View Full Version : In the Womb

Lady DeVille
Jul 17th, 2001, 02:21:11 AM
ooc: takes place further in timeline than First Comes Love, simply description here, no real RP /ic:

De'Ville walked slowly to the middle of the room she claimed as her own. Deep in the centre of Bast, the room had no windows and but one door. The dark stone walls were hung with red silk and there was a fireplace that lay cold and unused at the moment. She held a hand on her swollen belly, face calm as the baby kicked against her hand.

She found a smile then, and projected a feeling of well-being to the son she carried. De'Ville walked to the fireplace, and kindled a hot blaze with a thought. There was a pile of furs on a low bed in front of the fire, inviting her to rest her weary back a moment.

Lilaena walked on, leaving the smallish room, and exiting through the door into a dank passageway. This hall was the only route to the room, and it led directly to another. De'Ville slipped out of the passage, pulling the concealed door shut behind the thick tapestry that hid it. She stepped out from behind the woven art, and adjusted her robes around her body.

Light streamed into this large room through three tall windows. The sun didn't shine all the often on Vjun, but when it did the room sparkled with some of the splendor it used to have. The polished wood floor shone brightly for a moment before the sun was swallowed up in clouds again.

The room might have been a place of dancing in the past, but now it served as quarters for De'Ville. The second, hidden room, was where she slept... This, bigger, brighter room served as a study and a sitting room, should she ever need to entertain guests. The furniture was understated.

She'd never been used to having wealth, and liked things simple. There were bookshelves in the other room, where she kept her journal and a few Sith sorcery books she'd taken from TSO when she had left. They were hard reading, and she'd made little headway, even with the help of the amulet Garrett Blade had given her. Here in the study there was a whole wall of books, ranging from histories to encyclopedias and biographies. She'd picked up quite a few in her years of travel at TSO, and they made a nice addition to the walls here. No matter that she was allergic to some of the inks used in printing.

Lilaena sat behind her desk, and started to write a letter longhand. She liked the feel of a pen in her hands, and watching the ink flow on the flimsy. It seemed...basic.