View Full Version : Dreaming Pools. (Jibrielle)
Evil Hobgoblin
Jan 21st, 2002, 04:12:02 AM
(ooc) For a bit of a description about what you will see upon entering the first part of the closet, I will refer you to the following thread: ( c)
Hob casually strolled along the hallways of Bast with his apprentice Jibrielle following closely behind him. The Dark Dwarf was heading for his residences, for it was there that Jibrielle would begin her lessons.
The pair reached a door like many of the others in the castle, but at this door Hob stopped. He waved a hand and the door opened to reveal a very plain-looking closet full of cleaning implements. He ushered Jibrielle inside, waiting amusedly to see what her reaction would be to this unimpressive space.
Jibrielle Abunai
Jan 27th, 2002, 03:46:26 PM
Jibrielle followed Hobgoblin in and looked around. A confused look filled her face at the attire of the place, wondering if this was truly his quarters.
"Sire, this isn't your quarters, is it? Is this a mirage you have placed before my eyes, or is there something hidden...?"
Evil Hobgoblin
Feb 1st, 2002, 03:01:01 AM
Hob looked with eyes that smiled at what he knew to be the anteroom to his domain. "Residences," he began. "Often reflect the nature of their owners. That is particularly true of those who are members of the Black Hand."
"As you can see," Hob continued after a moment of pause, to let Jibrielle digest what he was saying. "Old Hob does indeed look less than spectacular. Short is he, with frazzled beard an' hair, yes? Hm? But Hob knows, and you know, that what he truly is lies hidden underneath."
Hob then sat down on the floor outside the room. "There is more to this room than meets the eye. Find what it is, and we shall continue."
Jibrielle Abunai
Feb 2nd, 2002, 02:29:25 AM
Jibrielle frowned slightly. He had given her a riddle to solve, but with very little clues. She thought about what he had told her. He kept talking about how underneath was where the truth lied. She sighed as her eyes scanned the room, looking for anything out of place. Nothing.
Hob's words echoed in her mind. They meant something, but what? ...lies hidden underneath. Suddenly it hit her. He was talking about how things truly were hidden underneath. She kneeled down in the room, running her fingers over the floor. Looking at Hob, she spoke, a tinge of excitement showing.
"Is it underneath, Sir? Have you hidden your room underneath the floor?"
Evil Hobgoblin
Feb 16th, 2002, 04:41:41 PM
"Perhaps I have, lass. Perhaps I have."
Hob wandered over to the large chest of drawers in the back of the closet. He bent down and lifted one leg of the chest into the air. With it came a nearly square patch of floor that the legs of the chest were bolted to.
With the floor thus lifted in the air, a hole was revealed. What started as a slide led down into darkness. "Yes," Hob examined the hole, speaking like one remembering something forgotten. "I believe I have hidden my room beneath the floor."
He grinned quickly and suddenly at Jibrielle, wondering if she found the humor in his actions that he did. Then, he waited to see if she would take the slide down to his rooms.
Jibrielle Abunai
Feb 19th, 2002, 04:11:53 AM
Jibrielle watched with amazement while Hob revealed the hole in the floor. Rising up to her feet, she smiled wryly at the way he spoke. Walking over to him, she glanced down at the slide then back up at him.
"Sir, would it be best if you went first...?"
OOC: For some reason, my replies keep getting deleted (or at least they're not showing up on my screen). So, if a whole mass of messages appear, don't get irritated. ^_^'
Evil Hobgoblin
Feb 20th, 2002, 07:24:56 PM
(ooc) It looks okay to me. :)
Hob smiled shrewdly at Jibrielle. "If you would like to hold the chest of drawers while Hob enters, you are welcome to do so. It is heavy, but ambition should not be lacking in an apprentice, I think."
Jibrielle Abunai
Feb 21st, 2002, 10:28:30 AM
Jibrielle gave a firm nod of her head and took a step towards the chest, examining it. Indeed, it even looked heavy. Bending down, she took hold of the chest leg that Hob had lifted and maintained it in the air. She grit her teeth together while using all of her force, and glanced up at Hob to see when he'd go down the hole.
