin’s instincts began to gnaw at his ideology, messages of confusion sprang about. His heart would tell him one thing and his mind another. How could one overcome such obstacles and remain a merciless warrior.

This was truly the ultimate torture, a war fought within himself. Quellin ground his teeth trying to hide the torment from his master as they made their way to the surface. Weakness was not an option…

Finally, after several minutes of travel the duo reached their destination. There lay before them was the YT-2400 class freighter the Outcast. “Will this do Master?” Quellin muttered, struggling to maintain some form of normalcy.

Jeseth Cloak
Jan 13th, 2002, 08:44:49 AM
He nodded. "It is fine... and fast enough for what we need to accomplish. Let us take our leave of this place." Jeseth watched as Quellin opened the hatch and stepped inside, and he followed. The vessel activated it's engines and after a few moments took to the skies, vanishing in a trail of light, the engine's hum still lingering around Bast Castle.

[Continued here: pub23.ezboard.com/fthesit...=659.topic (http://pub23.ezboard.com/fthesithorderdiscussionchamber.showMessage?topicID =659.topic)]