View Full Version : Jedi Paris Ga

Paris Ga
Jun 3rd, 2002, 09:40:29 PM

I have played D'Mourning Orb, Marion Cember (R.S.C., non-Jedi), and Cypress Oracle (bounty hunter). I ask to add another character to that resume: Paris Ga. However, I ask to join undercertain pretenses which will allow Paris
to be a more complete character.

What I ask, is that he have all ready been with the Jedi for the last thirteen years (he's fifteen now). During those years he was trained in the force by his master (whomever will have me). And, as a result of his practice, will be very force sensitive. So, when he begins posting, his abilities will be beyond that of a normal padawan's who is just starting out.

Here is the the backdrop for his character. This will make the reason why I want him to be skilled in the ways of the force make some sense: Paris has severe combined immune deficiency (SCID). This means that he is very vulnerable to disease. So, he must live in a bubble. That's right, he's a bubble boy. For the first fifteen years of his life at least. During those years he was trained in the ways of the force. He was thought, rather intensively, to contol not only himself, but foreign objects with his mind. The reason: If he were able to control through molecular manipulation, he would not only be a powerful Jedi, but also be able to cure himself of SCID. The way he would cure himself, would be by generating bone marow cells for his body to use. This is an affective method in stopping SCID in our circle (Earth's) of medicine today. By using his powerful mind, he woud have the ability to ward off the disease SCID. This i why I wanted him to be very skilled in the force, and trained by a Master for thirteen years. When I begin to post with him, I want him to be on he brink of curing his disease.

I hope that you will allow my character to join under the pretenses stated above. If so, will anyone have me for a padawan?

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 3rd, 2002, 09:51:07 PM
OOC~ Let me get back to you :) Course only problem I see is that no one has been around for 13 years... perhaps the current Master you have is the one assigned to you now.

I may be interested since Navaria is a healer first. She is powerful in that art.

Paris Ga
Jun 3rd, 2002, 10:15:03 PM

Hope you'll consider it, Navaria :).

Yeah. I was thinking that my current master, will have only been with me for the last couple of months. That way, the two of us can actually build a sort of comradery between us, from scratch. That way, it won't seem manufactured. My last master would have been some made up character, who died for some reason or another several months back (I haven't actually gotten that far yet: how he died).

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 3rd, 2002, 10:29:45 PM
OOC~ From the responses so far... looks like this will not be a problem.

And consider the consideration past considerations :D I know I need sleep :lol

I would be happy to help you out on this... sounds very interesting and challenging. Since Navaria has been around for sometime as a Knight now... it could be more then a couple of months :) Just don't go overboard.

I also like your idea about your original Master. Did you want to email me on the details about this? That way we aren't posting in the Recruitment area constantly until we actually start the actual story.. In which ever forum that makes sense :)