OOC: Well, that's good.
Do you have AIM, by any chance?
Evil Hobgoblin
Mar 6th, 2002, 08:32:54 PM
(ooc) I do have AIM with a nickname of Sniper Tondry. I do not have access to a computer with AIM at the moment, however. My home comp that I previously used to get online and onto AIM with is now shot due to a computer virus. Hopefully, I will be able to get back online more permanently at some point. If you post your AIM name, I'll add you to my list when I next have a chance.
Hob gave himself a slight shove off the chest of drawers, sending him downward into the inky blackness below. Once he had arrived in his lair proper, he quickly clambered up the wall hooks to his overlook ledge, awaiting Jibrielle's arrival.
Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 10th, 2002, 10:01:47 AM
Jibrielle watched as Hob neatly jumped into the hole, leaving her alone in the room. She shivered slightly, feeling slight goosebumps tingle on her arms. Just because I'm alone doesn't mean anything will happen.. She sighed and moved the chest to the side, then put it down. Now she, too, could jump down the hole to join him. She walked over to it and stood at the edge, peering into the infinite darkness. Not a sound reached her straining ears, and she didn't know whether to be relieved or frightened. No matter, Sir Hob is waiting for me .. I shan't keep him waiting any longer. She could feel her muscles tighten instinctively and smiled grimly, then jumped down.
The darkness was overbearing; nothing could be made out. It seemed to swallow everything whole - sound, appearance, fear. The silence roared in her ears as she fell, deafening her. Then, as soon as it had started, it ended. She had landed in his lair - the real one - and felt quite foolish about earlier now. Clearing her throat slightly, she took a couple steps forward and looked up, seeing him.
"S-Sir ..?"
OOC - >_< I hope your computer gets better. My s/n for AIM is DementorCrisis.
Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 21st, 2002, 04:38:16 PM
(ooc) If I ever get AIM back, I'll be sure to add you. Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to this.
(ic) Hob gestured past the room's central garden and all the treasures of civilization that Hob had gathered over the years. "Go in there," he said, pointing at the entrance to a large, dark cavern that contrasted with the yellow lamplight from about Hob's central chamber.
When Jibrielle spotted the cavern's entrance Hob spoke again. "In there, you will come face to face with the universe. Be certain you do not hesitate, for no student of mine shall be allowed to stare into creation's eyes and blink."
Jibrielle Abunai
May 24th, 2002, 08:43:23 PM
Glancing at all of his belongings, she could feel envy tugging at her sleeve. How lucky he was, to be able to own things .. But these, these were treasures. Sighing slightly, Jibrielle looked in the direction of which Hob pointed at and saw the cavern's entrance. Surely he did not mean for her to go in there ! "Be certain you do not hesitate ..." Yes, he meant for her to go in there.
Summoning up all of her courage, she took walked towards her destination. One foot after another, over and over, until she stood infront of the entrance. The blackness that loomed ahead beckoned her, and she vaguely sensed herself wondering if it was normal to feel such things. The girl then stepped inside the cave, wondering what would happen next ..
OOC: Sorry it took so long for me to reply. Please forgive this post, your wording somewhat confused me and I didn't know what to expect.
Evil Hobgoblin
May 26th, 2002, 05:31:45 PM
There was a moment of complete and utter blindness, and then Jibrielle's eyes adjusted to the darkness of the cavern.
But the place Hob had named "Crystal Cavern" was not dark.
Even as Jibrielle continued into the cave, there was a soft blue aura outlining the walls, coming from the brilliant light of a thousand twinkling crystals. They grew living from the natural rock, those on the floor tiny pinpricks of light with much larger, more brilliant ones growing from the walls and ceiling.
It was like existing in the void of space and staring out at the stars.
In the center of the broad room, a fountain sat. It had been carved from the rock of the floor with a wide base and delecate ornamentation. Water flowed from a spout at the top, falling into a second tier and then into the base, splashing and gurgling invitingly.
Jibrielle Abunai
May 26th, 2002, 06:57:46 PM
... And from the darkness, light shone.
