View Full Version : Aaron Grimm

Evil Hobgoblin
Mar 28th, 2001, 01:44:37 AM
(ooc) I hope you don't mind, but I moved your post from the training thread and put it in a new thread all its' own. I'd prefer to keep that training thread relatively clear of everyone but Cardinal and myself. Give me a minute and I'll reply to this.


Aaron grimm "was" a man. now he was a 6'2" hound on a trail. As a child, or what recolections aaron has of a child hood, he was abused by the other children.
In one memory, Aaron sat on a set of satirs that led to a house that was far to blured to describe. As calm little Aaron sat on those steps, four children in the disatnce played a merry little game. Aaron sat and watched with amusment. One of the giddy children turned to see a small child sitting on some steps laugh at them. They felt insulted. They felt anger. The four children beat Aaron up and striped him of his clothes. Aaron was a quite and reserved boy but even he knew there was something wrong. Aaron encountered his first "black out". Aaron awoke a bruised naked child several hours later. He went home and cleaned his wounds. Aaron never saw those kids again. As a matter of fact, no one ever saw those children again.
The fleashy mass the now strode through the halls felt abused by the others. It would hunt and seek what it needed to correct the wrong in its life.

The body came to a stop in front of a certain door. Behind this door sat a certain book that would provide answers he seeked. A book that was stolen by a certain individual. Even when aaron didn't have control of his body, he seem to always keep good manerism. Thus, Aaron lifted his arm and knoked on the door.

Evil Hobgoblin
Mar 28th, 2001, 01:53:06 AM
Hob was busy examining one of his pieces of artwork when he felt the presence approaching. It was almost mindless in its' direction, but Hob could feel an over-riding anger driving it forward, and that anger broadcasted a purpose to those who could understand how to hear it.

Someone was looking for The Book of Anger.

It was too bad someone else had noticed so soon. Hob had only just begun working with it.

Still, the fact that someone had noticed was reason enough to investigate exactly who this person was, and what they were about. No one that Hob knew of had ventured into Deception's Study since its owner had died.

Hob climbed inside the shaft slide and started gripping the foot and handholds on its ceiling. He climbed up to the top and crawled out from underneath the dresser just as his visitor knocked on his door. After making sure the dresser was properly in place to conceal the entrance to his home, Hob opened the door and found a man a good two feet taller than he was staring down at him.

"Who are you
Why are you
And what do you want?

Answer me
Or else ye
Shall have come here for naught.""

Aaron Grimm
Mar 28th, 2001, 02:13:49 AM
ooc: sorry it was late and i failed to read the title of the thread. my deepest regret.

Aaron Grimm
Mar 28th, 2001, 02:39:00 AM
It was cold in that part of my mind. The cold lept up under the sleves of my stained coat. the chill griped my bones and used them, like clay, to create pain that dante could not wright of. To keep myself warm, I curled myself into a ball bringing my boney knee caps up to my chin. This was the part of my soul where i kept the emotion of being alone. Alone for so many years. In all my blackouts, never had I come here. Why now? what was different? Could these new suroundings and people could possibly begin to affect my mind? I concentrated hard on these questions mainly to distract myself from the torture of the cold. As I contemplated a way out of this cold hell, I saw a child dressed in a brown cloth shirt with a set of matching shorts, in the distance. The material which made his clothes, looked cheap as if they were potato sack's with holes cut in them. The childs hair was dark brown and his skin was fair. His eyes were covered over with shadow He was the only thing visible in this abyss. His face held a serious look as his monotone voice cracked out into the cold "you are not welcome here Aaron." with that i saw and felt my body twist and destort itself into horrid pretzel shapes. I felt my bones snap like twigs under this preasure. My nerve endings felt as if they were riped right out of the layers of flesh on my body by bare hands. My eyes burst like two little bombs as i let a scream of pain. A flash filled the room and sudenly i was standing in front of a curious looking man.
i closed my eyes and shed a single tear which ran down my beaten face. My body had to readjust to reality. This was always a painful task. When i was able, I cracked my mouth and whispered "when may i have my book back?"

Evil Hobgoblin
Mar 28th, 2001, 06:16:29 PM
(ooc) Don't worry about it- I'm only trying to keep things neat. Since I have several things I'm working on all at once, it helps me to keep threads organized.


Hob's eyes narrowed. This one not only knew of The Book of Anger, he had opened its' pages at least once and moreover considered it his because of this. Perhaps Jeseth had promised him the book upon his death- Hob knew there had been left nothing to him, but that was all he knew.

But meantime, there was the extreme danger and uncertainty surrounding Jeseth's abrupt turn from the Black Hand's ways. If The Book of Anger contained anything that could conceivably threaten Black Hand's security and his own personal fortunes, Hob needed to know.

~ Ye may have the book when I am finished examining it,~ he told the man using projective telepathy. ~ Not before, only after. I must understand what caused Jeseth to turn from our ranks. I must know if it was The Book. Once that task is complete, I shall have need of it no longer.~

Aaron Grimm
Mar 29th, 2001, 06:43:25 PM
Aaron stood still in the doorway. He was fatiged from fighting his mind. He let his head hang as to save stength, taking his eyes of the beast. Aaron sarted to concentrate on the events that just took place in his mind. Never had he been in that part of his mind. The goblin beast spoke

"~ Ye may have the book when I am finished examining it,~ he told the man using projective telepathy. ~ Not before, only after. I must understand what caused Jeseth to turn from our ranks. I must know if it was The Book. Once that task is complete, I shall have need of it no longer.~"

Aaron heard what he had said, but only retained the fragments ye may have the book when I am finish, after that the goblins words became a mumbling noise that taped at the door to his mind. Aaron gained his composure and stood straight up fixing his emotionless gaze on the goblin. he peered into the goblins eyes briefly and spoke in his low melow monotone voice. "I am truely sorry for any disruptions i have caused for you. Let me formaly introduce myself. I am Aaron grimm." with that he held out his hand as to shake the goblins hand as a sign of acceptance in the new sorroundings "I have just arrived and i mean no danger to those who dwell here." with that AAron waited for the goblin to either accept him as a visitor or reject him.

Evil Hobgoblin
Mar 31st, 2001, 11:31:07 PM
Hob gazed at the outstretched hand. Did the lad in front of him have no sense? He stood before a member of the Black Hand extending greetings and friendship? Had they not been in Hob's closet, Hob would just as soon socked this visitor in the gut.

But since they were at Hob's home, and Hob was always a good host, the smaller man extended a gnarled hand and shook. ~ I am Hob,~ he projected. ~ And let Hob give ye a word of advice. Though ye mean no danger t' the Black Hand, it may be a danger t' you. If ye mean t' stay here, at Bast, it would behoove ye t' be cautious and alert, O Grimm one of Nod.~