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Evil Hobgoblin
May 13th, 2001, 05:47:29 PM
Threads from TBH's Tribunal of Insanity that Hob has participated in.

Saurron's shuttle lands- Saurron's visit Vjun, Hob's first appearance. He interrupts Delirion's greeting of the old Vampire Sith, approaching with an ape-like walk and claiming his role as the gatekeep of Bast, but Saurron's reply sends him silent for unknown reasons. {powers demonstrated: none}
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=14.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=14.topi c)

Unbridled- Dalethria's visit to Vjun where she sought help for herself and refuge. She is greeted by Hob, who allows her inside claiming that he has a stake in seeing her delivered safely using telepathy. Others greet Dalethria until finally Delirion arrives and claims an odd kinship with her. Hob reveals that he can see telepathic speech in the form of words during a short postcognitive episode and hints at other powers. {powers demonstrated: postcognition, projective telepathy, farseeing- mentioned only}
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=17.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=17.topi c)

Ket's shuttle landed- Ket Van Dervald's visit to Vjun seeking Jeseth Cloak. Hob kills two of his guards and calls him by his real name. Ket responds with threats of violence, but Hob's reply never comes as Jeseth's arrival interrupts whatever he might say. {powers demonstrated: none, although Hob does show simian strength and dexterity by clinging to the ceiling while snapping necks}
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=18.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=18.topi c)

Untimely Arrival- Dalethria, Endo Freedo, and Tirsa Krylana bring the ill Sorsha to Bast for healing and recovery. They are greeted by Rane and Hob, who takes Sorsha to his chambers to rest. Hob then leads Dalethria to his chambers, where the creature Vicet manifests itself and causes Sorsha to be revived, although she does not awaken until Hob brings Tirsa in to kiss the sleeper. Upon awakening, Rane enters and the thread is continued elsewhere. {powers demonstrated: projective telepathy, enhance attribute}
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=24.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=24.topi c)

I wish to talk to the leaders- Alpha's first visit to Vjun. Hob disarms his opponent of one of his swords utilizing a weak telekinetic tug- his first offensive use of the Force. He tells Alpha he will not be allowed to join Black Hand, and is then kicked away by the young Jedi. Darth Rane arrives and seconds Hob's original statement, ordering Alpha to leave and the Jedi does.{powers demonstrated: telekinesis, more simian dexterity}
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=26.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=26.topi c)

The Oozaru II lands on Vjun- Anbira Hicchoru seeks out Dalethria for a fight. With Sorsha looking on, Dalethria defeats the powerful Force Master and leaves Sith Kat's Chaos mark on him. At the end of the battle, all the participants drop from injury or exhaustion. Ogre Mal Pannis then appears in physical form on Bast and uses a healing talisman to prevent the combatants from dying. Hob watches the battle and views Ogre's act of healing. Impressed with the Sith Master's command over the Force, Hob asks to become Ogre's apprentice. {powers demonstrated: none, but simian strength is exhibited}
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=28.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=28.topi c)

A Search- Taja Loraan comes seeking Dalethria and fights Hob for entry to Bast. Her attempt to incapacitate Hob succeeds in stopping his body, but his mind and spirit are still active and he is able to claim victory. Hob nonetheless acknowledges her skill and allows her inside Bast, where she continues searching for her Master. In addition, Jeseth Cloak returns from the dead in zombie manner and attracts the attention of a watching Cardinal Aiyalin.{powers demonstrated: telekinesis, projective telepathy, create/affect illusion, merge senses}
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=30.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=30.topi c)

A hunched figure approaches Bast- Titus Vigil sought refuge in Bast and was greeted by Hob. After a short unseen conference with the Council, Titus is allowed within Bast as a resident, not a member. {powers demonstrated: projective telepathy}
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=32.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=32.topi c)

A ship enters through the atmosphere- Apprentice Cardinal returns with Dyne Darkforce following Hob's command that she capture someone utilizing the power of illusion. It is learned that Cardinal has a malady stemming from the spirit of a Jedi that has been attached to her mind. Hob takes her to his Closet to investigate the claim. {powers demonstrated: projective telepathy, control mind, place another in healing trance}
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=36.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=36.topi c)

The return of the gatekeep- Hob and Sorsha return after causing chaos on Tatooine. *unfinished, not likely to be completed.* {powers demonstrated: projective telepathy, simian strength and dexterity}
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=38.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=38.topi c)

I need your help Jeseth- Graem seeks assistance from Jeseth Cloak. Hob makes a cameo appearance to frighten the young initiate, whom he fought on Tatooine. {powers demonstrated: create/affect illusions, merge senses}
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=43.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=43.topi c)

*Hob wanders.* (Mordrid)- Hob seeks enlightened by Mordrid through revisiting the past of Bast castle that he did not know about. *Unfinished!* {powers demonstrated: projective telepathy, create/affect illusion}
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=45.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=45.topi c)

An Audience- Lord Dagger is prevented from factfinding about TBH by Shimi and Hob. Dagger is persuaded to leave after Hob makes threats on the wellfare of his lover, Lady Alaria. Hob's illusion powers have improved enough that he can create duplicates of himself that fool people on Bast. {powers demonstrated: postcognition, create/affect illusion, telekinesis}
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=46.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=46.topi c)

Sparring with Sorsha- Hob defeats Sorsha in a spar where Sorsha refrains from using the Force to even the contest. During the contest, Hob successfully splits his telekinetic concentration two ways for the first time. {powers demonstrated: telekinesis, create/affect illusion, create psychic aura, charge an object with energy, create aura of physical force, enhance strength, absorb/store energy}
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=49.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=49.topi c)

The Serpent Slithers- Seth Darkserpent seeks to join the Black Hand and spars with Hob for entry.
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=50.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=50.topi c)

A cold hearted woman enters the Black Hand- Brant Rayefird seeks entry.
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=58.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=58.topi c)

Returning- Force Master Hunter returns to TBH.
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=62.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=62.topi c)

The Death Knight lands from afar- Soth observes Bast, Hob investigates Soth's ship.
pub47.ezboard.com/fthebla...D=63.topic (http://pub47.ezboard.com/ftheblackhand23755frm4.showMessage?topicID=63.topi c)

Pierce Tondry
May 15th, 2001, 10:12:34 AM
Threads from the SWFans BG Hob has participated in.

The malicious munchkin- Hob and Sorsha attempt to kidnap a Tatooine family, but are interrupted by Graem and Alpha. The four Force users fight to a standstill, and the family is killed in a minor act of spite towards the end.
pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstit...3446.topic (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicstarwarsroleplayingarchive.showMessage ?topicID=3446.topic)