As she continued to walk in the cave, Jibrielle's eyes became adjusted to the darkness, and what she saw left her breathless. Crystals grew everywhere, even on the ground. Taking care to step with caution, she realized that they were lighting the cave, as a soft, blue hue surrounded them. Stopping, she looked to the center and saw a fountain that was carved from rock. It was magnificent in its creation, water flowing freely.
Eyes widening, she felt compelled to draw near, and did so. How long had it been since she had seen fresh water? Water. Ah, how she loved the very essence of it; the sweet, cool liquid was everything she could ever want. It gave Life, yet could drown you any moment It wished.
Standing before the fountain now, Jibrielle gazed over its features once more. It was the perfect eye candy amidst everything she ever saw.
Evil Hobgoblin
May 26th, 2002, 07:06:17 PM
Beneath the water's surface, Jibrielle could see that the fountain basin stretched some distance. There was no telling if it actually stopped, or if it simply continued on to some other underground pool where the scratchings of life managed to exist on this harsh world. It rippled slightly from its' own flow, tantalizingly deep.
And the light from the room was reflected in those deep, drowning waters. The lack of light from below dimmed the stars from above, creating a mirror image that somehow depicted all the darkness and emptiness that could lie even in such a wondrous version of the universe.
Jibrielle's face reflected itself at her, as though simply by looking into the fountain did she have meaning in both ways the universe measured itself.
And the water continued to flow deliciously.
Jibrielle Abunai
Jun 1st, 2002, 11:44:13 PM
As Jibrielle looked down at the water's surface, she saw a rippled image of herself staring back. Her yearnful, blue eyes seemed sad and distant as the water sang from its fountain. Everything seemed so peaceful, except her.
Suddenly, her hand splashed the water angrily, making her face disappear. She was ugly, and didn't need to stare at herself any longer. She didn't belong in these beautiful surroundings, she was lowering its worth. Sighing slightly, the girl drew back from the beautiful fountain, trembling slightly. There had to be a catch, a test for her to prove her worth. Was this it? Warily she began to eye the fountain suspiciously, all the while her mind screaming for safety.
Evil Hobgoblin
Jun 2nd, 2002, 12:47:10 AM
The splash of the water seemed to break the rhythm of the room. It was as though someone had turned the volume down a notch- there was a subtle change, as though the room itself was conforming to the wishes of its' occupant by being less obtrusive. Perhaps the room had mistaken her for its' usual occupant, or perhaps it was paying homage to Hob in some kind of way.
There was no real way of telling.
A second, subtle shift seemed to occur, as though the room was reacting to another source. The light of the crystals grew visibly softer and the fountain splashed louder.
Perhaps it was a sign of acceptance.
Perhaps it was all in her mind.
Maybe the crystals just seemed like an imitation of the universe because Hob had grown them that way. But then, what was it he'd said to her? Something about not being able to look into creation's eyes and blink?
Was the room a universe in and of itself? If so, where was the best place to look at it from?
Jibrielle Abunai
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:19:19 PM
The water rippled deliciously after she had destroyed its calmness. Maybe it was inviting her to lay down in its cool, blue waves. Lower lip trembling slightly, she took a step closer to the fountain, telling herself it was the right thing to do. After a moment or two of staring at the fountain, it didn't take long for her to believe herself. Reaching out with her right hand, Jibrielle brushed her fingertips against the surface. Light ripples spread through the water, sending a slight shiver down her spine. Slowly, she withdrew her hand and stared at it, then took a deep breath.
She began to climb over the fountain and tried to step gently in it, but there seemed to be no bottom so she fell with a splash. The blue liquid seemed to hum after it calmed down from the disturbance, leaving her hanging onto the edge. Fear began to seize her but she quickly brushed it off with awe. To be allowed into such a place had to be quite an honor. Letting go of the edge, Jibrielle began to float on her back, staring up at the ceiling. Crystals adorned the whole interior of the cave - even all the cracks were filled with shimmering lights.
After awhile, they seemed like stars to her. Every single one sparkled individually, each one not the same as the other. They were beautiful, and soon she found herself beginning to get lost amongst them.
Evil Hobgoblin
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:56:05 PM
The quiet and stillness seemed to grow, now not just accepting Jibrielle but encouraging her. There was nothing else there but the silence, the soothing light of the crystals, and their raw energy.
Jibrielle heard Hob's voice in her mind, but could not seem to react.
~There is no need for you to think now, apprentice,~ Hob's voice soothed telepathically. ~Relax and focus. You are weightless, and your mind is clear. See only the energy. Hear only the energy. Feel it with your mind.`
And buoyed up as she was by the water, it was seemingly true. In this chamber there was an amazing clarity to things Jibrielle had never seen before, seemingly hidden until now. The water that supported Jibrielle even seemed alive, humming with something raw and tangible.
And then, one of the crystals caught Jibrielle's eye and she could not look away. It drew her in, deeper and deeper until she was no longer herself, but someone else, an invisible and emotionless third person that could see beyond the physical structure of the crystal into the energy it held beneath.
What a beautiful thing it was, too. The warmth, and the vibrancy, was so strong that she might as well have been standing next to a sun and staring into it.
And then, it was a sun. A real sun, too- somehow, in the blink of an eye, Hob had brought Jibrielle, had travelled from the crystal cavern with her, to the sun that was the center of the Vjun system.
~What think you, apprentice?~ Hob asked her.
Jibrielle Abunai
Jun 24th, 2002, 11:03:36 PM
You told me not to think. she relayed back to him, a slight smile sketching on her lips. But it's stunning .. I feel the heat lick at my skin from this .. this "sun". Oh, Sir, it's wonderful ! I feel as if my whole being is in astral projection, but it's sensational. Must I leave it? The warmth, the energy, the life. The stunned girl could only stare on with wide, blue eyes at these seemingly real illusions. Or were they illusions? It seemed so real and lifelike that she wasn't even sure herself. Only Hob knew the truth. Fascinated, Jibrielle watched on at the sightings infront of her.
Evil Hobgoblin
Jun 28th, 2002, 11:27:09 PM
The sun shrank away- slowly at first, then more quickly as Jibrielle's awareness was drawn back to her body. Her eyes, she found, were closed and she could not open them, nor otherwise move. Still, though, she lay as she had on the stillness of the water, relaxed and aware, but drained as though she had expended great physical effort. Even so, the peculiar entracement that Hob had cast over her seemed to distance her from its' effect.
~What you saw was very real, apprentice,~ Hob's voice told her. ~It was through great effort that I was able to draw your awareness out that far and allow you to see the very surface of a star. I did it to give you an idea of what kind of gift it is that you were born with. A gift that inspires great strength, but also vibrancy and clarity. The gift is the ability to wield a power known as the Force through training and study. Here, now, you have taken the first steps towards mastering that power- learning how to sense it. Some of what happened here was your doing, and for that you should be proud.~
A slow warmth seemed to fill Jibrielle, banishing the drained feeling and reinvigorating her. "Let this experience today serve as a goal for you," Hob's actual voice floated down to her. "To feel what you have felt here today through your own mind and on your own terms would be a great and wondrous thing. Would it not?"
Jibrielle Abunai
Jun 29th, 2002, 06:12:26 PM
"Yes, Sir ... It would,"
She whispered. However, she felt that he could hear her perfectly fine. A strange sensation crept through her body as she realized that Hobgoblin was somehow restoring her energy. Anticipation waited in the pit of her stomach as she began to think of what the future held.
Evil Hobgoblin
Jun 30th, 2002, 04:47:39 PM
Without her realizing it, Jibrielle's thoughts began drifting along those future plans. Hob had put her to sleep, so she could rest and recover from the effort she had unknowingly expended.
Though Hob was strong in the Force, he could only buffer an initiate from their exertions. When Jibrielle had grown stronger and had more stamina, then she would be less affected by using her powers.
Suddenly, Hob swung out of his concealment in the room and began clambering up the wall. He found the crystal Jibrielle had focussed on earlier and broke it off the wall. Then he turned it over in one hand, examining it.
After a few moments of consideration, Hob leapt down to the floor and went further into his sanctum, leaving Jibrielle alone in the pools of her future dreams.
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